There are three types of curses -ENCHANTED ITEMS, SPELLS, AND LOST SOULS- and each type has subgroups and different abilities Please note that when coming up with your cursed character, their curse should greatly outweigh their abilities and traits.
Subgroup One The enchanted item was stolen or removed from its final resting place, cursing your character.
Subgroup Two The enchanted item was placed in the now cursed one's life to haunt them as it slowly dies.
Subgroup Three The item was supposed to be a blessing, a gift, but ended up being a curse. Example Baldur’s Curse in Norse Mythology.
For as long as the curse lives as do those tied to it. If a part of subgroup 2, the moment the enchanted item dies, the cursed one does too.
They know exactly what must be done to break the curse though obviously they will need help as it can never be done alone nor will it be easy, or else, they would have broken their own curse from the start of it.
Unlike other curses that are more controlling of them, these cursed ones have the ability to live as they want to a certain extent. Every curse has its rules and limitations, but those with an enchanted item are not controlled by their curse like a puppet.
Having done this to themselves, they have learned from their mistakes and regret all bad past doings, now using this knowledge to their advantage. They can, if they wish, talk someone out of making their same or similar mistakes.
Subgroup One A verbal enchantment in which the cursed must remember every word that was spoken. The spoken words are often a riddle to be solved or rhyme to hide the curse's cure.
Subgroup Two Potions. Brewed and then ingested or injected into the body. They can be poured into drinks or used to bath or glaze food. Sometimes deforming said food or discolouring the drink, but always having an odd taste.
depending upon the context of the curse these spells can either give a human immortality or an immortal mortality.
The cursed one has ten times the strength of a human. Matching the strength of a sanguine or lupine.
The cursed one's physical appearance changes for a time and all who look upon them must admit they are stunningly beautiful.
The cursed one can attract anyone susceptible by either locking eyes with their target or speaking to said target (It cannot be both). Much like a mated bond between lupines and similar to a siren’s song or a sanguine's hypnosis, but not nearly as powerful.
The cursed one has an unexplainable way with words. Their silver tongues can talk themselves in and out of the best and worst of situations. Others affected by this charm have an admiration for the cursed one and may even go as far as to say their way with words are enticing.
The cursed one is always moving up in the world in some way, finding favour with the hardest of people to find favour with. Examples- Winning lotteries, and risky gambles without ever having to cheat, getting out of the most violent of situations. Etc.
Subgroup One Sold Souls. To get everything they want, the cursed one sold their soul in exchange for what they believed was perfection. Example- The Portrait of Darian Grey by Oscar Wilde.
Subgroup Two The Untouchable. Blessed with a green thumb or the Midas Touch, the cursed one cannot enjoy the pleasure of simple affection, platonic or otherwise.
Subgroup Three Hereditary. The cursed one is innocent, but was born into a cursed family. Each family member throughout said cursed history is affected by the curse differently. Meaning each curse for each person is never the same. The cursed ones will either have no control of themselves or no control of the circumstances they are in.
The cursed one is doomed to live forever without the pleasure of enjoying it with others.
The cursed one has rare moments of free will. Whether at night or when no one is looking or the short period of time as the sun rises or sets. During those moments they are free to be themselves without the curse keeping them trapped within themselves.
The cursed one is
either physically stronger than an average being or their magical strength is stronger than average (No one is magically stronger than Clarice.)
Having lived for so long and in a cursed family for so long, they have a immeasurable fountain of wisdom.
The cursed one is often affected by the story or sadness of another. From being able to directly relate or fathom what that must feel like.
The cursed ones cannot tell prophecies however, they have received some throughout their life. They more often than not cannot change the coming events of said prophecy, but they can prepare themselves for and those affected by it as well.
This only applies to subgroup 2 unless you really want your character to suffer then this goes on top of the other negative effects of the curse. The cursed one cannot be touched at all times, but if they are they, will ultimately kill said being or gravely injure them. Examples: Rogue from the X-Men, Midas from Greek Mythology, Blackout from Ghost Rider. Etc.
The cursed ones can experience pain, wounds, and severe injuries like anyone with mortality. They can even experience the pain of death but for as long as their curse keeps them alive, they cannot die from said pain.
The cursed ones fear their own curse, they hate speaking of it, or it being spoken about to them. They fear speaking its name, which gives it power; the power to end them. This can be used to blackmail them depending upon what restrictions their curse might have.
The cursed ones are highly susceptible to the magic of other species, including- a siren's songs, fae magic, banshee screams (cannot die from them though), sanguine venom, but rarely their illusions, gypsies' dreamwalking and occasional illusion, a mystic's magic, a drake's fear gaze and breath, and eternal's affinity.
The curse determines the way in which the cursed one is marked by said cures. Enchanted items are the cursed ones defining feature. The Spellbound have one of the
8 wiccan symbols on a part of their body. The Lost Souls, those who traded their soul, are marked by who owns their soul in a noticeable place. Those that are Untouchable have no markings but should warn people about themselves. Those who are hereditarily cursed have two types of Marks; those cursed with magic (forced to be a mystic) have wiccan tattoos all over their bodies along with any symbols and names of Gods their family may have offended. Those who are cursed with physical Strength are marked with an engraved X and a major part of their body.
Being that every cursed one knows that one day they will die, they are quite irrational more often than not. Often times acting out and having a difficult time controlling themselves and their actions.
Enticing one-minute, cold in the next. They keep everyone at arm’s length or at least try to knowing their curse could hurt and greatly affect any and everyone they grow close to and care about.
They have short tempers and fuses, quickly losing them over the smallest issues and taking their anger out on the wrong person.
The cursed, depending on their type pf curse, will have gaps in their memory about certain times or events. They will accurately recall their before and after, but just assume they slept or passed out during the missing time; This is not the case. Whatever happened was likely their doing.
It is rare when a cursed one finds something they value or enjoy, but if or when they do, they guard it with their lives. Joy is hard to come by. They are also extremely protective of their Enchanted Item if their curse has attached them to one.