
Every Tale Makes Timeless Stories

Julietta Conti
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  • Dorian Echoxera
  • Raffaele Spataro - Council
  • Spade - Council
  • Tyr Fenrir- Council
  • Libelle "Onyx" Ryoko - Council

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under co

Julietta Conti was born to Nicolai & Antonia Conti in Florence, Italy, the youngest and only daughter to a merchant family, with two older brothers; who worked along with their father to the Medici family, Julietta's mother was a maid to noble women and Contessina de' Bardi herself. Julietta had a nice little life that would set her life up for what only one would hope for. As she grew her beauty was an unmatched curse. Julietta kind and rather naïve to the primal eye of men kept her well-mannered demeanor and welcomed the interactions. But with two older brothers who knew what these greed-hungry men wanted were right there to give silent threats. Macheveli and Malachai despised the life they were surrounded in. Knowing they were lost causes them to do everything to protect Julietta from succumbing to greed and vanity.  The moment Julietta was old enough to marry Nicolai was already at Cosimo's door offering his only daughter up with the ill intent to secure his place at the politician's table. With suitors and more suitors at Julietta's feet, her brothers were busy themselves finding a good humble man to send their sister away with. A lady to Lucrezia Dontai, Julietta heard the word of her betrothals and made it her own mission to secure her own life. Antonia loved her daughter and agreed to try and help her in any way she could, but when Antonia spoke to her husband she was struck and put in place. Failing her daughter Antonia cried with her child. Julietta decided to run away but- Little did she know the price she would pay for doing so. Julietta ran in the dead of night, lost and afraid she found a small home with an old woman who kindly let the girl in, fed her stew, and gave tea to Julietta who confided in the generous old woman. Julietta felt a suffocation-like feeling before she fell to the ground. When she woke Drea was gone and the small home was ransacked.  Her mind was foggy but she remembered what the old woman said: " oh if you could live forever you would not have such trouble.." Julietta panicked and ran out of her strength taking the door right off, sobbing in fear Julietta ran and ran until she was in a new city. She wandered into a building and asked for shelter and in a blink, the man said yes with no circumstance or needed payment. She stayed the night and journeyed home. When Julietta came home, her mother went into a frenzy of insanity each time she saw her daughter, Julietta did not understand until she slept and Drea's voice like a whisper screamed at her in Julietta's dreams to get out over and over again until she left with her belongings come morning. The price she paid was she can never go home to her mother, the one person she loved more than anything, and over the years if Julietta stayed for too long she too would go insane like her mother. It would start with paranoia, then voices, then night terrors, and vivid hallucinations that would end up with Julietta being injured or someone else.  So every three years Julietta bounced from place to place making the most of her time with people, and when the paranoia settled in she was gone... her story always changing, longing for something permanent.

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