Rajan leaned against the supporting beam of a tailor's shop who had his wares spread among the few tables outside in hopes to catch the eyes of the passersby that crowded the very busy streets of London. He eyed the different fabrics before glancing up again at the inhabitants that made up the infamous location. They were all so drab. Browns and greys, and dull. It matched the countenance of many of the faces of its people, that was for certain.
His hand reached into the pocket of his deeply colored indigo robes and pulled out some nuts he proceeded to crack and eat while people watching. It was entirely too clustered for him. Raj preferred the open desert and endless sky. This was just making him uncomfortable causing an exasperated sigh to escape his lips. He wouldn't have chosen to leave Nowhere. He would've rather been at the king's side, but Luca had all but ordered him to go with his family when they decided on this little venturing to London along with some of his other people and he was in charge of guarding the caravan. Not a task he would've chosen for himself, but the king knew how much Rajan isolated himself which was odd in of itself for a Gypsy.
"You there!" His eyes lifted from his fingers that had been concentrating on the snack to see two guards walking towards him. Rajan already knew this was going to be a chance at them to bother him. Just because they could. He straightened up and mentally took note of the hidden blades he kept on his person should the occasion call for it. "Turn around." Raj didn't move and only kept his gaze on the young guard who apparently didn't approve of his disobeying. "Now!"
Rajan turned and the guards began to go through the obvious pockets he had as well as the bag he kept slung over his shoulder and across his middle. "Something the matter?" he asked with annoyance, knowing this was likely for nothing other than the fact he was who he was.
"Thief in the market. Now shut up."

"Right," Raj scoffed which in turn made the guard slam him against the pole, causing the entire structure to shudder. Nothing's changed. He remained still, though his patience was quickly running thin. "Well then, I hope you catch the person. I suppose he must've bore some resemblance to me, but I can assure you, I've been here most of the morning. You can ask the shopkeep he-"
"QUIET!" Another shove to his head which scraped against the wood of the pole. The anger in him rose then, but before he could have another thought on how he might try and find a way out of this, a light breeze billowed the fabrics of the stall and across his face, circling the rest of his body. It looked like The Wind had decided to have the answer for him. A gust rose then, lifting dirt and debris from the roads. It tore through the shop and was mostly blinding to anyone in the small area. Raj lifted the material of his hood which hung loosely at his chin to go over his nose and mouth before making the move to escape.
He was out of the guard's grasp with ease as the people shouted in surprise from the sudden wind tunnel. His booted foot landed on a hold within the building and then another before The Wind did the rest by lifting him up and onto the rooftops. Rajan was gone before the vortex dissipated as if it was never there, only leaving the evidence of its power by the turned over boxes, tables, fruits, and fabrics. "Thank you," he said to the invisible entity that responded with a warm breeze through his legs. After finding an inconspicuous spot on a baker's roof, Raj took a seat and continued his people watching from there, digging into his pocket once more for his snack.