Started this discussion. Last reply by Rainore Riverscar - Council Feb 25. 4 Replies 0 Likes
Started this discussion. Last reply by Nerissa Ironspring Aug 30, 2023. 17 Replies 0 Likes
Started this discussion. Last reply by Rainore Riverscar - Council Feb 25. 16 Replies 0 Likes
― Let me sing you a lullaby about salt. How my Mother left my body to the waves. It is not a sad song, follow me and I'll sing you the rest.
They left the child alone upon the rock and returned to their Kingdom to continue our their normal lives; Rainore’s cries echoed along the coast in a hauntingly manner for many days until men from the closest Fisherman town built up the courage to find the cause of such nightmarish screams. Upon finding the child on the small rock, they were flabbergasted that the little bundle was able to survive that long, alone without food or water. They took her back to the town of Polperro, where the village’s people met to discuss who would take on the child; to have her as one of their own. The discussions went on for many hours until the Mayor, Charles and his Wife, Vivienne Rosewell took her - the people soon agreed, knowing that the couple had been trying for a child for many years. Naming their child was not a difficult job, they considered where they found her and gave her name which related to the sea and to water - Talise. Talise Rosewell. Growing up, Talise was showered with love from her parents which consequently lead the people of Polperro to do the same; the village people would often come and offer her gifts such as flowers and bread, seeing her as a blessing - a gift from God.
Many would have thought that after all the attention that was given to the Mayor’s daughter, she would turn out selfish and rude, however, Talise turned out to be the complete opposite. She was soft and gentle hearted, the one that always went out of her way to make other people happy. Throughout her childhood, if the young girl was not found at home, she would be running across the sand barefoot - allowing the crashing waves to lick at her feet; she was always drawn to nature, dreaming of it everytime she was tucked up in bed. Yet, her peaceful life was soon going to change once she reached the age of sixteen; news had reached Polperro that King Henry the 8th would be visiting. His visit would do well for Polperro, it would put the small Fisherman town on the map and could create tourism, and therefore, more money. Charles was ecstatic, and for months prior to the King's visit, Talise never truly saw her Father - he was busy with council and many other important men; however, he had demanded that Talise and the other women in his life to go to classes to improve their manners and behaviour as women. Talise couldn’t understand herself why in Earth she needed to attend classes on how to walk proper, or how to talk proper; she didn’t believe she had to change for a man, even if he was a King and found herself protesting this order from her Father; despite her protests, she obliged simply not to give her aging Father a heart attack.
Throughout those months, she began to experience withdrawal from nature, thus, becoming extremely temperamental; the people around her couldn’t believe she was the still the same girl that they watched grow, however, they soon found out that it was because she had finally become a woman also. They passed her temperament off as that, and were also somewhat relieved that she had finally matured, and as soon as that came to light, Charles was determined to try and find a suitable suitor once the King’s visit had gone smoothly. Eventually, the day had come at King Henry 8th came to the village; Polperro buzzed with celebrations, women and men alike cheering for their King and for his Queen, Jane. They were only to stay a day or so, but the Royals loved the village that they extended their stay before making their way to another village on the south west coast.
During their stay there, as Charles had expected, Henry had taken a liking to Talise; in fact, it was said she resembled a younger Jane, back when Henry and her were courting. The King and Talise often took walks along the beachfront throughout his stay, Talise informing him of the many different animals, and which ship and boat belonged to whom before they stumbled across his own that appeared in the harbour. The size of the boat had amazed Talise, even from a distance and it was then that King Henry had promised her that one day she would join him for a voyage; but that day was not anytime soon. It was a good year, maybe two before Polperro had saw The King again and the people truly believed he was not there to see the town, but her; Henry had kept his promise - he arrived shortly after the death of Jane and offered Talise who was now 20 years old, a chance to take a small trip around The British Isles before she too, was due to be wed to man from her village. Talise quickly took Henry up on his offer, however, there was much protest by the men of sea and the men that were to be part of Henry’s crew; they believed it was a bad omen for a woman to be aboard ship and that they would be cursed to die at sea.
“Poppycock!” Henry would roar each time a man spoke against Talise coming aboard; and despite their very efforts, she came aboard and they began their short, but lengthy trip around the isle. It was the first time Talise had ever been off land and she found the whole experience wonderful - the way the waves lapped against the boat and the dolphins which danced alongside them; her features truly glowed with happiness as the sea air caressed her features. However, their beautiful voyage didn’t last long - they had barely reached the North Sea when the waves became violent and uncontrollable; the men struggled to keep the ship stable and that was when the arguments began.
"Get her off” “Throw her overboard” “Kill the witch”
Various of men would shout at Talise, grubby hands grabbing her diminutive form in an attempt to get her close to the side of the ship; Talise thrashed against them, fighting them before pleading with The King who stood there with an inquisitive expression. It was his life or death alongside a woman - Henry snorted and waved a hand of dismissal, approving the men's decision to rid the ship of its witch; the decision was easy to make, he could take plenty of other women. Once the decision was made, a sudden calmness rushed over Talise and she took a deep breath; shrugging her way free from the crew, she didn't want to be murdered - if she were to die to supposedly save lives, she'd rather take her own. Blue orbs widened as she glanced at the angry, aggressive wave beneath her but within moments her legs had pushed her off the boat and into the water. The water swallowed her whole, Talise never saw the surface again with legs.
Talise believed she was hallucinating in her moment of calmness before death; for what she saw was surreal. Slender legs merged together, pure black scales appearing where there was once pale flesh, a fin appearing at her feet. Just as she felt the last bit of breath leave her, she suddenly choked as her breath came back; breathing as if she was on land. Confusion set in as fishes came up to greet her, nipping and tearing her dress until it was no more; her chest exposed to all sea life but more importantly exposed to other half fish, half human beings. Naturally she crossed her arms over her breasts to secure her dignity as the many eyes scanned her over.
“Riverscar" One male shouted to the others as they all glanced down to the colour of her tail; they all had a golden tail. Talise remained quiet, still… Believing she was dreaming as they guided her to their Kingdom. She remained with the sirens of the Deasea Kingdom for a while as they taught her who and what she was; they taught her to survive as a Siren. Talise came to understand she was The Abandoned Princess of Aquadea and her true name was Rainore Riverscar. Upon the realisation she was left to die on land by her biological family, anger fueled her bloodstream; a bitterness like nectar upon her tongue. It was time to confront Aquadea, her Father and Grandfather.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Header credit: openyoureyesandlive via deviant art.
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CursedRonan Havelock said…
You can't catch me I know how to win now!
Observe the power!
FaeNerissa Ironspring said…
Magic half fish lady! I hope your birthday is very blessed and these gifts satisfy.
FaeNerissa Ironspring said…
I don't drink but I would get drunk with you on this Christmas day!
Merry Christmas!
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