Started this discussion. Last reply by Hathor Mar 20, 2024. 11 Replies 0 Likes
The hot Egyptian sun burned down across the golden desert sand and its rays liquified the sight of all the sun, sick souls. Hawk was far from anything familiar in this environment; overdressed and…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Clarice De Biville - Council Apr 17, 2024. 17 Replies 0 Likes
The weary traveller rubbed his eyes before he laid them back on the old beaten scroll trembling in his shivering hands. The cold he was no stranger to but the bitter cold was new to him as the cold…Continue
SPELL CASTING Spell casting is the ability to cast a pre-written or created spell, using potions, hand gestures and the spoken word.
SCRYING Scrying is the ability to find someone or something using blood, a map and a scrying stone.
POTION MAKING The mixing of herbs and various other ingredients or components to make liquid potions generally using a mortar and pestle and cauldron (pot).
CRYSTALS Tapping into their natural abilities, Mystics have used them as amulets or arcana focus. They are one of the strongest forms of magic everyone can access.
RUNES Creating runes can only be done by a High Sorceri and is the ability to create symbols to enhance the strength and duration of an existing spell. Ex. Healing rune, fire rune, barrier rune etc. The runes must be etched onto the user's skin like a tattoo and can then be activated whenever the caster chooses to enhance a spell.
GRIMOIRE These are spell books put together throughout time that help Mystics understand how to cast spells. These books are often put together by families of magic users and passed down through the years. They are also crafted by Sorceri to help train others in the use of magic.
SPELL WRITING Writing spells can only be done by Sorceri and is the task of creating a new spell that has never before been written, usually by taking the writings of other spells and improving on it or combining ones that already exist into something different.
POTION CREATION Only Sorceri's have the abilities to make new kinds of potions.
MULTI-MYSTICHOOD Since they are born with magic in their blood, they are not limited to learning one path of magic. The world of magic is in their hands as long as they train properly.
THE ART OF WAR With all the hardships throughout Hawk's life he's retained the ability to survive through learning to fight both physically and mentally without his magic. Since he could never fully rely on his mystic abilities he had to learn other means to defend himself. Hand to hand combat from being repeatedly jumped or attacked in the streets. Weapon arts from his time with The Gypsies and as a pirate. Fighting without his magic is mainly how he lives.
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