
Every Tale Makes Timeless Stories

“Happy one year anniversary to me” Makani grumbled once she settled back down against the hard mattress; the alarm clock left broken in tiny pieces on the ground after it collided with the wall on the other side of the room. Whilst she lay there, looking up at the ceiling, she couldn’t quite believe that she had now been human again for as long as 12-months; and somehow survived it all. There were, of course, moments where she wished to return back to the wild and live by the freedom that her wolf flourished in; but in reality, she knew she would lose all her humanity if she did that. Yet, what humanity did she truly have now? She was always eager to get into scraps, even if it meant to finish them at the bar and she was just as competitive with games and well, it was just hard to shake off some other wolf like tendencies. 

To say she lived a luxurious lifestyle would be an extreme lie; she earned just enough to get by and in fact, she spent the better half of her working life reverting back to being a wolf to eat and sleep in safety out in the wild. It wasn’t until she was hired at The Midnight Rose did one of her hunting regulars offer his worn down cabins that he no longer needed; and much to her delight, he offered a very discounted rent considering bar work did not pay well, despite some of the tips she received. They had a very business-like relationship, Makani and Bobby - discounted rent as long as she was happy to give him a few free drinks each evening he turned up; and she was more than happy to oblige, she enjoyed his chats and how he lived his life. Bobby was certainly one of her favourites. 

Pin by Yolanda Alvarado on Outfits | Lesley ann brandt, Beauty ...In fact, Bobby was one of main reasons she had stuck out at The Midnight Rose and did everything in her power to not get fired; and even when she did, it was he who managed to speak to the owner to hire her once more. Because of that, she did attempt to make more of an effort to appear on time, and not take money out of the register because she needed to buy more clothes or whatnot. Tonight was no different, Bobby was sitting at the bar and almost cheered as she walked in for her shift. “Quit it Bobby, or I may just have to dilute whatever it is you’re drinking” She teased, grabbed the back of his head and pressed a dramatic kiss to his forehead. 

“You wouldn’t do such a thing!” Bobby exclaimed before leaning against his forearms. “You’ve been in town around a year now, right? I think you should have a lock in tonight with a few of us to celebrate”

“If you’re still standing at that point, I’ll consider it” Makani responded and turned to another regular face, but one she never knew much about; he came in most nights with those in construction across town, but barely ever spoke a word to her. He had helped in some brawls and stood up for her, not that she needed it when she was spoken to in a derogatory tone; either way, she had a knack of remembering a customer's order. “Water? You want water? You’ve come to a bar, just to order water?” Makani glanced at Bobby who reflected her dumbfounded expression before shrugging. “Very well” 

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This whole fight had to be an episode from a sitcom with how ridiculous it must have looked. Before all this undercover work Caleb had been retired and since then this was by far the most physical exertion he had exhibited so he groaned trying to catch his breath. He had put enough distance between himself and Bobby and leaned on his knees to pant. If only he weren't cursed, then his wolf could help him with his stamina, maybe that added to his fatigue? He was so used to having that part of him, for strength, endurance, speed, and so on that now that that part was locked away he was truly feeling it. He was feeling very human. Bobby was also apparently out of breath and seeing Caleb take a second to catch his breath he did too, making this moment the perfect opportunity for Chuck to answer. Of course, she did not!

I groaned yet again when Bobby recovered and trotted towards me. "Merlin's fucking Beard Charlie answer!" I growled namely to myself as I begin to attempt and dodge Bobby. This was beyond ridiculous at this point and I was losing my patience... Something I desperately wanted to hold on to. The bright side is she'd never recognise me from this fight alone because we both made it a habit of ending our fights quickly in our village. Suddenly, I found myself fighting my curiosity and not letting my mind drift into wondering if she ever thought of those days. Or if I was just being hopeful about her remembering me. For now, I had to focus on what was in front of me and that was the bull like Bobby seeing red. "I have his inhaler." I sigh because right now he was just drunk and angry and looking for somewhere to place it. When every other time he trusted me, enough to give me his emergency inhaler since I was always around and the keys to his car when he was too drunk to get home on his own.

The phone rang so much it did not seem like Chuck would answer but at the last minute, she did in a mad scramble that showed she was nowhere near her phone beforehand. 'Hey Cal-' the woman on the other paused when she came face to screen with Maki and was clearly confused. 'Uh, Crimson?' She questioned deciding not to say his real name like she almost had seconds ago as if she knew not to reveal him to who had his phone. "I am here!" He beckoned from the other side of the circle everyone had formed before dodging Bobby once again and running to Maki. He smiled breathlessly "trade." He said while taking his phone and replacing it with Bobby's inhaler. "I need a favour Charlotte." He turned to his screen as he stayed beside Makani but kept track of where and how far Bobby was. Charlotte raised her brows "from me?" She said clearly surprised. "Yeah, Bobby thinks I did something nefarious to you." He said as he began to try to stay away from Bobby. "Please talk to him for me? He will not listen to anyone else!" 

After a second of registering what I had asked of her, Charlie began to laugh. 'Is that him chasing you?' She said through her laughter, very amused. "Well, I am glad someone finds this funny." 'Alright, just put him on.' She laughs out and I waste no time to try and turn the screen to Bobby. She calls his name repeatedly but it all seems to fall on deaf ears and I begin to panic in thinking this might not work he could be too angry. "Fuck am I going to regret this." I groan to myself as I stop running. "Just keep trying to get his attention no matter what," I say with a regretful tone knowing this was going to suck. I face Bobby head on and brace for his impact as he quickly tackles me to the ground. I struggle for a moment to block my head from his punches so he lands a few on my face while Charlotte calls to him the whole time. At last, since he believes he has gotten me he begins to calm down and suddenly he hears her. When his punches stop I peek out from my arms and see his confused face looking back at me. "It is for you..." I say sheepishly as I show him my phone and he sees Charlie which causes him to snatch the phone away and get off of me. 

Caleb lays there for a moment as the crowd around him dissipates and he just stares up at the stars rubbing where on his face Bobby had punched him. He was fully expecting to have been left alone out here so when Makani came into his view looking down at him he knew surprise crossed his face. Normally he would have a snarky or cheeky remark but seeing that she seemed so annoyed already he did not dare. "Charlotte was the bartender who worked here before you." He began to explain as he sat up and took a few deep breaths. "She was here to escape her ex and naturally she did not tell anyone until the day he came looking for her. She and Bobby were super close and I was close to Bobby. " he grunted as he stood up, brushed himself off and fixed his hair. " We managed to trick her ex for a while into believing she was not here but that only lasted for so long. Eventually, she found out that I used to work for this nightclub that helped relocate people in trouble." He was careful when mentioning The Crystalized in case Makani recognised it for someone's reason and then traced that recognition back to him being Caleb Hannah somehow. "So she asked for my help but that meant neither of us could tell anyone what happened to her." He took a deep audible breath "Bobby saw us together as we planned everything, right before I got her to the safety of that nightclub and assumed I had done something to her when she vanished and I could not tell him the truth." he tutted his tongue behind his teeth. "Charlie will probably have to relocate after talking to him but at least he knows she's okay now..." 

What had she gotten herself into? It was a drunken brawl, and one that went on for far too long for her liking. Makani was always under the impression that with men, one or two punches were enough before the dispute was settled and they went their own ways. However, Bobby was like a dog with a bone and would not let Alex go. At first, it was quite endearing and entertaining that a man like Bobby could move the way that he had, in all honesty, Mack didn’t believe he could move at all, besides at the elbow when the requirement to clench his thirst got too much. Her tongue pushed against the roof of her mouth before her lips clicked together. “Of course. Of course you have his inhaler” She shook her head in disbelief. “Bobby for the love of God. Take your inhaler from the man.” Mack ordered, her tone strong and authoritative. 

Mack looked down at the individual at the screen and noted the woman's confusion; the wolf offered the woman an awkward smile and wave before turning the phone towards Alex. She did, however, catch that the woman cut herself off short before correcting herself - she wondered what that could be all about. However, Mack was not one to pry - it wasted too much energy wondering and being concerned over how other people lived their lives. Despite not being at all interested by the weird dynamics between the two men and the woman on the phone, there was an air of curiosity; especially when she took note of Bobby’s dumbfounded expression as his blurred vision attempted to narrow in on the screen so that he could see only one person rather than three. 

Her lips fell agape as the older, far rounder man stole the mobile phone and took the conversation with her to a more private location; which consequently meant and encouraged the crowd to disperse either home or back into the bar, although Mack had enough of a reason to want to close the place down for the night. She also wanted to just walk away from Alex who remained on the ground, clearly out of breath as he lay there looking up at the stars. Mack exhaled and stood above him, just by his head. She even went as far out to offering him her hand to help him up. “Now, I don’t know much about scary, or abusive exes but surely he wasn’t smart enough to know where she was, even if you just told Bobby on the sly that she was okay” She questioned, not really understanding why that conversation couldn’t have happened on the quiet and why it had to happen this evening, especially now that she had been here for way over a year now. 

 “I'd rather this happened on someone else's watch rather than my own. But here we are” Mack shook her head and took a look at the bruises and cuts which had formed upon his face. “Come with me, we’ll clean you up” She turned on her heels and walked to the back of the bar, asking a fellow barman to cover her as they walked through the bar itself. She pulled a chair up for Alex to sit on as she rummaged through the Managers cupboards to find the first aid kit. “So Bobby thinks you’re going to do something to me. The man barely keeps his eyes open, so has he got a sixth sense for arseholes or” She queried, not even looking over her shoulder before grabbing the kit and pulling another seat up and in front of Alex. Soon she began to clear up the cuts and wounds on his brow and cheek. “Because Bobby wouldn’t do this without good reason and I don’t think I buy that story simply as his reaction was fucking huge.” She smiled. 

He expected her to be angry or annoyed even call off their date or ban him for the bar for a while. He was waiting for it, but instead she offered her hand to help him off the floor. "Mm." He hummed sadly to her words. In his shock which appeared on his face, he stayed quiet and followed behind her. He blinked in confusion and disbelief as she sat him down and began to to clean him and mend him. His wide eyes watching her closely and taking in their closeness in fascination. "Hobby practically raised that girl." He admits and his gaze lowered away from her. "I wish I could think less cautiously about her exposing herself, but her ex is a powerful person in the underworld. One slip up and he has got her again." He huffed before hissing at the sharp pain of her cleaning a wound on his face. " I should now." He mumbles under his breath. 

I take a second to cherish that she cares for me as it reminds me of our childhood while also being fully aware of this being a rare occurrence. "I am sorry." I look her right in the eye with sincerity. "I wish this had not happened at all." I say as she continues to clean and patch me up and I never take my eyes off of her. Eventually I let out a soft sigh and close my eyes, gently taking her arm in my hand to stop her. "It is alright. I am alright." I lie, but not out of pride, my pride wanted me to stay and let her continue and that was one reason I stopped her. "It has been a very long time since someone has even thought to help patch me up. So for that I am very thankful, but you should not have to over a mistake I made." I say softly as I continue to gently hold her arm. In truth, I wanted to push my face against her hand, which was still close to my face, but I composed myself and held that urge in. Quickly getting distracted by the feeling on her arm under my fingertips.  Her scar the one she shared with me,  I could feel it and could not help but let my thumb run over it. I thought... I thought she would have gotten rid of it somehow, covered it up with another scar or tattoo but it was still there. "Sorry." I quickly pull away when I catch how I was caressing the scar. "How did you get that?  If I can ask?" 

He does a good job at hiding his emotions from his voice and face, but his heart is racing and his praying she cannot hear it. "I have a lot of little scars too, so it is always interesting to hear how one got theirs." He chuckles out. He was not lying here persay as he did like hearing about other people's misabventures and how they may or may not be similar to his own but obviously this was not why he was asking Mack. He wanted to see if she would answer and if she would tell the truth. Did it hurt her to remember him and their time in their tribe? Maybe he should not have asked...  

God only knows why she decided to help stitch him back up and clear up the wounds which had loitered across his face; she typically wasn’t one to show that sort of compassion, at least not anymore - to anyone. Yet, here she was doing that exact thing and there truly wasn’t much she could do about it as she almost felt compelled to do. Deep down it was probably because she would want someone to help her should she ever be in such a position to need help; although it was safe to say that she would resist such help, Makani Duncan was never a Damsel in Distress. She weighed up what he was saying about the girls ex partner and shrugged a little, she understood. “I get you. Everyone has a weakness, and I firmly believe someone shouldn’t have to hide in the shadows in fear of what someone might do should they come out.” Mack was of course, talking from experience - only coming out of her shadows recently. 

Mack took in his expression as he requested her to stop tending to his wounds and she raised both brows. “Surely you would’ve known it was going to happen, though? One way or another, or sooner than later Bobby would have clocked on” Her expression turned thoughtful, but then, maybe some people aren’t so cautious of their surroundings as she is. Mack noted the change in his demeanour as he held her arm away from his face, and there was a sensation of electricity which could be felt up her arm from his touch, a familiar one but not one she could place. When he reached her scar, she was thankful that he, himself pulled away as she quickly went into a standing position and turned her back to him as she placed the first aid kit away. 

“It was a long time ago” Her features darkened solemnly for a moment, it was of a time she barely thought back to despite there being fond memories; they were often clouded by the consequences afterwards. “Self inflicted so no exciting action filled story to share” Mack mused silently as her own hand came to hold the scar. “Other than two children trying to fit into a world that was so against them that they formed their own pack” Mack glanced over her shoulder at him and smiled. “You can probably guess, the pack didn’t last much longer” 

Makani had stood on such quick succession Caleb was sure he had done the wrong thing and it was only confirmed, at least in his mind when she showed him his back. He should have let her continue to care for him it at least gave him something more to cherish. A small speck of light amongst the darl truth of why he was here. He opened his mouth to apologize believing he had gone too far and taken too much advantage of this situation but he perked up when she answered. Stunned she not only spoke of him but remember him and he soon felt an unfamiliar warmth fill him and spread a gentle look across his face. An expression that he quickly got under wraps before she could see it. 

"I get it." I could not help the way in which my voice cracked. "I have been there."  I continue with the frown on my lips bleeding into my tone of voice before I huff. I stayed silent a moment to decipher what to say and if I should say anything at all except thank you. Another huff puffed through my nose as I rose to my feet  " I am sorry..." I say softly and reach to touch her but stop myself from believing she would not accept my touch anymore for today. "...I did not mean to upset you or anything." I say with a soft smile just in case she glanced over her shoulder at me. Eventually, I make my way toward the door to head back out to the bar. "I should probably get my phone from Bobby before he chases me around again but about you this time." I chuckle before looking back at her. "Thank you, guess now I owe you one huh?" I chuckle but give her a sincere smile before heading out.

He and the rest of the bar gave her a moment and when she did reemerge from the back everyone was on their absolute best behaviour. Bobby even ordered an ice cold beer for Alex's face after the two had a moment to thourghly speak. Mack seemed so annoyed and angry before and displeased the fight happened during her shift that everyone did what they could and thought would make her happy again. Or what they thought was her version of happiness. "Name a few things you have always wanted to do or places you have always wanted to go but have not had the chance yet?" Alex's voice carried her way over the loud jukebox blaring the current song of some patron's choice. His crystal blue eyes locked on her as he leaned on the bar with the cold beer still pressed to his cheek. 


“Haven’t you ever heard that curiosity killed the cat?”

Mack had to keep her back turned from Alexander, she had opened the door to many memories which she had kept a tight lid on. These were the memories which she tried to keep in the dark corner of her mind, for these were the reasons as to why she shifted into a wolf, the reason she lost control and slaughtered many of her tribe and the sole reason why she was exiled and remained a wolf. Whilst they were not Caleb’s doing, his absence whilst not completely of his own doing helped trigger the series of events which lead her to become animalistic for years too many. Thus, when opening the lid to those memories, she was almost overwhelmed by the emotions which were affiliated with them, the feelings a pure whirlwind of conflicting entities - from sadness, to anger, to bravery and jealousy, to relief and freedom. Her muscles tensed beneath her clothing and she briefly turned her head to look over her shoulder at him as he notified her of him leaving. “You don’t owe me a thing.” Which was true, she may have a tough exterior but in reality, she was anything but.

She had to take a few moments on her own before reentering the pub, which should be closing soon; the sun would be up very soon and she would like to be in bed before that occurred. When Mack knew she was in complete control of her emotions and thoughts, she make a reappearance and noted how everyone seemed to be getting on well, probably a bit too well in her eyes; but she wasn’t going to complain. “Sorry about that Kani, I let my anger cloud my judgement” Bobby sincerely apologised. “I got the ole sod a pint to rest against his face for the bruisin’”

Mack chuckled and patted Bobby on the shoulder. ‘“Good job, Bobby.” She shook her head and rang the bell to indicate last orders. She began placing some of the dirty glasses in the very worn down dishwasher, which probably made the glasses far more unhygienic than they already were when Alexander’s voice rang true once more. Mack peeked up from the dishwasher. “Haven’t you ever heard that curiosity killed the cat?” She joked, indicating that he was asking quite a few questions. “My answer is going to be lame, but honestly, I don’t know what the world can offer.” It was more sad than lame. She had been feral for her whole life, she had never seen other parts of civilisation nor what the power of money could do for her. She had heard of celebrities, but couldn’t really name one; she could maybe name a few Capital Cities but her knowledge of human life and human experiences was next to none. “I’ve lived a sheltered life.” She shrugged and moved to close the till.

He thought the feeling was dead and buried, long forgotten through the years. Through all the tragedies and blood on blood on his hands, he felt that spark when they touched. Something that was once his only comfort had turned into something he felt he did not deserve. With the cold pint pressed to his cheek, he stared at the hand that had touched her and felt that connection again. Zoning the world out while she remained in the back. Sure he settled everything with Bobby and got his phone back after promising he would take him to see Charlie at some point but all the while he was very distracted. Battling the curse and essentially himself in hopes of keeping her safe, from him. All these years apart from her were not because he wanted to; he lamented inwardly about this whole ordeal wanting to run but his curse kept him sat here. He was... Better by the time she appeared again partially due to the large gulps he took of the liquor bottle on his face. 

"Sure curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought him back." I gave her a cheeky smirk before focusing on hearing her below the music. A warm and sincere smile softly touched the edges of my lips and I shook my head. " I for one do not think that is lame at all." I take my phone from my pocket and type something into an empty note. "I will help you with that on our little... Rendezvous." I was careful not to say date in front of some of the guys here. Bobby gave his blessing so I could say it around him but some others hearing it would not take that well having been turned down by Maki before. Playfully I hid my phone from her with a faint chuckle "Aye no no. No cheating." I eventually slip my phone back into my pocket as I hopped down from the bar stool to gear up to go. I finished my beer and rubbed my cheek patiently waiting until it is just us and Bobby. "Maybe tomorrow? For our date? I am off for the next few days."




The grey wolf huffed and bared it’s teeth slightly.

Mack tried with all her might to prevent the smirk and eye roll which appeared at the rest of the phrase; of course he knew that satisfaction brought the cat back to life. Thankfully, she had moved to the till before her features betrayed her, and had her responding to his comment in an amused manner. She had many men in the bar hit on her throughout the year, and she had not so politely declined them throughout the months; yet here she was, accepting what some would call a date with the oh so mysterious Alexander. She successfully closed up till and she saluted to some of the guys who were now taking their leave after an eventful evening; she barely heard Bobby grumble his leave as he headed to the back of the bar.

“Meet you outside the pub, say 4pm?” Mack prompted Alex, she daren’t say any earlier because she was someone who enjoyed their sleep, and considering it was almost 3am, she needed at least 10 hours. Besides the fact, she had promised to check in with some of her wolf friends who shared a consistent worry about her safety in her human form. As he left, she turned the dishwasher on, and switched off all the lights, set the security code before meandering into the belly of the forest; she would worry about clothing and the like when she woke up.

She woke approximately 4 hours before she was to meet with Alex, and in that time frame, she had shifted to communicate with her pack but not pack, and had managed to bribe a local shop for some more clothing, and that she would pay them back in any way she could. Although she hated pity, some of the locals did just that, pity her, and why not use that to her advantage sometimes. Mack dressed in all black, as she always did and braided her hair back and over her shoulder; the makeup she stole months prior settled naturally on her face. “This is so against what I believe” She growled at her reflection, why was she making such an effort? Mack was very close to not going until she witnessed a wolf watching her through the porch; the grey wolf huffed and bared it’s teeth slightly, warning Mack of the ‘consequences’ should she not go. “You’re worse than Bobby” Mack responded.

Soon enough, she found herself sat upon the steps up to the run down bar, waiting for Alex to arrive.

For just one second, Alex forgot; he forgot why he was here as he watched her fight the corner of her lips turn up. When was the last time he saw her smile? Like really smile and not the one she wore around the bar to be charming... was it when they were children? Most likely. For one second Alex was Caleb again wanting to do whatever he could to see her smile and make her laugh, making an absolute fool of himself until they both forgot about their struggles and pains no child should know to begin with. Alexander held his breath to fight the emotions that he wanted to desperately show, keeping the same look on his face to not raise suspicion. For one second, he was truly happy to just be around her again, as if they had never grown apart, but the moment that second passed, so did his joy. Quickly being replaced with the ache of his curse reminding him of the truth, that he was here for a reason; one he would do anything in his power to stop.  

A knot formed in the pit of my stomach like I had eaten something rotten. Sitting there like a rock or clump of coal and making me nauseous. Why did she say yes to me when she had said no to so many others before? I was banking on that no. I smiled at her, but with the prior happiness that I had just felt faded, it was a convincing fake. "Four PM it is!" I finished the last of the beer Bobby bought me and helped the loaf to his truck before making my way to mine. The drive home was a dreaded one, and I stalled for as long as I could before my mind and body let me know they were too fatigued to continue. I trudged to my front door and paused with a huff before entering; the cold floor was quick to greet my cheek the moment both my feet were inside. The door is shut a few seconds later, and the rough clink of footsteps approach as I can not move with a rough pair of hands on my face and back, pinning me to the ground. In the dark of the night, all I can do is listen. 

"Get him off the floor." Shomari clicked his tongue. "That is no way to treat a man in his own home." He dusted off Alex's clothes as his henchmen pried him off the floor and then played with the tips of his hair. Slightly amused at the new long mane, he was sporting these days. "Afraid she will recognize you if you shave, I see." He chuckled with a dark tone as he stepped away and peered around Alex's home in the dark. "You are taking far longer than I expected for a man of your reputation, Caleb." He glanced over his shoulder at him. "Shira's not very trusting, so as per your request, I need more time to do what you want." A cold silence washed through the living room as if a cool night breeze had just passed, and despite the darkness, you could see a few of Shomari's men nervously shift as the silence grew heavy. At last, a vicious growl erupted from Shomari before he cleared his throat with a sigh. "Fine!" He said sharply through clenched teeth as he waved his hand dismissively to call his men away. "Take the time you need, but I will be watching!"

Was I at last alone? I felt alone in my empty cold living room, left her standing in the dark, and that made me feel that despite the vast emptiness, there were eyes still on me. A feeling that took hours to shake, and even when I slept, I felt them on me. It was not until it was time to head out to meet Maki that I felt at ease, but I knew I should not. This date was both real and fake, but none of that mattered because the day she would learn who I was and why I was here, she would hate me if she did not already. I arrived at the pub on time and smiled as I saw her, the light makeup dawning her face did not go unnoticed, where the most I could do was tie my hair back, trim and groom my beard a bit to not look as rough as I normally did. "There's a gift for you in the backseat." I opened the door of my truck for her before coming around to the driver's. "I was not sure if you liked flowers, and personally, I hate that bouquets are already dead just waiting to shrivel. So I got you a little floor bed, with wild flowers waiting to bloom. Re-gift them, burn them, keep them, eat them, throw them away. Up to you, I just wanted to get you something nicer than normal."


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Citizen of the Realm Rajan Khatri

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