
Every Tale Makes Timeless Stories

It was still a foreign concept for Rain to get her head around the fact that she had lived a lie for a good twenty years; and now she had this whole new world exposed to her. Yet, she supposed some of it made sense as to why she was always so drawn to water from a very young age. However, now that she had this siren lifestyle, she loved it and loved the stronger personality that often itched within; she also couldn't deny she loved the hunt either. The screams of her prey. Oft. It was always beautiful. 

Yet now that she had this new life, she didn't think she would ever be the prey herself - always the predator. Rain guessed she'd have to watch her back from curious humans trying to capture her and learn from her but still. As she lay there, naked on the beach, the sand being tainted by her blood; she groaned in absolute agony. With a sharp pull, she yanked the spear out of her flesh and bit roughly into her own arm.

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Nerissa's head slowly tilted as she took in Rainore words about how the magic in her veins was unknown to her. “That is such a strange concept to me.” she said softly as she was raised knowing she had magical abilities, untrained in them since she was meant to die for her people but still she knew she had it. “You were considered a witch?” she asked curiously as she looked to her tail. “May I ask how being tried as a witch made you grow a tail?” her naivety still shining through her words as she clearly had no idea about being tried as a witch meant. “I was very sheltered when I was born.” she said shyly, folding her hands together.

It wouldn’t be the last time someone would say they wanted to eat her due to the scent her blood gave off. In fact this chance meeting with Rain is what would plant the seed of the idea of selling her blood to Sanguine and for other reasons. Yet she gulped at her words before feeling the heat in her face. “I-,” she wasn’t overly sure what to say as she watched the siren take in her scent. Thankful for the question to move past how she smelt to her. “Well my friend that I trust has been gone for a while. Doing his own thing and I need to get supplies to restock my shop. So not a choice but something that needed to be done?”

Looking at her tail taking in the black color and then looking back to her face with a soft smile. “Oh I understand! For the Fae it often goes off of ear length and eye colors to disquish families where I am from. Though it's not always certain.  Though we also have symbols that distinguish us from each other.  How did you learn you were from Aquada?” she questioned since her words seem to give the impression she didn’t know she was a Siren for a long time. “Do you have any enemies of the tail kind?” she queried as she shifted on her knees next to the tub.

Nerissa gave a big smile at the promise of venturing together for a drink. Would she finally find an alcohol she liked? She had been in the process of making her own with fruits she had found but she had no idea what she was doing also. “I would love that! I don’t get out much. Is there something that would be nourishing to you besides a chunk of myself?” She gave a weak feeble chuckle to break the tension.

It was difficult to try and find the correct words, the correct phrasing to explain her past and her relationship with the Supernatural. By the look on Nerissa's face, it appeared it was incredibly hard to comprehend that someone didn't know who they were until a certain incident occurred. Rainore, also, had only had to explain her rebirth to other, fellow Sirens who knew way more about her heritage than she did; so in fact, this was the very first time she was telling a complete newbie. "I helped people overcome illnesses by herbs and all things natural so that automatically raised suspicions. However, when I died." Rain paused to see the woman's reaction. 

"When I died, I was on a ship. A female on a ship is a bad omen apparently. And so they shouted witch and blamed me for when the weather turned. And the next thing I knew, I was overboard becoming one with the ocean." There was so much more to add to the story, Rainore knew that but she couldn't be bothered, quite frankly, to go into so much depth. Rain tilted her head as Nix explained how the Fae differentiated and how their location created different appearances. "And where are you from?" She tried to look past her hair to see just how pointy the fae’s ears were. 

Rain snorted. "I have a target or two that I would like to seek some revenge on. But to call them enemies… it's too early to tell" She sank a little deeper into the bath and glanced at her tail. She held a form of hatred towards her biological Grandfather and Father but she didn't actually know what she would do if and when she came into contact with them. "Surprisingly enough, Sirens are very gentle to their kin. Very strict rules and punishments should a siren inflict pain on another" She would also cross that hurdle when she gets the chance to meet her Siren Kin. 

"I can eat mundane, human food. That'll be enough to get some strength back" She responded kindly. "But with said strength, I will need to hunt to get back into shape and then, to the tavern we go.”

✧ Tumultuous ✧
Nerissa found herself leaning in hanging on every word that left the Sirens lips as she spoke on how she died and rebirthed into her form. Her head cocked to the side hearing this for the first time that a female on a ship was a bad omen but it made sense with the people she had seen come and go off the docks in town. Her brows furrowed together as she wished she could help ease the memories that pained her, for she wasn’t a witch or anything bad. It was a shame that was how she met her end. “The Siren was dormant inside of you then? Part of you or was it the sea that blessed you with a new life?” she asked for some clarification.

She thought for a moment on how to explain where she was from, “My home is no more. I am from across the ocean, a place many have never seen or heard of.” Nerissa's ears came to a gentle point not one that would be obvious unless you were looking for it, her eyes were what would give away she was a fae to someone looking at her too long. They simmered with a rainbow coloring over the hazel hues that were there. She had a long off stare as she thought of her home at that moment.

“Are you one who wants enemies? Or does it just come with the nature of not wanting to end up on the wrong end?” she questioned as she watched her sink deeper into the bath. She reached her finger into the bath water circling some fae magic into it. “I wish my people had the same kind of punishments, though I guess if they did I would be long dead more than I was meant to be.” She said absentmindedly as she pulled her hand back. “Though I guess punishment can be subjective in the end.” She muttered as she shifted to her feet.

“Do you think you can shift? Or would you rather me run and go get the food?” She asked, gesturing to the tail. “Unless you wish I drag you around town as a spectacle.” She said with a chuckle on her lips. “Strength is what you need and I can do my best to provide since I am the reason you aren’t at full strength.”


“People have a habit of staring at me regardless”

Rainore was surprised that Nerissa had managed to somewhat understand how she became a Siren; it was confusing for any new land born siren let alone someone who is not exposed to the siren life at all. “I had the siren gene, my birth parents are both sirens” Rain continued whilst attempting to ensure she spoke in simpler terms. “The lore says that if us land born siren’s are to gain our tail, we must die and must have done something in our two legged life to obtain it. So I wouldn’t be surprised if there are people out there that were in fact sirens but didn’t do anything to deserve it in death” The raven haired female shrugged. “It is the God Poseidon who deems us worthy of it. I don’t know what I did to activate the gene."

“I may have heard of it, being one of the only people that can go from one country to the next without the worry of cost or death” She smirked slightly, and to be fair, Rain had done her fair bit of traveling since becoming a Siren, but probably not as much as she should have done; others would literally die to be able to have the chance. “Why is your home no more? Do you know for sure that it is gone?” Rain tilted her head to the side like a curious puppy.

“A bit of both, I suppose” Rain pursed her lips in thought. “I have the upbringing of a human, one with a zest for life and one who would help others no matter the cost. Someone who came from a wholesome home that smelt like warm bread but then, now with my siren activated; I am someone who can be relentless, cruel and wicked. So I’m just a hurricane of emotions, you’ll never know how I’m going to react, I suppose” She laughed, and watched the ripples of water form around Nerissa’s finger. “Why would they want you dead?”

Rain pondered this for a moment before chuckling. “People have a habit of staring at me regardless” She winked. “But I should have enough strength in me to transition back into two legs… I don’t suppose you have any clothes that would fit me, Little Fae?"

✧ Tumultuous ✧
Rainore was a fascinating new friend as she spoke Nerissa was clearly deeply invested in the words she was saying. Processing the information, she had become extremely interested in how much there was in the world. From being basically a princess locked away in the tower she never knew there were so many interesting species and people in the world. She tilted her head to the side and frowned softly at the thought of someone needing to die to gain a beautiful tail like Rainores. It was such a strange concept for her to wrap her head around. “A god?” She never heard of gods but Devon often cursed the local church. “So did you die or no?” She asked curiously.

“I come from the Redwood Forest over the ocean. I drifted her on some wood.” She sighed as she thought of her home. “It was beautiful, my home, all the red trees forever autumn it felt like. Yet when I ran for my freedom a darkness engulfed my home.” of her doing she thought to herself for a moment, “My people turned into monsters. I used my abilities to create a dome over my home so they couldn’t escape.” She looked away from Rain. At that moment the guilt made her want to double over and lay on the floor but she didn’t.

She couldn’t remember the last time she had been so open about her past, had Rainore cast a spell on her? Or did she feel so guilty to have harmed her she felt the need to bare her soul. “A hurricane of emotions…I like that way of phrasing what you have gone through. I believe you can be both still though, with the right person.” She gave a smile towards her, the image of warm bread making her stomach growl. “I was to give my life for my people. Any daughter born of ironspring blood is supposed to be sacrificed to the mother tree. I ran instead.” She gave her a side eye wondering about her reaction.

Her next words made a blush touch the point of her ears thinking about it before she gave an easy chuckle. “I have a dress that may be a little short but you can use one of my skirts to help with length for your comfort.” Nerissa moved to her room that was just through the door and pulled out a closing match as she returned to the room.

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