
Every Tale Makes Timeless Stories

✧ Dripping Blood ✧
Blood, all he wanted now was blood, but not in the way that he had wanted blood when he left on his mission under Astrid’s orders. Returning home was going to be difficult for him and those who survived the onslaught. He wasn’t overly sure how much time had passed since they had been sent out. Time was falling apart for him as his life turned to being a creature of the night. Feeling the sun on his skin hurt now, maybe that is what he was most bitter about since the change. As he and the seven other Vikings made their way home back to the Valkyries they swore to protect, he couldn’t help but wonder if she would turn them all away for their own protection.

Vest had thought about how they shouldn’t return even dare the risk of one of them losing control on the Valkyries, yet he was selfish and only wanted to be home with his family and those he cared about. Bring the eight of them as they stood at the gates, in the dead of night. “Remember to stay as a group till we are sure that the thirst doesn’t drive us mad.” He ordered his men, ready to decapitate any of them if they dare went after their people. Once each of them gave a confirmation nod, Vest pushed the gate open and moved within it quickly. He knew most of the village would be asleep which would allow them to test each of their wills.

Walking through town hit him with a heavy realization, as his heavy footsteps hit the dirt in a path that felt strange to him now. They drew closer to Astrids home, he paused one he was at the door. The sun was hours from being up, she was most likely asleep, yet when the sun came he would need to be locked away with his men till the night. Keeping the idea they would nest together until they were all sure they could control themselves. His hand pushed the door open with ease, he stuck his head in and called to his cousin, one he hadn’t seen in Freya knows how long. “Astrid, We need to talk.” he called into her home. “I have a lot of bad news.” he said in a serious tone before closing the door back and waited to see if she would join him outside.

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And for her people, she cared beyond what was necessary.

The winter was harsh, it was harsh to every single man and his family that resided in Kattegat and the outskirts of the trading town. Astrid watched, from afar as many of her people died of starvation, and how their loved ones mourned for them; particularly the warriors within who would not likely see the halls of Valhalla this time. Astrid then, would find herself reassuring those family members that their loved one would still receive a grand welcome from the Valkyrie no matter their final hall of destination. Rumours of the Valkyrie Queen spoke ill of her, of how she could kill a man and eat his heart should he even look at her the wrong way; but the matter of fact was, if Astrid cared, she cared hard. And for her people, she cared beyond what was necessary.

The grand hall began to empty as she requested all of them to return to their homes, they could continue drinking there but for now, she wanted her rest. The world had become turbulent, and she still very much had the rivalry between The Gypsies and The Vikings to manage, despite their overall relationship now being much more civilised. Astrid released her hair from the braids which held, and climbed into bed; as she lay, her thoughts wandered off to her cousin, Vestein and his men - they had been gone for too long. The mission was meant to be short and sweet, something that perhaps Vestein could handle by himself - it had now got to the point she would be asking Ivarr to send a search party especially as Torvi had not seen nor heard anything. The fact that the resident Ghost hadn’t witnessed anything was truly worrying.

Astrid would wait until morning before raising any alarms.

Eventually, she fell asleep but not for long as she was soon rudely interrupted by banging on the door. Her servants rushed into her room with red eyes, as they too were now sleep deprived. Astrid could vaguely hear the grunt of words but with furrowed brows, a servant spoke up. “It’s your Cousin, Vestein” The servant bowed her head and Astrid thanked her kindly before encouraging them back to bed. Astrid quickly wrapped herself up in her robe and went to greet her cousin. She frowned at the negative greeting. “Well hello to you too, Vest” Albeit her words were still coated in a sleepy husk. “Must you tell me this bad news in the freezing cold?”

✧ Dripping Blood ✧
Vestein was not an easy man to shake, yet informing his cousin that he and his men were no longer human seemed like a fever dream. The echoes of the servants hastily waking Astrid bounced from the home into his ears as if he was in the middle of the room. He had forgotten that it was a bitter night, no longer overly bothered with the frigid wind that kissed their flesh. “No, we can speak inside.” His eyes couldn’t meet hers just yet, he was tense and overly aware of his surroundings. Everything held the linger scent from human to Valkyries, it was like he could see the scents swirling.

His mouth began to water at the scent of fresh blood, yet it was manageable. He wasn’t fighting a craving to bury his teeth in his cousin's neck. With a hard swallow, Finally he allowed himself to focus his gaze on Astrid. He remained quiet for so long that the moment became awkward, he could see the confusion twisting on her face. "We were attacked," he finally managed to say, letting his eyes drift to the bear rug on the floor. The fear that he would send them away was scratching the back of his mind. He knew that if she asked him to never return, he would do as she wished. "We are no longer human. I am not entirely sure I understand what we are. We crave blood, the sun hurts, and darkness is a force that can be manipulated by us now." he explained, his large hand moving to the back of his neck to caress his hair away from him.

"When we awoke from the attack, we were in a dark cave. Blood was shoved down our throats and we couldn't move. I have never felt so weak in my life as I did in that moment relying on the blood of the person who attacked us. The amount of times I tried to spit it out and accept death they were stronger. I succumbed to the blood and eventually we turned on our attacker. They were outnumbered.” His gaze on the floor, he felt his body putting him back in the cave, the memories of being a newborn.

“Everything was so different, enhanced, and overwhelming. We stayed away for so long to ensure we could handle the bloodlust.” He swallowed; he knew he should have sent word in some way. He couldn’t bring himself to do it, in case they couldn’t handle the bloodlust. They would have just been lost to the village better to be dead heroes then discovered monsters. "The rest of the men are on the edge of the village, waiting for your orders. If you wish for us to leave and never return, we will accept your order, Asta," he said, the nickname he gave her long ago rumbling from his lips.

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