Blood, all he wanted now was blood, but not in the way that he had wanted blood when he left on his mission under Astrid’s orders. Returning home was going to be difficult for him and those who survived the onslaught. He wasn’t overly sure how much time had passed since they had been sent out. Time was falling apart for him as his life turned to being a creature of the night. Feeling the sun on his skin hurt now, maybe that is what he was most bitter about since the change. As he and the seven other Vikings made their way home back to the Valkyries they swore to protect, he couldn’t help but wonder if she would turn them all away for their own protection.
Vest had thought about how they shouldn’t return even dare the risk of one of them losing control on the Valkyries, yet he was selfish and only wanted to be home with his family and those he cared about. Bring the eight of them as they stood at the gates, in the dead of night. “Remember to stay as a group till we are sure that the thirst doesn’t drive us mad.” He ordered his men, ready to decapitate any of them if they dare went after their people. Once each of them gave a confirmation nod, Vest pushed the gate open and moved within it quickly. He knew most of the village would be asleep which would allow them to test each of their wills.
Walking through town hit him with a heavy realization, as his heavy footsteps hit the dirt in a path that felt strange to him now. They drew closer to Astrids home, he paused one he was at the door. The sun was hours from being up, she was most likely asleep, yet when the sun came he would need to be locked away with his men till the night. Keeping the idea they would nest together until they were all sure they could control themselves. His hand pushed the door open with ease, he stuck his head in and called to his cousin, one he hadn’t seen in Freya knows how long. “Astrid, We need to talk.” he called into her home. “I have a lot of bad news.” he said in a serious tone before closing the door back and waited to see if she would join him outside.