
Every Tale Makes Timeless Stories

And so, The Wind blew. Carrying the shrill screams of people as their towns burned and they themselves were ravaged. The scent of death floated through the air joined by floating embers. The Gypsies always came before the fall. This destruction following in their wake; Making their reputation worse. Until The Wind blew again. And so, from the shadow of the destruction, the Gypsies bloomed forth...


They treaded in with caution. Spade at the front of her pack as they arrived in this new ravaged town. She and her pack always headed out in front of their caravan to survey the land. Be sure it was safe for their families there before arriving. Spade's steady gaze took in the sight before her. In a matter of seconds, she surmised what happened here. The scent of wolves, ash and death. The fear riddled and clearly shaken survivors just trying to process it all and help each other be okay again made it crystal clear. Spade clicked her tongue. Her pack waiting for her command. She gestured her head toward the town and they knew it meant she wanted them to help where they could.

Spade wasn’t friendly. She was often feared from rumours and tales alone all built around her name.
She was violent.

She was merciless.

She was malicious.

She was sinful.

But really if anyone actually bothered to watch her. To look at and see just her they’d see she wasn’t any of those things. Though depending on the moment, she could be if that’s what was deserved. There was some truth to the rumours and stories. Spade wore her heart on her sleeve in actuality. She hid it well and the stories helped. But in moments like this that angry glare that took over the features of her face on a consistent basis faded. And the undying fire in her eyes turned down to a low simmer. The people here needed grace and while she was definitely not associated with the word, she could provide it when needed.

“What should we tell the caravan?”

“Tell them to come halfway.
The people here can’t afford
the backlash of a gypsy camp being here.
But we can help with food, drinks
and entertainment to lift their spirits.
If they come to us.”

She sent three-pack members back to the caravan. All with strict instruction to watch each other’s back. The rest stayed with her and continued to help. Spade wasn’t big as a human so she wasn’t expected to be able to do the amazing feats she could very well do. And so, to avoid people's suspension and curiosity of her she conformed to the ways of humans and only displayed the strength and speed any normal human her size would have. With the trace amounts of silver and wolfbane still lurking in her blood, it was a bit too easy for her taste.

She caught her breath with the rest of the townspeople as they all worked together to move piles of fallen and burnt wooden pillars and crumbled stone. Trying to clear the road as best they could while the people who lived here decided on their next steps. She was rubbing her hands together to get most of the soot and dirt off them when she spotted the notice board. That usual ferocious facial expression reclaiming her facial features as she forwarded her brow. She stared at the poster on the board up close before ripping it off. Curious as to why it hadn’t burnt up with everything else. The only logical explanation she could find was it might have been posted after the raid. This was her old wanted poster. Her eyes keenly searched all the information given. She hadn’t seen the poster in eight years give or take but she was sure this was the one for her head. She recognised the portrait of her wolf anywhere.

She turned the page about to be sure she didn’t miss anything but after a moment she was sure it didn’t mention anything about her directly. At least not any more. The name Spade now just reduced to “The Wolf King”. She snorted to herself. They didn’t even know the proper term. Furthermore, they didn’t even know it was a lady Lupine in the portrait. She clicked her tongue deciding to keep this and bring it to the caravan with her. Her old one was stuffed away somewhere and she wanted to compare the two to be sure.

“They say he can control other wolves.”

An old man approached capturing Spade's attention.


“One look from him is all it takes and now that wolf is his.”


“He came through here like the devil himself.
Tore up who and what he wanted.
Dragged anyone or thing he liked away.
His wolves dancing with destruction as they tore through town.
And then, they just vanished! Out of the blue like they weren’t even here.”


Spade's face changed to that of confusion. Dashed with a bit of concern and swarming with whole lotta anger. She’d only taken her eyes off the old man for a second but now he was gone. Subtly she looked for him but something told her she wouldn’t find him. He left no scent in the air or tracks in the wet mud and soot on the ground. But just like the story he sort of told he left Spade with reasonable distress she hid just as well as she hid everything else.


The sun had long set. The gypsies all crawled from their tents or scampered out of their carriages as the moon rose. The giant bond fire already ablaze while the musicians tuned their instruments and the storytellers began to weave their wild tales as the people from town came in and sat before them. Spade was in her tent. Her eyes dashing back and forth between the two wanted posters. She was clearly perplexed now in private. The posters were almost identical. The old one she’d kept for years had more information than the newer one. It held her name. The status she had within the supernatural world. Distinguishing marks.

She'd heard the last of the people who knew about her original bounty had died years ago. The lacking information on this new poster confirmed it but it didn’t make her feel much better. She clicked her tongue and rolled her lips together as she tossed both posters into the giant bond fire and watched as they burned to a crisp. She didn’t stay with her people as they danced and communed with the townspeople she’d helped earlier and that brought Mama into her tent.

“So just like a thief in the night you’re leaving.”

Spade sighed at Mama’s words. Glancing over her shoulder at her as she stopped packing.

“Would you let me leave otherwise?”

The silence from Mama made Spade hum. Her silence more telling than any answer.

“You'd be safe with us!”

A long silent breath left Spade. Her facial features slowly tightening as the breath left her. “But you wouldn’t be safe with me. All things in the dark will come to light. One day someone will find out this “king of the wolves” is actually a woman. And what if someone finds out I’m a wolf? One with black fur and gold eyes and matching the physical description of the wolf in the poster? What if my old wanted poster is found lost in The Wind somewhere?”

It was Mama's turn to click her tongue. Trying to convince her daughter she’d still have a better chance with family or anyone really than on her own but Spade was stubborn and once her mind was made up that was usually the end all be all. “Well then tell me. What makes this hunt different from the last?” Mama curried and sent Spade into deep thought.

“I don’t know
there were these rogues in town. Human ones, not wolves.

They’re hunting the Wolf King; One of them had a...”


Spade stopped speaking for just a moment as she peered out the front of her tent at the rogues coming into the caravan camp now. “...sword.” Mama with forwarded brow peered out of the tent after Spade. “Is that Ex-” “-Yes.” Quickly Mama pulled the flap to Spade's tent down and grasped her daughter’s chin. Spade jumped and flinched away from being touched but stopped herself, and with a steadying breath let her mother continue.

“Moonpie in the next few seconds, we’re going to walk out of this tent and welcome those men.
How we treat them, however, is all based upon you and how you answer my questions.

With faint hesitancy Spade nodded her head. Mama riddled out a slew of questions all to do with being sure these rogues didn’t suspect her daughter in any way. Spade would bet her life on them not knowing anything about her other than her being a Gypsy. And so, being convinced that these rogues were just here to accept the invitation of food and drink and entertainment given to them earlier Mama walked out of Spade's tent with a smile. Determined to give them a warm welcome as she always did to everyone. Spade begrudgingly followed but not to welcome them. She never did.

“Smile for once Moonpie.”

“That’s not happening.”

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There were quite a few emotions that passed through Luna and he was trying to pin every single one. That's what he did, after all. It was why he was so good at reading people and being successful in what he did back at home to help others. His eyes studied the averting of her eye contact to the way her pulse moved beneath her sun-kissed skin. This wasn't anger and revenge. She was more concerned in helping others and the softness of her smile and voice spoke to it. It was steady and not filled with fury. At least then, anyway. She was a puzzle, for sure, but Devon understood why she was held in such high regard among her people too. 

A new emotion arose. A type of acceptance and then her revealing that she would have to come back to London when the time came for he and his Rogues to go. Somehow he didn't think that far ahead despite just beyond keeping an eye on her here with whatever that was that happened back in town then. Tearing her away from her people was not something he would ever want. She meant too much to them and he wouldn't want to drag Luna around with him when she clearly had no desire. She was no part of their cause and he couldn't be responsible in killing her happiness any further.

Once she turned to walk away, Devon reached out and softly grabbed her arm to stop her, stepping towards her to close the gap. "I'm sorry. I wouldn't do that to you. You shouldn't sacrifice leaving just because of this," he said motioning to the necklaces, speaking lowly. "I have people that can handle things back at home while we finish what's going on here. Then we can deal with the whole stuck together forever bit." He smirked and dropped his hand from Luna once he realized he was still holding her. After a brief moment of lingering too long in the closed space, he continued towards camp silently.

The others immediately noticed their presence as they came through the clearing. Some of the Rogues stood up, but they all gathered close around the fire as Devon explained what their next plan of action was. Everyone seemed a little hesitant at first, but none wanted to lose any more people in the fighting, so they were eventually all on board. Arrangements were also made so some of them could return home and continue operating things while he was away. Sarah had come running over and looked like she'd been cleaned up along with some clothing that was clearly from their Gypsy companions. The beading and shells on the colorful dress made a ton of noise with her every step before she nearly collided into Devon. The girl still wasn't much for words though and she stayed firm standing against his chest while he sat on a log with the others gathered.

Devon's eyes landed on Luna as she spoke to her brethren, explaining what they'd discussed in the woods alone. There were determined nods in response from the others and it seemed they would soon all be working towards this new plan. Though, night was coming on within the next few hours and they would need to make sure their camp was safe or as safe as could be given this wolf king was still prowling the region. That and Devon still needed to be sure of what Luna was hiding. He just wasn't sure how to go about doing it. Having a very open conversation about what he'd heard and seen didn't seem like something she would take to well. "Milo," he said quietly to his best friend sitting next to him as the others were busy talking among themselves and preparing for supper. His gaze still remained on Luna while he spoke. "Tell me about the wolf legends again from your town."

Luna's mind was swirling with the next steps. Relieved and ultimately surprised he agreed to this scheme. So focused on her thoughts. That's half of why she didn't jump and jerk away when he took her arm. Why she didn't push away when he closed the space between them. This moment was unexpectedly tender. It gave Luna a moment, to actually look at Devon. See him clearly. Take in his features. Voice. Scent. Something she hadn't had the chance to do until now. His words made Luna's eyes soften for just a second. As she prepared to interject but instead just listened. Consequently not ruining the possible rare moment. 

She was peculiarly quiet at this moment. Adding to its warmth. It wasn't until he let her go that she realised how her breath had gone shallow. Or when he stepped away that she noticed how warm she felt. When she was usually the one to make others feel that warmth. Once they got past the hard shell she let everyone believe she had. She was right behind him as they rejoined everyone and suddenly the camp was split in half again as the rogues went to Devon and her pack came to her. Separating them in the process. For now, she didn't think much of it. Just that it was something to work on if they were meant to work together. 

"Should we ask Mama and the caravan for help?" 

She had just finished explaining the plan to her pack. She didn't growl. And for the most part, remained calm hearing this question. Except for how the gold in her eyes flared. Burning bright for a flash. Until she blinked. But that was enough to shake her pack. Have them falter for one second. It hadn't even been 24 hours since Mama's betrayal. So clearly that was still a sore subject. "No. While Mama and the caravan are a great asset to have. I think it's best to let some time pass before we see her again." 

There was a pause after her words. But in that pause were moments of thinking among her pack. So eventually they all agreed. "If we really need the Gypsies..." She paused. Hesitated really as she looked away and eventually huffed. "... I will reach out to Aunt Nadia and her caravan." That sparked an immediate reaction. A faint uproar that showcased how no one agreed. Luna calms them quickly though. Putting her hands up and repeating "I know!" Over their complaints, concerns and comments. 

"Listen to me! I know! Practically every Gypsy knows about Mama and her sister's infamous fallout. But after what Mama did to me who here can say they don't trust Mama a little less now? That you're not consistently wondering if you're next up for one of her mysterious plots. Pondering if marriage was mild compared to what else Mama can make you do without you ever fully realizing it before it's too late."

She never rose her voice. Or showed that she was angry. She was calm, cool and collected throughout. Waiting to see if any of them objected to her words as she crossed her arms over her chest. Her ears twitched when she heard Devon as she lay in wait for her pack's reply. Asking one of his men about the old wolf tales. And while she never gave any indication that she heard him or that she was concerned. She was panicked. "Aunt Nadia isn't the ideal choice but given all of our current concerns regarding Mama she's our only option IF we do need the Gypsies." 

She managed to focus back on her pack in time. But now her mind was running. Focused on when she last let her wolf out. When the full moon was. Or the new moon. Or any moon that might affect her and her pack for that matter. She dismissed her pack. Allowing them to continue socializing with the rogues and each other. 

"Sorry to interrupt." 

She approached Devon. Smiling softly. "I'm just here to take Sarah for a moment. She and I-" She knelt down in front of the young girl and smiled. "-Need to talk... alone." She poked her nose. She normally wouldn't take her away from someone she was comfortable with. But as a wolf, she needed to talk to the Zeta. Know she was safe with her among some other very important things.

Howls at the moon. Worships devils. Eats children?! It all sounded a bit ridiculous to him, but he still knew very little about the world of magic and the beings that came from it. Devon put a hand through his hair and sighed. Somehow eating children didn't exactly seem like something Luna was capable of and he wondered how much of Milo's storytelling was exaggerated by the fear people held for things they didn't understand. He didn't have to think on it hard. The answer was clearly most of it. Still, he knew what that beast was doing to the various towns and its people in the region and he wasn't so sure that this wolf didn't do those things Milo mentioned.

His eyes looked up to Luna making her way over to them. The pull from the necklace always seemed to indicate when she was near and he could feel her presence before ever having to actually see her coming. He supposed that was a good and bad thing. Good because it made it easy to keep an eye on her. Bad because that also meant she knew when he was close and trying to casually keep an eye on someone else when they know you're there doesn't really help in that endeavor. Sarah had been kneeling next to Devon when she approached and though he found it odd to request talking to the child alone, he didn't protest. However, he did stand up and gave Luna a hesitant look. Sarah continued on drawing circles and other things in the dirt while Devon took a few steps away from the girl so she would be out of immediate earshot of their exchange.

"I'm not so sure you're going to get anything from her," he began looking back at Sarah who was still minding her self in a world of her own. "She hasn't said anything else besides giving up her name. I'm guessing she saw something pretty awful. Maybe went through something worse. Tried asking about her parents and she grabbed my hand. I thought she was going to break it, honestly. Then about the wolf and she gripped onto my leg like she was terrified." It had taken Devon quite a few moments to get the girl to calm down where she finally let go and began playing on the ground, drawing strange symbols. He nodded to Luna to follow him as they stood behind the child who was still far off in her drawing. "Do you recognize any of that?"

"Devon!" The interruption of his name was being called by Milo who jogged over to him. "We've got the scout situation worked out with the others." Others he knew meant the Gypsies they were now working with. "We've mapped out the shifts on the perimeter. Hopefully that thing won't show its face while we're all asleep, but with the sheer number of us, I don't think it would take the risk."

"Who knows. With all its successes, it might just have the confidence to do anything now." His gaze went over to Luna then. "We're going to have to figure out where we are getting all these materials from too. Maybe from the towns we've helped at a considerable rate cause it won't come cheap." He nodded to Milo and watched him go off, before bending down to Sarah. "Hey princess, Luna wants to talk to you. I'll be right over there, okay?"

Desperately seeking reason. 

Every step closer Luna bore to them she tried to find some rhyme or reason to speak to the pup alone. Without raising any more suspicion. She didn't take Devon's sudden curiosity about Milo's folk tales lightly. A large part of her even blamed that growl he heard her give. While the small and hopeful part of her that was left tried to convince the rest of her it was natural for him to inquire about what they were hunting. In the end, she had no reason to give Devon for her request. Luna was many things but she wasn't a liar. 

And lying now would only make the truth harder to believe later. 

The look he gave her... While outwardly she appeared unphased by it as she kept a straight face inwardly the was a faint panic and even fainter offence. 

Did he not trust her suddenly?

Or did he never really trust her to start?

Albeit, they hadn't known each other long enough to fully trust each other. There was likely a mountain of things they didn't know about the other. And the surface level of trust they did share between them was probably only due to being tossed together and the understanding that they wanted the same thing. They were on the same side.

Or so they believed. 

Devon might think her the devil when he finds out what she is. She bit back the frustrated growl in her throat and focused on the girl instead. Remaining silent as Devon spoke because she didn't want anything from the girl right now. She just wanted Sarah to know who she, Luna, was to Lupines so the young pup could fully understand that she was safe. She also needed to be sure Sarah didn't say anything about that matter to Devon. Luna hoped to be the one to tell him herself. 

She just needed to trust him more. 

Kneeling she watched Sarah draw the symbol in the sand. Something about it was so eerily familiar it made her wolf stir. And so she suddenly groaned as if in a faint pain. But she managed to relax with nothing more than a deep breath. 

"Something in me feels like I should know this... But..." 

She reached down and completed the scribbling with her finger. Looking at Sarah soft but intently. Sarah froze staring at everything as a whole before twisting her mouth and whipping what Luna had added away.

It was wrong. When it should have been right. 

"...I don't." She looked at Sarah and then what the pup continued to scribble. Was it a different dialect she wondered? She was pulled from her thoughts when she heard the scout. Knowing her pack would choose to guard the night for obvious reasons. Nevertheless, though she knew she was running out of time to tell Devon what she was. 

But she had only known this man for a day. And there were men she'd known for decades who had no clue about the Big Black Wolf inside of her. She shook her head " We can't ask those villages for that. They have so little already." She grumbled to herself and clicked her tongue. "I know who we can ask." 

She didn't sound very enthusiastic. 

When finally alone with Sarah she sat on the floor and crossed her legs. Watching her softly. Listening to her surroundings to be sure no one was listening in before speaking kindly and sweet.

"You cried to me and I answered. So I assume you know who I am?"   

Devon's brow furrowed as he looked to the drawings, completely lost for any meaning of it. Maybe just scribbles of a child. He imagined Sarah needed whatever outlet she could find then in order to break away from the awfulness she might've witnessed and been through. There didn't seem to be much harm in it, so Devon wasn't going to discourage it. He only wondered how long it would be until the little girl found the courage and trust in him to finally speak on what happened to her. It also would help in knowing if she even had any family left to go to. From what he'd seen back in town, he'd have to guess there wasn't anyone for her to go home to. 

He watched the exchange between Luna and Sarah. It seemed like some kind of connection was there, almost like they were communicating silently in a way. Still, Sarah remained quiet and Luna confirmed she didn't know what the symbols in the dirt were referring to. His arms folded over his chest in thought. Just another unknown to add to the girl's already shrouded existence. 

As Luna thought on his suggestion for getting lumber from the towns they'd visited already, he was glad to hear that she may have someone else who could help in their newly forming plan. Though, the woman seemed resigned to the fact that asking whomever this was was not something she freely wanted to do either. Devon was going to ask her for more information, but her focus seemed to be completely on Sarah now. Precedence was clearly on this girl above the grander picture at large which he found suddenly odd. Hell, what wasn't odd about his new wife?

His mouth parted as he was going to ask more about what her plan was, but she was already ushering Sarah away to talk. Devon's arms dropped and he sighed through his nose, watching as the two went off to be very clearly alone without the eyes and ears of others. Once again the necklace was telling him where she was and also reminding him that he could not get close without her knowing. He really didn't want to break the possible trust they were building now, but his gut was telling him whatever she was keeping hidden was no reason to believe that they truly had any trust between them to begin with. 

"Milo," he said quietly, his eyes fixed on the tent the two were walking towards. His friend's gaze followed his leader's and he knew without having to say the actual words that Devon was asking him to do a little listening in on what was happening. "Take a walk."

A sniffle. An extra laugh. A few added words in their normal conversation. It blended right into Luna's pack's normal behavior but alerted her to Milo as The Wind alerted them. 

And so there she sat quietly. Her mind running to figure out how she'd talk to Sarah with their little fly on the wall listening in. Luna turned her head and glanced over her shoulder. Even without her pack telling her the goings-on at the moment Luna could smell him near. She heard Devon's quiet instruction to him too. And it didn't take a genius to know what he meant. Milo's heavy footsteps weren't as silent as he thought either. Maybe to a human or another species but a lupines sense of hearing and smell were superior. 


Sarah spoke as her gentle hand came to Luna's chin to grab her attention again. Luna blinked as she turned to face the pup. Her eyes were wide but soft as she smiled hearing Sarah's voice. But she was quickly distracted then as she mulled over how to continue with Milo lurking. Her mouth fell agape and closed a few times over as she huffed away what she wanted to say. "I can keep a secret.' Sarah spoke again and it caused Luna's head to snap towards her. 

She blinked several times as her brow pushed together. Sarah could likely hear and smell Milo spying near too. A silence fell between them as Luna's shoulders fell. Asking a child with a clearly traumatic past to keep a secret. Any secret. Put a foul taste in her mouth and weighed heavy on her conscious. " You won't have to keep it for long. I promise. I'll do my best for your sake to tell Devon myself soon." Sarah didn't reply but instead played with Luna's hair. Which after a while made Luna ask if she also wanted her hair braided. 

They stayed in the tent in silence for a while. Comfortable with just each other presence which was a start because it meant Sarah was no longer nervously doodling on the floor. Finally, they exited the tent and were greeted by Tab. He smiled brightly and crouched down low to not be so intimidating. "I made you this" he held up a small wooden doll. A few more minutes passed and before long Sarah was sitting among Luna's pack. Eating and playing with her new toy. 

She may have clung to Devon but ultimately, she initially cried for Luna. As long as she was okay and safe Luna was happy. Maybe being around other Lupines for a change will get her to open up to Devon later. She smirked at the site for just one second until she realised she still had that little mouse Milo hiding in the bush somewhere. She rolled her eyes. Luna wasn't just excellent at tracking. She was also good at losing a tale. Being fast and small she eventually slipped into the woods while Milo's head was still likely spinning. 

"Has no one ever told you you can't gyp a gypsy?"

She had managed to sneak up on Devon as he was taking a piss. Smirking as she leaned on the tree behind him. "We made up the term " take a walk." She chuckled and looked away to give him some privacy. Crossing her arms over her chest. She was quiet for a second. Allowing him to get himself together. "If you have questions I'd rather you ask them than be spied on. My answer will come when you've proven you can be trusted with it." 

She stood up straight and began to walk. Gesturing with her hand for Devon to follow her. "It will take some time for the people I know to gather the supplies we need and bring them to us. So we should message them now." There was a faint anxiousness in her tone of voice. Aunt Nadia and her mother had had a falling out for a reason after all. After walking a bit they came to a clearing near a cliff where one of her scouts waited with one of Devon's. 

She removed one of the scarves tied around her waist. Handing it off to her scout. " For Nadia." The scout tilted his head as if he had heard that wrong but then gave a curt nod. He held the scarf up over the edge of the cliff and took a breath. Both he and Luna seemed a bit nervous. Like they weren't sure what response they'd get if any. 

He paused.

"Fuck it. Something Wicked This Way Comes." 

The scout let the scarf go. The Breeze dragging it off into the horizon. He took a breath in relief when it disappeared into the sun. But it was premature and Luna knew better than to let her guard down so soon. 

A wise choice on her part. 

One second there was calm. The next a violent wind attacked the party of four. And only them. Nothing else was affected. Luna quickly blocked her face as The Wind pushed so hard it unbraided her hair. She was very keen on watching the scouts though. They were close to the edge of the cliff; seeing them falter so close to falling lit a flame in her belly. 

And so she knuckled up. Digging her feet into the ground she used all her strength and tried to use her speed though she wasn't moving fast at all against The Wind to get to the scouts. Grabbing them both "use the trees in the woods as cover." and tossing them back towards Devon. She felt herself slipping now. Forcing her to get on all fours as her claws came out and dug into the ground. Her wolf fighting to break out and help. It was getting harder to breathe. Harder to calm back down. 

"This pull is as strong as your heartbeats." 

"It will guide you to each other when you are in need."

"Help you keep the other safe."

Normally she'd have hated to hear those words in her head again. But at this moment they helped. And so, Luna closed her eyes and focused. She let her claws recline. Focused on wanting to leave without Devon. Focused on ways to get out of the marriage. And true to Mama's words the necklace responded to those thoughts and rapidly pulled Luna to Devon. 

The necklaces locked together. And Luna grabbed Devon and dragged him into the woods. She found the scouts. Quickly knocked Devon to the ground and climbed on top of him to protect him from The wind. Her scout followed suit. A minute longer and The Wind eventually stopped. Luna tried to sit up and get off of Devon but the necklaces were still latched. Making her curse under her breath as her scout chuckled and began to tease them both. 

"Yeah... Yeah, I'm glad you're alright too." She waved her hand at her scout and then tried to pry the necklaces apart. He helped the other scout up and checked on him "let's take a walk." Luna paused a moment to look down at Devon as if to say "See." Until finally they were unlatched. Luna flopped to the floor and stared up at the treetops trying to catch her breath at last. 

"So those questions I mentioned earlier. You should maybe ask them now. Probably better than me just aimlessly trying to explain what the fuck just happened."

He watched as Milo casually walked off as if there was no planning at all towards the camp, waiting for his moment to follow towards the tent where Luna and the girl had gone off to. Devon waited a few minutes with the others having frivolous conversation about things going on back at home. Food and drink was being passed around which he happily obliged to, but took note of how long Milo had been gone for and figured he'd made himself a spot to listen in on what was so keen about Luna needing to talk to the girl alone. Could she be any more suspicious?

There were too many things going on in his head and sitting still was making him antsy. He stood up from the log that he had made his primary seating now and went off into the woods to relieve himself of the very good wine they had been drinking. Once he was well and good into doing just that, a voice from only feet behind made him jump. "The fuck!" he exclaimed as Luna appeared, glancing over his shoulder. He heard her words despite, rolling his eyes at her absolute gall to be saying what she was, following after just to give her a piece of his mind. He couldn't give a damn about her plans right then.

"Trusted? I'm confused on why you think you're the one that deserves any of the sort when all you do is walk around like you're better than us and do nothing but whisper and signal to your people so we can't hear a thing. I don't owe you anything. I'm here because I have to be. I don't trust you or your people. I'm starting to think how most people regard you all is probably right and I was wrong to think otherwise." Devon was over it all. He had one foot in the direction of London along with all the men. The only thing keeping him here was the hope he could maybe stop this monster and the fucking necklace that wouldn't let him get away even if he wanted to. 

Listening to the odd exchange between her and the scout, he stayed back and watched as the fabric drifted off into the wind wondering what the hell was going on. Perhaps another signal. A message to pass along. More fucking secrets. Devon wasn't sure how in the hell that was a proper system given the wind didn't exactly blow in the direction one wanted it to. His arms folded over his chest and the annoyance was rolling off of him. That was until he was nearly knocked over by an invisible force. 

He toppled forward, but caught himself before he could plant face first into the ground. He dug his boots into the dirt as the force of the wind was pulling him towards the cliffside in a sudden cloud of dust. The cries from the others could barely be heard above the roaring and he saw they were nearly at the edge, but there was nothing he could do to help them. Then, Devon watched as Luna tossed two grown men against the powerful wind tunnel right into him. They formed a human chain and pulled themselves back towards the tree line which could provide some form of protection. The sound was booming and he could barely see what was happening when he turned around to grab onto Luna, only to find her falling against him once the necklaces collided. They were on the ground with a hard thud. He wrapped an arm around her while grabbing onto the large root of the nearby tree with his other free hand in some attempt to keep them from tumbling away. However, it felt like Luna was really the one grounding them somehow.

It seemed like forever, but eventually the chaos ended and there was a deafening silence. Devon let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding and looked up to Luna first and then the necklaces which remained latched while the scouts teased. He cursed loudly at them and the trinkets connecting them. Once his beloved had finally freed herself, Devon remained laying on the ground next to her and stared up at the trees. "No, feel free to aimlessly explain what the fuck just happened because I have no words for any of this anymore." 

For just one second the world was still enough to enjoy. The sun peaked down on them through the branches above as Luna just lay there. She lay there for a while in perfect silence. So quiet that if she hadn't been laying right beside Devon she could easily just vanish into the woods somewhere. She was good at that. In the past, she had to learn to hold her tongue. Stay so silent the threat would pass. At this moment though you could see her thoughts play out across her face. Lupines we're naturally angry and combative and she wasn't above this common trait. But she refused to get into a "marital dispute" with the man beside her. She had already been in enough of those to last her the rest of her miserable life. 

She took a deep breath that she let out slowly through her nose as her eyes closed. "Gypsies communicate with each other through the Wind. They do a lot of if not all things with or through The Wind, as I'm sure you noticed since they don't really hide their abilities." As she began there was a sudden difference in her tone that wasn't there before. It was soft and vulnerable almost which kept her from looking at him for now. "The different color scarves mean different things. What you just witnessed was my asking for the supplies we need for this village we're going to build. " She let out a heavy sigh like something was sitting on her chest. "Gypsies are vowed to peace..."

A vacant and pained looked painted her gaze. And so that silence from before returned for a moment. "...so that means that every Gypsy has their place in accordance to The Wind. You step out of line and well The Wind will let you know you've done wrong. " She, at last, sat up. From here the cliff she just nearly got blown off of could still be seen. For a moment she wondered if her claw marks could be seen if someone went to look. "The woman and her caravan I just called have a unique place in The Wind's natural order of things. And by reaching out to them I crossed a line because I am no longer Gypsy." 

She never shared that before. All the people in her life knew it. They either witnessed her lose The Wind or heard the many tales and rumors of the event. It was odd saying it out loud for the first time and left a bad taste in her mouth. As she fell silent once again it became very clear her silence was purposeful. She was thinking. Wanting her words to be meaningful but also keeping a tight grip on her anger. She was hurt by his words but for the life of her refused to argue with him or show him her anger. "I don't think I'm better than anyone you know." Her voice grew quieter than ever revealing that maybe she thought the opposite of herself. "I'm jaded, angry, and the knives that once stabbed me in the back are still there. But I'm trying." 

She clenched her fist and her jaw clenched as she thought of all his words. She didn't care what he thought of her but her pack didn't deserve his cruel and premature judgment. But she cooled off. For a Lupine her self control was incredible but it also had to be if she hoped to continue to lead by example. "When I speak of trust I'm not speaking of it being one sided. That's why I've taken you everywhere with me. Shared in how my scouts send us messages. Given you everything I know about this Demon we hunt. Showed you the Gypsy's ways because honestly how would I have described that? And would you have trusted me to do it if I somehow managed to? All while hoping you'd act in kind."

"Besides add your scouts to mine and follow my lead without sharing anything... What have you done?" She meant to poke his chest. Instead, her poke hit the jewel on his necklace and pressed against his heart lightly.  

She was facing him now. Squatting as she stared him right in the face. But her tone of voice didn't match the sharpness of her words nor did her face. She seemed more hurt than angry and she couldn't at the moment hide her heart on her sleeves. She clicked her tongue at herself. Looking away for a moment. "I am hiding one secret from you." She looked him right in the eyes. "And I want to share it but today you've reminded me why I stay so recluse. My crew wasn't present for our dreadful union. Which means they've done nothing to you or your rogues. After seeing you and me together they shared their food and liquor. Made an active effort to unify our camp while we were out. Despite their natural caution and fear of letting others close enough to kill them just because they're Gypsy. And yet you still see them as the monsters the world makes them out to be."

"I'd have thought a rogue as you would understand them better. " she moved very close to his face. "You want to make someone here the villain. Fine. Make it me. You've known me a few hours longer than you have my family back there." She pointed towards their camp. "So if you're throwing around your impulsive assessments leave them out of it until you actually have a reason to condemn them. And since we're confessing our impressions of each other to each other the reason I'm so scared of sharing my secret with you is that I truly believe you would kill me or hand me off to be killed for it. Impulsively too since you haven't shown me anything else about you." She inhaled and leaned away from him a little. 

"Everyone has some dark and or painful secret they would rather the world not know." 

She huffed. She had never spoken this much before. Even when she's spoken her mind in the past. But she wanted him to understand she and her pack were making an effort to be inclusive. Since he didn't seem to get that she was now attempting to be as clear as possible. But the sound of her own voice was starting to irritate her. He probably didn't even care. And so, why bother? "You say you have to be here. Yet that wasn't always the case because we both know you were hired to be here at first. Hired by the same people that were murdering the Gypsies because they believed that beast was our doing. I don't know when everything changed for you but I do know they paid you with blood stained hands still thinking, hoping and praying that you would discover we were the owners of that creature. Just to clear their murderous conscious."

Finally, she stood. Mentally telling herself to shut up. You're ranting. He doesn't care. Over and over. "In any case, I got Sarah to stop drawing lines in the dirt and eat. She's currently seating and playing with those treacherous Gypsies." Luna spun around and headed away from Devon and the camp. They had been together since their wedding and with both of their dominant and stubborn personalities, a break was certainly needed. At least on Luna's end, it was. "You should go save her before they teach her how to tell fortunes and steal horses."

The Wild Hunt

Trust fall

Devon listened as Luna explained the ordeal that had just taken place on the cliff's edge moments ago. Yes, he'd heard of the unique powers that Gypsies were supposed to have. Some real and some completely made up by those that feared them. It helped in growing the bad reputation their people received from outsiders. He imagined 'eating children' would tend to turn most people away from a group, but that was what ignorance and fear would do. He, of course, was not as simple minded as most. It also helped that he'd witnessed The Wind, or what he perceived it to be, beforehand. Though he was about a bottle in at that point and that gypsy had gotten away with some coin for his tricks too. It was a lesson he learned quickly about their people. 

Then Luna's tone changed and his eyes met hers. It was the vulnerable hint in her words. Finally a bit of truth from her and he could see the tough exterior bend only slightly. Then... it was back to all the things he'd done wrong. Devon gave an audible sigh and looked out over to the edge of the cliff that they'd almost tumbled down. He gave half a thought to taking the plunge then. Especially when she questioned what he'd done to help in the matter which made him turn to glare at her. Now he was being accused of not being understanding, being impulsive, and only out there because he was getting paid for it. However, the worst of it was Luna saying he would give her to those that would end her life. 

No, he wasn't going to fall into this argument. 

Once she stood up, Devon followed suit and spoke to her back as she walked away. He didn't feel like going into all the points she'd tried to lay on him and explain away. In fact, he was just going to let it go because it would only lead to more pointless disagreements from two different points of view. "Look, I'm sorry for what I said about your people. Some of them anyway...," he began with a slight grumble, thinking of the ones that had drugged and jumped him in order to marry them. Let's not forget her mother either... How was he the arse again? "But you're wrong. Go ahead and believe whatever you've decided, just know that the reason you believe all of that is because you're so closed off to what the world has done to you and yours that you're also pushing away the ones that are on your side. That want to help, paid or not, and by the way, that's not why we're here. Everything isn't about coin, but I guess I'll leave the next child on the rack when we come along another. You don't know me, sure, but it's only because you won't try to because despite it all, you still stay guarded, knowing other gypsies have sought us out before and we never turned them away. Your secret is what's causing this," he motioned between them both then. "..to not work. Continue on with the half truths. I'm sure it won't end bloody at all." 

He turned then in the opposite direction and headed deeper into the trees. He didn't feel like being around anyone else right now and sitting back at camp would only make it harder to clear his head. Devon kept on, not caring so much that he was probably doing something extremely stupid then given the fact that there was a killer monster in the woods. He just wanted the quiet and eventually found it once he came upon a clearing. Putting his back against a tree, he slid down it and leaned his head against its large trunk to close his eyes. It was nice to finally be away from everyone, accept he didn't know that there was someone watching him farther away than he could see. Someone who had been saved by the wolf and was now working with it to take revenge on the humans that caused them pain.

If only he knew. 

She listened quietly but never acknowledged him or spun to look his way. He had known her for less than twenty-four hours and was already expecting her to expose herself.  Revealing she was a wolf wasn't the issue she'd have told him as soon as he was sober. No, it was the fact that those wanted posters bared her on them. There would be no mistaking it. Once you saw her wolf you'd believe she was the beast causing this wild hunt. She huffed as she walked. Not even daring to leave the confines of their scouts. Knowing in the end it would be more harmful.

Like a caged bird, she stayed where eyes were likely watching. 

Burning up inside and growling to let the flames loose. For the first time since this whole ordeal started she was at last alone to process it all. She rubbed her face as she stressed over everything. But was taken by surprise when she felt her face wet. Luna brushed her fingertips against her cheeks only to find she was crying. And it had nothing to do with what Devon said. She hadn't even gotten to the point where she could process that moment yet. But having just processed their wedding and what it truly meant... She felt betrayed. She was hurt. 

She gave her family everything. And they just kept taking and taking. Until she had nothing left. And so they gave her away. It didn't matter if that wasn't their intention. It didn't matter if there was some greater good The Wind knew about. 

Luna and The Wind weren't friends.

What mattered in this very second was how it felt. She took a deep breath just to calm down. But upon that inhale she caught a whiff of an unfamiliar wolf. Her wolf stirred and her hair stood on edge. She quickly wiped her face and swallowed her pain. She rationalized that her scouts could likely smell the threat too and were already on their way to check it out with some of Devon's men. But with her being who she was, she couldn't leave it at that. She had to see the situation for herself. Maybe if she had enough luck she could capture this wolf for questioning. But the closer she got to their scent the stronger Devon's scent grew too. 

And so, suddenly she grew nervous.

Though she didn't know why as she rushed closer to them. Until they came into her view. Devon was not only not anywhere near any scouts but he was also unaware of the threat. Or so it seemed. From where she stood she could see them both in one frame. And she for a second watched as that wolf stalked closer to its target. Seemingly unaware of Luna's presence. A normal being in this predicament might have stood by and watched. Let the wolf attack. Hoping it killed their beloved husband so they could be free once again. But that thought never crossed Luna's mind. As she instead calculated the success rate of her next move after figuring out what the wolf was about to do. 

She put all her power into her legs. But damn! Did she sometimes wish she was a Sanguine blessed with impeccable speed. Still, she reached Devon before the wolf could clamp its teeth into him. Colliding with him roughly as they both barreled and tumbled over each other and out of way. She groaned and cursed under her breath. Somehow managing to land on top of him. Yet again. She checked if he was okay quickly. And then rose to her feet. She put herself between this wolf and Devon as he got himself together. She hoped that maybe by some chance their men were already on their way and they just needed to stall. But they were so far out it seemed like that was wishful thinking. 

She squared off with the wolf. As it growled and scowled and bared its teeth. While she just held a steady gaze. She wished she could mind link Devon. To come up with a private plan of keeping this wolf alive and bringing it somewhere to be questioned. Saying that out loud for the wolf to also hear would be too foolish. So they were left with having to play off each other and try and be in sync. As Devon got to his feet she studied the wolf. Wondering if it really understood that it followed a false king. The wolf king didn't exist. But neither did the wolf queen. 

Luna hadn't willingly shifted into her wolf in years. She avoided it if she could. And always found ways around the actual need to change. Unless of course the moon made her. And when this rumor of the Wolf King began she was sure to keep her wolf at bay. So anyone who knew who she was wouldn't consider it to be her. But even when she changed she acted no different from a normal Alpha. And only intervened on other packs when asked or need be. 

Testing her thoughts she let her eyes change to that of her wolf's. Allowing that rare shade of gold to glow towards the enemy just long enough to know the wolf saw it. Her eyes turned back to normal just as Devon came to her side. And the wolf seemed to step back for just a second. It didn't know the truth. "You alright?"  she spoke to Devon but never took her eyes off the wolf. Not giving him a open moment to strike. 

The Wild Hunt
w/ Luna

Trust Fall •

Devon was idly picking up the random sticks on the ground and breaking them into smaller pieces before hurling them as far as his strength would allow in some attempt at letting off the pent up emotions he was feeling then. This impasse between he and Luna was never going to work if they couldn't find some understanding. Perhaps it was just because they were both so stubborn and set in their own ways that they were more alike than they realized. It was probably that. Not to mention the fact both were currently contracted to one another through some form of unbreakable magic without consent for the rest of their lives. Right then he was more concerned with that than the wolf just to be free of the crazy.

Of course being human meant he should've been more wary of what was out in the woods where he ventured to air out his frustrations. He didn't see the animal hiding among the bushes and watching him like prey. Maybe on one of his better days when he wasn't blinded by the circumstances of his existence then. However, his existence would cease to be within a few moments, ridding him and Luna of the burden of marriage completely as the wolf started to near. 

The sound of rustling leaves made his head turn at the same moment something collided into him before he could make out what had been there. He and whatever it was began rolling over the dirt until finally coming to a stop. Devon finally focused on what was above him only to see Luna having been that very reason. "You really don't understand the meaning of being alone." A groan and short, shuddering breath passed through his lips as a searing pain in his back made him cease up. He knew there was likely a large gash there now and blood he could not see beneath his clothing. There were a few more colorful words Devon planned on sharing with his wife until another shape out of his peripheral made his head turn.

Once Luna moved from him, he scrambled up, seeing the wolf that now bared its teeth to them. "No, I'm not alright," he snapped, keeping his eyes on the animal. This was no ordinary wolf. He'd seen and worn many of their furs to know since being a kid into selling them as an adult. His hand reached for her wrist to pull her backwards as he moved next to her because it seemed like she was actually attempting to challenge the creature. Of course, where exactly were they going to run? Given this wolf's size, Devon had the feeling it would catch them with ease if they tried to flee. 

Strangely enough, there was hesitancy there. The wolf seemed to be unsure if following through with its attack would not be so prudent. Its focus was completely off of Devon though. It stared at Luna instead, its back dropping slightly and head bowing despite its snarling as if in almost submission. Devon's brows pulled together as he finally took his gaze off of the animal and looked to her instead. More secrets, he knew. "You two know each other?" The only thing he could be sure of was that this wolf was not the one they hunted. It was much smaller and so must be a part of its growing pack of magical others. It growled back at them as if in one last attempt to show its dominance and Devon instinctively stepped in front of Luna. 

The scent of blood saturated her nostrils and immediately she knew it was Devon's. A heavy weight pressed to her consciousness like a humbling reminder that she couldn't treat him the way she did her pack members. She would make it a point to apologize for that no matter what after this. For now, they needed to not show or indicate he was hurt. Regardless of if the wolf could smell it. he couldn't see it. Her eyes never left the other wolf's but that didn't stop the frown from forming on her face. Truly showcasing how Luna felt about hurting Devon but it only stayed with her for a second as she freed a sharp huff audibly. "No." there were a lot of unsaid words but the one word she'd just spoken was the truth. 

She didn't know this wolf. Not in this form which likely meant not as a human either. And that was of course always worrying because she didn't know his strengths or weaknesses. If he was a hunter. Tracker. Scout. Assassin... Luna clicked her tongue. She couldn't let her mind wander off and overthink all the what-ifs. Its growl was powerful enough to rattle the ground beneath their feet and that alone let them know it was strong. Luna felt as though she had only blinked before she found herself behind Devon. 


Even in their anger and frustration with one another they still tried to protect each other. Knowing good and well death would do them part. But could they win under these circumstances? With her as a human and not wanting to turn and he slightly injured and seemingly cautious of brandishing his sword. Now that she found smart where others might have seen it as foolish. Excalibur was powerful. Maybe even enough to kill a Lupine without silver. But it probably wasn't easy to wield or control. And so it seems Luna had just found common ground to stand on with Devon.

If he didn't try and kill her for what happened next.

She had only been behind Devon for a second but it was abundantly clear this wolf didn't like that. It snarled and barked. Huffing and puffing while gaping at Luna as if it were offended. Deeming and ridiculing her as a coward. It lurched away from them to asses them adequately. Shifting its weight to its hind legs. No one was coming to help them. At least not immediately as it would take time for their scouts to find them. "Fuck." she quickly touched Devon's shoulder and gave him a sorrowful look. She knew the Wolf's next move from its body language but there was no time to explain and with its speed, there was no time for Devon to draw Excalibur. 

She dashed out from behind him. Running out towards the wolf as it launched toward her. Luna braced herself. Catching his paws as he swiped; forcing a labored exclaim from her lips. The force of his attempted hit rippled through her body and into the ground. Indenting the earth beneath her like a small crater. Her first instincts were all at once confirmed. She couldn't fight him as a human. She just barely manged to atop him from slicing through her. She growled. Really growled. Allowing the earth near to tremor with the sound she released. Somehow breaking away from the wolf just far enough. 

"I gave you a mercy you didn't afford me. I will not be making that mistake again."

And so, in her eyes rose the sun and with it came her wolf. 

Her clothes shredded while her body tripled in size and changed in quick succession. And the k-nines in her mouth descended into sharp fangs. Claws grew to replace her nails like violent talons. And black fur sprouted out of all her pores coming to replace the sight of her skin. A horror in daylight. A spitting image of what was painted on the wanted posters. She towered over this other wolf who now kept its distance. But wouldn't back down. It was almost as if it was staying back to observe. It was laying in wait for an opening to strike. Either Luna or Devon. It didn't matter. But the moment its gaze shifted to Devon she was there in front of him. Not giving the wolf an opening. The soft strains of fur which hung from her tail gently graze across Devon's face without her knowing. 

Even now two things remained true. They were too far away for her to mind-link her pack. And she still wanted this wolf alive. 

Ether untouched or barely breathing. At this point, she was fine with both. It all depended on the other wolf's actions. 

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Citizen of the Realm Rajan Khatri

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