
Every Tale Makes Timeless Stories

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  • Everlee Harlow
  • Ruby
  • Raffaele Spataro - Council
  • Astrid Winther - Council

Vestein Winther's Discussions

Dripping Blood (Astrid and Vestein)

Started this discussion. Last reply by Vestein Winther Mar 20, 2024. 2 Replies

✧ Dripping Blood ✧Blood, all he wanted now was blood, but not in the way that he had wanted blood when he left on his mission under Astrid’s orders. Returning home was going to be difficult for him…Continue

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Drink till the end.

Latest Activity

Vestein Winther replied to Ruby's discussion In The Dark of The Night. [Vestein and Ostana]
"✧ In The Dark of The Night ✧Vestein watched Ruby from a distance, his icy demeanor a thin shield over the turmoil within. He sensed her pain and hesitation, the conflicting emotions tearing at her heart. When she finally approached him, her arms…"
Jul 4, 2024
Vestein Winther replied to Ruby's discussion In The Dark of The Night. [Vestein and Ostana]
"✧ In The Dark of The Night ✧The rhythm of her heart reverberated so loudly that he could have fashioned it into a battle anthem to rally his troops. Observing her, he couldn't shake the sense of her discontent with their mate bond. He…"
Apr 17, 2024
Vestein Winther replied to Vestein Winther's discussion Dripping Blood (Astrid and Vestein)
"✧ Dripping Blood ✧Vestein was not an easy man to shake, yet informing his cousin that he and his men were no longer human seemed like a fever dream. The echoes of the servants hastily waking Astrid bounced from the home into his ears as if he was…"
Mar 20, 2024
Ruby left a comment for Vestein Winther
"Listen, I know I forget to eat like all the time. Whenever I can. But I'm convinced you're trying to thicken me up with all that food. Just so it makes it harder for me to run away! No. You can't change my mind. I'm already…"
Nov 16, 2023
Astrid Winther - Council replied to Vestein Winther's discussion Dripping Blood (Astrid and Vestein)
"DRIPPING BLOOD. And for her people, she cared beyond what was necessary. The winter was harsh, it was harsh to every single man and his family that resided in Kattegat and the outskirts of the trading town. Astrid watched, from afar as many of…"
Sep 3, 2023
Vestein Winther commented on Libelle "Onyx" Ryoko - Council's event August Activity Check
"Vestein Winther: Aug 19th"
Aug 19, 2023
Vestein Winther is attending Libelle "Onyx" Ryoko - Council's event

August Activity Check at onsite

August 7, 2023 at 6pm to September 10, 2023 at 7pm
Please also provide a link to 1 Roleplay reply you posted ON/AFTER July 1st 2023 along with the date you posted it.Role Name: Link To RPA Goofy Gif - OptionalHumansEinor OathsbloodFaeShadrach PrimrosgleamGypsiesAsha KothariSanguineHonora AugustinSee More
Aug 19, 2023
Vestein Winther replied to Ruby's discussion In The Dark of The Night. [Vestein and Ostana]
"✧ In The Dark of The Night ✧“I blame being a sanguine, speed is all I know.” He gave an easy chuckle pass his lips as he shrugged. He at least manages to pull her out of whatever funk she was in by meeting her brother. He listened…"
Aug 19, 2023
Vestein Winther commented on Libelle "Onyx" Ryoko - Council's event May Activity Check
"Vestein Winther  - April 30th"
Apr 30, 2023
Vestein Winther is attending Libelle "Onyx" Ryoko - Council's event

May Activity Check at onsite

May 1, 2023 to May 31, 2023
Please also provide a link to 1 Roleplay reply you posted ON/AFTER April 1st 2023 along with the date you posted it.Role Name: Link To RPA Happy Gif - OptionalHumans Nova WintersMystics Colette DuboisFae Shadrach PrimrosgleamGypsies Asha KothariSee More
Apr 30, 2023
Vestein Winther replied to Astrid Winther - Council's discussion The Curse of Brisingamen [Astrid, Vestein, Einor, Dante & Special Guests]
"✧ The curse of Brisingaman ✧Astrid had come to him the night before telling him of the seer word. ( “An oath is just as important as blood. Blood will be cursed, when porcelain skin is decorated with amber and gold.”) He also was not…"
Apr 30, 2023
Vestein Winther replied to Ruby's discussion In The Dark of The Night. [Vestein and Ostana]
"✧ In The Dark of The Night ✧Ruling out that she was a gypsy was something he had to do for Astrid’s sake. After all he didn’t overly care for himself he was no longer pure of sin and problems. No matter how often he tried to be better…"
Mar 25, 2023
Vestein Winther replied to Ruby's discussion In The Dark of The Night. [Vestein and Ostana]
"✧ In The Dark of The Night ✧Vestein wasn’t sure how to take her reaction to his question on whether she and his cousin had been friends. Though he also knew that Astrid's name had become more well known as she became the Shield Maiden.…"
Feb 25, 2023
Vestein Winther commented on Libelle "Onyx" Ryoko - Council's event February Activity Check
"Vestein Winther - February 8th"
Feb 8, 2023
Vestein Winther is attending Libelle "Onyx" Ryoko - Council's event

February Activity Check at onsite

February 1, 2023 at 6pm to March 3, 2023 at 7pm
Please also provide a link to 1 Roleplay reply you posted AFTER 1st January 2023 along with the date you posted it.Role Name: Link To RPAnd A Serious Gif - OptionalHumansNova Winters Lacy HiggsMysticsHawk Black Kjiri deMoonFae Celtis Mothwick ElmsongGypsies Asha KothariDrakesAsharot SalazarSee More
Feb 8, 2023
Vestein Winther posted a discussion

Dripping Blood (Astrid and Vestein)

✧ Dripping Blood ✧Blood, all he wanted now was blood, but not in the way that he had wanted blood when he left on his mission under Astrid’s orders. Returning home was going to be difficult for him and those who survived the onslaught. He wasn’t overly sure how much time had passed since they had been sent out. Time was falling apart for him as his life turned to being a creature of the night. Feeling the sun on his skin hurt now, maybe that is what he was most bitter about since the change.…See More
Feb 8, 2023
about the writer.
ALIAS Darling or Lindsay
PRONOUNS she / her
PREFERRED POV third person.
MASCOT Clive Standen
FACTION Sanguine
RP ERA Middle Ages - Onward
contacting the writer.
Discord Darling#5719
drops of B L O O D;
trivial facts.
BIOLOGICALLY Vestein Rollo Winther
PREFERRED NAME Vestein or Vidar
NICKNAMES Vest, Ves Vesty
FAMILY LINEAGE Winther Viking Line
DISTINGUISHING MARKS Tattoo and scars cover him.
OCCUPATION Viking Warrior, "Special" Unit.
MARITAL STATUS Single; Bound to Ostana.
Date of birth Febuary 29th (Looking 40's)
Zodiac Pisces
skills and abilities.
THE GOOD Loyal, Venturesome, Idealistic.
THE BAD Arrogant, Brutish, Combative.
MASTERY Sword fighting, Hand to Hand combat, Sanguine abilities,
Drinking, Tracking, Hunting, Killing
past present and future. He was the first male born to the Winther family, Cousin to the future Valkyrie Queen herself. From birth he was expected to be strong, for his family. He spent his life training, becoming the best warrior among their people. Even became the Konungr of the warriors, which was a funny title due to the fact he wasn’t the Konungr. Just a head warrior loyal to his family and who was ruling at that time.

In his life he was no stranger to bloodshed, or war. The only thing that seemed to rock the brute was when his father gave his life for his Aunt, the Valkyrie queen’s mother. Watching his father die caused a deep ache in his soul. When he was told over and over again it was an honorable death. Yet he did not die in war, so his soul would be bound to the earthen plane. Vestein was angered by his death, hating his aunt, and even his cousin for a while.

He spent much of his youth and time he was angry with his family training and leading missions outside of their home of Kattegat. He would go out and overthrow groups that threaten his people. Soon through his missions, he learned that there were many kinds of supernatural beings. Many that he and his men learned how to defeat despite being mere mortals.

Vestein grew arrogant in his skills, believing he was unable to be beaten. Taking lives left and right finding pleasure in it even as he struck out a life that was meant to be stronger or faster then him. His men followed him but the more destructive and careless he got, the more his men questioned among themselves about his rule. Yet knowing their place they followed, even if it would lead to their death.

The news of a Sanguine nest reached Vestein, he was told that they took Kattegat children. Something Vestein couldn’t just let happen. Finding the location of the nest was easy. Vestein should have known that it was a trap but he truly believed he was just that good.

Entering the nest with his men, he trashed what was around looking for the Sanguine’s yet he didn’t understand their power to blend in with the darkness. They waited and took what they wanted. Turning every one of the Viking warriors into Sanguine, after the excruciating change. Vestein and his men awoke to the three women sitting there waiting for them to awaken.

The burn, the thirst for something caused Vestein to struggle to his feet. When the woman who turned him in offered him a goblet filled with a red liquid he downed it before realizing what he had just done. Blood, a taste he knew well in his human life, one that was once bitter but now tasted like the finest of alcohols he had ever tasted. His eyes turned to the woman as he questioned what he had become. She answered his questions willingly.

She wanted him and his men to become her warriors for a war against the Valkyries. A war to remove Astrids head. Fear, anger, rage filled the newly powered Sanguine. When he said he would never join them, she informed him that she was his mistress and he would follow her rule. Feeling the buckle of the sireing bond he caved to her, as she sliced open her arm. Watching the blood roll from her he was there feeding.

For weeks he and his men caved to the women and their needs as they fed them. Making them stronger. In the back of his mind though, he knew he needed to remove this threat for his cousin, and the Valkyries alike. Even if he once held distaste for his family because of his father's death. He refused to let anyone else hurt them. The Sanguine mistresses were smart though, and didn’t let their guards down easily.

So he did what he thought was best, he claimed one of them as a lover. While his men followed suit. Before much more time passed, they got the mistresses to let their guard down. That was when the warriors struck down the women. Their sires. Strength had come back to them due to these mistresses but there was a bigger worry in the Vikings heart now.

As night came he and his new group of warriors made their way home. Where they were greeted with open arms, yet those open arms tempted them all in ways unlike before. Taking his cousin aside he explained what had happened. She chastised him for being such a fool and not thinking his actions through. Yet this was going to be a challenge for them all.

Astrid put it into Vestein's hands to keep the other Sanguine in line so as not to hurt their people. Vestein struggled with his new life, as did the others but at some point learned control. They became the strongest of the Viking warriors under Astrids Rule. Even though they often left Kattegat to protect it from supernatural threats that were wanting to overthrow the Valkyries.
muse connections.
Astrid Winther Cousin
Born before her, but respects her leadership. Vest and Astrid relationship has been one that can best be described as they could pick on eahc other but anyone else dare insult the other they would attack them. They struggled to find common ground after Vest father's death. Yet his loyality to Astrid outweight his aching soul. After his own death and rebirth in life he found a new lease on life.

Ostana "Ruby" Bellinfold His
Meeting on the road while she was away from the Dragon lady. It seemed a fated meeting. The one thing that is clear, is he can't let her go. Her scent, her beauty, her heart, and mind all make him feel things he thought long dead. The fire she has sparks something int he Vikings heart.
thread tracker.
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Comment Wall (4 comments)

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At 2:41am on March 8, 2023,

Listen, I know I forget to eat like all the time. Whenever I can. But I'm convinced you're trying to thicken me up with all that food. Just so it makes it harder for me to run away!

No. You can't change my mind.

I'm already certain.

At 9:32pm on October 9, 2021,


And now you can't say I never did anything for you.

At 2:26pm on September 13, 2021,
Astrid Winther - Council

A poisoning at a gathering, what a common occurance. 

Nice to have you back, cousin.

At 1:36pm on July 27, 2021,
Raffaele Spataro - Council

Welcome to the sanguine, blood warrior.

Go take a bite out of the world.


Chosen Citizen

Citizen of the Realm Rajan Khatri

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