
Every Tale Makes Timeless Stories

✧ Helping Hand ✧
As the night closed and the sun drew in the morning sky, Ezekiel cast his gaze to the sky looking to the smoldering pit that the fire that had burned out in the night. He shifted back into his human form learning many years ago it was much easier to sleep in his wolf form especially on cold winter nights. Pulling on his clothes quickly hopping from one foot to another before letting out the steam of his breath meeting the cold air. Town wasn’t far from where he had camped, he was rather sure he could find some work there. His funds were slowly depleting on his search for answers for his wife. Tossing the small coin bag in his hand for a moment before tucking it against his chest picking up his bag before starting the short trek that was in front of him.

Whistling a tone as he walked he caught a scent in the air, one of blood but it didn’t seem to be a large amount. Shifting from one foot to another slowly he made his way towards the scent. Pushing his large frame against a thick tree to peak around he found a cart that seemed to have been shattered and horseless. He had seen this set up before many bandits used this set up, was that the case for this cart. Slowly he moved trying to be as stealthily as he could as he came to the cart. Smelling the blood that was trailing away from the cart, raising a brow he peaked in the cart seeing various size boxes. “Just move on Zeke.” He muttered to himself, moving to take a step away from the blood trail before pausing in his tracks.

Tapping his foot in the snow that was beginning to fall and he let out a growl. What if it was someone who was hurt and truly needed help. He turned on his heel and started to follow the blood trail as the drops seemed to be sporadic, slowly gaining more the further the person moved from the cart. As he came upon the curled up from wrapped in a large cloak. He took a step closer but kept the space between them enough as he cleared his throat. “Oy are you hurt? Or are you going to rob me if I try and help you?” He made sure his voice held the tone of don’t fuck me.

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Helping Hand

How could this happen?

“Let me go!!” Her cries rang out into the forest which seemed to echo off the trees, making her feel even more alone and helpless. Moments ago she and Mr. O’Donnell had been attacked on the road by hidden bandits while transporting his fruits and vegetables by horse drawn cart from the market. It seemed they had no intentions of letting the pair survive the encounter as they swarmed from every direction.

Currently she was in a fight for her life. The man above her weighed at least twice her own and was crushing her from that alone. He was working to grab a hold of her much smaller wrists, but she was flailing in an attempt to escape. Spittle ran down his chin and through his beard, landing on her cheek in his efforts to hold her still. Then, a backhand across the face made Aislinge see spots and all the fight in her left.

Everything else became a blur, but mostly she was feeling the pain in her head along with the deep gash across her lower left leg which the bandit had caused while chasing her through the woods before. Ash had gained a fair bit of distance as his endurance was waning which he quickly evened the odds by pulling his sword and cutting through her flesh. She had fallen into the snow moments later which led to the struggle now.

His heavy panting was resounding in her ear while he leaned down above her. Aislinge felt the man trying to press himself between her legs which made her fight uselessly in her half dazed state. There was a dull thud then and the bandit doubled over with more weight than she thought possible as snow splashed across her face. The fuzzy figure of her elderly friend had picked up a nearby fallen branch and hit the man over the head.

The bandit didn’t take too kind to this. A fight ensued then and Mr. O’Donnell was no match. Ash tried to claw her way after, howling in pain from the open wound on her leg. Then the man’s sword appeared and went through her friend, into his chest and out the back.

She screamed though no sound seemed to come as the world slowed. The bandit was on top of her again and pressing himself over her, but all she could see was Mr. O’Donnell’s now lifeless eyes staring at her from the ground, his blood darkening against the pure white snow. Ash scratched at the man’s face which infuriated him more when a flash of metal in the snow caught her eye.

The dagger which had been latched to the bandit’s boot had come undone and landed on the ground. With one last effort, Aislinge grabbed the weapon and plunged it into the man’s neck again and again. The blood shot out and across her face when she yanked the serrated weapon out and the man immediately stumbled off of her and staggered into the woods out of sight. Then there was darkness as Ash’s eyes closed when the exhaustion swept over her body.

She didn’t know how long she’d been unconscious, but the cold on her face was the first thing she noticed. Then, her friend yards away dead in the snow. Ash tried to roll over, but her body rebelled against it. It was then she heard the unfamiliar voice nearby, but the words were lost to the cold air. Her numb fingers wrapped around the hilt of the still bloodied dagger and she lifted it towards the stranger, wincing as she sat up, and feebly pulling herself backwards in the snow. “Stay away from me!!”

✧ Helping Hand ✧

Ezekiel had been so caught at the sight of a woman trembling in the snow that he hadn’t noticed the bodies a few yards away from them. As the thin woman held the dagger blade in the air his hands came up. Showing he meant no ill will. This is what being a good samaritan got you nowadays, hell everyday. He let a sharp breath out of his nose before taking a deep whiff in once again. He paused, turning his head to look at the bodies that weren’t far from the blood stained woman.

With a grunt he didn’t move yet, keeping his feet planted in the snow his brain felt as if it was playing out the scene of what had happened. It was clear the man with the sword thrust through him was with the woman and was getting in the way of the plans the man who had deep wounds to his neck had. “Well I can tell that you lost someone you trusted tonight.” It was like a skill of his nose picking up every individual scent making outlines of each person predicting  what happened to this very moment with how weak or strong the scents were.

“I would kindly ask you not to stab me while I move over to them.” He pointed to the bodies, moving to take a step closer to the bandits body. Moving to pull open the coat giving a grunt. “Red cap piece of shit.” He said as he moved, taking the coin bags of random people he had got them from. “You are a strong one taking him down. He has claimed about twelve other people's lives this week it seems.” He moved to cut the man's ear off and cut out the symbol of the red caps from inside his coat, wrapping the ears in it before tucking it in his pocket.

He moved over to her friend and pulled the sword from his body and picked him up easy enough. Moving towards the woman but leaving enough space. Placing the man in front of her before taking a step away. “The ground is frozen, so burying him right now isn’t an option. I am also not sure if you wanted anything off him. I can help you get him to the town you guys seem to be heading to if you want my help.”

Noticing the gash deep on her leg a soft frown came to his lips. “I have an herb mix you can pack into that and a wrap on my horse. I can help you but you have to ask for it, and have to put the dagger down enough for me to do so. I wouldn’t ask you to get rid of it. I understand fearing a stranger.” Rubbing his hands together noting he was now covered in blood. “You won’t make it out here through the night. Not with the monsters in the woods.” His eyes moved past her and around her.

Helping Hand

"What do you know of these thieves?"

Aislinge kept the dagger pointed towards the man and watched his every move. If she were being honest, there was probably not much she could do to fend off whatever attack he might choose to harm her, but she also wasn't going to go down without a fight. She could barely feel the small weapon in her hand at this point as the numbness spread. The only good thing about that was the pain in her leg was being dulled though the blood still dripped from the open wound. It needed to be bandage as quickly as possible, but it would have to wait. She wasn't going to lower the weapon.

She watched the stranger move to the thief who lay motionless in the snow. The crimson of his blood was pooling from his neck. Aislinge's lip quivered then as the flashbacks of their shared encounter played back through her mind. His disgusting breath. The weight of his body. And then... her plunging the knife into his neck. She trembled and nearly lost all her will for a moment in the shock, but swallowed and wrapped her reddened fingers around the hilt of the small weapon again, keeping it pointed towards the man who was now rummaging through the pockets of the corpse.

It was clear he knew who this bastard was. Her brow moved forward slightly as she tried to make sense of it all. Apparently she was lucky to have escaped with her life by having to take his. The pit in her stomach grew and a wave of nausea made her sway slightly as the heaviness of it all began to engulf her senses. It only became worse when she watched this new stranger remove the man's ear as if it was just a normal thing to do as one would cut open an apple. She stiffened her hold on the knife again keeping it trained on him.  

Aislinge wanted to yell at him not to touch Mr. O' Donnell, but he moved so quickly to remove the sword that had killed her friend, the words were gone as her head turned away in anguish. She bit her bottom lip while the hot tears began to well in her eyes. They dared to spill over and remove any confidence she had in holding this facade of keeping it together should she have to defend herself from this traveler which she had the feeling could easily remove the knife from her grip if he so wanted. She did stave off one attack didn't she? One that would surely have seen her dead.  

The resolve began to crumble however when he brought the body of Mr O' Donnell and laid him in front of her. She clenched her jaw tightly and the quiet tears began to roll down her pale cheeks. Her eyes found his and Aislinge hoped he was a man of honor. Everything he said was correct; she would not survive out here alone and she couldn't very well leave her friend out here like this nor carry him, though she couldn't make out if he actually meant monsters or just more of the kinds of people who did this to her.  "I... I need to bring him home," she said softly, lowering the weapon. Her hand reached out and gently touched the elder's with a wave of sorrow.

"Please help me bring him to his family?" Her eyes were pleading and desperate. "They may have left some supplies in the cart and you can take my day's earnings, but I ask you please to leave his for his family."  She nearly choked on the last word, imagining the pain his wife and daughter were to endure. They barely had means to survive and now their husband and father were gone. 

Finding the will to stand, Aislinge pulled herself up and grimaced from the pain, biting back a cry. She didn't want to attract any more attention if the thieves should return for their friend. Her skirts were stained with blood, but she ignored it to rip off a piece of the bottom of her inner one which was thinner and easily torn to wrap around the wound until they could make it back to the road. Now that she was feeling relatively out of danger's way, her body began to react to the loss of blood and cold as she visibly shivered and looked as if she would pass out. "Your name, sir? Mine is Aislinge. What do you know of these thieves?" Her eyes went to the pocket in which he'd stowed the attacker's ear.

✧ Helping Hand ✧
Ezekiel had grown numb since his wife had been taken from him, he had forgotten that most people feel guilt or worse when it came to killing another. He was raised in a dog eat dog world. Not noticing how his words may come off to her. He was more impressed with the fact she managed to overpower someone who would have killed her without a second thought or far worse. He had come across more of their victims in his travels. He had no care for a body of one that had done such dark deeds to innocent travelers. Looting him was second nature to Ezekiel, no use in letting good coin go to waste.

As he tucked the ears in his pocket looking over to the woman he noticed that she looked to take on a pale green color. Realizing that in fact she wasn’t one to see such a gruesome state caused him to clear his throat to explain. “Taking the ears and the insignia get you the money for the bounties they have on their heads. What funds me hunting down guys like this. Figure you may need a little coin. Considering.” His gaze shifted back to Mr. O’Donnel. He was trying his best to be helpful but he couldn’t be overly sure how to go about something like this.

“Forgive me I am used to death so grace is something I am not good at.” He could see the emotions swatting within the woman who wanted to be strong, yet when you lose someone important to you strength isn’t something easy to come by. As the tears rolled down her cheek he patted his pockets to find the cloth that was clean enough to provide to her to dry her tears. “Alright, I can carry him with ease and get him where you need to go. Hopefully it was somewhere safe. The pair of you were venturing to.” He watched her crumble into her sorrow.

A vision of how he once had crumbled at the loss of his wife played out in his mind. Causing his gaze to drift to the snow even though he was no longer seeing the fluffs of white. Yet his ears picked up every word that left her lips. “Yes I can help you get him to his family. Everyone deserves closure.” He said in his gruff tone of voice. “Unless he had friends, which is unlikely, everything should still be there. Though the cart is damaged beyond my skill set. I could make it into a sled though.” He thought aloud for a moment then looked at her with a brow raised.

“I don’t want money. I just don’t want the world so full of darkness anymore. If people helped each other, more shit like this wouldn’t be so common.” He huffed out an argument he had gotten into with many people but let it fade as he was sure that she wasn’t going to disagree with him. “Bounty on the man should help his family. If that brings any solace to your worries.” He could feel each wave of emotion on her rolling off into the air. He felt tense being there while she was going through this, loss was something he wasn’t good at, let alone good enough to help others move through grief. He himself was locked between anger and denial.

As she moved to wrap her leg he thought of stepping closer to offer his aid but with how she had been attacked he thought it best he kept to himself. Reaching for the older man he picked his body up and waited for her to start moving to lead her back to her cart. “Ezekiel.” He said his name in a grunt as he adjusted the weight of the dead body on his shoulder. As they walked he gave a one shoulder shrug. “I have hunted their kind before for money, for answers. They are a thieves guild that sends members out to get more members, or people to sell into slavehood, or to rob innocent people. I have been searching for their leader for some time now.” He admitted as he looked to the body he was holding.

“In hopes to find someone, and maybe end the reign of dead bodies that seem to follow the group.” He slowed his steps to make sure he was only a step ahead of her. “When we get to your cart I can break off what is left on the bottom to make a sled for the horse to pull. Unless there is a reason you want to keep it a hundred percent intact.”

Helping Hand

She had to stay awake.

She was barely hearing him as all she was concentrating on now was not falling over into the snow. She felt so incredibly weak in every way one could. It was an effort with every step she took, but as awful as it was, there was nothing for her here in the woods but death. Especially when the rest of these thieves would realize they were  missing one of their own after taking what they could from her and Mr. O'Donnell. Mr. O'Donnell...

Aislinge's gaze lifted from the piling snow that she took steps through to the limp body of her friend which lay over this stranger's shoulder. None of this felt real. A wave of sickness began to rise in her again, but she swallowed the bile that tried to escape. She had to keep moving. The numbness was sweeping over her small body and she couldn't feel the forced steps as one foot came down in front of the other. She had no idea how she would even make it back home at this point. One problem at a time and right now, getting to the road again was the first obstacle.  

It was incredibly quiet around them. Normally she would find this to be peaceful as snowfall always seemed to silence the world from its striking beauty, but blood from her leg splashed across the ground now ruining the pureness of it. Her tired eyes finally turned away from the crimson drops and towards this man as he revealed he didn't want their coin and would in fact offer the bounty for the killer she'd fended off. It never even occurred to Aislinge that it technically was something she could claim. The sickness in her stomach began to wave about again, but there was a relief in knowing she could offer it to Mrs. O'Donnell for the loss of her husband and so much more.  

Ezekiel. Her dark eyes took him in as he led the way to the road. He was gruff. Clearly someone who was constantly on the road and if he was one to seek out thieves, he must handle himself well in a fight. Given he seemed to be an honorable man thus far, Aislinge was thankful it was he who came across them. However, he also seemed like someone who would then attract trouble if his cause was to hunt these men. 

The road finally came into view and it made her heart break further. All of their wares had been scattered to the road or at least what was left of them. The cart was leaning to one side as a wheel was missing and the rails of the same side were splintered and broken. Aislinge hobbled closer and began sifting through the items, finding the pouch she'd hidden in a bottle with the coins still inside before moving to the hollowed out book of Mr. O'Donnell's with his earnings hidden away as well. "At least they missed this..." she murmured softly. Fumbling in her attempts to tie the pouches to her belt with numb hands, a noise from behind her suddenly made her freeze.  

She scrambled backwards, the dagger she once held having fallen to the side. There was a rustling behind the bushes as the gathered snow from its branches fell softly. Aislinge's heart pounded painfully in her chest thinking it must have been more of the thieves returning, but then a familiar face came into view. "Button?" The dark mare walked over and nudged her gently which made tears well in her eyes. She wrapped her arms around the horse's neck and let the animal lift her to her feet. The horse seemed unharmed by all accounts and it didn't surprise Aislinge that the thieves could not capture her in all the chaos. She was incredibly loyal to her owner who now lay motionless on the ground. "Good girl," she cooed, feeling the warmth of the mare's body as she rested against her powerful frame.

Some time later, Aislinge was now carefully wrapping Mr. O'Donnell in the extra blankets they'd brought with them earlier in the day. Button was tied to the cart they modified and Aislinge was able to finally convince the animal to let Ezekiel ride her. She settled herself into the cart, knowing she wasn't fit to ride and did everything in her power to try and stay awake in order to guide Ezekiel. When the horse jerked ahead, Aislinge placed one arm over her friend and the other to grasp onto the wood of the cart. "You... you said you wanted to find someone?" she called up to him weakly. Their previous conversation was starting to work its way through her mind now that they were somewhat safe and on the path home. She had to stay awake. Stay awake. It did very little as her lids grew heavy and sleep clawed at her consciousness. "Who is it you're looking for? This guild.. they know something?"

✧ Helping Hand ✧
Ezekiel knew that he couldn’t say anything to make her feel better. Losing someone in front of you in such a terrible manner stays with you. She would probably have nightmares for these events for months to come. All the Lupine could do was keep moving beside her, close enough that if she started to fall he could catch her. Far enough she didn’t think we were going to attack her like the man they left lying in the snow. He could tell the loss of blood and the injury location was making it hard for her to trek through the snow.

He could feel her eyes on him, it wasn’t an uncommon feeling for him. Eyes were on him when he entered a city he wasn’t known in. It was only when Quinton was with him did people not question his place in the world. He was missing Quinton, Honora, both of them at that moment. They were the people talkers unlike him. He watched his warm breath swirl in the winter hazed filled air. It was a beautiful day even with the blood that had been shed to him. Probably because blood was far too common for the large man compared to her.

As the shambles of the events prior came into full view he found himself letting out a half sigh. Moving towards his horse that stayed in place since his dismounting. He ran his hand along her neck slowly. “Good girl.” he said softly towards the mare. His eyes watched as the woman who was on her last leg searched the scattered contents. Moving over towards the cart he laid the males body in it. Moving to the wheel that was still attached. He gave it a once over, he was certain he could rip the wheel off and turn it into a sled for his horse to pull to the town that wasn’t far away. “I can get the wheel off and turn this into a sled to pull behind Hazel.”

When the sounds came from around the tree, he knew it was another horse. All the smells mingling in the air made it clear that there wasn’t another living soul on the horse. He didn’t think to alert her but after watching the fear rise in her to default into relief when the mare came into view. Watching her cry made him feel as if he should have said something. Yet the wave of relief that came over Aislinge's face made him relax as the comfort the mare seemed to bring to her was refreshing to Zeke. He loved when people loved their animals. He got to work pulling the wheel off as quietly as he could not to upset them. With a quick change using some of the spare leather he had he made the ties to the wagon longer.

Setting off he could tell Buttons was more capable to pull the sled then Hazel was. Strapping Hazel leads to the tail end with the sled in between, they were off after she wrapped the body up. Offering his fur that was on the back of Hazel to her before they set off. Taking off as smoothly as he could, “Sorry.” he muttered towards her knowing the jurking of the movement would cause her discomfort. He let a click out of his mouth to make the horse come to a steady speed following the path Aislinge wanted him too.

He looked over his shoulder to her, with a stoic look before looking back to the path. His eyes are always scanning for more danger. “I’m looking for my wife. Her brother and I were carrying out a mission one night and when we returned she was gone. I am not sure if she is still alive.” He signed out as he rolled his head, the loud popping from the joints of his neck echoed throughout the trees. “All that was there was a trail of blood. Nobody. No closure. I have been hunting down those who sell to slavers ever since. If she was sold I can find her. If she is dead, well I can end them.” He said as if it was no big deal. “They are a well known guild around these parts anyways. Figured it was a good start.” He sighed out. “So yeah there is my sad tale of why I am traveling the woods alone following thieves.”

His eyes caught a bird flying in the distance, “How are you doing back there? You have been through a lot. I am sure you are getting tired back there.”

Helping Hand
w/ Ezekiel Neo

• The stirring anger began to rise in her again. •

The unsteady movements of the splintered cart was likely the only reason Aislinge could stay awake. Her slender fingers pulled her skirts up to gaze at the wound where the fabric she used as a dressing over her leg was beginning to turn a dark crimson while the trail of blood curved down her skin. Moving her clothing back into place, she attempted to bury herself further in the fur that was offered to her from Ezekiel. She imagined herself to be as small as possible in order to fit entirely under the warm space.   

Her eyes lifted as his gruff voice rose over the noise of the mostly dragging cart. She had assumed the man's reasoning for tracking the guild would solely be for the coin in capturing them. They were wanted like all thieves and killers were, but Aislinge knew some were worth more than others depending on their atrocities. But she had been wrong. His purpose was far more personal and terrible. She couldn't imagine how he must've felt walking upon a bloody scene like that and finding someone you loved missing. In the small amount of time she'd known Ezekiel, there was no doubt in her mind that he would stop at nothing for his answers. The rage that simmered in her stomach somewhat hoped the ones who killed her friend and the guild he sought were one in the same so she too would have satisfaction.

Her fingers gripped to the sides of the soft fur and pulled it tighter around her as if it were even possible. "I know of the slavers," Ash replied softly. Her mind was fogging from the exhaustion and cold. She cleared her throat and swallowed hard, shifting her weight slightly in order to sit up a little bit straighter and stay awake. Her voice rose slightly higher while she continued. "They come into the market some days after setting up an auction among the wealthy." People were sold like cattle. No names. No souls. Just... things. "It's disgusting," she murmured more quietly to herself and not so much to him. "Your wife... I believe I heard they were planning another one in a couple days time."

The road ahead began to split and she didn't even need to direct Ezekiel on the way to go. Button knew her way home. She simply nodded once to indicate it was the path to the home of the O'Donnells. "I'll live," she reassured him after his concerns. Complaining now seemed ridiculous as her dear friend lay dead next to her. The stirring anger began to rise in her again, her thoughts turning somewhat dark. It scared Aislinge at times how violent she thought she could be if the circumstances arose for such a cause. "Given what you are doing for me today, I would like to help you if I can. I know my way around the village. The familiar faces. Those that might interest you and your task. You are welcome to stay with me and my mother while you look for your wife. Whatever we can do to assist, we will."

The familiar house of the O'Donnells came into view as it sat back from the road. The door opened before they were even in front of the small home and Nora came hurrying out with a look of concern, knowing that her husband should've been back some time ago. Aislinge waited for the cart to come to a stop before attempting to rise on her shaking limbs, but the elder woman was already moving faster than she'd ever seen as panic filled her eyes while they looked from the condition of the cart to her unmoving husband. Tears pooled in Ash's eyes as their gazes finally met and then there was nothing but a gut wrenching wailing that echoed from Nora which tore through the silence.

✧ Helping Hand ✧
Being on guard was an understatement for the Lupine as he set off dragging the cart without wheels thanks to Honora horse Hazel. He could hear every sniffle or shift Aislinge made. His eyes focused on the white landscape around them though, expecting more problems to come from around them. He felt like a bad luck charm in that way. Something always seems to happen or follow him, haunting him. Yet he shook off the paranoid thought to focus on every sound around them, focusing so much so it was like he could see every move Aislinge was making even without his gaze upon her.

Her words cut to his bone though as she spoke of knowing slavers. “Hum?” He thought for a moment trying to keep the anger that bubbled with the wolf inside of him. Forcing his mind to focus on her words rather than losing it. He needed a clear head as he was on a man hunt, saving the rage for the men that dared to take his wife from him. “Do they come to the market often? Or did you manage to hear where they were planning such another event?” The likelihood his wife was with them was slim to none, but if they had sold her off he could get a name. And find her, liberate her. He would scour the earth for her, or burn it to the ground if he never found her. “Any information you could provide me will be better for everyone. Seems the slavers need to be taken care of even if they don’t know where my wife is.”

Looking back at her as she gave directions his face probably looked hard to her, anger was there but it wasn’t directed towards her. More so himself. Though with each glance her way and the smell of blood caused his concern. The need to get her to a doctor was high. Though her dark tone that laced her voice on how she wanted to help him caused him to hesitate slightly. “You need to focus on healing.” He said but felt the ting in his heart, he was not as easily welcomed as a beautiful woman was in towns. Often he had been thrown out if he asked too many questions unless Quinton was with him. “Honestly though, your help would probably get me more answers then I tend to get on my own. I have been told I am rather scary looking.” He gave a humorless laugh into the cold air watching his breath swirl in the air. “Being able to have a place to sleep would be nice. I can’t recall the last time I didn’t sleep in the elements with Hazel.” He said, patting the horse lightly.

“I could offer some form of payment for your help though, you don’t truly owe me anything. As the house came into view he felt the frown on his face, knowing how hard this would be for her. Coming to a stop, he could feel the emotions in the air thick, so thick he could choke on them. As the tears and sobs filled the air. Slowly Zeke slid from Hazel and moved towards Aislinge offering his arm to help her move closer to smooth Nora but nothing about this would be soothing.

Finally Zeke's voice broke the wails. “I can bury him for you, so you don’t have to wait for the frost to clear. If you have a place you wish to lay him to rest.” He knew his claws would cut through the frozen ground with ease. He felt the woman’s pain in his soul as mere months ago he himself was wailing at the loss of his wife. Yet he had hope she was out there somewhere as he didn’t have the closure of a body. “I can even fix the cart for you, that would take a few days.” He offered, wanting to bring the older woman some kind of comfort. Yet he was worried for a moment all he was doing was bringing fear to the women so he closed his mouth once again waiting to see if Nora wished for his help or not. He would respect her wishes.

Helping Hand
w/ Ezekiel Neo

Aislinge thought she was going mad.
The minutes passed, but seemed like days. As of now, Aislinge sat on a small wooden chair near the fire of Nora's home, her leg well wrapped to stop the flow of blood. Her eyes flickered over to the elder woman. It seemed the tears had finally stopped flowing, yet now she looked completely vacant while she stared at the flames. Unmoving. Like stone. Ash's heart ached. 

Her gaze crossed over Nora's shoulder and to the window leading to the back of the property. In the distance she could see Ezekiel working the ground where she had indicated to bury Mr. O'Donnell. He loved tending the fields, even at his old age. Being there beneath the trees was the ideal resting place for such a wonderful and caring man. Though, something seemed odd. Was Ezekiel using his hands to turn the earth?

"I hope he finds them." The voice broke Aislinge's thoughts, making her turn towards Nora. There was something dark and vengeful in her tone. Something she had never thought was possible from the elder. "I hope he finds them and kills them all." 

"Nora..." Ash made herself rise from the seat finally and came to place a comforting hand on the other woman's frail shoulder. She wouldn't tell the other that her thoughts were wrong. That she should find forgiveness. No, Ash was rather in agreement to the notion herself.

Pulling the knitted shawl the widow provided around her back, she limped over to the stew that was beginning to bubble, pulling it from the fire. The added weight on her leg sent a sharp pain through her body which caused a hiss to escape through her lips. She had barely stumbled to the table before placing the pot down. 

The house was stifling with grief and Ash needed the fresh air, even if that also meant being back in a snowy cold. Once she had given a bowl of the food to Nora, she carried two more and made her way outside once again. Her body instantly rejected the idea. The snow was beginning to gain some height and she caused herself more discomfort in trying to traverse over it while balancing the stew. 

Aislinge watched as Ezekiel was now finishing up with laying her friend to rest. She bit the inside of her bottom lip as the emotions began to build into her chest, rising as a lump in her throat. "Here, you deserve this and more," he offered, handing him the bowl. "Thank you. Again. For all of it." Her solemn gaze fell to the newly turned ground that was all she would ever have of Mr. O'Donnell. "My home is not far from here, so we should head out before the snow piles. I'm sure Nora would appreciate your help with the cart work tomorrow and then we can head into the village." Ash took in a deep breath, turning her weary gaze from the plot and to the man next to her. "You should know.. I'm not exactly favored among some of the people there. They're afraid of my mother and I. Of the tonics and salves we produce. They think we are.. well... " She didn't even want to say the word. Ash had the feeling he would understand and that Ezekiel was not like those who took a wide berth around she and her mother when they were selling their wares.

✧ Helping Hand ✧
Once the elderly woman had pointed out where she wished her husband be laid to rest he waited for the pair of women to find their way inside before he let pushed into his first form of a lupine looking larger then he already was as his claws slid their way out he started to make his way through the snow, then the solid frozen ground. Small grunts and growls left him as he put all his frustrations into the task he had offered. The weight of Honora rested heavy in his mind before he realized the hole was as deep as he was tall. Using his claws he pulled himself from the hole before doing his best to place Mr. O'Donnell body in the grave.

“May you rest in peace, you were loved deeply by them.” With words that seemed hollow as he didn’t know the man. Yet he saw the look within Nora eyes, Aislinge eyes. He was a loved man, when his life ended he hoped someone would carry that look for him. Dying alone was a fear deep inside of his ethereal being. Carefully he filled the hole with the dirt he had removed. Till there was a small mound of dirt and grass. He moved to stand as the scent of food wafted from the home behind him, reverting back to his human size.

Her scent was less bloody and mingled with the food over to him. As he turned his hands cupped the bowl, taking it from hers as he raised it taking a sip from it as the warmth filled his chest. “I hope you have gotten something in your system. You need your strength to heal.” He gave a nod of his head towards her leg. “It's merely a piece of peace I can offer in this time of grieving, I am owed nothing. I can make a marker for Nora as well.” He offered as his eyes rested heavy on the turned up earth.

“I will have to follow your guidance towards your home then.” In one swift movement he swallowed down the last of the contents in the bowl, in a quick manner one could say he wolfed it down. “Nothing new to me, I am not favored among many from the color of my skin, and to the tacklass ways I approach things. Or as my friend Q would say, I am an asshole.” He gave an easy chuckle thinking of Quinton. He missed his friend but they were on two separate paths in life currently, “I am only welcomed with open arms when Q is with me. At the end of the day screw everyone.”

The thirst for revenge ached in his throat for a moment before looking back towards Hazel as she stood waiting for him to mount her and ride off. “So people dislike you for what you make? Are you a mystic? We had one with us as a warlock at one point but he got called away by his master as he called it.” He muttered to himself, he had been surrounded by people like him so much of his life he had forgotten it wasn’t a norm in most societies. He got quiet then wondering if she was going to be looking at him as if he had gone mad. Yet now that the blood scent had cleared up he could tell there was something different about her, she was not fully human.

Moving towards where Hazel was waiting he sat the bowl on a bench outside of Nora's door. He could hear gentle sobs from inside, he knew she would cry herself to sleep that night. It was what he did the first night his wife had gone missing after making his throat horse with all the screaming he had done. “Are you sure you wish me in your home? I can sleep outside if needed.” He said not looking towards her as his large hand ran alongside Hazel's neck.

Helping Hand
w/ Ezekiel Neo

They had much in common it seemed. Aislinge nodded softly at his question, confirming she was indeed a mystic. She pulled the threadbare shawl closer around her shoulders and stared into the forest for a silent few moments before speaking. "Unlike your companion, I'm not bound to anyone. My magic is natural. Woven in my bloodline. My mother had it. Her mother before her and so on through the women of my family. It comes easily for me which I'm grateful for, but.." she trailed off, blinking finally to break her disconnect.  

"I have visions." Aislinge looked up to the large man, unsure why she was feeling so open. He was still a stranger, but perhaps it was through their bonding of grief and terror, at least on her end, that she was feeling so open then. "Bits and pieces will come to me randomly of things yet to pass. Usually terrible things. Death..." she trailed off, her gaze falling towards the small home where Nora sat heartbroken and alone. "I didn't see his though."

Tears threatened to spill down her pale cheeks, but she blinked them back. "Sometimes I can go into a trance with the help of my mother and fall deeper into the visions. She's taught me everything I know. I'm still learning." The brew was now cold in her hands, but Ash had lost her appetite. She followed Ezekiel back towards the front of the cottage, placing the bowl next to his. Resting a hand on the door, a quick prayer more magic than not, whispered from her lips to keep Nora as strong as an oak as she grieved.  

Ash followed in the path Ezekiel had walked to make it easier on her leg. Once Ezekiel had helped her settle onto Button, keeping her leg as steady as she could against her other while riding sideways on the saddle, she answered him firmly. "Aye. My mother will have it no other way, nor I. You are welcome in my home whenever you need. You saved my life and I will make good on that request to help you in the village." 

Not long after leaving the O'Donnell's, her small home came into view off of the road. Her mother was already outside with a solemn look. Despite not having visions herself anymore, the woman seemed to be just as inquisitive. The look on her face told Ash she already knew what befell her friend and the tears she'd been holding back began to quietly slip.  

Introductions were quick and after Ezekiel housed the two horses for the night behind the frozen garden, she opened the door to invite him inside. The three room cottage was small, barely enough to keep the two women. The main part of the home was where they stayed most of their time with a table and few chairs for cooking, eating, sewing, writing, making salves and potions, and everything else. Shelves lined a lot of the walls with herbs, flowers, and other jars of bits. The other room was really a nook for more of their needs to create their wares while the last room was big enough to hold the two modest beds they each used, though Ash usually slept in the main room, wrapped in mismatched blankets near the dying embers. 

Her mother had of course somehow known to prepare food for three which sat on the table still steaming. A soup and cooked rabbit, it seemed, green herbs piled on top. 'Everything tasted better with more herbs', she would say. A way for them to deal with not having much coin to pay for a better meal. Aislinge gave Ezekiel an encouraging smile and invited him to more food. "Please. Before she makes you feel bad for letting it get cold."

"I heard that." Her mother came closer after rummaging in the small nook and began her inspection of their new guest, knowing eyes moving from the top of his snow covered curls to the bottom of his blood stained boots. "I thank ye for saving my daughter. I wish there was more we could offer, lad." The elder's grey eyes continued taking him in. "You're passing through? Lost something." 

"Màthair," Aislinge warned lowly while she was clearly reading the man, but her mother simply waved her off. 

"Let my girl help. It's only right and I'll have to insist or you'll leave this old woman feeling like she has a debt yet to be repaid while walking to her grave." Ash rolled her eyes and drank some of the broth. Her mother nodded towards the blankets piled on the floor." Ash won't mind you taking her spot there tonight and she can actually sleep in her bed for once." Grey eyes cut to her before taking in Ezekiel again. She was always so nosy, inspecting people as if they were a riddle to solve. "She'll get you back on your path again."

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