
Every Tale Makes Timeless Stories


"The trees are the lungs of our mother Earth who breathes a life into this world and we are her children, the warriors who will protect her with our lives." - Graystone Raventhorn, father King of Thistlemoon
When the world was new and first stretching its legs, its creator Gaia breathed life into all. She was the ancestral mother of creation and all that she made were her children. First came her son Uranus, the sky, and the two then created their Titans.

The Titans were powerful deities and they too wanted to create as their parents had and thus came the Olympian gods and goddesses. However, with the power these Olympians carried came the jealousy of some of the Titans and a prophecy began that these new gods and goddesses would overthrow their creators to become the strongest deities of all.

The Titan War lasted ten years as the two sides of deities fought one another, but it was the Olympians who came out victorious with Zeus as its leader and he banished the defeated Titans to Tartarus. However, not all of the gods and Titans participated in this war.

Themis and Prometheus were titans who stayed away from the battle and instead began creating their own species on Earth once Zeus learned they were not a threat. There were many creations they brought upon the Earth, but it was the fae that Themis loved most. These magical beings were made in the image of the ancestral mother Gaia and meant to protect her and the Earth from the power hungry Olympians. Themis brought the elements of the world together; Earth, air, fire, and water, while Gaia breathed life into his creation just as the sun set and the moon rose into the sky. Seeing the success of what Themis had done, Prometheus then created humans from mud and asked Zeus’s daughter Athena to breathe life into them, soon becoming the creation he loved most. The two titans would do anything to protect them.

Zeus soon found out what the titans had done and was angered at their treachery. Before Gaia would go into hiding, she hid the fae away from Zeus in the first settlement of Thistlemoon Forest to ensure their survival and purpose of protecting the world she had first created as a last hope. She gave the power of foresight to Graystone Raventhorn so they would always know when danger was lurking towards their kind.

The fae roamed the Earth along with the humans and at first there was peace, but it wasn’t to last. History would show how the humans forgot the meaning of life and caused more destruction amongst each other and the world than appreciating the life around them. Disagreements and ideals began to separate the species and the harmony they once had was shattered. Wars broke out among them all and most of the fae lands were destroyed. The fae chose to return to their first surviving settlement, Thistlemoon, instead of continuing to scorch the lands on Gaia and as time went on and the years passed, the fae had become myths and legends among humans and were all but forgotten.

Disdain grew for the humans and the fae kingdom remained hidden, but ever watchful of the choices humans made. The magical beings stay secluded among themselves and rarely venture into the world now believing there could never be peace among the humans. Instead they focus on the reason for their creation which is to protect the Earth and keep one another safe, honoring Gaia and her final wishes before she was forced from existence.
All fae are able to control fire, water, earth, and air. These elements need to be already present in order to manipulate them and every fae can not control each element with the same ease. If they find they can control fire and earth the easiest, then water and air will be harder and vice versa. They can not produce water or fire without a source, but earth and air are always in abundance which makes them easier elements to come by. These powers can be used in vast arrays of offensive or defensive manners if necessary. The fae’s imagination is limitless when it comes to this, however, the stronger the use of power, the faster and weaker a fae becomes. Elders of the species are able to control the elements more easily and longer than the average fae and are seen as great teachers, protectors, and highly respected council members.

Fae can change any physical attribute about themselves at will, but they can not transform completely into another person or being. This is mostly used for personal tastes such as changing one's hair color, but can also be used to remove a physical trait that one is born with, like horns.

Fae can telepathically talk to and understand in return all animals. It is not a form of mind control.

Fae have the ability to heal plant life and help things grow. They can not bring dead plants back to life and feel a deep sense of pain when the earth is being harmed.

Fae have evolved throughout the millennia to gain other abilities outside of the normal of what most of their kind possess. If your fae has some other ability, please speak to Kyan to discuss the details of your ideas! Note that any other ability that is not the norm for a fae should have a weakness too.
Fae are immortal and cannot die of old age or disease.

Fae are incredible trackers, using the environment around them to easily find someone.

Fae are agile beings, being able to move lightly on the ground while running without making footprints if they so choose. They can leap taller and farther distances than humans and some other supernatural beings which is why humans say they can fly in their lore. They are incredible at moving without being heard.

Fae's abilities are enhanced by their predestined birth alignment with the sun or moon. They draw their power from it and are stronger when they use their abilities during either the day or night.
Fae can die by any mortal wound despite being immortal.

Iron is deadly to a fae. Placing them in a cage of iron will weaken them greatly, making it impossible to use their abilities. Placing iron on their skin will also burn. Injecting iron into their bloodstream will kill them.

Fae use the sun or moon to draw power for their abilities, so they are weaker and will weaken faster when they have been trapped inside for hours on end. If they are using an excessive amount of power during the opposite time of their birth alignment, they will weaken faster as well and their abilities will not be as powerful.

Fae are susceptible to some other species' abilities, but not as powerful as they would be against a human, including- a siren's song, a sanguine's venom, a banshee's scream, a gypsy's illusion and dreamwalking, a mystic's magic, a lupine's empathy, a drake's fear gaze and breath, and an eternal's affinity.
Though fae mostly appear to look like humans, they can have different physical traits about them that are telling such as pointed ears, black eyes, fur, white hair, small horns, etc. They can glamour these born traits away if they so choose and are required to do so in front of humans.

Depending on what time of the day a fae is born, will determine if that fae will draw from the sun or moon for power. It's like a battery recharging; Fae born during the day will draw from the sun and fae born during the night will draw from the moon. Each fae will be strongest using magic during the part of the day that matches their birth alignment.

The last names of Fae are derived from things found in nature, usually by combining two things into one which started when the first fae came to be and began families.

Fae tend to be very alluring. They have an innate charm about them that is effective against most other species, especially humans, but not sanguine and sirens.

They are incredibly blunt and don’t really understand the meaning of tact in many cases.

Fae tend to only be able to hold one emotion at a time and can sometimes be known to have that emotion be their dominant quality. Their emotions can switch on a dime.

They are a very proud species and will do anything to protect their own, their home, and the earth.

They rarely, if ever, leave Thistlemoon Forest because the outside world has shown them humans only want to destroy throughout history. They look down on humans for the most part and those that go outside of Thistlemoon are often seen as strange and dubbed outcasts. They are aware of other supernaturals in the world, but few have ever met them. Thistlemoon is a very old and very dense forest where the trees grow taller than can be seen. If it had to be described, it would look much like Lothlorien from LotR, very green during sun up and blue during sun down. Fae live mostly in the trees or back against the mountainsides, into the landscape. Here is a link to visuals and there are many more on Kyan's page.

name. Kyan Raventhorn
application. Link

CODEA Timeless Original Species ⓒ

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