
Adventuring through twisted time.

Ireland had been her home for the last few years, she knew the people around her village, she had love or so she thought. Roderick had used her and cheated on her, worst of all when she found out she killed the woman he cheated on her with. That earned his wrath; he stirred the townspeople into a frenzy claiming she was a witch. The townspeople believed him because he was well respected among the community. The people beat her as she fought back their advancements but before she knew it she was tied to a stake.

The screaming from the townspeople on how she was a monster, the fire was light at the base of the stake. She had to think on her toes, even though he had been beaten blood she could still use her powers. So she focused and forced out a knockout gas, the biggest use of her powers at that point as she watched the people fall asleep. She used her hands to burn the ropes that tied her to the post. Her skin hardened in an effort to keep her safe from the flames that consumed the stake. She moved amounged the passed out people leaning over Roderick she raised her claws to kill him but she still loved him. She couldn’t bring herself to harm him.

In tears she placed a scar along his face as a reminder of what he did to her. Hoping people would assume she was dead because of the ashes that would soon be there. She took off from the town she had made her second home. With a heavy heart and wounded. She had no idea how long she ran for, all she knew is she arrived where the port was and crumbled to the ground gasping for breath as she sobbed out in pain in her tattered clothing. She wrapped her arms around her, she was no longer hard skinned she just looked like a woman who had been attacked.

She had nothing, no way to pay her way and she needed time to heal. She felt hopeless and as if she was utterly nothing. She found herself laying her head to the ground as she cried out in pain. She couldn’t stop her body from shaking, she couldn’t stop the tears she felt utterly weak. She felt like nothing, she was nothing. Roderick’s words echoed in her ear. ‘You were always just a pawn, how could I ever love a monster like you.’ She had no idea how long she had been crying or if anyone even noticed her.

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He'd barely been here a second and he was already in a fight. Outnumbered. The side of his face hit the ground and suddenly it felt like he was in the center of a church bell as it was ringing out. The Wind stepped in when he was too disoriented to continue to defend himself. It cracked his assaulter's heads together and flung them into the air. Jeovani struggled to his feet. Stumbling he held his head. His other hand reaching to lean on whatever he could. 

He stumbled down a quiet alley and slumped to the floor. Those men who attacked him were surely dead. He promised he'd never come here to this gods forsaken town again. And yet here he was. For his father. Praying he was safe. Did he know the locals didn't take lightly to anything inhuman? His took several Labored breaths. Feeling blood trickle down the side of his face "fuck!" He fought the urge to let his eyes close. If he was going to find this man he spent his whole like chasing. He wasn't going to be able to do it as himself. 

He didn't even get a second in his new face before a scream rang through his already ringing ears. That seemed to be the status Que of the day. His eyes shot open and he struggled to his feet and back onto the main road again. He followed this sound. While many would run away. However, Jeovani knew the sounds of pain and what this town did to people all too well. 

He froze and a shiver ran through him. He stood among piles of bodies. Unsure if they were alive. He didn't care for them though. He cared about who they'd burned. But he was too late.

There was only ash left.

His heart sank.

He was too late again. 

He was distraught. He knew he likely didn't know who they burned but this was close to home for him. The Wind had to force him to his feet and push him around to get him to walk. Part of him was sure his father had been burned while the rest of him knew that couldn't be true.  And so he focused on The Wind. Let it guide him. He was sure it'd guide him to his father. That was the only reason he was here. 

The Wind blew over Libelle. Calling Jeovani to her. The moment he saw her he panicked. Rushing towards he slid across the floor until he was right in front of her. Laying on the floor with her to be sure she was okay. He was afraid to touch her. He looked around and soon realised she was certainly alone. Taking off his shirt he gently put it on her. The wind blowing him towards a ship which told him that's where she needed to go. He didn't ask her if she was okay. The answer was obvious. "I'm going to pick you up. I promise I won't hurt you." 

He did it without waiting for her to answer. Walking towards the ship. It was a cargo ship, typically didn't let passengers on unless they stowed away. He set her down on the nearby crates. "Let me talk to them about heating you on there safely and I'll be right back." He offered her a pained and worried smile. He paused before he left though. He popped the necklace around his neck off and gently put each of the rings from the broken chain on her finger than his. 

He was gone for only a second just like he said. His demeanor was different when he came back though. His shoulders down and chest deflated. As if he'd been defeated in some way. He stood in front of her but his eyes remained on the town. He couldn't even hear one of the crewmembers calling him at first.

"Daniel, if ya an' tha wife are still coming now'd be tha time mate!" 

Unsued to people calling him Daniel. 

"Yes. Sorry, we're coming." 

He very carefully picked her up again bridal style. "Let's get you out of this wretched town." He carried her on to the ship. Her scent had hit him the moment he was close. The scent of fire and ash was far too familiar than he wanted it to be. He stood on the deck with her. Watching as town faded. All his life he'd never been as close his father as he was today. His whole life's desires seemingly fading away as Ireland just grew smaller and smaller. 

But then he looked down at her in his arms. Unable to imagine the relief and possible pain she was in and feeling. In the end, she made the defeat and ultimate sadness better because he had managed to help get her away from a place he hated the most. 

As a man moved in front of her gaze she winced away from him as she couldn’t speak just yet. The shock of the events still flowing through her. When he put his shirt on her she wanted to pull away but she couldn't. His touch was different from others. It was careful and caring. She felt him pick her up and she didn’t fight him especially since he was leading her to the boats she was going to before she fully broke down. She leaned into his warmth as the rain was starting to pick up.

As she was sat by the crates her knees came to her chest as the ring was placed around her finger and she looked to him confused but understood more when he put the ring on his own finger. She looked at it as she touched it with her other hand. She had wanted a ring for so long and yet this came from someone she didn’t know. Her head swirled with questions and darkness. She knew she was going to pass out, it was only a matter of time as her body started to ache.

She looked to him as he stood in front of her looking to the shore she wondered if he was going to run back to it. Yet he didn’t he picked her up again and spoke the words she needed to hear. She leaned her head into his neck before the darkness took over her vision and she passed out in his arms. Her dreams were ones of her burning at the stake and they were horrible. When she woke up in a cold sweat she almost screamed out.

The rocking back and forth and the darkness around her reminded herself she was on a boat now. She was safe from the fire. Yet when she tried to move she let out a low groan as she was so badly beaten she couldn’t even move without tremendous pain taking over her body. She laid there and whimpered for a moment before she saw a light across the other side of the boat moving closer to her. She felt her breath caught in her throat as she tried to make herself smaller from the person.

Yet as the light drew even closer she saw it was the man who had gotten her on the boat, who had given her the ring. She sat up and whimpered as she did. Her hands came to rest to her stomach. She cleared her dry throat and spoke softly. “Thank you.” it was all she could manage to get out as she stared at him with her big hazel eyes in the dark of the huel of the ship.

His eyes were already on her. So when she passed out he held her closer to hear her breath. Be sure pass out was all she did. He held her firmly to him trying to keep her covered from the rain and warm given her condition. "They told me you two looked bad. But they didn't say you looked like Shite!" The captain's voice caused Jeo's head to snap towards him. The captain's stern expression softened once his eyes fell upon Libelle "it's unlucky to have a woman aboard." The captain's eyes studied Jeo.

"I'll do everything I have to to keep my wife safe. I'll do twelve times more to get her away from Ireland altogether." 

To this, the Captain smiles and gestures for Jeo to follow. He leads them to a small room in the ships hull "I typically don't allow my men to have their own living space. But for her sake this room is yours." He placed the key down and helped Jeo get Libelle onto the bed in the room. Jeovani sat at the edge and brushed her hair from her face. It was times like this he wished he was blessed with dreamwalking if to only be sure her dreams weren't filled with whatever trauma she'd suffered. 

He left with the captain after a moment of just being by her side. Learning the order the ship was run. Also gathering things he and Libelle would need from anyone willing to spare what they could.  He wasn't expecting to see her up when he returned. The dark rainy night causing him to need a lantern just to look around the room. He hung the lantern when noticed her awake and her response to him. Putting his hands up to prove he was harmless. 

He had a few things in the room with them at this point."You're welcome, but please try not to speak." He moved closer and helped her sit up. "You'll need all your energy so you can heal." He picked up a bucket of fresh water. Some clean cloths. A salve and bandages as he moved closer. Sitting on the edge of the bed carefully. He set the bucket on the floor and everything else down on the bed. Dipping a cloth into the clean water and softly pressing it to her face. He dabbed her face carefully with it. So she could get comfortable with what he was doing enough for him to continue. 

"I lost part of my family to that town. The same way they tried to take you." 

He managed to clean her face, neck and hands. Applying the ointment and bandaging certain spots in those areas well enough. But he had to check the rest of her. "I have to remove your clothes to be sure you're okay." He looked around a moment "Everyone in the crew gave me clothes for you. They might not fit as they are all men's clothing. I'll dress you right back up after dressing your wounds and help you eat. The cook made a nice hot broth just for you. You can even keep my shirt if you're most comfortable in that." It was odd for him. Hearing his voice without his natural Spanish accent. This one he was putting on fit that of the Norwegian crew running the boat. Which he was sure were all some sort of Viking and that played right into his advantage. 

When he came closer she shifted in the bed as she was quiet as he seemed to be concerned about her healing. Something she wasn’t overly used to. No one had shown her concern or care since her mother passed away. She watched him with her darkened hazel eyes as large as they could go with her swollen features. She naturally pulled away from him as he reached towards her but stopped when she felt the soothing wetness on the cloth that was being dabbed upon her face cleaning up as she could assume was blood, ash, and dirt mixed upon her features.

She closed her eyes for a moment just trying to be as still as she can be before his next statement came. She spoke in an australian accent she couldn’t hide while in pain. “The sea took my father, and my mother was taken by a snake. I have had no family for a long time. And when I thought I found someone… They did this to me.” She said softly, still in a haze after everything that had happened to her that evening. For all she knew she was dead and this was what the after like was.

She stayed still though as he cleaned her, other than the rocking of the ship. As he bandaged her up she nodded looking at him. Moving to stand enough to get the tattered dress off her body. Her body covered in bruises from the beating she had been given before placed to be burned alive. She sat back down, feeling dizzy from the swaying but she took the broth from his hands. Not allowing him to help as she downed it in a very unladylike manner. Once it was emptied she placed it back in his hand and waited for him to wrap her up where he could. Once they were done she allowed him to help her get dressed.

She rolled to lay back down on the bedding she was upon before she spoke softly towards him. “Why did you help me? What do you get out of it?” she asked as her hands tightened in the cloth, wondering what he wanted from her. No one had ever simply been kind to her. She wanted to know the strings that were attached and wanted to know them now.

He was quiet as they worked together to get her cleaned, feed and bandaged up and redressed. His heart dropping when he saw how beat up she was. He looked away though as she sat to eat, giving her a moment of privacy. He cleaned and wrapped her up quickly. He was silent as she told him how she was alone a frown playing on his face. He swallowed hard and dropped his head cleaning up the used bandages, gauze and clothe. He gathered everything in the bucket he brought with him. He played with the ring on his finger and then took her left hand with his. Intertwining their fingers and letting the wedding rings touch. 

"Well, I'm your family for now. Sorry, I'm not more impressive." 

He smirked very faintly at his joke. Hoping all his words would be of some comfort. He looked through the clothes and quickly changed into something dry and simple with hid back turned to her. He cleared his throat as he spun around. Freezing at her question. His eyes met hers and once again he frowned. "I couldn't save my family from that place. Even when I tried. So when The..." He hesitated for just one second. He couldn't say The Wind blew him to her. That would expose him as a gypsy and possibly make his actions more suspicious. Gypsies were known for wanting things in reply for their help even if that was just a stereotype and one that wasn't true. 

"So when I found you, I couldn't just live you there. Not with my family's death hanging over me." 

He saw as her hand gripped the cloth tighter. He stepped even farther back away from her. Trying to show her he wouldn't do anything. 

"All I want from you is to get better. Is for you to heal. While I get the satisfaction of knowing I made a difference this time. That I helped someone where I couldn't help my family before." He swallowed hard. His voice cracking a bit as he spoke. His attention turning for the door as he could hear the crew whistle which meant he had to go for now. He gathered everything that didn't need to be here and headed towards the door. "Try and rest. I'll look the door so no one else can enter." 

Though it was embarrassing her need for his help to clean her up and bandage her up. She had never been in this state before. How did she end up here. How could she love someone who so willingly threw her through such darkness almost costing her life. It was times like these that made her wish she had the healing properties of other species she had come across. Unfortunately Drakes did not heal quite as rabidly. When his hand moved to take hers she felt her shoulders stiffen out of fear even though she knew she didn’t need to fear him. As the wedding rings touched she looked to them, thankful they were in fact silver and not gold like many wedding rings. “You are more impressive than any other man in that damn town. All so willing to burn me alive over the words of another.” She frowned softly at the memories that were sure to be haunting her for some time to come.

Her eyes hung to him with every word that he spoke causing her frown to stay on her face. Her hand moved to rest on his arm gently as she spoke in a soft tone. “I am filled with sorrow to hear about your family. As someone who has lost her family also. I understand the pain you must feel. I would never wish that on another even if it benefited me in a savoir. I thank you, I owe you my life.” She said softly as she finally looked to the clothing in her hand. She needed to trust someone and at this moment he had not proven to be untrustworthy. She let her fingers let go of the cloth showing she was trying to be open.

“Thank you.” She repeated again his words proved to her that he really was just trying to do so out of a good heart. She nodded as he said he would lock the door and she rolled over to let the rocking of the boat sooth her into a restful sleep. She wasn’t sure how much time had passed when she heard the door open again. Rolling over her eyes opened groggily taking him in. “Hold me?” she asked softly in a needy tone that was masked with a thick sleepiness.

He frowned when she did. Staying quiet though there were opportunities to speak. Filling those moments with just silence. Until...

"Your life is your own. You don't owe it to me or anyone else."

He smiled sadly. Staying a moment to be sure she slept. Mentally kicking himself for not choosing dreamwalking when The Wind gave him the choice. All because he wanted her to sleep peacefully. 

The ship tossed and turned in the storm. Jeo and another were on the deck tying down the loose effects and manning the sail. And then Jeovani was alone. The man with him taken by the storm. Pulled away by the waves and lulled deeper into the sea by the songs of Sirens. 

And so, Jeo dove into the depths of the sea. He was reckless. But he had The Wind. 

He saved his new crewmate from the clutches of the choir he heard as he sank. The rest of the crew pulling them back on board once they'd surfaced near the ship. All relieved but one. The captain. He called Jeo to his quarters. Wrapping him in a quilt and sitting him near the fire. "That was foolish. You risked your life for a man you don't know. Leaving behind your wife with more men you don't know."  

"Why jump in after him?"

"Because I knew I could save him."

Jeo's answer came quick and precise. It left the captain stunned. So in silence, they sat for a while. Until the captain was ready to speak once more. The conversation varied but was always one tone. Serious. 

So serious that once finally back in the room Jeo leaned against the door after closing it behind him and took a much-needed breath. He heard her words first. Looking down at her he approached slowly. Removing his boots and vest over his shirt. He climbed in beside her. 

He was careful as he wrapped her in his arms. Not wanting to hurt or scare her. He took a breath feeling her warmth. His body was warm but he himself still felt the chill of the storm and sea. 

"The men will soon ask your name." He gave them a moment of peace before this. "We don't know who might recognise your real name given how I found you." He looked down at her and scanned her face. At last, smiling at her as he moved down to be at eye level with her.

He saw her. Just her. Past all the pain. Cuts. Burns. Bruises. He hoped his bright and gentle smile would comfort her. 

"So... What should we call you, wife?" 

As he moved into the bead with her, his arms around her she felt his flesh and while he was warm she felt the goose bumps riding along his body. Not wanting him to be cold she shifted and forced her hands to heat up at its lowest level. Since his shirt was on she was sure he wouldn’t notice enough to draw too much attention. She wanted to do something for him that was a fraction as much as he was doing for her. Tucked into the cloth that was covering them both she rested her face close to his. Their noses bruising barely.

“A name?” she asked softly as she opened her hazel eyes to look into his as she took in his dark hair and dark eyes before her eyes drifted close. “Libelle is a bit unique.” She muttered in her thick accent before mumbling out. “What about Belle? I will naturally answer to it, so it's not going to be forgotten upon me. It is rather common also.” She said as she opened one eye taking in his smile as she felt him shift to be eye level.

Her mind was still so lost in the fog. The cold of the ocean was not helping with her drakeness along with the healing process. Yet his smile made the corner of her lips turn up in that moment. “What am I to call you, husband?” it came from her lips in a slightly seductive tone as a soft laugh left her lips. “I fear I will never really call anyone a husband.” She said softly as she had a yawn that came from her lips causing a slight wince from the pain coursing through her.

After a quiet moment she moved her hands up his back slightly so her hands were not in the same spot so not to burn him. “Did you fall overboard?” She asked as her foot pressed into his slightly damp pants. 

He never heard her mutter her full name. If he had their future would be very different than what fate had planned. But he heard Belle and to that, he smiled. Taking a breath he took in the warmth she was sharing. Her hands soothing away the goosebumps still on his skin. "Belle" he repeated to commit it to memory. Falling silent immediately when she spoke of having a true husband. Starting up to the ceiling as he thought. 

"Daniel. Daniel Lodbrok." 

He said after remaining silent for a while. "I jumped in." He gently got up to remove his wet articles of clothing. Finding a dry shirt among the clothes they were given and returning to bed. "One of the men fell in as we were locking down the deck. I knew I could save him so I jumped in after him." He moved closer to her again. So they could continue to help keep each other warm. "Belle Lodbrok." He chuckled faintly. 

"Let's get married." 

He turned and stared into her eyes. "My mother is a descendant of the greatest Viking king of my culture. Ragnar Lodbrok. So I have a small title and money you would get as my wife. Things that will help when in England." He couldn't tell her that to get her on this boat he indentured himself to it. That only way he'd ever make it off this boat was through death. So he was careful in his wording. Knowing that when they arrived in England she would have something to start a new life with. Maybe help from the gypsies after mentioning his name. If she dared approach the wicked Windwakers the world made them out to be. 

"The... The captain could officiate. It would just be for appearances and safety. So I'm not going to demand anything from you. Nor will I try to take anything."

He was clearly nervous. What if she thought this was a very elaborate scheme for sex? He didn't want her to think that at all. "You'd be what my people call a free woman." High regard in his culture. "No one would touch you. Certainly not anyone aware of the last name you'd be able to throw around." He smiled. His anxiety showing in it. He just wanted to make her safe and he couldn't even fathom or explain why. But his heart picked her. 

His heart would always pick her. 

“Daniel and Belle Lodbrok.” She replied with a nod of her head in that quiet moment. She was committing the name for memory. “Daniel is a nice name” she said in her thick accent as her eyes moved to look at him. Watching him stare to the ceiling above as the boat rocked them at the mercy of the sea.

As he spoke of jumping in the water she raised a brow and a bubble of laughter left her lips. “You are a strange one. You either have a death wish, or are really that good of a guy. Willingly throwing yourself into danger is reckless Daniel.” She scolded after the laughter left her. “What if you got hurt?” She said softer. Her eyes stayed locked with his as her hand moved slightly warmer than normal along his body.

When the statement left his lips she moved sitting up to stare at him. Yet he kept talking about all these things he wanted to provide her. She just blinked at him for a quiet moment. “You wish to marry me? Help me in England? To give me a proper life?” She questioned him at that moment as she waited for the panic to set in her chest. That gut feeling to tell her that he was a bad guy. That he was doing this for a selfish reason. That he wanted sex and yet her heart told her otherwise.

“Yes.” It left her lips after a moment and it shocked her, yet she smiled. “I will marry you Daniel.” She searched his gaze at that moment. “What can I even offer you though. You are giving me so much. Helping me as a stranger. A woman who has never given you a reason to trust.” She gave a gentle laugh as her hand moved to rest on his chest in the moment of affection. “You really are just a good guy? My heart knows it, my brain is trying to convince me otherwise.” She spoke honestly.

Then her mind shifted to a different mindset when she shifted closer to him. “If we ask the captain to marry us, he will know we are not husband and wife? How would that work? What if he refuses and throws us overboard?”  Seeing he was nervous she felt her own nervousness bubble in her chest. 

After another quiet moment she said softly. “Why does this all feel so right?” it confused the young drake, to feel so safe and comfortable with someone especially after being beaten and almost killed.

Jeovani was always extremely selfless. Even as Daniel. Clearly. He couldn't help it. If he saw someone in need and The Wind blew telling him it was with him then he'd do whatever it took to be and be sure the one he saved was safe. "I'll be more careful." He was quick to reassure her when he picked up on her concern for him and his reckless selflessness. He couldn't help her or take care of her if he was dead. 

The Wind blew him to Belle. It knew he'd never be able to leave this ship as Daniel. It knew she would need extra help once in England. And Jeo knew his alias bloodline could help. He wasn't expecting a yes though. In fact, he was thinking of how he could give her these things if she said no anyway. 

He braced himself for her no. So focused on her answer he hadn't yet noticed her unusually warm hands. "Yes." His words were almost inaudible because the word hadn't fully registered. He nodded his head sadly. Thinking she had said no. Respecting that and not getting angry or demanding. "Yes?" He said again slowly beginning to release that that is what she said. He turned to face her. Just in time to hear her say she'd marry him and he smiled brightly. 

He rolled off the bed in his excitement. Kneeling next to it as he took her hand. He kissed it. The bright smile still on his face. "Survive. Live, that's all I ask for." A habit of the gypsy if they knew something bad was coming. Like death. They would ask the person in their life to live for them. He reached to touch the side of her face but didn't because of the cuts and bruises still on her face. So he rested his hand on her shoulder where it was safe to touch her instead. He quickly noticed the cold creeping back in around him. Noticing at last how her hands were on his skin. 

Wanting that again he climbed back into the bed and curled under the covers with her. Taking a breath as his body warmed back up and her warm hands were on his chest. "I just don't want people to suffer if I can help them." He sighed as his body relaxed and he held her closer. He fell quiet to think for a moment. "If we tell him and the crew we're handfasted they won't ask any questions." 

He looked at her as she spoke again. Staring deeply into her eyes "because a new door is opening and it's the one you've been trying to open all this time. " 

Libelle took in his quick reassurance and chuckled softly. “You need to know I am not a fool and know it will take more than my scolding you to make you more careful. Especially since you seem like such a good soul. You probably can’t stand to see people in pain.” Her stormy hazel gaze holding his, they were not their normal color hazel since she was still in pain. As he moved closer she felt a breeze which caused some confusion but she didn’t question it much as her focus came back to the man she was trying to warm up with her hands.

So when she said yes to marrying him and he was acting sad she wondered if he was only offering because he was a nice guy and wanted her to do the right thing by rejecting the proposal.  Then he switched again as if someone had just told him he was a king. He was so immensely happy and she smiled brightly with him as he rolled out of bed. “You are strange.” She laughed as he kissed her hand and then took in what he asked of her to do. “You just want me to Live? Survive? Nothing else from me? Truly?” She questioned softly.

She longed for him to touch her face, as he paused touching her. That longing scared her but excited her all at once. Moving her face to rest her lips faintly to his hand before he got back in the bed with her. Her warm hands placed against his chest again as she shifted so she was comfortable and to keep him warm. She thought about his words about how they can say they were joined by a handfast. He was right they wouldn’t ask questions especially since they were coming from Ireland.

“And a proper marriage on the seas will be more valid before landing in England.” She gave a nod of her head before she stared back into his eyes. “Then yes Daniel I would love to get properly married to you. If you ever change your mind though. I will understand.” She tried to give herself a buffer from the pain that could come from hoping too much. She was still confused by the fact that she felt so good just being around him.

As they kept staring she leaned in closer to him as if there was a secret force pushing them together. “Can...Can I kiss you? To practice for our wedding?” She felt the nervousness bubble up inside of her as a single warm hand moved up from his chest to rest on his neck.

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Citizen of the Realm Devon Sawyer

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