
Every Tale Makes Timeless Stories

Jade had a bad habit of just leaving without a word, something that was becoming vastly more aware as she had gained control of her power and found herself settling into a routine of returning an apologizing for disappearing and never contacting those she had left behind in that moment. Her family was far more understanding than others, guess it just ran in the sand in her blood. So resentment was to a state she had come to expect to the point she just stopped trying to gain any ties to her life. Meaning it was easier for her to come and go as she pleased to fulfill the duties she had to the Valkyries. Though this meant she often had to take jobs that paid under the table and didn’t expect much from her.

Leading her to her current client for the evening as she stood beside the high wingback chair in a crowded room filled with illegal gambling tables. She moved her arm to lean on the chair not really listening to the man as he talked business to the man across from him. Scanning the crowd, as her ears were listening for any sound that seemed vaguely threatening. Then there was a shift in the air as her hand came to the man who she was in charge of protecting at that moment. The air grew thick with tension, Jade pulled the man from the seat and yanked him to the ground as gun fire filled the room. Screaming, and scrambling took on a life of its own. With a growl she shifted the table in front of the man who hired her. “Stay low.”

Pulling the blade from her thigh as she lowered herself as she peaked around to see the singular gun man who looked like he was at a table and may have lost which brought the anger out of him. She didn’t have time for such theories at that moment, she could play this as a terrified female. She stumbled from behind the table as she forced tears down her face. “Please, please put the gun down. Maybe we can work something out?” She tried to beg for the people, seeing one person clearly dead on the ground.

“Get on the ground now.” The man waved the gun frantically. “Now or I shot you!”

“Please what is it you…” the bullet ripped through the air and found itself in the valkyries shoulder as she felt her body stutter backwards not expecting to get shot so quickly her blade falling from her hand.

“All you women are the same! Just trying to get what you want! Clearly you were going to kill me!” He growled out as he aimed again for Jade.

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A sharp whistle shot through the garage. Echoing around the bikes and cars. But the sound was only heard by its sender. "Hmm." said the whistler as he peered around the empty auto shop. Spade was normally here at this time. Laid up under a car in need of a fix. He found it out of the norm she wasn't there. But he was just an apprentice. One who hadn't been here long so he didn't think too much into it. He headed to her office on the loft-like upper level. Knocking before entering.

And there he found the Lupine's leader. Sitting at her desk which was buried under piles of paperwork she slowly made her way through. Another MC member stood before her. One the apprentice didn't recognise. Talking Spade's ear off with angst. Yet the moment Spade looked up from her page the room suddenly filled with a heavy silence.  Both members swallowed hard as her heated gaze burned at them. "I received an urgent message for you." The apprentice nearly tripped over his tongue and then himself as he handed the letter in his hand off to her. 

She set it to the side and went back to the paper in her hand. The apprentice who now quivered wasted no time in getting out of there. Spade sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Do what you need." She handed the remaining lupine in the room a few pages of clearance. She waited for a second after he was gone to read this urgent letter only to suck her teeth at its contents. The Mafia needed her for yet another pickup. They said the last was their last. Yet now they were playing a dangerous game with Spade's dwindling patience and grace. She rose and set out to the meeting point mentioned. For now, she'd avoid any issues but once this job was over she'd handle them herself for taking her grace for granted. 

She rode her bike out to the remote location. Her pack is already on its way with their bikes. She let her engine idle a second before turning it off. There wasn't much around. Which wasn't so much as off as it was rare. Normally a pickup happened in a shady bar or gambling ring. She knew of one that was nearby and it made her wonder if she by chance read the coded location wrong. Or maybe she translated it wrong. She read the message, again and again, to be sure. And either this was a mistake on their part or there was no mistake at all. Only time would tell so she waited. 

Spade closed her eyes. From here she could hear the sounds of the gambling hall but beyond that, she could hear the low hum of her pack members' bikes. A strange calm washed over her hearing them. They were her family now that the gypsy had shunned her. That's when a familiar scent hit her. She couldn't place it though. It smelled of Vega and even Libelle but was different enough to tell her it wasn't either of them. She had only met Jade once when she was still a baby.

Spade and The Gypsies had always had a strained and estranged relationship. They made it work for many years but the more they lost the more they blamed their scapegoat. Spade. It was easy for them but after so long, hard for her to bear. So she left one day. Taking her pack with her and NEVER came back. Though there was one moment they let her return for a night. But of course, the heart-wrenching moment was once again ruined with them naturally blaming her. And so the Ghost tale of Spade was born. Becoming a witch's tale Gypsy parents told their kids to keep them on the straight and narrow. Growing in rumor and wickedness as the Gypsies spun the tale. 

She was no longer listening to the sounds of the hall. But the gunshot that rang through the air was hard to ignore. Despite the dangerous. Unfriendly. And abrasive demeanor Spade consistently carried she still leapt in to help whenever she could contrary to her mannerisms. So at the sound of distress, she took off towards the hall. Leaving her bike and shredding her clothes as she transformed into her beast of a wolf. She was an unusual size compared to other Lupines. In human form, she was quite small, it often alarmed everyone how much bigger her wolf was. Bigger than the average Lupine. She was the Zeta after all. 

She could run faster as a wolf which is why she changed. Getting there in time to see the gun get pressed to her younger cousin without anyone seeing her just yet. But she didn't recognise her family. How could she if she had only seen the young girl once when she was a baby. Even if she never forgot a scent it didn't help if she couldn't place where she knew the scent from. Right now, however, she needed to figure out how to get everyone out of this situation safely without being seen too much. It was clear there were supernaturals mixed in the hall with humans but the humans didn't seem to know. 

She was going to have to be as quick as possible. Hopefully, when her pack got here the siren among them could ease the minds of those who claimed they saw a monster. They were already on their way here after she mind linked them. She dug her paws into the ground and took a steadying breath. 

What happened next was quite fast indeed. Everyone would have a different account of what occurred. But none would really be able to say they saw a werewolf. Spade focused solely on the man with the gun. Launching into the hall as fast as her legs would allow in this space. Latching onto his arm and dragging him out and away. A minute passed before she came back in human form. Tucking the gun that the man had just pointed at Jade in the back of her pants. Her pack. Who had bought her new clothes. Followed in after her and immediately tended to everyone around. Making sure no one was hurt. 

"I need the kit."

While Spade looked unapproachable at the moment her voice was serine. You had never been able to tell she just savagely ripped that man to shreds as her wolf seconds ago by her voice alone. She knelt in front of her cousin. Still oblivious to their relation as one of her pack members bought her the first aid kit. The bullet was still in her shoulder which made Spade suck her teeth. She got up and went behind the bar to wash the blood off her hands. And arms. And spots on her face. She came back and moved her pack member away from Jade who was applying pressure to her wound at her command. 

"This will hurt."

She didn't wait for her acknowledgement. She couldn't wait because she needed to dig in and get the bullet out quick. Which she did. "This will also hurt." She gave her a moment this time as she sterilized a needle. "Your healing won't kick in because this isn't a minor wound." Her voice was hushed so the humans around couldn't hear. "I can smell what you are." She never looked at her face as she spoke and just focused on sewing Jade's wound shut. Then once she was done and everyone else was fine she got up. Washed her hands again. Gathered her pack and rolled out into the horizon.  

Jade's eyes stayed locked on the gunman. At least if his attention was on her, no one else would get hurt. “All women are the same? Buddy, you brought a gun and are the only person who has killed someone tonight.” She shot back towards the man. As she took a step closer towards the gun, letting the fake crying act fall aside as she planned to end this swiftly. She could mess with the minds of the people there if she had to break out her wings. Yet as Jade drew closer to the man. 

A flash of fur covered her view of the man gone, blinking as she looked around the room watching the room of confusion she let out a sigh before moving back to the man that she was meant to keep safe. “Are you okay, no stray bullet hit you right?” she looked him over and at this point her eyes moved to the people moving into the room. Her eyebrow raised as her intense hazel with a blue tint eye clung to the woman who spoke first. Feeling another member of the group come to her to place pressure to her wound she gave a sharp breath in and a glare to the pack member of Luna. She did seem to have her mothers gaze when it came to such a sharp look, every other feature seemed to be her fathers.

As the woman who spoke with a command of the room crossed over to her to remove the bullet from her shoulder she didn’t flinch as it was yanked from her shoulder. Raising her brow to the woman as she seemed to understand that she was a valkyrie. “This is but a scratch.”  She scoffed at her but didn’t stop her from patching her up to get her through her healing. “Ah so you were the flash of fur. I had it under control.” She looked away from Spade as she worked on her shoulder. Once she was sewed up she gave a nod of thanks to the woman before focusing on her client fully once again.

“How about we get you home?” She stood up and helped the older man to his feet, before moving over to pick up the blade that she had dropped when she was shot.

“Please Jade, this is far too much excitement for my failing heart.” The man took her arm and the pair made their way towards the exit.

“I would get you and your pa- I mean motorcycle club out of here. Cops are on their way.” She called over her shoulder towards the woman in a warning. As she walked the man to his car that was waiting on him she took her payment after helping him in. Even getting a bonus for taking a bullet. “Looks like you are going to need a new business meeting spot. Call me if you need a bodyguard again.” She patted the top of the car tucking the money in her jacket and started to walk down the sidewalk thinking of flying but she liked the dress she was wearing.

They tipped the scales.

Spade didn't like that. She didn't like how they took advantage of what they assumed was kindness. They were wrong. The delicate balance this alliance operated on only worked for as long as Spade allowed. And with this little incident, they had tipped the scales in their favor. Spade didn't even like when the scales tipped in her favor. She liked balance. She needed it. If someone had stopped Spade enough to grasp her attention just to ask her what Jade had said to her she'd have blinked at them. Spade hadn't registered anyone's words. Not Jade or her packmates.

Her fingers danced across the screen of her phone. Handling very important business with the unnamed "They/Them". "That's cute Sweet Pea." Her packmates laugh and chuckle as Jade offers her services as a bodyguard. Spade didn't need one. Even now as they crowded around their alpha. Who didn't notice. Like the stone pieces on a chess board. It showed their love and respect for her more than their need to protect her. A bodyguard was the last Spade needed. Never again. She swore that to herself. A vicious growl rumbled from Spade's chest. And vibrates against the floor for everyone near to feel. She doesn't even hear her pack's laughter stop. 

She does however hear the way the car sounds when Jade pats its roof. Her amber gaze catches the sun as her phone no longer holds her attention and she hears the car engine idle."DON'T START THE CAR!" She pushes her pack back as she urges herself, forwards. Moving as quickly as can be. In the very next seconds, she was beside Jade. Riping the car door off the hinges and tearing Jade's client out of their seat. She didn't have time to explain. Or talk everyone through what needed to be done. With her arm firmly around the client, she grabbed Jade without a second thought. Leaping away from the car with them with all the might she could gather at the last second. 

The car bomb erupted at Spade's back. The force blew everyone off their feet and pushed Spade, Jade, and the client further through the air. Spade cursed as they slammed against the floor. Rushing to her feet and catching a piece of burning debris from the sky as it hurled down at them. She wanted to growl she was so angry. But she didn't. Even though you could see her wolf's fury rise and burn up her throat and flash behind her eyes. She kept her composure the whole time. Despite all the rumors of Spade. A huff escaped her as she tossed the now useless chunk of metal to the side. "Sound off!" she rubbed her ears and opened and closed her jaw to try and provoke them to pop. 

One by one each packmate said their epithet. As opposed to the name they were born with. Spade yanked Jade and her client to their feet. Like they were pups in her pack she was tasked with caring for. "Sorry" she soon realized it. Stepping away for a moment to check her pack's bikes. She took her time and extreme care in being sure each person's ride was okay. Like a mother bird checking their nest. Once she was satisfied she drew a bandana from her vest and tied it around the lower half of her face covering her mouth and nose. Venturing back towards the wreckage after procuring her work gloves from her bike's saddle bag. 

At this point, she wasn't trying to hide her strength and abilities any longer. All the people here left were either a part of her pack or not human themselves. Pretending would do more harm than good. "Fuck!" she kicked what was left of the melted car's tire. "Seems like my contacts want your client dead."  she pulled her bandana down as she drew closer. Taking a sip from the bottle of water her packmate had handed her on her way over. She studies Jade for a second as her eyes squint. Bothered by her familiar scent. But she again huffs still unable to place it. Catching a leather vest as it's tossed her way. It bears her pack and Motorcycle club's insignia on the back but the front is bare of any badges of titles or patches of nicknames. 

"We need to find out why. One of my men will take your client home safely." she tossed Jade the vest expecting her to put it on. And follow Spade to her bike. She wasn't giving her any choices either. She was too tired and already done with everything about today to fight with this little girl.

"Come on Sweet Pea. I ain't got all day!"

✧ Job Gone Wrong ✧
Jade longed to be home and in bed after everything that had just gone down, When Spade appeared out of the corner of her eye pulling the older man out of the car. Confusions crossed her face as she turned back around quickly. “What the hell are you doing you crazy woman!” Jade didn’t remember Spade from her childhood years. Only Vice, so at this moment her ability to trust was slim to none Breaking the grasp Spade had on her once they were away from the car.

When the bomb went off her wings came out in front of her client and Spade to protect then a curse left her mouth as she realized how many pack members were there. Spade didn’t even stay behind the wing, which was her choice but Jade was keeping the man safe. The pressure of the exploding car causes Jade and the man to fall to the ground. Her wings quickly folded in after a piece of burning debris hit her wing and singed her feathers. “Mother fucker.” She grumbled under her breath and she looked at the burning car and sighed before looking back at her client. “Are you okay?”

“That was a close one.” He mumbled back to Jade before looking to Spade. “I owe you one miss.” He said, taking a haggard breath in. When she was yanked to her feet she yanked her arm away not caring to be treated like a child. She glared at Spade 0but looked back to her client when she walked away to look at her client.

“Let me call and get another ride for you. With someone i can trust.” She gave an easy smile to the man and gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze pulling out her phone to scroll to Davidson, he would do anything she asked without much questions. She was about to press the call button when her head turned towards Spade yelled out the profanity and kicked the melting tire. “I’m sorry what?” She said as if she didn’t just hear her but really was taking in the whole pack that may turn against her and this man.

“Why would your client want mine dead?” She moved standing protectively in front of the older man. To be fair Jade had many ideas on why someone would want him dead, but she wasn’t going to share that easily. Her eyes bore back, not daring to move an inch unless she had too. How could she fight a whole pack and survive? Sure she was trained by the best but she was a realist also. She hit the call button before dropping the phone in her back pocket.

“How can I trust your man will get my client home safely?” She asked knowing that Davidson would be on the other end of her phone listening to everything that was happening. As the vest was thrown at her she caught it and looked down at the logo. “Who the hell are you anyways?” Jade asked before looking back to the man. “Davey will come make sure you are okay in an hour.” She said as she looked back at Spade.

“We both may not make it out of here if I don’t go with them. I promise to make this up to you.” She said to the man before sliding the vest on and rolling her eyes at this nickname that has left more than one of their mouths. “The name is Jade. I ain’t anyone’s Sweet Pea.” She grumbled before moving over to the bike and sliding behind Spade.

She was caught between taking off on her own and risking her clients life, or complying and hoping that she was being honest about getting her client home safely. She didn’t like the odds of anything at this moment. This was a rare moment she wished she had the wind to steal her away and not give her a choice in what was going on. “Any time wind?” She questioned very faintly but no breeze came and she muttered again. “Fuck you too.”

A long winded sigh slipped past Spade's lips. Her acute hearing caught the moment the phone buzzed and Davidson answered. Though the recipient on the other line was a mystery to her. She pursed her lips. "If I wanted you or him dead I wouldn't have saved the two of you.... twice." her eyes skimmed through her pack quickly. Silently picking who'd take this man home safe with nothing but a distinct look. "Call who you want if you want to get them killed. I'm not one for the long game. If I want someone dead I do it myself and I don't offer safety as a trick." Spade had little to no time for wasted words nowadays. She needed to be clear, precise and to the point in her everyday life as of late. 

"Can't say why they want him dead" she shrugged as she shook debris from her thick dark hair. "But they want me dead too apparently. So there. We're on the same side Sweat Pea." she waved her hand dismissively. Jade hardly had any choice here as Spade wasn't giving her one. "Even if you know someone skilled or blessed enough to not be killed in this scenario. We not only don't have the time to wait. My men would go with them anyway. Call it free insurance. " she no longer looked to Jade or her client. As she personally checked everyone's bike. Meticulously checking for any tampering. Crawling on the floor and getting covered in dust from the ground.  It was a nice distraction from the annoying scent Jade gave off that couldn't be placed. And soon she found herself under the car that would be used to ensure Jade's client's safety. 

"We don't do real names. Better that way." one packmate said.

"Us? We're The Nowhere Badland Descendants." said another. 

And Spade pretended not to hear. But she had. Jade. Her niece's name stabbed her in the gut and halted her movements beneath the car for a few seconds. But it couldn't be her. So she willed herself back to work. Dusting herself off once she was back on her feet. She admired how the vest looked on Jade. "Fits not bad."  she removed her work gloves. "Good. Means they won't ask many questions about you." she hopped on her bike and waited until she felt the dip of Jade joining. Her bike idled a moment after roaring to life. Waiting for her packs bikes to answer the call of hers.  A sense of unity and comfort washed over Spade then. A solid reminder she was loved. She wasn't alone. And that her family followed her because despite it all she was a good and caring leader. 

Even for those not a part of her pack. 

The miles zoomed by as they roared down the road. The motorcycle gang whose bikes made the earth beneath them rumble as they encroached. Very little could be heard beyond the whipping draft past your ears and the reviving engines. But when Jade called the Wind Spade heard that as clear as day. And so her bike stopped as she quickly pulled over. Tossing her legs to the side and standing. "FUCK! I just can't escape them." She rubbed her face as she walked away. Holding up her hand to halt the others from approaching them. The conversation they were about to have needed to be between just them because while they loved Spade they missed Luna. And if they saw any sign of their sister they wouldn't focus on anything but keeping her.

The sunlight filled her almond shaded eyes as she stared out at the horizon. And let all the memories of when Jade was young flood in. All the Gypsies love to say Luca was her babysitter when Vega would bring her. But the truth was it was Spade.

It was always Spade.

"Jade Ryoko- De La Vega"

The light began to fade from her eyes. "I haven't seen you since Vice dead." and so for the first time in what seemed like years, Luna had to build up the courage to do something.

"It's me. Moonpie."

✧ Job Gone Wrong ✧
Sweet Pea. The words made her nose curl slightly. No one had ever called her that in such a flippant way, the way the older woman just dismissed her with a wave of her hand made Jade want to let her wings out and take off but she kept quiet for the moment, her eyes watching Spade. She nodded her head to her client telling him to go with them. After all there was no way out of this. The numbers weren’t in her favor and while she could take a few more hits she would rather avoid it.

“The Nowhere Badland Descendants sounds like a band name.” she rolled her eyes as she kept her gaze mainly on Spade as she checked out all the motorcycles then finally the car her client disappeared into. Though not using real names was rather smart of them. It was something she should start implementing into her services. Once on the bike she really was questioning her choices on whether she should just fly off now. Yet she wanted her client safe so she went with them. The wind against her face brought a sense of comfort as the motorcycle gang rumbled their way down the road. What she didn’t expect was the sudden stop of the motorcycle.

Was this it? Where they are going to try and kill her. Jade quickly slide off the back of the bike standing with her hands slightly balled up the fuck ripping through the soft fading sunlit air made her body stiffen for a moment. She could take off, she could run. Yet she felt she was grounded there. There was something that still needed to be done if the wind didn’t take her away.

She saw the other members standing there far enough not to hear them, but close enough to keep an eye on her. She hummed out not seeing this kind of loyalty other than with the Gypsies. She thought up on her father then, she often tried to push him from her mind since he left her with the other Valkyries. She trained to be made of ice, even though the sand mixed within her more now since Vice passed upon a gift in her death. She thought of Vice before her name cut through the air.

How did she know that, her face twisted for a moment in confusion. “H-” she couldn’t get out as the pain in her chest grew when the woman mentioned Vice. She blinked a few times as she revealed who she was. “Moonpie?” she questioned for a moment. Her eyes truly looked at the woman who watched her when she was young. The woman she would yank on her hair and would dress her up in Gypsy clothing. The woman who first saw her wings.

“Moonpie?” she questioned again and the wings ripped from her back just then. They were large and strong now. She took a few steps closer to Spade and her wings wrapped around the pair. “Where have you been? It's been so long since I last saw you. Since Vice.” She felt the tears wanting to well up and over but she blinked them back. She wasn’t allowed to cry. Not now. “I-is that why you came to save me? Did you know it was me? ”

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