Brandon Gabriel LeCreaux Name Brando, Mr. Graveyard Nicknames 30's forever Age October 26th date of birth ScorpioZodiac Male GenderHeterosexual sexuality Single; Death himself relationship Status Graveyard Undertaker, Reaper occupation Somewhere in France hometown house full of reapers current location
Five foot eleven, One hundred and seventy one pounds, Athletic, Dark brown eyes, Dark brown hair, Faceclaim Elliot Knight
Lightning scar along his chest, reaper syth on his forarm with skulls around it
Positive Traits
Care-free, Daring, adventurous
Negitive Traits
Gulilble, Depressed, Stuck
Training, Overseeing a Graveyard
Changes, Not being honest about his death
Madeline Ezperanza-Colette

Brandon helped raised this beautiful girl, training with her, being her big brother. The pair had a close bound that stands through time itself now that she has learned he is alive. Though Brandon has a hard time accepting people from his past since dying.
Dimitri Ezperanza-Colette

The man he considers the father he never knew. This man accepted him in his home randomally one day and brandon had never felt the kind of acceptance before in his life. So he respects the man who accepted him despite his skin color and random apparence in his home.
Ciara Devlin

Brandon met Ciara and was there to watch the love story between her and Dimitri. So her death rocked him to the point he became a graveyard undertaker to keep her headstone safe. Now they are siblings of death itself.
Reapers have the ability to remove the soul of a body. The only time they should be doing this is to keep a soul from feeling the pain of their death. However, some have been known to break this rule when someone annoys them.
Reapers can teleport anywhere instantly. This ability is needed to easily collect their soul Quota
Reapers are capable of stopping time within a twenty foot radius. It can only last a few moments and they can move about in this ‘bubble’ at a normal pace. This helps them collect a soul just before a person’s death.
Reapers are capable of altering human perception to make themselves appear any way they wish, even invisible. This is usually done as a means of easier communication with the deceased, making their journey to the Underworld easier.
Being death itself, there is no way to kill Reapers.
Reapers can lose limbs and chunks of their body, but have it regrown in a matter of minutes.
As Reapers are technically dead, many of the other species' abilities have no effect on them. An example would be their blood not being tempting to a sanguine. If a sanguine were to feed from a Reaper, the sanguine would fall ill for days.
Life has a way of being cruel even to those who have no idea what fate would be instore for them. Bandon was one that fate was going to have its way with.
Brandon's birth was one that went unnoticed by many, spending many years of his youth in service to a kingdom. He was a stable boy and often spent his days mucking horse stalls and being a footman for a royal court. Hard work as all he knew that until one day a calling in the wind came to him. Confused he answered it and before he knew it he landed in the home of the Esperanza-Colette.
Unknown to Brandon but he was brought to the Esperanza-Colette home because he was to be protected by Dimitri. He was important for reasons none of them quite knew. Dimitri became the father he didn’t know he needed. He watched as Dimitri fell in love with Ciara. Soon she was a part of their home and Brandon respected the woman who depended on herself. He was the couples biggest supporter and they had a friendship that would test the tales of time.
When Ciara's death came it rocked them all, but more so Dimitri who on the same day of being widowed became a father. Madeline was born and the two males went out of their way to raise her knowing how strong of a woman her mother was. Brandon took Madeline under his wing and trained her in fighting in secret. It helped him grow in his abilities and helped make sure she would be safe one day without him. They were thick as thieves, they were basically brother and sister.
Despite the mourning of Ciara they visited her grave every month to let her know she wasn’t forgotten. Their lives went on until one day the wind wouldn’t let Brandon go from Ciara grave. So he took on being the undertaker of the graveyard. It was a strange life and due to the sudden change he took in his life. Maddie got busy with her own life and the pair grew apart but never forgot the other.
One night a storm was raging through the graveyard and Brandon was making his rounds to make sure the headstones were withstanding the storm when Brandon came upon an elderly man. Brandon told the man with the storm brewing he should find shelter. The man shook Brandon's hand and thanked him before leaving. Shrugging off the strange meeting Brandon found himself back at Ciara’s grave as the storm raged harder.
As Brandon went to cover Ciara’s headstone a lightning bolt from the heavens struck through Brandon. Life escaped him as his body fell lifeless to the floor. As he stood up from his body he looked over his lifeless form until the man he warned to find shelter. He explained to Brandon that he was now what is known as a Reaper and his life will be different now. Giving him a sticky note with an address. Then he was gone.
Making his way to the address on the sticky note unsure what else to do he was met by a group of males who explained to him what he was now. How his life would be different now that he was chosen to become a reaper. How he would be helping souls cross over to their final resting place in the underworld.
Becoming wrapped up in his new life he didn’t return back to the home of the Esperanza-Colette. Causing Dimitri deep heartache learning of his death in the graveyard on top of his wife’s grave.
Death finds us all - Madeline
Homeland - Ciara