
Every Tale Makes Timeless Stories

Taking chances
w/ Colette Dubois

• What have we here? •

"That's because you drink too much." It was hot. It should've been a normal run through town to pick up their crates full of the recent spoils they'd obtained from a ship in the harbor, but now they would be doing double the work because of backtracking since Dylan had forgotten to load the spice barrels for payment to the tavern owner who was in fact holding their goods for them. Devon's head turned to Dylan, shaking it in disapproval as the other Rogue simply smiled like he always did. It was hard to get that man in a foul mood no matter what problems they ran into. He could have twenty swords at his neck and he would be goading his enemies on with a bright and cocky grin. "If you weren't three bottles in at the Dragon last night, you might've remembered when I told you to load them this morning."

Unfortunately, Dylan's always happy attitude was contagious when Devon really didn't want it to be then, hating that he was smiling in return to his friend. They couldn't take the normal road back because guards were now standing near the main path to the middle of the square, so it forced them through the woods and the long way back to their starting point at Bones' tavern to retrieve their form of payment. "And you're putting Forge in the stall tonight, even if it's Jerry's turn," he instructed, patting the chestnut colored horse that was currently pulling the covered cart along who shook his head in seeming agreement. 

"Alright, alright, I get it!" Dylan sighed out and wiped his forehead of the sweat that was now forming at his brow. "I don't need your shite too, Forge." His head quickly swiveled around to face Milo who was now snickering behind them, making up the total of their group then. "Or yours!" Milo put his hands up in mocked surrender, but still couldn't hold back much of his laughter. "Oi, what's that?"

Devon's eyes followed where Dylan indicated. There, further back into the trees, was what had likely been a small home of someone's who didn't much care to be close to town. The shack was far into disrepair. The wood that made up its structure was crumbling apart. Visible holes were in the roof, the door was broken and hanging at an odd angle which made it look like it might fall at any nearing it, and the woods around it began snaking its way through as if to claim back the space as branches and vines from the trees grew within. Despite its outer appearance, Devon could see that his friend was keen on venturing inside. "You can't really think there's anything of value in there?"

"Won't hurt looking! You never know. Maybe even better than the spices!" Dylan began hurrying off towards the shack before Devon could get in a word. 

Devon rolled his blue optics at this, an annoyed expression following while he watched the eager man disappear within. "He's definitely still drunken," he muttered, looking over to Milo as they both headed to meet their excitable Rogue. 

As he expected, the interior of the small home matched what the outside looked like. There was hardly anything left inside except for a few raggedy blankets and other cloths, some scattered cups and clay plates, and more of the wild greenery which broke through the floorboards. "Yes, look at all this wonderful gold you've found," Devon teased towards Dylan who had his back facing them. He assumed his friend was eyeing something he'd possibly found since there was no immediate sarcastic remark in turn, but something seemed off. Devon glanced over to Milo at the same moment and they each stepped to either side of Dylan to see around him. There, a young woman sat cowered in the corner on the floor. She was covered in blood and seemed to be clutching onto something. Once the initial shock of it passed, Devon slowly walked towards her with his hands slightly up and away from any of the weapons that sat at his hips. "Are you alright?"

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Colette got used to the feeling of blood on her body, but the understanding that it wasn't hers but her mother's and father’s, made it feel different and more disgusting. It felt like it was hot, burning the memory of what she had done into her head. She felt like she would never feel okay again but she knew she couldn't stay here.

Quickly, she walked through the wood, wiping away the blood from her nose as she passed beautiful flowers, the forest would have made her calm if not for the weight of her actions still being on her. She felt like she couldn't really think about what she had done because she knew if she did she wouldn't be able to make it safely anywhere, that she would break down and feel too much too soon to be able to keep her safe.

So she walked, through to a place that she hoped was still there, months of not feeling the need to go back, making the question if the house she had found all those years ago was still standing.

She figured that she could stay there, maybe find someplace with water to wash up, with so much bright vegetation near her there had to be a spring or lake or something somewhere.

When she made it to the shack she almost smiled seeing it there, a little more overgrown but still standing. She walked inside, that the blankets were still there and that the cups and plates that weren't shattered completely were right where they should be. She hoped that she could find one big enough to maybe go and collect something to eat.

Maybe she wouldn't die immediately, she thought, maybe she could finally be happy here. She strengthened her grip on the book she held. She didn't quite feel like putting it down at the moment, she felt like she had to make sure it was still there.

She figured that she was far enough away that she wouldn't have to hear another person yell at her, hell she felt like she would never have to hear another person yell in general. Come a month from now, she’ll probably be happy here, maybe find a town far from her own to get some plants, have a garden like she always heard her mouth speak about, maybe-

There were voices, she could hear them now. She didn’t recognize them but she just knew they had to be from the town, where else could they have come from? She looked down at herself. Bruises, blood, dirt, and more stared back at her, would they see her as easy to drag back even if they knew what she had done to her parents?

She heard them reaching closer to her small shack and felt fear start to overtake her again, not knowing what to do. She felt too weak to do much; her magic already making her head hurt and her nose bleed. She walked further in, looking for somewhere to hide, only to not see anywhere that would hide her for long.

Oh, she felt hopeless as she tried to find somewhere to hide, ending up slouching down in the farthest corner. She hoped they didn’t come in far, maybe look around and see the place too filthy to come in.

That was not the case, as soon she was looking up into the light blue eyes of an older man.

She was backed into a corner, literally.

Feeling trapped, her eyes bounced from one man then the next, figuring if she could make her way away from the man closest, she could outrun the others.

She ignored the man’s question, too busy looking at his hands, making sure they were still in the air, before darting out of the corner, pushing past him with hopes he’d be too shocked to grab her.

Taking chances
w/ Colette Dubois

• What have we here? •

Beyond the blood that seemed to cover her which was naturally the most alarming, Devon noted how thin she appeared. He'd recognized this look plenty of times when seeing the slaves and prisoners, and even those who were working for a lord that didn't care much for the well being of his property. The girl's cheeks were sunken in and darkness rimmed below her eyes. Her far too slender fingers which clung to what he could now see was an old and tattered book that apparently meant something of great value to her. If he had to guess, she likely escaped somewhere she was being kept and Devon had the feeling the blood on her was not her own. For that alone, he could say he wasn't feeling much concern for the ones she fled from.

The Rogue took a tentative step towards her again. The girl looked like a trapped animal and instinct tended to take over when that happened. "We aren't going to hurt you, but staying here is..." but before he could finish, the small wisp of a thing was up and darting passed him. She knocked into Devon in an effort to get away which caused him to stumble over the broken floorboards. Dylan then reached out to grab her and successfully did so, gripping her arms and causing the book to fall.  

Milo ran over in some effort to help, but there wasn't much happening in the way of that as the three seemed to struggle. "She is a spirited one, eh?" Dylan said before he seemed to catch notice of something that drew his interest. "Dev, look at this." 

Devon bent over and lifted the book from the floor. "And you think holding her like this is somehow going to warm her up to you?" He shook his head and looked to the young woman again, offering the item back which seemed extremely important to her. "Like I said, we're not going to hurt you," he began, trying to somehow get through to her. Given she hadn't said anything at all, Devon wondered if they even spoke the same language. Perhaps she was even a mute. It wouldn't be the first time he'd seen it from someone who was kept by another.

Dylan then nodded to indicate the markings on her wrist. The burns and rings of scarring were very familiar to him. It was all the indications of shackles which had once tore away at her flesh. That seemed to answer any doubts he had before. "We can get you somewhere safe if you calm down." He waited a moment, but there was still no response. "My name is Devon. These gentlemen with me are Milo and Dylan. What's your name?" Still nothing. "Do you understand anything I'm saying at all?"

Running looked to be the wrong choice because she was quickly grabbed by the other men there, one grabbing her around the arms while she ran past. She let off growls almost as she tried to rip herself from his hold, another man coming to aid the first. The men of course had more strength on her but she still knew that her bucking and pulling wasn’t the easiest for them, especially when she tried to angle her kicks at their legs, with much failure.

Her attention was quickly stolen when the last male grabbed her book, the one that allowed her the powers to rescue herself from her parents. Her eyes stayed on it as her movements stopped, ignoring much else.

She still remembered how her things were ripped and battered by those from town when she was younger and she couldn’t allow that, as this was too important. The book was her power and she couldn’t allow him to keep it or destroy it. She figured she would have to find a way to get to it, get out of the other’s grip long enough to make them incapacitated so she could run. Three more bodies wouldn’t be much if she still had her power.

But she didn’t have to worry long about how she’d get the book because the third man was soon giving her back her book, along with more information about the men that she was being held by.

"My name is Devon. These gentlemen with me are Milo and Dylan. What's your name? Do you understand anything I'm saying at all?"

Collette’s arms were let go as she got her book back, maybe their way to try and show they were peaceful? Yeah, she wasn’t that naive. She looked up to the third man, Devon, as she gripped her grimoire, uncaring of his ‘friendly’ expressions. Her nostrils flared and her lip curled as she tried to channel her fear and anger into one mission, to get rid of the threat.

She felt her weakness from her last use of power still affecting her but she knew she would not be left by these men- this was her own way to have freedom, she tried to convince herself even as her head pounded from trying to use her powers.

Her eyes started to glow, very noticeable in the shade of the cabin, and fresh blood started to leak from her eyes and ears as she opened her mouth, trying to say one more spell with her power before she let her guard down.

“Eliminis-” She whispered, but the spell couldn’t take hold of them, as before she could even finish her words, she felt a sudden pain in the back of her head. She left a pained gasp, her eyes locking with Devon’s, before she fell, passing out from both her power being drained, and a well-powered hit.

It was only in rest, that she calmed.

Taking chances
w/ colette dubois

Nothing seemed to be getting through to her. The look in her eyes didn't give anything away, but she certainly wasn't too keen on introductions. At least giving her the book back seemed to calm her slightly. The flailing arms and legs finally stopped, though it was rather entertaining to watch his friends struggling in their attempts to hold the small female down. 

Muffled voices made his head swivel for a moment as it seemed they weren't alone in the woods now. He wondered if they were looking for her. Turning back, Devon was about to voice his concerns, but his words died on his tongue. 

The girl's eyes began to glow, light filling them completely. Milo took a hesitant step back as a curse flew from his mouth. "Witch..." his friend muttered in quiet shock. Perhaps Devon should've looked at the book she held a little more closely. Blood began to streak from her nose and he started to put his hands up in some poor attempt again to show they didn't plan on hurting her, but there was nothing in the young woman's eyes that showed relenting. 

He couldn't guess what was about to happen, but once a hushed word he didn't recognize left her lips, Devon instinctively prepared for whatever blow was about to come as his body tensed. Then, a dull thud. The girl crumbled to the floor in a heap and Dylan stood there with a piece of broken wood that had once fallen from the decaying roof. He had a proud smile on his face after the moment of panic fizzled. "That was unexpected."

Devon rolled his eyes, letting out a sigh and looking to the unmoving mystic. "I'm sure that's really going to warm her to us now."

"We're not bringing her back to the Cup, are we?" Milo asked, his voice wavering as he stared at her.

"Not gonna leave her here," he replied, the voices from before now getting closer. "We'll take her back and let her rest. Feed her. Maybe Friar Wilber can take her or Bess." He could feel the exchange of looks between his friends without even raising his head. Devon knelt down and picked the girl up, adjusting her in his arms.

Dylan reached to pick up the book, holding it away as if it would attack. "If she doesn't burn the Cup down first."

Devon cut his eyes to his friend before leading the way back to the cart.

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