
Every Tale Makes Timeless Stories

"Alright and… we are all set! Thank you for your purchase Monsieur.” With a graceful smile, Madeline’s charming and naturally raspy voice penetrated the air, her pure blue gaze which was slightly tainted with the colour of grey smoke close to her pupil and scattered throughout the rest of her iris, stayed glued to the table monitoring the transaction and waiting for the receipt to print. “So now that this is done…” the man who had just purchased her father's painting began to speak “… maybe we can go out for a drink or something.” He offered as he approached her. Madeline was, special, and different from most ladies, she had the innate ability to avoid people, being anti-social, and physically distancing herself from people without them getting offended. So as he stepped towards her, she stepped away in such a way he did not even catch on to the fact that she was putting space between them both.

“I..” I ripped the receipt from the attachable printer on my tablet and handed it to him “… am too young to drink Monsieur but thank you for the offer.” I offered him a smile with my lie because I was, in fact, older than him by at the very least a hundred years. ‘Tea, or coffee then’ He insisted but I just shook my head gently “I do apologize Monsieur but I am here for business not pleasure; I do not fraternize with my father's customers.” I locked eyes with him at last and though I could see his disappointment I could also see his understanding ‘So what do you plan to do here during your free time?’ I looked around the loft I had rented for my time here thinking, debating on if I should share. “I thought I might explore Thistlemoon Forest.” I glanced at him from the corner of my eyes as a faint smirk grew on my lips while he just seemed to deflate ‘No one dares go in there unless they want to end up dead or with sickness that would kill them.’ And that was exactly why I was going.

There was a spark in her eyes that seemed to catch the man's attention for a moment and mesmerize him as she closed her eyes and let a very faint laugh escape her lips. He cautioned, begged, and pleaded with her not to go, telling her all the tales of the people in the past who ventured out and came back all the worse for wear it not at all. Though she listened or entertained his words really her heart was set, it had been for many years now, so with grace, she walked him to the door “Your concern is truly endearing Monsieur but I have to go." She said before bidding him adieu and shutting the door behind him. It took hours to get from the loft to the forest but she still had the whole rest of the day as she had met with the man at dawn, just as the sun was rising. So now she stood at the threshold of the forest clutching a mason jar to her belly as she stared in before at last trekking in.

It was beautiful here, hard not to stop every few steps, close my eyes and just take in the sounds and smells, and the cool summer breeze that passed by every so often. It was peaceful here for me, which for me was an enigma as I was the peace for everything and one else. It was nice to find my own form of peace; I took a deep breath at that thought, a breath I never thought I would be able to take. For the first time in my life, I felt free of the chaos I called a life. However, I was here for a purpose and I would not let myself fully enjoy the forest until I was successful in said purpose. I peered into the mason jar I had been holding to my belly and gazed at the flower floating atop the water inside it, letting my eyes trail down to the vine-like roots that grew beneath the water. I got this flower from my father as a babe; he plucked it right from these woods. For decades I watched as it adapted to its different environments much like myself but now it was time to return it home because every living thing deserves a home, deserves freedom.

She wandered around for a long while, only stopping to compare her flower to others, realizing she was taking a risk here as her flower was a century and just a few years shy of two decades old as her plant was just a bud when her father gave it to her, much like her herself. She often wondered throughout the years whether these flowers still grew and if they did and she made it here if she would find this flower's family. She often tried to recall what her father had told her of this place, hoping that somewhere hidden in his vivid description of Thistlemoons beauty hid a clue as to where this flower belonged. Yet, the hours passed and the sun reached its highest point and her search had come to no avail. She let a breath vibrate passed her lips as she sat down at a pond she had stumbled upon, sitting right in the sun's rays that peeked through the trees above. She held the jar to her lips, silently praying, hoping she would find where her flower belonged, promising herself that she would return whenever she had the chance to return it if she had to.

I set the jar down before I nervously began to play with the necklace I wore taking the rings that hung from the rawhide string and gently brushing them against my lips. I soon caught myself in this act and dropped them, letting them fall back to hang around my neck, it was just an old habit I had, one I mostly never caught or realized I did. I stared out at the pond, taking in the beauty of the water glistening in the sun. At that moment I forwarded my brow as I caught a glimpse of something near the water’s edge, slowly rising and approaching and squatting down above it to get a better look. I could not help the buoyant laughter that fluttered out of me. I rose and trotted back to my mason jar only to return to the spot by the pond seconds later, quickly opening my jar and gently removing the flower. I knelt and held my flower in my hand comparing it to the flowers at the water’s edge “I found them…” I stated to myself in pride but mostly relief and disbelief, carefully I dug in the moist dirt a hole vast enough for the roots of the flower that had grown with me. Planting it, returning it home as I now patted the dirt back on top of it.

She stared at the flower for a moment before she felt the shift in the forest, like something, had been restored as if life had in some way returned to the already lively forest. She knew Love and Life would one day be her duty to uphold and restore so she adored this feeling, the feeling of all being right within the woods. Death and hate? Well, though those would someday be her duty as well she did not accept it. In fact, she would hate having to be a reaper or provoking someone to hate so much that they scream or cry or do anything to get the feeling out. Her father saw that darkness, but it was not his place to tell her and neither of them knew that it would take her mother or anyone nearly killing her to wake the Eternal genes in her up fully. 

I closed my eyes to the feeling of this newfound life around me and could not help but backflip, allowing myself to just plop back onto the grass beneath me as I land. I took in a deep breath of relief letting my eyes close once again, this time actually letting myself enjoy the forest. I enjoyed the breeze, the sun peeking down in streams on my skin, the wildlife I could hear running and flying all around, and the sound of the water turning in the wind. That is when it hit me, my fatigue, my body suddenly realized I had been running and moving for decades and never truly got a moment to just unwind. I could feel my eyelids grow heavy even while they were closed, and how my body melted into the grass beneath me. I wish I could stay here forever at this moment but, I had some much to do and I should probably start my long drive back to the city. I opened my eyes with that thought and sat up with a burdened breath only to stop short so I would not bump heads with who was now right in front of me.

She swallowed hard as she came face to face with the King of the forest unbeknownst to that fact of course. Their faces are so close to each other that her nose gently brushed against his as her eyes that showed the perfect balance of life and death living in harmony within her stared into his bright blue ones before she moved back. She forwarded her brow and blinked a few times while letting out a sharp breath from her nose wondering if she had in fact fallen asleep and he was just a part of some odd dream, soon coming to realize she was in fact awake. A swirl of questions flooded her mind suddenly because she knew that no human could enter this forest unless they were like her or something even greater. She admired him or rather studied him for a second, something telling her that somehow he belonged here and suddenly she swallowed hard again because now she felt as though she were trespassing. She opened her mouth to speak "Uhm…” she closed it again for a moment as nothing really came to her mind. “… Hello!?” she, at last, managed to say not wanting to be awkward or rude by just getting up and walking away.

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Kyan poured more of the sap wine into his cup and took a sip while never turning his gaze from the prisoner that he was still intrigued by. Her story replayed in his thoughts that only brought more questions than complete answers. He slowly drank as he watched his sister inevitably treat the angel as a new play friend; tugging at Madeline's new dress and playing with her dark hair. The girl was just as fascinated as he, but could more easily show it unlike himself. It wasn't often that they got visitors to their realm and even less so of the mixed blood variety who unlawfully held the power of their land.

"I suppose I might need to have a little chat with your father then," Kyan said, getting her attention away from his nosy sister. His blue eyes seemed to glow in intensity just to see what her reaction would be as they met with hers. "It was your father who knew about my land, after all. I should like to know where he heard of us and our not-so-well kept secrets." The king's gaze casually moved away to one of the many platters to pick up a piece of bread before turning back to her. 

"You go out of Thistle all the time, brother. Who knows what you might've said in the human world once you've had too much of their wine. You probably did it yourself." Doelynn stuck her tongue out at him which made him suck his teeth at her in return.

"Shouldn't you be with mother now doing your studies?" The king flicked his wrist and sent a gust of air at his sister and Madeline, creating space between them. He was suddenly feeling rather possessive of his angel. "I think you've had your fun. Gwainar!" The double doors to his room suddenly opened and he could hear the centaur entering his room without turning around as his hooves echoed on the floor. "My sister is late for her studies. Please see that she gets there immediately." Doelynn instantly made a sour face at him as his general beckoned for the princess to leave the room.

Once the door had closed, the silence in the room was palpable. Kyan continued sipping from his chalice and watching his prisoner's face. He could tell Madeline had much to say, but she refrained from doing so. Of course he was very used to that. He was king after all and anyone who had an ounce of sense would carefully watch what they said to him. He suddenly had the strong urge to read her future as was his unique power gifted to his family by the Gods. What would ultimately be his decision on Madeline's remaining life? The idea quickly vanished, however. Kyan knew full and well that he wasn't even sure what he wanted to do with her and so the vision would be hazy and incomplete. "Speak your mind," he said firmly, placing the cup down and interlacing his fingers together while slouching back against his chair to give her the floor. A smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth as this was quite the request and one wrong word could prove damning to her possible well-being; or at least that's what he imagined she would believe. That was by all means fine with him. The jury was still out on whether or not he would punish her for her spoken thoughts. 

She was used to children and their fascination with her, all of them sneaking around whenever they would spot her and peeking around corners just to scatter when she would see them and smile. Doelynn, being so close was a sense of something familiar, she enjoyed the young girl’s closeness, it made her feel a little bit more comfortable given the circumstances, she was not even phased by her playing with her hair. That comfort began to fade though as Kyan spoke, and when she looked into his eyes as they glowed that comfort was completely gone and she found herself locked in a confliction somewhere between enticement and fear which the latter won and she looked down and away from him. When the wind pushed her and Doelynn apart, her first instinct was not for herself but for the girl, her head shooting to look to her and her arms partially darting towards Doelynn to be sure she was alright before she stopped herself realising, within seconds, it was Kyan's doing.

I sank a little once Doelynn was being taken away by Gwainar and a little more when it was just the king and I once more, the weight of our heavy silence settling on me and pushing me down. I had a daunting mater to discuss already but after his words about my father, I now had two although I realise many others with the relationship, I have with my father would not care as I did. “It started with a rumour in Paris.” My eyes searched around trying to recall a fuzzy memory that was not even mine to begin with, the rasp of my voice always caused my voice to crack when I spoke low so I sat up and took a quick deep breath. “A “End is Nigh” radical who spoke about the undead in N'awlins... gods walking among us... Dragons now being fused with their riders... Or the fountain of youth really just being a magical forest. No one listened, my dad kept walking that day but he heard him and that one thing sent him on a manic hunt.” I took a deep breath this time and sank again as I struggled to remember “From a rumour to storybooks; The Little White Bird, A Midsummer Night’s Dream... The King Killer Chronicles: The name of The Wind...” my voice began to crack again as my words slowly faded “the only type of books I could read when I was not studying.” I said to myself under my breath as this disappointing and angering revelation hit.

She closed her eyes as that anger quickly rose but it faded as soon as it showed up across her features because she swallowed it. She always swallowed it, her anger and pride and just about anything else that no one really liked seeing or caused arguments, fights, anything negative. She opened her eyes blinking a few times to get them to focus as she slowly looked up into his eyes again that fear from before still present. “Researching to searching coupled with manic and desperation he eventually found Thistlemoon and with me in his arms taking my last few breaths he grabbed the one thing my body naturally responded to. Slowly he would begin to forget through the decades and the one person he told all of this to is sitting right in front of you.” She looked away to think closing her eyes once again really trying to recall one thing “He did not know about you, or your people, or your kingdom.” She opened her eyes slow “I know for a fact he did not.”

I huffed after a moment looking down at my hands on my lap, I needed to shift the gears of the conversation now and what I need to ask was harder than what I had already said. Saying anything in this situation was hard enough because he could decide he did not like one simple thing I had or may say and well then decide to kill or torture me. “It may seem odd to say but that fire flower has been my dearest friend my whole life.” I looked up to him a little embarrassed “Or maybe to you and your people it is not that odd but...” I looked away to think letting my eyes aimlessly search the room. “that flower has saved my life more times than I wanted it to and more times than I could stop it.” I froze, I had never said that out loud before and the admission of those words caused a swirl of tangented thoughts, that I essentially had to keep to myself. “ I have to go back to the world before this day ends...” I finally built up the courage to say” If I do not go back and end things properly people of all kinds, not just humans will come looking and I owe it to my flo” I stopped myself and swallowed hard “The flower to not have people flouncing into your forest for me...“ I inhaled and looked at him “... I am not asking that I go alone that would be incredibly stupid and disrespectful. I am asking that you come with me? Bear witness to me burn all my bridges down and set fire to...my entire life as I know it?“ I let the rest of my breath out, at last, looking away and down again, playing with the rings on my necklace and rubbing them against my lips. “If... For some reason my motive is not enough for you then... Give me an ultimatum you that you can not resist.” I regretted those words as soon as they left my lips, shutting my eyes but I owed the fire flower my life so I would do anything.

Kyan sat unmoving, never wavering his piercing blue gaze as it stayed transfixed on the raven haired woman sitting across from him. The story of how her father came to Thistle was only getting more interesting as the words continued to flow over her lips, where he could feel the deep pang of emotion that seemed to be attached to them. The rumors of this radical seemed to be the key on how all of this had started for Madeline and her father. Of course, this radical wasn't so radical at all, but spoke the truths that had turned into legends and myths among men through their literature that continued to intrigue their cultures even to this day. Her father was clearly intrigued by whoever this person had been and the king wondered if whoever it was had not been human. One of his eyebrows rose in bemusement hearing that he had given his daughter those specifics titles to read growing up. How very interesting.

The king reached for the wine and poured more into his chalice before leaning back and tipping his chin to her as he continued listening. It was fascinating to watch the range of emotions that quickly flashed over her face and dissipated just as quickly. Still, his eyes never moved from Madeline as he continued listening quietly and sipped from his cup just as she confidently and foolishly tried to confirm that her father never knew of the fae kingdom. Had he not known something, the man would've never ventured into his home in the first place. It also annoyed him to no end knowing that the magical barrier had done little to keep them out as it was meant to, though it was for humans mostly, and other supernatural beings who wandered into the kingdom sometimes wouldn't feel the full affects of its workings. For it to do nothing to her father and for her to so easily pass through, Kyan was starting to find this whole situation more and more intriguing, especially with the few specific words that were confirming his suspicions. 'He would begin to forget.' 

While this new information and excitement rose within him, knowing that he was possibly on the verge of some rather fortuitous news, Kyan was suddenly taken aback by her very brave request to venture back into the human world for her own selfish reasons. Not that it would've been noticeable by any change on his expression. No, he was still locked on her as if she were the only thing in the world that deserved his attention. Kyan took another large drink of the wine before slowly standing and airily walking towards her. He sat on the edge of the table, leaning slightly on the leg that propped him up there and chuckled a bit darkly. "You ask too much." The king looked down on her from his seated position only a foot or so apart to mostly make her feel intimidated as he sighed rather dramatically and then finally broke his gaze to glance out of the window. He let the heavy silence sit in the large space for more than a few moments which would have certainly made her worry what his response would be, just as he wanted it. "Fine."

Kyan finished the wine as he stood then and walked over to his large wardrobe to peer at the massive collection that spanned the centuries with clothing which changed along with the times. "We'll go into the world," he started while pulling the options he considered for this new adventure, "but only to see you.. what was it? Burn all your bridges and set fire to your entire life? That does sound rather enjoyable." He tilted his head to the side and suddenly became rather frustrated as he spun around to face Madeline with a slight pout. "I have nothing to wear."

It had been nearly an hour while the staff went about in a whirl, trying to find something that would appease Kyan. In the end he had settled on the most modest of choices; a pair of black trousers coupled with a few layered shirts of a light fabric and black boots. He placed his many necklaces back over his head, instantly feeling the comforting weight of them before glancing over to Madeline as she was allowed to change back into the clothing she’d worn when originally entering his domain. “Frankly, the dress suits you better.”

He’d informed the general of his intentions to take Madeline out of Thistle and the centaur was none too pleased. Not that it would matter in the end. The king was going to do as he pleased and soon it was only him and Madeline walking through the forest alone, heading towards the human world. “Tell me, Madeline,” he began, folding his arms behind him as he walked through his home, admiring the beauty as always, “What made you turn your back on your dearest friend when you no longer wanted it to save your life? What could be such a darkness for you that you felt as if you should forfeit your own existence?”

Madeleine's eyes might not have ever wavered from his but she was extremely terrified. She gulped as he moved closer to her and sank into her seat while he stared down at her. Her heart was beating so hard and fast that that was all she could hear as it boomed through her ears; She did not even realize she was not breathing as the silence around them thickened further and sat on her shoulders, and further into the chair, she sank. She still held his gaze despite being afraid and remaining perfectly still as she laid in wait for an answer. Only when the answer did come and he moved away from her did she release her breath and realise that she was not breathing, to begin with. Madeline closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths hoping to calm down, get her heart to slow and her body to relax... It did not really work. 

I inevitably opened my eyes and returned my attention to him though I was still actively trying to quietly catch my breath. I froze a faint second when he began to speak because I suddenly realised I might have to explain there would not be real fire or actual bridges falling down. I opened my mouth to speak but held my tongue with my words on its tip, what if my saying these were just a figure of speech caused him to change his mind? If I did not go and end things the right way who would come in search of me? What god or man? Monster or angel? Who would die for no reason? The right thing would be to at least make it clear about what he should expect but before I could get a word in I heard Kyan, then saw his pout. I closed my mouth as the faintest of chuckles left me and I felt a very small smile curl at the edges of my lips; I was genuinely but pleasantly surprised. 

Madeline got swept up in the wave of motion that came into the room at the King's command but this chaos she was used to. In fact, she was comfortable with this type of chaos in particular and it made her miss the days she worked in the fashion industry. For a moment she watched as the staff toiled over their king and once she was allowed to put her original outfit back on she took his distraction as the opportunity to change. Her clothes had been shredded by the pixies earlier but fortunately enough, her pants just looked purposely ripped, unfortunately enough her shirt was quite tattered but she managed to make do and quite literally tie it around her fashionably. Once they were finally on their way Madeline was having a rather hard time focusing on Kyan, looking around with a bright shine in her eyes. She continuously trotted to catch up with him when she fell behind from unconsciously stopping to admire Thistle. She went from walking normally to not walking at all to walking backwards to keep up with him. She was smiling so peacefully at the beauty surrounding them and it genuinely took her time to hear and process what Kyan had said and her smile slowly faded to just a smirk. 

My eyes slowly trailed to Kyan yet again; oh darkness my old friend why can I not escape you? I exhaled an audible heavy breath from my nose alone that ended with a small tsk of my tongue as I shook my head. I actually had to think of this question but because I did not see it the same way. "Of all the darkness in my life, I do n-" suddenly I stopped and gasped. My words caught at the back of my throat and my breath hitched. We had just passed out of Thistle and the only reason I knew was due to this sudden feeling gripping my very soul. Everything about me just stopped as my back straightened and I stumbled back a step or two. I felt like I was at the end of a bungee cord or in the loop of a rubber band being pulled back to where we came. Except what was pulling me? I spun to look back at Thistle, I had only felt this twice in my life which told me this was the Tree again. It was the only answer that made sense; I stumbled forward towards this pull but I dug the heels of boots into the ground to catch myself. I grit my teeth, swallowed hard and stiffened up just to fight this beautiful and strong feeling pulling me back; this feeling of being wanted is all I ever wanted and it was extremely relieving that it was not from darkness come to drag me back and leave me knocking at death's door. 

"Uhm.." Madeline's voice cracked while she forced herself to focus back on Kyan and quickly tried to recall what she was saying before being lassoed. Clearing her throat and shaking her head extremely faint tears billowed at the brim of her eyes but once she huffed they were gone. "I always hated seeing my friend locked away in a jar with no real purpose anymore. Friendships or any relationship are a two-way street, I got tired of this flower pouring its very life into me and all I could do was make sure it had clean water or that its jar did not break. To me, that is like telling someone you love them just to have them reply with a Thank you and a pat on the shoulder." She dropped her head and shook it before looking Kyan right in the eyes. "You call it turning my back but I do not see it that way at all. I see it as making things right... Or trying to... even at the threat of death." She let her words set before she scanned her surroundings "the car is this way." She hesitated before walking because she still felt like she was being pulled back into Thistle, it got easier though the farther they got.

The car was not parked too far but far enough so that if someone stumbled upon it they would not automatically assume I had gone into Thistlemoon. I unlocked the car but did not immediately get in, instead, I began to check the engine and wheels for any animals that might have tried to make their home there in the hours I had been gone. After finding a bunny on one of the wheels I got in and the smooth New Orleans Jazz riddled to life through the radio as the car revved to a start. My eyes immediately closed at that and my hand rested on the speaker in the driver's door so I could feel the vibrations and at last my body relaxed.  It was not until I remembered I was not alone that my eyes fluttered back open and I glanced to Kyan quickly before putting the car in reverse. Delicately I brought my hand to the headrest of Kyan's seat and turned to look out the rear window as I backed up. "Doelynn mentioned you leave Thistle all the time when was the last time? And when was the last you were in a car?" 

It would be a lie to say that he didn't find her enjoyment pleasing as she looked at his dazzling world around them. She seemed to be wrapped up in its beauty though it was no surprise, he supposed. Thistle always had that effect on others when the world they were used to outside of the bubble that was the fae's home was dull in comparison. The woods of the rest of the world were not alive such as this. The magic had dwindled away when humans sought to destroy the lands and forgotten all of his kind. Kyan often wondered what the world would truly look like if Gaia's touch had still be present upon the Earth, but it did not do well to daydream in things that couldn't be. The Gods and their petty wars only trickled down to their creations and the fae remained in exile because of it. Though Kyan didn't mind it. He had no desire to live among humans who were above all selfish and greedy creatures that had no respect for the Earth and what it did for them.

He could see the question he posed for her calculating in Madeline's head from her expression, but as she began to answer, the sudden change that went over her whole being was more than noticeable. Kyan's gaze moved over her form before turning his head back to glance at Thistlemoon. They had crossed the border and it seemed to cause a surprising reaction for Madeline. His head tilted ever so slightly and he pondered at what she was feeling just then. It seemed to confuse her as well. The king wondered if it was the flower that called out to her, knowing she was beyond its reach then. The bond they had shared suddenly being lost due to the harsh barrier of the two worlds being separated. Could she honestly survive without it? A small smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth as this story seemed to become more and more interesting.

Kyan listened to her reply once she had gathered herself. It was surprising to say the least and he couldn't help but look at her with stunned admiration; Something he did not show often when it came to others. This truly bothered him in more ways than he was able to figure out so quickly as they continued their walk away from the woods. "You speak like a fae, Madeline," he replied after a few silent moments once she'd pointed the way. "You think of the flower to have just as much right to life as you. As if you are equals." His footsteps slowed to look at her fully again. It was as if he was seeing her for the first time. "Many would not share those beliefs. The flower would only be seen as a tool , but not you." The blues of his hues seemed to brighten while they focused to her eyes as if there may be a lie somewhere that he could find; Something that would explain how she could cause these strange feelings in him.

Once they arrived at the car, Kyan took in the metal machinery. He placed his hand on the top of the car and peered inside of its windows, noting how they had changed greatly since he was last in one. Pulling at the latch didn't seem to do much and he looked over to Madeline who had suddenly procured a rabbit. Kyan listened in on the animal's thoughts. It seemed rather disappointed to be moved from the warm spot it had found. "Up a ways there," the king pointed in passing as his eyes went back to the car. Humans did seem to show progress very quickly in the things they made. "The wood there will be somewhere you'll find pleasing." The sudden sound of the innards in the car moving made his eyes move to the handle again and he pulled, opening the door and sitting inside.

There was certainly a lot going on once he was seated. Madeline fidgeted about which was making him antsy. He wanted the thing to turn on already, but he did find the music agreeable at least. It made him wiggle slightly in amusement when the car finally started moving and backwards, no less. "My sister talks too much," he replied, glancing out of the window as she drove them. "It's been some years. The last I went didn't agree with me." His reply was short and had a finality on it as he didn't wish to speak on it. "I haven't been out in the human world for several years and in one of these things in maybe twenty or more. Sometimes time moves differently in Thistle. When your immortal, time is not the same and you don't realize how much of it has passed unless you stop to check." His fingers moved over the different buttons which caused the music to change and then a blast of cold air to hit his face. The king looked over to her curiously then. "Where is the first bridge we are going to?"

Ultimately Madeline was a bit relieved and shocked Kyan did not ask her what had just happened because she honestly would not know what to tell him. She even braced herself when she heard his voice again but when she realised what he had said she found herself holding her tongue at the moment and giving him a sad smile. It did not go unnoticed by Madeline what sort of high honour it probably was for the king of the fae to compare her to his own kind. She dabbled with her words in her mind and tried to tell herself to leave it alone and not say anything but the need fo clarify was burning within her. "Equal is a strong word when I hold the flower in a higher regard to myself." She eventually admitted under her breath not saying more as they walked to the car. She paused when he spoke once again but blinked in the realisation that it was to the rabbit to which he spoke. She watched in awe as the rabbit listened laughing to herself as she appreciated that moment.

I remained quiet as we drove and kept my eyes in front of me, only letting out a dry laugh when the king pried around with the buttons of the car and was attacked by the ac. I was for a moment tempted to dig a little deeper when he sort of shut down the conversation about his last time out in the world, much like he dug with me, but decided to respect that he did not want to talk about it. "Mmm" I hummed when his words of immortality resonated with me and suddenly found myself reminiscing of the chaos caused by the turn of time. "Immortality is both a blessing and a curse." I, at last, spoke after a moment of silence. "Sometimes it turns so slow you feel stuck in a moment of havoc, and then in the very next second everything cascades out of control and by the time you catch up... you have lost everyone you loved... and you are still just standing in the same spot time left you in trying to stop your head from spinning." I shook my head but my eyes never turned away from in front of me. I took a heavy breath and let it vibrate passed my lips "first bridge?..." I said within my huff. "...to return the car."

Upon arriving at the car rental Madeline quickly checked the car for any personal items. She removed her phone from the glove compartment and slipped it into her back pocket and grabbed a fleece she had in the back seat and quickly threw it on. She buttoned the bottom few buttons quickly covering her exposed midriff but more than anything the gnarly scars she had there. By now Kyan had seen them she was sure of it but he had not asked or mentioned them, the men they were about to meet however was a different story. "Mad Bird!" She heard just as she finished covering up and she spun on her heels and forced a smile on her face. "Hi TJ." Her raspy voice was soaked in a French drawl with tips of her word dipped in a charming Southern twang that she could turn up or down when she just felt like it. Right now she was highlighting the Southern. “You are late." The young man playfully chastised and another forced smile followed by an equally forced chuckle left Madeline and went right over TJ's head. "Yeah sorry I had to run and get my good friend so we can spend the day together and of course the one day I forget my car charger at home-" "Your phone died." He cut her off and she drew her phone from her back pocket and tapped it against her fingertips. "As a doornail."

Tj chuckled as his eyes scanned over me like I was his prey. He took a step closer trying to close the deliberate space I left between us but I calmly stepped back keeping that space there and he did not seem to even notice. "So how much do I owe you?" I asked to further distract him. 'Oh no. My father would never forgive me if I charged you.' He laughed out. "And I would not feel descent if I did not ask. At least let me cover the late fee? How much is that?" His smirk twitched up into a smile. 'A date with me.' I inhaled and shook my head "you ask for far too much your price is way too high a price." I chuckled but it was not funny. 'Then do not ask.' His attention soon turned to Kyan and I could feel tension from TJ 'I did not know you had another male friend this side of the pond beside my dad and me, and here I thought I knew everything about you.' He spoke to me but stared at Kyan so I quickly chimed in "When in fact you know very little about me actually." His eyes finally fell down on me again and he hummed to himself before looking down at the tablet in his hands. 'Yeah, well just tell me what time you will need the car tomorrow.' He said without looking at either of us.

Madeline cleared her throat "Actually I need to talk to you and your dad about that. Is he around?" She questioned and TJ clearly found that odd as he looked up at her and squinted his eyes at her and Kyan both before shrugging. "Yeah okay. He is uh in the back." He said spinning around and leading for them to follow. "Madeline!" The older man perked up upon seeing her, beginning to stand from where he sat but Madeline stopped him by simply just taking his hand. She smiled down at him a lot more genuine than she had his son but still there was fakeness to it. "Thomas this is one of my oldest friends Kyan. We are spending the day together before I leave." She stepped to the side presenting the two men to each other and Thomas was much kinder than his son towards Kyan. He offered for them to sit and while Madeline obliged him she stayed at the edge of her seat not expecting this conversation to be long... Or go well. She waited until they were all sitting and smiled genuinely but sad "I am leaving today... Now normally I would not ask to speak to you for just that news but I am not going home and seeing as you two reach out to me often and track me down for surprise visits..." She said a bit uneasy. "I thought I should tell you so you do not panic for any reason but also to say goodbye." She was quietly watching them silently react and bubble up in anger. "I got an internship... I start tomorrow, certain details are not important but I will be travelling into certain dangerous territories to help the people there... for that reason, I must ask you to respect my wishes in not contacting me... Ever... Again." She spoke sternly but somehow still managed to remain kind. There was a heavy kind of quiet and Madeline was just waiting for their reaction. TJ's came first as he exploded from his seat and glowered down at Madeline for countless minutes while she fearlessly stared right back. Eventually, he stormed off slamming the door behind him as Thomas sighed "I apologise for him he truly believed you would be his one day." Madeline nodded her head "he would not be the first..." She spoke bluntly and Thomas cleared his throat shaking his head "I will tell him about that soon." He cryptically replied with a stern nod Madeline returned. "With as much as I hate to say goodbye, we will respect your wishes seeing as you will likely need discretion in these... dangerous places. I will make sure TJ will not find you like last time." Madeline thanked Thomas and quickly rose and turned to leave trying to get out before anything else could be said but she was not fast enough. "Why him!?" Thomas's suddenly vexed voice shot out at her. "If this is your last day before you leave why choose to spend it with him!?" He pointed at Kyan in clear judgement and disgust as Madeline stilled and stiffened up, not believing his audacity but also not shocked by it. She took one long exhale as she slowly spun on her heels to face Thomas and her kind nature seemed to slowly melt away leaving nothing but this mature semi-dark glare that never wavered away from Thomas's eyes. "Because unlike you and your spoiled stalker of a son... Kyan would not be jealous had I chosen any other person to spend my time with today." She spat out and rather than listen to his reply or let herself be stopped by either man she gracefully took Kyan's hand, smiled at him radially and stormed out. "We can walk to our next stop from here." She spoke after walking in peeved silence for a while before finally just taking a moment to breathe and faintly shake off her feelings but not completely.

Kyan's eyes brightened as he watched the world go by in the car. It was all moving a little too fast for him which he didn't like as he wanted to inspect more of the change that had happened in the years he had been missing from this outside society. He made a face of displeasure, but turned to Madeline as she gave her view on what it was like being immortal. He understood what she meant to a degree, however, he wasn't exactly acquaintances with those that weren't immortal. Loss in that way was foreign to him, but he wondered if it was like the degree of pain he felt seeing his own people die. It was unnatural and thus cut him deeply to his soul. Fae were not meant to die. They were to live forever and protect the world as Gaia had wanted, so when a life was taken it was the only time Kyan truly felt a sense of pain. Just as all his kind did. That pain would always turn to rage because it would be the forces outside of Thistle which would cause such an end. Surely that pain wasn't the same for mortals. Though he'd never had a deep connection of love. His parents had that bond and he knew one would not last if the other should perish. To him, that sounded like an awful weakness to have. 

As the car finally stopped, Kyan looked around at all the other vehicles here and followed Madeline inside, wondering what it was they were doing there. He didn't like the way it smelled. The sudden loud voice that broke into the silence made him turn around with an appalled expression. A large man bounded towards them and he immediately took displeasure with him. The fae wasn't the kind to hide the expression either. Blue hues wandering over the human's stature, the king tried very hard not to say anything as he bombarded Madeline with questions. Why were they here? Why did she want to say goodbye to him? Kyan continued watching their exchange and then couldn't help but scoff at this human asking for a date from her. That was a word he did recognize; Their form of courting in the human world. With him? He internally laughed harder, but then noticed the look this TJ was giving him. Anyone who dared to look at him like that was giving an open invitation to be set on fire and right now that was looking more and more like a very agreeable decision in his mind. Kyan feared no man, least of all this one.

The tips of his fingers began to warm as that thought looked more and more like the entertaining route he was about to take until Madeline requested to speak to TJ's father. Kyan huffed out and remained quiet, letting the heat rising in him simmer at best. Walking into this new space, he eyed the older man who offered them a seat. The king had no desire to, but copied Madeline and sat down becoming more annoyed at the fact she felt the need to give these humans the time of day. He couldn't quite figure out what they were to her, but studied this new person in front of them with the hopes of gaining more information to make him understand.

He listened, but nothing was giving it away. Madeline seemed to maybe be in some debt to them perhaps, but he wasn't quite sure and was more than a little pleased when this charade was finally over as she said her farewell. The king stood and put a hand through his hair, not so happy at the fact that this was far less entertaining than he thought her 'burning of bridges' would be, though he'd certainly like to still set alight that TJ human. Just when the thought of doing so made a small smirk appear at the corner of his lips, Thomas's interjection about him gave him pause. The fae slowly turned around and stared daggers at the man. It seemed the death wish ran in this family and Kyan was happy to oblige both father and son. 

The heat moved again to his hands and built, but was suddenly halted when he felt Madeline's fingers slip into his. He looked down to their joined hands in confusion and a bit of shock. The intimate action was something he wasn't used to and it quelled all his anger instantly before being swiftly led from the building by Madeline and into the street. Kyan looked over his shoulder to where they'd just come from, still wanting to not leave without giving those humans some sort of punishment, but did not protest as they walked on. "I would've gladly taught them a lesson for their disgusting behavior." The king noted the weight of her hand still in his, but didn't flinch away. She seemed to be caught up in the emotion of what had just transpired and he watched it move over her being. Instead, he looked ahead as they walked and tried to put everything he'd just witnessed into perspective from his past knowledge. "Are you a whore of theirs?" he asked, breaking the silence between them abruptly. In the small amount of time Kyan had known his prisoner, she didn't seem the type, but then again, he did only know her for a small amount of time. It did sound like she escaped them at some point as mentioned in their conversation. Perhaps, as he thought before, beholden to them. Well... not anymore. She was his now, though he had no intention of making her some concubine. "I hope you weren't promised to that disgusting human."

Madeline was lost in her clear annoyance as they walked hand in hand until his words brought her out of it and she looked at him with her eyes faintly wide when she registered what he had asked. A gentle smile touched her lips as her eyes grew soft "I have never been anyone's whore." She chuckled softly looking out in front of them, as they walked that gentle smile staying on her face a moment. She was not offended as some might have been she was after all the daughter and granddaughter of what many would call whores and was born in a whorehouse. If it had not been for who her father was and if it was not for the fact that he was there the day she was born she would have been made to follow the family business. She scrunched up her nose in a vivid distaste at his next words making a faint sound of displeasure as she shook her head no. 

I looked at Kyan again and took in a gentle huff because I figured what his questions were trying to answer. I turned away as I took in a breath "They uhm... They saved my life long before I knew I was immortal and while everyone else passed me by as I bleed out." I huffed out closing my eyes fighting back that memory that lead to that moment. Shaking the recollection away as I opened my eyes and shook my head. "I felt indebted to them all this time and..." I hold my breath for a moment before letting it vibrate past my lips as I exhaled  "..could not get away from them." I looked back up to him and offered him a smile before turning to look around as we walked. "They are not worth a Kings effort or time." I harmlessly nudged him gently. 

Holding his hand was not something she even realised she was still doing because it was second nature to her. The two few people in her life that would come and spend time with her would always take her hand and take her off to the woods to tell her tales of their adventures. Holding his hand felt so normal because of them that she did not even notice until they reached the building of their next stop and she let his hand go to open the door. She glanced at him only quickly when she realised not wanting to make it a big deal since he did not seem to mind. "Madeline!" The Secretary joyously called when she saw her from the front desk and Maddie skipped towards her "Jules!" She chuckled out. "My succulent lived thanks to you." Jules beamed at her and Madeline hopped and pulled herself up over the counter to see the plant sitting on the desk before Jules could lift it to show her and both ladies laughed. "You do not have a meeting today." Jules spoke after a moment of their laughter and Madeline dropped back down to her feet looking over at Kyan so he did not feel too left out before returning her attention to Jules. "I am actually here to give Audette my answer." Madeline's smile dropped a little as she spoke and Jules's eyes scanned over to Kyan as she gave a soft smile "you can not have a guest." She reminded and Madeline's smile changed to that of a coy smirk "unless they are a significant other." She shot back suddenly hiding her left ring finger from Jules's view, playing a sly little game with her. 

Jules's eyes went wide with excitement as her smile slowly grew wider and wider and she looked at Kyan ' then head right up.' I took Kyan's hand again and hurried to the elevator before she got suspicious or caught on to something being off about this. ' and congratulations you two.' We could hear as the elevator doors closed and I could not help but laugh as I crossed my arms over my chest. Glancing to Kyan mainly because he had not noticed yet or maybe he did but was pretending he did not. The doors opened to the top floor and I spun to face Kyan as I got out "I am going to want that back." I noted pointing to the ring I had managed to get off from around my neck and onto his finger. I paused just a moment as I examined it on his finger. "It has never fit anyone before..." I said out loud but my words were to myself as I questioned why it fit him perfectly. I played with the ring that was on my own finger trying to distract myself and not show I was contemplating that still as I headed towards the plants here.

Subconsciously she began to hum to the plants as she looked at all of them; the rings on their fingers looked nothing like wedding rings but Madeline was charming and sharp enough to pull this ruse off. It did feel odd to be wearing this ring in particular though the weight of it going far beyond physical and she actually needed to huff to get rid of the sadness coming. "Madeline." A strong feminine voice called and Madeline turned, smiled and opened her mouth to speak "When did you get married?" Audette beat her to it as she took her left hand and looked at the ring. She glared and squinted down at the ring finding the choice odd as she then examined Kyan, not harshly but more so cautiously as she hummed to herself.  She let Madeline's hand go and walked to sit down nearby, thinking as her eyes shifted back and forth from Madeline to Kyan lighting a cigarette. Eventually, her eyes just stayed on Madeline, as she took a long drag, who was not phased by her staring. "If I disappeared here and now no one would notice no one would care?" She questioned as she exhaled the smoke into the air and it caused Madeline to drop her head and audibly sigh. "Your words Madeline, not mine." She continued, tapping her cigarette on the ashtray in front of her. 

I shot a sharp breath from my nose to force out the foul scent of her cigarette before giving a dry chuckle although nothing was funny. "My words..." I confirmed as I looked back up at her, approached slowly and sat across from her. "...words I said when I was younger and at a really low point in life." I gently spoke as if trying to ease my words onto her and she let out a dismissive tiff as she waved her hand, stubbed out her cigarette and rose. She eyed both of us harshly but Kyan more than me and I really needed everyone to stop treating him this way when it was me they were dealing with. It was evident the king did not like it and I quickly rose and physically put myself between them before he snapped. 'Why change your resolve for him?!' She eyed him up and down because even though I was between them I was shorter than them and though this was only the second time the question had been asked I was tired of it. I grit my teeth and tightened my jaw "for the same reasons you changed your mind about me." I said through my teeth giving her a light push so she gave us, mainly me, some space as she stepped back. Audette's eyes were now on me as she let out a dry laugh to match the one I had given earlier while she looked me up and down. 'I knew you were a whore.' Her words struck me differently from when Kyan had said them and I smirked although it was clear I was vexed. "Aw, thanks. It takes one to know one. " I scowled faintly as my words dripped with sarcasm and there was a pause as I could see her anger bubble up and that was our cue to leave before Audette said the wrong thing and Kyan decided to teach her a lesson as he offered earlier. So once again I found his hand and caught the elevator down right as Audette lost it. I huffed once we were outside "One more stop." I mention clearly distracted and upset as we walked.  

Anyone that knew of the fae, really knew, would understand that tact was not really one of the faes' qualities. Especially the king himself. Kyan took her response to his question of being their harlot and found that knowing she was not what he assumed pleased him. Still, he really wanted to set them on fire. Then maybe bring the building down on top of them. Yes, that seemed satisfactory to him. He could feel the excitement of the idea beginning to brew inside him once again until Madeline started explaining more about why she chose to stay with those creatures. It seemed she was indebted to someone every step of her life in order to live and now it was his turn to hold that contract. He wondered if she ever truly had a life of her own to freely live and do as she chose and wanted for herself. Why was he suddenly feeling badly? 

The king physically shook his head of the new emotion and ignored the.. guilt? Is that what this feeling was? He did not like that at all. No, she was rightfully his now. Someone needed to pay for what was done to his forest. She should be angry with her father, really. This was his fault. Yes. His focus came back around when she softly bumped him and played to his ego. Smart girl. Kyan pushed the previous thoughts away then as they arrived to the newest stop of their journey. He wondered who would now be the next person on her list of farewells as his eyes scanned the building, still noting the newest technologies of humans since last he was among them. That was until her hand fell from his and for a moment it felt like a disconnection from this unfamiliar world. Kyan watched as she bounced through the door and to the woman behind the desk who seemed equally excited to see her. Perhaps this would be a person she had some better connection with.

Kyan took his time as he walked closer, moving his hands into the soft pockets of his linen pants and noting the human. Ordinary as they come. He listened to their exchange and then raised an eyebrow at the mention of a significant other. That term was used for humans who were monogamous to each other, he was quite certain. Of course the king remained quiet at this and only followed along as Madeline's fingers slipped into his once again and they were hurrying to the elevator. When they were alone in the moving box, Kyan watched as she placed the ring on his finger. "You are increasingly confusing, Madeline." Fae did not do such an exchange of jewelry like this to commit themselves. The idea alone was nauseating to him usually, but he found himself eyeing the band with curiosity as it easily fit. His brightened blue eyes noted her expression that seemed surprised, followed by her words of confirmation as to why. The king scoffed lightly and lowered his face closer to hers, speaking softly as if to keep the secret. "Well, you can certainly have the thing back after your little rouse, my beloved soon-to-be."

As the chime of the elevator sounded, his gaze went ahead to see this new floor. At least these people had plants filling this structure of metal and steel, but as the smell of the familiar scent of cigarette smoke hit him, Kyan's face formed one of disgust. Humans. He noted where it was coming from and saw the woman who quickly came to greet them. His mind was more preoccupied with the plant life that had to suffer this woman's addiction. It was nearly unbearable for him to deal with as the smoke moved into his lungs. The king chose to remain standing and did not remove his expression of distaste. It only shifted into something closer to anger as this Audette seemed to challenge him with every inch of her being. 

Fine. He was tired of these humans. The king had motioned to take a step forward, but Madeline had quickly moved between them. This time he had half a mind to move her as the spat between the two continued and rose to a head, but then her hand moved into his and he halted the magic.. but only for a few moments. As Madeline mostly dragged him back to the elevator, he waited until she pushed the button for the lobby before focusing on the cigarette which still barely smoked in its ashtray. Kyan tilted his head slightly and sparked the butt to life again before sending a small gust of air across the space to guide the burning ashes into the curtains nearby. He smirked as the fabric went alight just as the doors closed.

The silence remained between the two until they were finally outside and she muttered they were onto the next so called bridge. "No." Kyan replied, stopping their trek and noting her clear distress. "Your life here among the humans is nothing but repulsive people who have no real regard for you. Why do you feel the need to give them these explanations? From what I can tell, your life as a prisoner with me has been far better in the time you've been in Thistle than out here. Given the mood I'm in, I'm likely to murder the next person you decide to bring me to." Sirens began wailing in the distance and though he would've normally found this pleasing to know the cause of them was him and his previous act some moments ago, he was only annoyed by the events of the day. Why didn't she stand up for herself? Why did he care so much? "Who was Audette to you? She was revolting as were all the rest of these... people today."

The conversation had only lasted two to three minutes but in that time Madeline had thought of several ways to piss Audette off further just to be spiteful and because she was feeling a bit petty. Ultimately, she decided against these plots in her head because of how comical it would have been to see her struggle as she tried to steal one of the giant and heavy ass plants in the room. Walking away was probably for the best since it gave Audette no reason to seek her out after this. Of all her Petty Wap ideas, none of them included wanton destruction so the moment the curtains went alight her eyes widened but before she could get off to try and help, which she did try, the doors had closed. In dead silence, her heart descended with the elevator landing in the pit of her stomach as they reached the lobby. 

I had forgotten all about the fact I was holding Kyan's hand again until he used that against me to stop us in our tracks. I swallowed softly at his no, feeling the concern that was already apparent on my face grow and the sirens wailing in the distance made it all worse. The more he questioned and talked, the more I looked away from him with a sharp audible breath because the last few words he launched at me were not only soberingly true but also far more sympathetic than what I was used to from people who were supposed to care about me. I closed my eyes for a moment and took a few deep aggravated breaths trying to gear myself up to answer his question. "No one ever hears me..." I huff out under my breath because I did tell him why I needed to do this before we left Thistlemoon. "If I do not break my ties with the people presently in my life they will look for me after a while. Word will spread and all manner of man, beast and creature, will enter this search party. I can not guarantee they will ever find your home and in turn me but I am not willing to take that chance. You might not mind violence but I would never forgive myself if someone died just because they were looking for me." I say softly as my gaze slowly makes its way back up to his. 

Audette was a hard person to explain therefore making Madeline's relationship with her equally as hard. There was just no way of summarising the years they had known each other into a few words to satisfy the king. This is why a long pause came from Maddie as she thoroughly tried to figure out how to explain well enough at least for now and where to begin. "Audette owns a private militia that focuses on the conservation of rain forests and wildlife. She was in need of a translator for an upcoming campaign and I volunteered." She said this with a small smile threatening to form at the corner of her lips. "She was also the first person to change her stubborn mind about me and give me a chance." She took a deep breath.

"Where I am from there are countless rumours about me and none of them favourable or true..." I huffed so hard with my words I faintly deflated clearly ashamed all of a sudden. "... And no matter what I do to prove them wrong or who I beg to share the truth instead, the rumours just evolve and ripen." My words quiet out for a second while I twist my mouth. "I help sell the art, my father creates and Audette came in wanting to buy but... Like everyone around her, she believed the rumours about me." I say with a soft shameful shrug looking away from him. "So she wanted nothing to do with me and I would have left her alone if it was not for the fact that I desperately wanted to be the translator she needed... So I changed her mind about me." I paused again for a second and opened my mouth to continue speaking but upon taking a breath to do so I changed my mind and hummed that train of thought away. "We only have one more stop and it is just to the loft I was renting. From there I will thank the sweet old landlord, call to have everything shipped to the appropriate location and end by calling my father and bidding him adieu. You are more than welcome to murder the phone when I am done." I say with a faint chuckle as I look him in the eyes and give him a soft smile. "I am pretty sure I have some wine left in the fridge." I try and entice him.

The king would normally take pleasure in knowing he was the cause of causing someone else's uncomfortableness, especially when they deserved it, but seeing Madeline's revolving emotions was not entertaining at all. He still had half a mind to walk back inside of the building and nudge along the flames that were no doubt spreading on the upper floor. This was supposed to be a fun trip. He wanted to see the proper sentencing of her life come to a fruition through the pain of her father, but instead it was mostly quite the opposite. It seemed Kyan was doing her a favor by removing her from these human ties. Every time he came back to their world, he remembered exactly why he rarely ever visited and the years in between each time became more and more stretched. Gaia, he hated them so much. Hundreds of years and they only became more despicable. 

"You dismiss me and my kingdom's ability at protection and magic too easily, Madeline," he scoffed from her mentioning of others that might come for her. How intriguing that would be though. "Perhaps I should leave those breadcrumbs just so they can come and I can teach them a thing or two about manners and respect. You haven't been in my kingdom long, but do not assume that our reason for not being discovered by the majority of the world or taken over by some other brazen fool is sheer luck." The king had moved within inches of her face to look her directly in the eyes and make every word heard so she understood just how powerful Thistlemoon was. Along with himself. There were others who had tried to take the wood from him and his people and all had failed in their attempts. Painfully. 

Kyan listened as she tried to explain her relationship with Audette further, but he did not care. First impressions were important and that woman had utterly failed in her chance to at least make it so she was tolerable despite being human. He heard a window shatter from above from a small explosion causing him to look up along with everyone else who was now gathering around to watch. Glass shards rained down from above as a small pillow of smoke escaped before flames followed. Kyan waved his hand nonchalantly to blow the falling glass away from them and subsequently any bystanders, scattering them into the street.

A devilish smile spread over his lips as he looked back up at his handiwork. The sirens of the emergency vehicles pulled up immediately afterwards which was more than a little obnoxious. The fae looked to Madeline then. "Well, wine does sound nice right about now. Tell me more about these rumors people think of you. I'm rather curious. And where is your father that you have to call him and not see him?"

When things happen to or around her, Madeline does not breathe. She will hold her breath and shrink in a hope that it makes her small enough to slip away and vanish so she can avoid conflict. The whole time she is present though she is not breathing; so when Kyan's demeanour changed and he yet again invaded her space her breath stilled and her body slightly stiffened. She was not sure what to anticipate and something told her this would be her life with Kyan and his Fae. She was growing more and more used to sharing her personal space with the king the more he invited himself into it however it was clear her words had struck a nerve with him and there was no way for her to disappear. At this very moment though she truly did not want to, not without explaining herself first, but the more he talked, the closer he got, the more her heart raced and the more nervous she became. Rendering her fearfully speechless at the moment's notice. 

My mind was running, I said the wrong thing and did not mean it how he took it but I was dead silent as he spoke. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears along with his words and each word he uttered at me only caused my fear to amplify. I instantly felt a lump grow in my throat and my eyes water but made for damn sure I did not let any of the tears fall. I tried to swallow that lump and get my eyes to dry but in doing so one faint whine whimpered out and escaped past my lips. "I did not mean it that way..." I say to cover up the whine. "...I have felt a faint sliver of your power and know it would be stupid of me to believe you and your people are not powerful enough to defend yourselves after you have clearly done so for much longer than I have been alive." I spoke soft, wanting to break eye contact but also wanting to be sure he could look me in the eyes and see my truth as I spoke, so my gaze did not waver from his. "I would feel guilty about anyone that died. Whether it be your people or mine but mostly I fear losing the few people I love that truly love me back." 

Her voice cracked and as the glass above them shattered she jerked as if the sound was right at her back and not several stories up. She gazed back up in time to catch him whisk the shards away from everyone as a haunted look appeared at the back of her gaze. It was not a look she had shown before and while it was only there for a second it was a long enough second to see her quiver at just how close that glass got to them. By the time Kyan spoke again that look was gone and her eyes for the most part had dried, leaving her nose slightly red. Up until now, she had not realised just how close they were until he smiled which caused her to put some space between them and begin to walk. She was quick to double back and get Kyan though not trusting he would not turn afoot and cause more mayhem, so she found her hand in his again, which seemed to be the recurring theme of this trip. If she could have pretended that she did not hear his next question she would have but he was likely to ask again or find other means to make her tell him. "There are a lot of them." She huffed as wave of anger hit her and spread across the features of her face. 

"The painter's wife is the worst of them. My father tried to keep me hidden when we moved back home but I was soon discovered and rather than assume I was the painter's daughter they assumed I was his wife. Then the assumptions about why he hid me began. Rumours that I was insane, or that I cheated on the painter with any man or woman I spoke with, that I was violent or dangerous to be around. The more I tried to stop it the worse it got and the more volatile the locals got." I huffed again, these rumours were not as bad as the way people treated me because of them.  "On their own, they're not that bad but they add up and it gets hard when no one wants to talk to you because of them." I did not look at him as we walked pretending to focus on what was ahead of us instead. "And my father..." I quickly tried to change the subject by answering his other question. "...is back home in N'awlins. He was supposed to be the one to come and sell his art to his patrons here but I convinced him I was the better of the two of us to do it. It helped that right before I left I was..."

Her words caught at the back of her throat and her ears unexpectedly began to ring causing her to shudder. She shook her head to rid herself of the moment which stole her attention as her eyebrows forwarded "... I was attacked by my mother." She built the courage to admit it before breaking away from him to get the door for them as they arrived at the building of her flat. It was a quant two flat home, the landlords on the ground level and the rented flat up above. Madeline knocked on the landlord's door gently and was soon greeted by an elderly man who smiled at seeing her. "Hello, Mr Hovington is your wife home?" She asked verbally but also spoke in sign language. The old man shakes his head before signing back to her and she nods her head. "I just wanted to say goo-" she stopped speaking and signing suddenly when the old man very gently ran his thumb over the cut on her face. She forgot the pixies had given her that, and the man was soon asking her in sign language what happened.

"I am clumsy." I am quick to answer. "I mean and you and your wife both witnessed me trip up these steps and slide back down them my first night here." I laugh with my word as I sign and that causes the man to give a silent chuckle with me. "I just wanted to say goodbye to you both and thank you for your warm kindness and hospitality." The old man smiles as I finish signing, signing back that his wife will be sad she missed me before wishing me wellness and safety and then looking at Kyan. Mr Hovington greeted Kyan very differently from everyone else, he smiled at him and held out his hand to shake it. "This is my friend Kyan, Kyan this is Arthur." I let them interact unlike the others and Arthur soon begins to sign and what he says makes me chuckle and roll my eyes. "He said he hopes you take good care of me and something else I am not going to repeat." I sign that I am not telling Kyan that before heading upstairs after saying goodbye; immediately finding and handing Kyan the wine I promised once in the flat. "Welcome to my humble abode for the next... Ten minutes maybe. Make yourself at home I just need to wrap up these paintings and then...... call my dad." I know I did not sound confident about that, our conversations were always particular, to say the least, and I was not looking forward to this at all.

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