
Adventuring through twisted time.


"Be strong enough to stand alone; Be yourself enough to stand apart; But be wise enough to stand together when the time comes."
Long did the brothers and Gods Osiris and Set battle each other in the ancient times of Egypt while the Earth suffered in their cosmic wars, for Set’s jealousy of his brother was all consuming. Set wanted what he could not have in his sister and Osiris’s wife, Isis, the goddess of life and magic. It was in this hatred that the God had formed a plot to shamefully murder his brother, knowing he would never be able to beat him.

Osiris had been with his wife Isis and son Horus, walking the banks of the Nile. It was then that Set attacked from behind, running his brother through with a magical blade while his army held Isis and Horus captive. Set was quick to tear the body of his brother into many pieces and tossed it into the Nile to never be recovered while taking Isis for his own.

Set soon became complacent in his victory over his brother and Isis had begun to form a plan of her own. She found trust in her sister who was also Set’s wife, Nephthys, goddess of the night and dead, who helped find all the pieces of Osiris over the banks of the Nile. They quickly went to Set and Nephthys’s son Anubis, the God of embalming and the afterlife, to see if they could successfully bring back Osiris from the dead.

The family’s plan had succeeded and soon Osiris walked the Earth once more, but they too had raised an army and marched against Set. Set was no match for the rage and vengefulness of his brother as Osiris and his armies marched against him. It was seeing that his wife Nephthys and his own son Anubis and his troops had joined with his brother that made him go mad. With his last breaths, Set turned all of Anubis’s troops into jackals before Osiris beheaded his brother.

With the help of his mother and aunt, Anubis was able to alter the magic his father had placed on his troops. They were no longer jackals eternally, but could change into the men they once were except on the night of a full moon. It would seem they could not completely undo what Set had done and the wars of the Gods would forever scar that of men.

The soldiers would go on to try and live normal lives which would seem somewhat impossible under their circumstances, but they began to form packs and families, adjusting to what they’d become. The magic did not end with these men and they soon realized the gene had passed down to some of their children and the generations of their kind would continue on.

The enchantment Set had placed upon those soldiers then had warped over the millennia. The jackal resemblance of their forefathers were now that of wolves; The new strain of this magic giving them different forms to their wolf transformation and abilities. These lupines are fiercely protective of their kind and strive to keep their packs strong in every way, but are bound to the explosively aggressive and magical DNA of Set that pumps through their veins which could reveal their secret to the humans they so wish to blend with.
Lupines are shapeshifters. They can transform into different versions of a wolf form. The first being the one where they still appear to look human, but become slightly bigger and stronger than their human form. The second form they can transform into a half wolf from the torso up and half man from the waist down. In this form they are stronger than the first, more agile, and faster. Their third form is in full wolf transformation. They stand four feet in height on all fours and doubling in size or more on their back legs. They are at full peak in their abilities and strengths in this form. Their fourth and final form allows them to transform into a wolf of normal size where they are less strong, but have their enhanced senses, telepathy among one another, and can move the fastest.

Lupines can hear each other's thoughts while they are in their wolf forms within a mile's distance.

Because of their enhanced senses mentioned in the traits, lupines can feel the aura of others. This allows them to sense the intentions of others and whether they are lying or not, especially through physical contact. This ability can become very overwhelming at times in large groups of people and concentration is needed to block the auras of others away. Sanguine, reapers, and banshees are much harder to read.
Lupines have the best sense of smell and hearing among other species. They are excellent trackers because of this.

Lupines are the strongest supernaturals after drakes. They can easily lift several hundred pounds in their human forms and their jaws, in wolf form, are an iron grip. Their muscular structure allows them to move fast and exude more energy than any other species.

Lupines can heal rather quickly. Bullet wounds, cuts and slashes, burns, punctures and the like will begin to mend instantly.

A lupine's claws are razor sharp and their jaws are strong enough to rip flesh and break through wood, bone, and some metals.
Lupines have no choice but to shapeshift into their final wolf form for the entire night when there is a full moon. They are the most animalistic during then and have trouble discerning their human side from the animal side.

Lupines cannot shapeshift into their wolf forms when the new moon is up. They are at their absolute weakest and are essentially human for the night.

Silver to lupines is deadly. This can be used in the form of weapons like knives, swords, and bullets if someone is intending on killing a lupine. The touch of it will cause a wolf's skin to burn.

Lupines can die by the use of excessive force and other means. Several gunshots, beheading, drowning, etc. Their bodies can only heal so fast. Too many injuries will cause death.

Lupines are susceptible to other species' abilities because they are close to humans, including- a banshee's scream, a mystic's magic, a gypsy's illusion and dreamwalking, a sanguine's venom and hypnosis, a siren's song, a fae's magic, a drake's fear gaze and breath, and an eternal's affinity.
Lupines are the most aggressive of the supernatural world. They have trouble controlling their anger and have explosive bouts of emotions. It can lead to having trouble holding their human form because the wolf transformation tries to take hold.

Because lupines heal so quickly and continuously, they tend to live much longer lives, reaching a few hundred years.

Lupines prefer to live in packs. They live by an alpha's rule. To challenge an alpha would mean a fight to the death and the winner becoming or remaining alpha. Packs are like families. All members are willing to die for one another and do what is necessary to ensure their safety and survival.
Zeta (eyes glow golden)- The Alpha to all. The Zeta is the leader of all lupines and though the Zeta does not interfere with individual packs, he/she can intervene if he/she wants to. Lupines see the Zeta as their king or queen. The Zeta is the strongest lupine of all. Spade is the newest. Alpha (eyes glow red)- Leader of the pack and looked to by the others for direction, safety, and law. Beta (eyes glow steel blue)- Second in command and closest ally to the Alpha. If the Alpha is gone for a period of time, the Beta takes command. Gamma (eyes glow pale green)- Eldest members of the pack who act as a council. Delta (eyes glow white)- Best fighters of the pack. Luna/Luno (eyes glow pale yellow)- The mate to the Alpha. Pack members (eyes glow yellow)- All other members of the pack without a rank. Omega (eyes do not glow)- Newest members of the pack, young wolves being trained, or those that have been lowered in rank due to a wrongful action. Pups (eyes do not glow)- Children in the pack. Rogues (eyes change to black)- A lupine with no pack. A lone wolf. Packs often look down on these types of lupines.

The only way a lupine can pass on the wolf gene is through genetics. Their children may or may not get the gene. It can skip generations.

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