
Adventuring through twisted time.


Absent Group

Members: 11
Latest Activity: Sep 26, 2023


Going away
 ⚜ If you are going to be gone for an extended period of time, please leave a comment with the expected time frame.

⚜ Monthly activity checks will be done and accounts that haven't been active in the last month will be removed and will have to reapply.

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Comment by Astrid Winther - Council on September 26, 2023 at 1:31pm

Due to work and this currently being an 80mile round trip from home, I won't be around or as easily contactable. I'll be able to pop in but will unlikely be able to do any replies as Uni has also begun. 

Comment by Colette Dubois on June 1, 2023 at 9:22am

I kinda disappeared immediately after starting a thread, but I'm here to say, well, I'm still going to be inactive for a couple months until the next school year (so August 6thish). Sorry!

Comment by Hawk Black on February 14, 2023 at 12:45am


I know I've been away a while and missed the last check but unfortunately, I will not be able to reply to any of my threads until after March 3rd. I promise to be extremely active when I'm here. 

Comment by Astrid Winther - Council on February 2, 2023 at 4:15pm

Hey gang! I'm sure that I'll post before 3rd March, but just incase I'm unable to - I'm posting here. 

University & placement & life in general are incredibly hard to juggle and finding the time to write a reply is non existent at the mo. 

This applies to all of my roles. 


Chosen Citizen

Citizen of the Realm Brandon LeCreaux

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