
Every Tale Makes Timeless Stories

The wedding dress


“I do.” King Mark said

“I do.” Isolde said choking back tears as she stared blankly to the man in front of her that was wedding her to the King of Cornwall to unite Ireland and Cornwall as one. This was to be a joyous moment as she stood in front of the kingdom. She was marrying a good man after all. Yet in her mind she wanted Tristan's hand to appear and the pair run off together. She hadn’t seen him since that stormy night after he told her he couldn’t want her. It was wrong. 

She told herself nightly as she cried herself quietly in her bed that he was right they couldn’t be together. She was to be married to his uncle. Though the potion that linked them made it hard as she dreamed of him nightly. She always wondered if he dreamed of her as well. Isolde snapped back into the moment of her wedding as they turned to face the crowd of people. Isolde forced a painful smile as her eyes scanned for Tristan. 

Nowhere to be seen. Maybe he just didn’t want to see her. She thought to herself as the pair walked down and made their way to the ballroom of the castle where there was to be a huge party in their honor. She took a seat at their table and watched the room fill with music and people having a good time. Her eyes still searching for him till Mark leaned in calling her attention.

“My dear, I am so happy this day has come. You look beautiful. I cannot wait for later tonight when you grace my bed.” His voice was a gentle whisper in her ear then a gentle kiss placed on her ear. As King Mark pulled back Isolde pressed that force smile to her lips again. 

“If you excuse me I need to freshen up.” Isolde said as she stood from the table and moved out of the ballroom. She walked down the hall, her hands shaking as she pressed them to her corset. When she was sure no one was around she found the closest empty room and started to breath raggedly. She had forgotten all about the wedding night, it was something she wasn’t ready for… not with him.

She lowered herself to the ground, no longer able to stand as her hands came to her face, tears falling down her cheeks. All the tears she managed to hold in the whole time while the wedding was going on.

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His sword lowered. Tristan turned away from the woman as she tried to explain her reason for invading on their lives. Asking for trust when all she did was sneak around in the shadows of the castle and meddle in their lives with magic no less, seemed like an absurdity. He kept his gaze pinned to the floor where the remnants of the man still lay in a pool of rotted filth. His jaw clenched in an effort to hold his tongue. He didn't have the strength to fight her, physically or verbally. The magic that had filled the room exhausted him completely and being in her presence was only exacerbating it further. The very air he breathed in here still felt like poison moving through his body. 

"My lord?" A questioning voice from one of the knights who'd been on guard earlier appeared in the doorway with a few of the others. Their eyes moved between him and the wildman that was no more. 

Tristan looked to where the sorceress had been moments ago and saw she was now gone. To where, he had no idea, but was sure he'd see her again in one way or the other. Sheathing the sword, he heavily pushed himself away from the cell and moved his way between the men who stood silently waiting for some direction. "Burn the remains outside the walls. Burn them till there's nothing but ash that remains and then bury those ashes." The words were spoken over his shoulder as he slowly walked down the hallway, passed the other cells of prisoners, who seemed to be having some form of clarity again now that the wildman and the thing possessing it had gone.

Leaning against the wall for support, getting to the top of the stairs was its own chore. He immediately stepped out through the archway to get outside and breathed in the fresh air for a few moments. He wiped the sweat from his brow and pushed his damp hair away from his face in some attempt at appearing like he had it together still when he felt quite the opposite. Tristan had had to pull himself together during plenty of battles to appear strong for his men and so he did the same again before heading back inside.

The hallway in which he'd left Isolde in was significantly quieter now, though there were still plenty of people moving about in the current chaotic situation they were now in. The three knights he had stationed to remain at the door of the queen had not moved from their positions. His uncle was standing with some of his advisors further down the corridor and so he ducked into the open room where the queen was still.

"Leave us," he said to the ladies who were attempting to help the distraught queen and they quickly bowed and exited the room to wait outside. Tristan knelt in front of Isolde who still remained on the chaise, meeting his tired eyes with hers. "I'm so sorry," he whispered, his hand coming to her cheek and brushing the tears that fell down her pale skin as the other clasped over her hand. He brought her fingers up and kissed them softly. "I saw the sorceress again." Tristan then explained everything he could from what had happened in the dungeon, leaving out most of the gruesomeness. "It seems she was not expecting that foe to be there either and its somehow interrupted whatever plans she has herself. She may be the only one to really know more about what's going on. More about the enemy that keeps trying to hurt you and our kingdoms." He looked to the open door and saw they were still as alone as could possibly be with knights and servants just feet away. Gently wiping more of the tears away, Tristan kept himself from acting on the urge to wrap her in his arms. "You should rest. Be somewhere quiet and away from this."

Her mind was over encumbered with every bad thought that could vex it and yet the moment her eyes landed on Tristan. Her shoulders relaxed slightly and her eyes moved to the ladies in waiting. “Go on.” Watching as they left the pair alone once again. She moved to sit down on the chaise feeling the events of the morning, it wasn’t even midday at this point and she wished to crawl back into bed and rest her head.  Holding his tired eyes she felt the tears welling up once again. 

Leaning into his comforting touch as his hand moved to brush her tears away. “You have nothing to be sorry for.” she managed to get out as she swallowed back the new tears that wanted to fall over. Closing her icy blue eyes that were stormy and dark now at that moment. The light kisses along her fingers made her want to crawl into his arms and sob away but she knew that wasn’t an option in that moment. Her eyes shot open as he spoke of the sorceress, an angry red tone flashed across her the flesh of her chest.

The more he spoke of his encounter though, she felt the flash of anger that ran through her fade. Isolde could tell he was holding back details but she was sure he had his reasons for that, not wanting to push, since it was probably for the best. She turned her head from looking at Tristan off somewhere in the room weighing her words on what to say. “So we are caught between two monsters and may have to choose a side?” she asked as she pulled her hand free from his to rub her face with both her hands and through her wild curly hair.  “The only thing we can be sure of, is that the Sorceress hasn’t tried to harm us. Whereas this wildman wanted too, plans too.”

The Queen gave a shake of her head for a moment, “Do you think we can call the sorceress to talk with us?” She leaned her heavy head into his touch for a singular moment. “We may be able to get more answers if it's both of us.” She said quietly as one of her hands mindlessly reached to touch the dagger scar. “What is the likelihood that all of these enemies are just toying with us?” she questioned quietly as she closed her eyes. “When the word gets back to Ireland about my m-mother.” her voice broke at that moment. “They are going to want the head of who took hers, or a war may come.” Her eyes opened to lock with him to express the seriousness of this.

“Your uncle wants me to leave the castle grounds.” She said as she moved to her feet then. “Says there is a safe house far from here for me.” She smoothed her hand over her night clothes for a quiet moment. “I’m not sure how long he is going to want to send me away.” her hands came to take hold of his and give them a gentle squeeze. “I have no idea who he plans to send with me either.” After a moment of holding his hands she pulled away to move and place space before she requested him to hold her. "Or when I will be forced to leave the castle, to leave you." she said the last part almost so low he couldn't hear it.

Tristan let out a breath through his nose, looking down. He wished he had the answers. Anything that would let them see some ending to this all. It felt like there was nothing but additional questions instead as they gained more enemies than allies. Isolde had more confidence in this sorceress than he did. There was not a single drop of trust or good will he had toward the woman. However, with this new unknown foe that had taken control over the wildman before completely obliterating him, perhaps the sorceress would be more willing to provide them aid. It was true that she didn't actually cause any physical harm to either of them, but she did meddle in their lives for reasons neither of them knew. Not to mention this potion of what seemed to be eternal life that they were forced to drink. It was something he had yet to come to terms with while dealing with everything else going on.

The knight looked up to her as he tried to find the words, but was silenced when she mentioned the king wanting to have her moved. His brow furrowed and he stared after Isolde as she dropped his hands and moved across the room. Everything else suddenly didn't matter. Having her gone from the castle was unimaginable. Despite the expansiveness of the grounds and the need to always have some distance between them, Tristan at least knew she was around somewhere. He could steal a few glances every now and again and would come running should she need. Only some hours earlier, everything changed. The tether would drive him mad at the new distance. 

Tristan stood, glancing over his shoulder to ensure no one was looking into the room. "I'll request my uncle let me come with you. He'll want the best few to guard his wife and the most trusted." He moved far too close to her and took one of the queen's hands in his while the other cupped her face. "One thing at a time. You need rest and to grieve for your mother. The king will of course want you both to return to Ireland for your mother's funeral rituals and to stay any thinking that may lead to us having anything to do with what happened. I will deal with the rest for now. You mustn't go around the castle without the escorts, please." His thumb brushed over her freckled skin as he raised her hand and kissed it softly before resting his cheek against her fingers for a quick moment. He finally forced himself to step away from Isolde and bowed shortly. He turned and hated every thoughtful pace he took to leave the room, but without a plan, Ireland would no doubt be knocking at their door with sword in hand. They needed to send a discrete messenger out ahead of them because there was no chance the queen's absence wouldn't be noticed which meant they must've been keeping it a secret from the rest of their kingdom.

As the silence thickened between them she felt as if she was going to crawl out of her skin. The idea of not being close to him made her sick to her stomach.  She wanted to throw herself on him, ask him to run away with her. Yet they would be found by the crown or foe and alone they were not strong enough on their own. No matter how much she wished they were. She had dreamed and hoped she would wake up one day a normal girl with no connection to a royal title. Maybe then Tristan and her could be married. This was the path life had given her and she had no free will to make her own choices.

Isolde's ears didn’t register what Tristan was saying at first, her gaze was far off but once she understood his words a look of surprise crossed her face. “You would willingly leave your uncle's side for me? I know the bond between us aches when we are not each other can be unbearable…” She tailed off as he moved in closer to her, taking her hand and her face within his. Her breath caught in her throat as she stared up into his beautiful brown eyes. When he held her this way she felt a calming wash over her. He was the only reason she hadn’t fallen into a pit of despair at that point. 

“One thing at a time seems impossible at this moment.” She admitted, she was still very much denying her mothers death. Even though she was the one to find her, it still felt unreal. “I have no idea when plans to even allow me to return to Ireland will be. They talked of keeping it secret due to how new the marriage is. So many things were thrown around in the room while you were gone.” She took a shallow breath in as he kissed her hand before holding her face gentle in both of his. “I’m scared.” she finally admitted to him before he stepped away.

Watching him bow and take his leave once again, not knowing if the king would allow him to go with her, or when she was even meant to leave. Taking a step back she moved to the window to stare out of it, as there seemed to be another storm brewing. Ellie was all she had left  of her home now. She needed to see her to make sure she was okay, reaching for the window the queen paused her movements. What if it could be a trap, what if she would get hurt going to check on her faithful friend. She sunk to the ground once again and buried her face into her hands. Taking the moment of silence and being fully alone she cried with her whole body. For the loss of her mother, for the loss of any safety she once felt. She was terrified.

After a moment of crying she heard the door open and she paused sniffing her tears up looking at the maiden that walked in. “Forgive me, Queen Isolde. I was asked to come and get you to get you dressed for the day.” Isolde found the strength to rise to her feet and fell in line behind the maiden who was in fact Clarice in disguise. As she was led through the castle to a room she hadn’t been in. Clarice made quick work to dress the Queen before taking her hand gently in hers. “You will be okay, I promise.”

“Making promises is foolish.” Isolde said but gave a nod as she made her way towards the door. “Come with me, to the barn.” She ordered the maiden as she yanked open the door and started to storm her way down the hall. “I have to make sure the only other family I have here is safe.” She said under her breath to herself. Hearing the maiden hasty steps behind her as they moved towards the exit.

Timeless Forever

"We tried."

"Uncle, she needs to return to Ireland. If the king and his advisors are to believe anyone, it would be from Isolde, herself!" Tristan immediately realized his mistake at raising his voice to his uncle and bowed his head shortly, his eyes to the floor. "I apologize, your Majesty."

The king gave him a look that he had indeed gone too far, but then his features softened. A heavy sigh passed through Mark's nose and he clapped his nephew on the shoulder, squeezing it. "You mean well, I know this." They'd been having this back and forth conversation for some time now, his father in the room as well, but staying mostly quiet. King Mark had decided to keep his council away from these talks for fear one of them may very well be against him. There seemed to be no one he could trust beyond his own family and it made Tristan's stomach knot, knowing he had betrayed his uncle as well. They were in the very drawing room he and Isolde had passed through to the hidden corridor not long ago.

"It worries me to have her on the road. Dozens of guards escorting her will draw attention and even if we sent her looking like a pauper with a handful of men, it still draws attention for an easy target. The wildmen have dark magic on their side. We don't know what they are capable of or from the puppet master that controls and leads them. Do you not see this?" Tristan did of course. Perhaps he was entirely too confident in himself and needed to be reigned in. After all, despite having more information than he dared to give his uncle which included the sorceress who could either be an enemy or ally, he was no closer to finding who was behind all of the horrors that had befallen the kingdom.

"I have to protect my wife, the queen of this land, first. She is not safe here in these walls." The king's eyes moved about the room as if the spy may possibly be hidden among them. "She will go to the southern estate. It pains me, but she is the constant center of these attacks. We will say she is in mourning and doesn't wish to be disturbed. You will lead a rally of your men into the wildmen territory. Discover what they are planning. How many have gathered. Whatever you can." 

"My king," Tristan began with a slight hesitation, but met his uncle's eyes. "I feel it best to stay with a few of my men at her side. I wouldn't trust anyone else with this task. Sir Gregory can lead the knights. I will have scouts go out first and then report back. If they see a chance at victory and further discovery of what this is all about, Gregory can advance the attack. They are more than capable without me for this. They've done more without me when I was at war across the lands."

The king's brow pushed forward in thought, the wrinkles of his forehead creasing. Tristan tried to be patient, but then caught his father's gaze. There was something in his expression that proved some harrowing realization and the knight feared he knew exactly what it was. "Yes... yes, you are right. I'll have a messenger come with what's transpired, just make sure it is someone you absolutely trust."

"Yes, of course, your Majesty. I will head to their quarters at once."

Mark rubbed his thumb and forefinger over his temples and Tristan could've sworn he'd seen the man aging in front of him. "How?" he suddenly said, looking between his nephew and brother. "How did it come to this? We've never encountered an enemy like this before. Using this dark magic." A silence fell heavily in the room and Tristan could still feel his father's gaze. "I must go and inform the advisors of this lie we plan on holding to then. Then I will see to the queen." The king came over to Tristan and placed his hand on his shoulder again more gently. "Take care of her."

"With my life."

Then the king was gone and it was just he and his father in the room. Tristan could see the man was ready to burst, so he decided to speak first. "Father..."

"Have you absolutely gone mad?!" He stormed over and stood directly in Tristan's face. Meliodas was a calm man. Never did he see his father lose his temper and it was something he admired in him. He supposed it was where he got his manner of always remaining stoic in any situation, but now it was almost like someone else in front of him. "Tell me you have not acted on these feelings." Tristan finally looked up to meet his father's eyes and said nothing, but his father knew what he didn't say aloud. "Son, have you any idea what would happen to you if..."


The man grabbed both his shoulders and shook him slightly as if to knock sense back into his head. "You would be hanged for this!" he yelled through gritted teeth.

"I tried," Tristan replied softly, defeat and relief slumping his whole body. The weight of it all was suddenly crushing when the disappointment was clearly on his father's face, but at the same time it was almost relieving to finally speak some truth to his family. "We tried."

"We... Boy, this ends now. Now!" Meliodas finally let go and only stared at his son which made Tristan feel like every proud moment he'd ever made his father feel dissolve to nothing. He turned and walked from the room, leaving the knight alone or so he assumed, for his sister had been behind the tapestry, listening from the hidden corridor to it all.

✧ Timeless Forever ✧
Due to the events that happened the evening before the castle was a buzz with chaos. The news of the war being struck between them and the wildmen was imminent. She was being selfish, she wanted Tristian to be with her as she is being isolated for what is claimed to be her safety. Yet she felt it was as if she was being shipped away to remove the problem in the kingdom. The problem being the foreign queen who was to marry the king only to prevent war. Yet here war was on two fronts wanting to take down the Cornwell King, and those around him.

Getting out of the castle was easier with the handmaid beside her, No one seemed to notice her as they made their way out the side entry where the path to the stables wasn't far. Little did Isolde know that Clarice in this handmaid form had a field of invisibility about the queen as they made their way through the castle and now the yard. Clarice understood the queen needed comfort in a piece of home that was left for her. That was Ellie. In hopes to soothe some of the worries that the queen was having.

As the pair entered the stables and were near Ellie, Clarice dropped the invisibility. Ellie's head was over the door the moment she smelled Isolde. She pressed her nose into Isolde hand, the tears started once again for Isolde as she was soon wrapping her arms around the large beast. She sobbed into the silky neck of Ellie for a long moment. Her body shook as she sobbed but she needed this comfort. “Mum is gone Ellie.” she managed to hiccup out after ten minutes or so. Pulling her face back she picked up the brush to start running it along her neck.

“I got Ellie from my mother, she gifted her to me when I turned fourteen. To start learning how to be a proper lady to find a proper husband.” She said to the handmaid knowing that no one else would care or was around to listen. “Now it's the only piece of home I truly have left.” She said softly as she kept moving the brush down Ellie's side. “I didn’t want to come here. I never wanted to be a Royal.” she said as she sniffled. “I wanted to be a commoner who could marry the person they love and make it by.”

Clarice moved closer and reached out to Ellie who would place her nose to her open palm. “Being a commoner and marrying for love isn’t all the fantasy you think it to be.” The Mystic said as she looked at Isolde. “Yet your real love.'' In that moment she dropped the illusion she was holding up to reveal who she was. “Is something that will shape the future of the world.”

Isolde jumped back from Ellie but noticed as Ellie didn’t have a negative reaction towards Clarice. “How will our love shape the future of the world?” she asked slowly as she moved back towards Ellie.

“Tristan isn’t as open to talk to me as you are.” Clarice said as she moved closer towards Isolde in the stall. “If you trust me, no matter how hard it may seem now. Everything will work out.” She said softly towards the Queen. “I will keep you and him safe. You are meant to be together.” If she talked with any more passion like she was in that moment, she would start foaming at the mouth. “Go to the estate, and I will work on solving this dark magic mess.”

Isolde pulled her gaze from Clarice as she was thinking at that moment. They needed some kind of protection, “You use magic? Right?” she asked softly as she reached over taking her hand. “Can you make something to protect the Estate while you are here taking care of what is going wrong here?”

Clarice gave a small smile and a squeeze of her hand. “Let me see what I can come up with, they will want you to leave soon. I have a feeling they will be looking for you any moment now.” Clarice pulled the handmaid illusion back over her body.

Timeless Forever

Being away from her would surely destroy him in more ways than one.

The plan was in motion. Tristan had gone and spoken with each of the players that would be helping them safely get the queen away from the castle and to the estate as well as planning the move against the wildmen with Sir Gregory. He only hoped it would finally go in their favor. A part of him felt like he needed to still be at his king's side; Still on the field with the other knights that would be fighting their most dangerous foe yet. However, a bigger part of him could only ever be near Isolde, ensuring she was safe. Being away from her would surely destroy him in more ways than one.

It was now the next day and the previous night had been nothing but a sleepless sense of torture as his mind could show no calm. He yearned to be near the queen, but knew it was impossible with her now being guarded by the knights he'd handpicked to be at her door. Moreover, it was quite likely she wasn't even alone. She was married to his uncle and there was no reason they wouldn't have been together when they were now to be apart for an undetermined length of time. Especially with her needing comfort during the most awful moment of her life.  

His footfalls echoed over the stone as he walked the long corridor towards the door at the end which was rarely ever used. Pushing it outward, Tristan's gaze fell onto the old chapel in which he and Isolde had been in only hours before as she returned to her room coming through this very way. The sun was just barely breaching above the hillside as it touched his face which wasn't quite warm enough to make him feel the difference of the morning chill. An unassuming brown, modest carriage sat along with one of the queen's handmaidens and the other few knights he'd requested come along to guard the queen at the estate, though anyone that looked at them would not know it from the clothing they wore. Nothing could be linked back to show they were traveling with royalty and he'd already decided they would be heading out in two groups to be less conspicuous. It would certainly come as a surprise to the staff at the estate once they arrived unannounced. 

No one spoke. It seemed the secret they carried was too heavy to engage in idle talk just then as they seemed to all be busy preparing for their departure. Each knight seemed to be checking and rechecking their packs as the handmaiden idly fussed at the front of her common dress, probably never having had one herself. One of Tristan's men brought his mount round to him and he began his own inspections to make sure everything he needed was there before glancing to the horses that would be pulling the carriage, glad to see Ellie was present to take part in that task as he requested. 

The door then opened again and Tristan turned to see the king and queen coming outside, followed by a few of their guard. He bowed, along with the rest of those around him, noting how Isolde wore a dress that was more suited for a woman below her in status, but not so obviously a commoner. Her appearance would still have to play the role as someone with a title as they traveled and stayed in the grand estate, though what he noticed more than anything was the deep sorrow that etched the very lines of her delicate face.  

✧ Timeless Forever ✧
Isolde couldn’t spend the night in the room where she found her mothers head. She sent one of the handmaidens to go and collect the items she couldn’t leave behind, such as her drawing book, some other books, jewelry, and other items. This was the way she wasn’t like a commoner, she was putting her foot down about items she wanted to take. It was the only time the phrase ‘I’m your queen, and you will do as I ask’ had left her lips so easily. She wasn’t sure the likelihood of her returning to the castle any time soon with this new threat upon them. She slept that night in the room with the king.

It was made clear to her that he believed she was with him the night before, Recalling Clarice mentioning that she would take care of such details. Clarice was helping her keep her head, she had no idea what the cost would be in the future, but that would be a future problem. She was thankful that the king didn’t make sexual advances that evening though, his tales of the night before of them being together caused the young queen to cringe inside of her soul. He respected her enough to allow her to continue to grieve, with the promise she would sleep beside him. He tried to smooth her grieving soul but it all felt hollow and empty in her chest because he wasn’t Tristan.

Yet sleep never took the young princess as she laid beside the king, tears rolling down her face. All she wanted was to be with Tristan but she was slowly having to accept this was the place she was meant to be. They would most likely never have a moment alone again. When the next day came and she was dressed down to look like a commoner all she could see was a royal still. It was clear they didn’t understand that commoners wouldn’t be able to afford even the dress she was placed in.

As Isolde was guided through the castle for what would be the last time in a long time there was a sorrow there in her chest, which surprised her. This place wasn’t her home yet but it was slowly becoming it, to leave it now felt like a disservice to their people, to run seemed like a coward's option. Yet maybe she was a coward, if she wasn’t a coward she would beg Tristan to run away instead of hide and keep the secret they have created for themselves. Her gaze moved along the group that had been gathered for the trip, her eyes softened when landing on Ellie, a soft smile touched her lips for a brief moment before dropping back into deep sorrow as she came upon the carriage.

Realizing in that moment the king had joined her at some point in her venture from the dressing room. She looked towards the king and gave a gentle bow to her husband. “Please stay safe. I hope you find answers soon, I hope to return.” She looked to the castle before a kiss was placed upon her by the king, she was stiff with the affection not sure how to react to the king's affections. She was frozen, when the king pulled away she took his hand offering a gentle squeeze making her escape into the carriage.

She found her drawing book in the carriage, where she requested it be. Picking it up she turned to a blank page and got to work drawing a portrait of her mother, she was lost in making it look perfect that she didn’t notice how much time had past with their travel, all she knew is when she looked out the window they were pulling into a town for the night with how dark the sky had gotten. She waited for the carriage door to open, meeting the gaze of Tristan. “Are we daring to stop for the night?” She wasn’t sure how much faith she could put into a set of random townspeople to keep an eye on Ellie or not alert others she was there.

She felt like she would stick out like a sore thumb with her fiery red hair, so she grabbed a scarf to tuck her wild locks in the scarf loosely making it a hood over her head. “How far is the estate?” She asked as she looked at the portrait she had been working on before closing her book. “I feel as if…” she looked at him before shaking her head, “Never you mind, it's my thoughts that are burdening me.” She made her exit from the carriage into a room, it was a whirl of colors and face. They were trying to keep her from being seen by many people. Once in the room she removed the scarf and sat upon the bed. Her face just held the sorrow as she opened the drawing book once again.

Timeless forever
w/ isolde leinster

"With my life." •

Tristan glanced away as the king went to kiss Isolde. The familiar clenching ache in his chest swelled against his ribcage. He'd learned to deal with it internally without showing any change to his face to give the feeling away, but it always felt as if a large stone had been placed upon his torso to aid in a slow torture. Once the door of the carriage had closed, he turned to see his uncle coming near, the lines of worry creasing along his head and at the corner of his tired eyes. Tristan knew the king cared for his queen and of course his kingdom. The weight of these recent events were physically taking a toll on his uncle that caused him concern. He knew what his uncle would say before opening his mouth.

"Take care of her."

"With my life."

The king patted the saddle in farewell before glancing back over to the carriage. Tristan could see the hesitancy in letting her away from the safety of the walls of the castle which had stood the test of time for countless years. Failed invasions and takeovers on a variety of different scales had tried to change the writings of history, but never could they make their claim by even getting through the door. The events of late had proved differently though and King Mark had enemies amongst the shadows inside his walls without ever showing a sign they were there.

The road to the estate had been uneventful which Tristan was thankful for. Nothing but the forest and its inhabitants were their company except for a passing cart or carriage being led by a subject of the kingdom. Friendly exchanges and nods were given between them and the knights, though Tristan as well as the others meant to protect the queen would slowly motion towards their swords and other weapons just in case.

Once the sun had fallen, they'd reached the town just before the estate where they would rest for the night. Tristan didn't want to risk continuing the next few hours in darkness. His eyes glanced up along the modest and quiet tavern which was used for all travelers coming through the area. Given the several people making up their company, he could guess they alone would likely take up half if not most of the rooms available. 

Sliding from the saddle, he pulled his hood up, as the likelihood of being recognized was great. He'd been passing through this town since he was a boy to travel to the estate for the warmer months when his family wanted to be off the castle grounds. Many of the elders in the area had seem him grow up through the years long before he carried a sword with the family crest etched in its hilt into war when a wooden one was all he clutched as a boy. Questions that they couldn't afford to rise up in the minds of the people needed to be avoided and so he gave direction to one of the other knights to take point in settling their affairs so he could avoid as many glances as possible.

He had left the queen alone for the journey, only quietly peering inside to see that she was busy in her drawings and deciding to let her be. It was always difficult not being able to be himself with her when so many eyes were upon them always. As he looked inside the carriage, Tristan could still see she had been busy still at her works, the blackened tips of her fingers showed from the shadings she'd been doing. "Your Majesty," he finally interrupted, causing her to stop. It seemed Isolde had not even realized they had reached the town. Pulling the door open, he stepped aside while offering his hand. He had planned to answer her inquiry on the distance they still had to travel and why he chose to stop instead, but her mind seemed preoccupied with something else that felt like worry. Further confirming that feeling when she didn't finish whatever thoughts appeared to be troubling her. Tristan couldn't begin to guess at all the depths of sorrow she might've been feeling then and she was quickly gone with her handmaiden hurrying along after. "See to the horses," was all he said to one of the other knights as he pulled his riding gloves off and glanced from side to side along the long, darkened road before stepping through the door.

The tavern was dimly lit and shadows casted more so than the lights of the scattered lanterns and candles on the tables. It had looked the same since last he'd been there, but he did not want to tarry despite the number of patrons. Tristan made his way towards the rooms and noted two of his men at the end of the hall, one seated and the other standing at the window before nodding shortly towards the room in which the queen had gone. "My lady?" he called, choosing to now use less formal titles for her safety and prying eyes and ears. The young handmaiden pulled the door open to let him inside where Isolde had gone back to peering at the drawing book she clung to. "See to some food and wine," he asked of the girl who gave a small bow before leaving them alone. 

He looked around the simple, but adequate lodgings with quick inspection before coming around to face Isolde who sat quietly and still. Tristan lowered himself to a knee in front of her where the quiet pain could be seen in her eyes which were casted to the pages of her book still. Gently, he reached for her hand to fall into his for a quiet moment on her lap before he spoke. Asking how she was seemed foolish then and the silence between them spoke enough for him and his intentions to be there for her. "We're only here for the night," he began to explain quietly. "The road to the estate will not take much time in the morning." He let his gaze fall to drawing, turning his head slightly to make out the lines upon the page. "What were you working on during the journey?"

✧ Timeless Forever ✧
Isolde took in the modest room, it wasn’t something she was used to. Living the life of a royal since birth, she was realizing how much easier she had it. How many people would be thankful for a room like this on a cold night. All she craved at that moment was to be home in Ireland and not living in the nightmare she had found herself in. Her eyes hurt from all the crying she had done, her heart ached as if it was being ripped from her chest and placed back in. She felt like breathing had become difficult.

She was only pulled from the sorrow when the voice that washed calmness washed into her ears. She looked up to the door as the handmaid pulled it open. As he asked the girl to fetch some food and wine leaving the two alone she lowered the drawing book to her lap and let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding. “I’m not hungry.” She tried to say but her stomach growled at the mention of food. She sighed and looked down to the book before moving her hands to rest on top of it.

As his hand fell on top of hers she looked to their hands, his warmth soothed her for that moment. She was desperate to have him stay near her. He seemed to give her the comfort she needed to make it through this horrible event. Yet she knew that it would be impossible to be alone with him longer than a few minutes. She gave him a sad smile trying to force a happy one but he understood why she couldn’t do so. “A wise choice stopping for the night, since the last time we tried to push through in traveling I ended up with a knife in the back and we had to put our faith into the hands of a witch.”

She sighed as she gave a gentle nod, “The estate has enough space for all of us traveling right?” She moved to open flip the page to the one she had been working on since shortly leaving the Castle. She showed him the portrait of her mother looking out of the window in the castle of ireland. She felt the tears form in her eyes again. She was so tired of crying. “I will send it to my father once I can. I want him to have a picture of her so he can keep close and safe.” She flipped the page to show the starting of Ellie she had been working on only to reveal a portrait of him she had been working on before. Her cheeks burned red for a moment before flipping the drawing book close.

“Tristan, I'm worried.” She said as she moved to place her hand on top of his for a moment as she expressed her concern. “I think I am at fault for everything that is happening. I feel like I am cursed because everything I touch has been ruined. How long before you are taken from me? How much longer-” She felt the tears hit her hand cutting her question short as she pulled her hand away from his as the door opened behind them to the handmaid brought in the wine and food. She looked at her, giving her a nod. “Thank you.”

“I am going to go feed everyone else and I will return.” She said as she looked to the princess waiting for her approval. Once Isolde nodded she turned shutting the door behind her.

Isolde focused on the food moving to the small table in the room as she poured herself a goblet of wine hoping it would allow her to sleep. She filled one for him and held it out to him. “Do you think if I had lost my life in the woods that the kingdom would have been spared from this darkness? I mean my mother would be alive in Ireland.” She swallowed hard as she looked down, picking at a piece of bread to swallow as her stomach growled once again. All the blame felt like it fell squarely on her shoulders. “I doubt I will sleep tonight, I can still see her decapitated head. It's like it won’t leave my head.” She sighed as she tipped the goblet back downing the wine. Feeling a slight rush to her head as the wine hit her very empty stomach.

Timeless Forever
w/ Isolde Leinster

• He'd shoulder it all if he could. •
His calloused thumb moved over her hand, noting her fingertips still colored from her drawings. "You needn't worry about the arrangements," he replied quietly, his tone an indication that the queen should only be focused on herself. Tristan's eyes moved over the drawing of her mother, keeping silent as she explained her plans on what to do with it once it was completed. "I'm sure he will treasure it." Page turning, he softly smiled to see Ellie's likeness, but his attention caught on the adjacent portrayal of someone else. Him, in fact. His lips parted in slight surprise and possibly to say something, but of what he wasn't sure. Before he could make sense of the thought, Isolde quickly closed the book and with it too, his mouth. 

Tristan's brow knitted together as the queen began to express her fears. He squeezed her hand in response, wanting so badly to gather her into his arms and shield her from the pain. From the world. He'd shoulder it all if he could. "Isolde," he began, lifting his free hand to wipe her tears, but was interrupted as the handmaiden had returned again. The knight casually straightened to stand from where he was kneeling while the queen pulled away from their clasped hands.

Once the girl had gone again, he sighed and watched Isolde wander to the spread which was brought in for them. His chest tightened at her admission of feeling responsible for all that was happening and he closed the distance between them, uncaring if the handmaiden did enter the room again at that moment. 

Tristan took the metal goblet from her and placed it down on the table before cupping the sides of her face, his fingers brushing against her neck and into her fiery hair. "Look at me," he instructed, his eyes acutely focused on hers. "None of this is your fault. You have no blame to hold in what's happened. If you must put blame to someone, let it be the ones who conspire to draw a war between our kingdoms. Let it be the woman in the woods who seems to have had this planned to further her purposes. By God, blame me for agreeing to the devil's bargain and drinking that potion, taking away your choice completely, but please, do not blame yourself. You are the very last one of us that deserves anything that has happened, Isolde." 

His eyes drifted to her lips and the desire to brush them with his own to kiss away the hurt was nearly overpowering, but he lowered his hands and stepped away, reaching for the cup she still held. "You must try and eat something," he said instead, his head nodding towards the food. "I will be outside of the room all night should you need for anything." Tristan knew he'd tarried too long being alone with her and though he trusted the men outside the door, the others that traveled separately would soon be here and the less seen, the better. 

The muscle in his jaw tightened at the internal decision he made to leave despite how his heart wanted to stay. "My lady," he said in way of taking his leave and reached for Isolde's hand, placing it on his chest for a few more stolen moments before bowing shortly to slip from the room.

✧ Timeless Forever ✧
Isolde gave him a glace from the corner of her eyes, to say that all she would be doing now was worry but she couldn’t make her lips part to talk of this. She knew he probably knew this fact well since they were so tied together by the Mystic’s magic. She couldn’t focus on just herself, now that she wanted him to stay safe. “If he doesn’t burn it and blame me.” she said, speaking about her father. Though she knew the old man well and he cared about her with every ounce of his heart, just like he did her mother.

Though her mind was quickly wrapped up in her drawings then, the fact he had seen her attempts to catch him in the light she saw him in. She was sure her drawing would never do him justice. She expected him to say something about it, yet his lips were tight as ever. Yet could she overly blame him. She was probably the reason there was a darkness plaguing their kingdom. His hand was a comfort in hers, yet all she wanted more than anything was to be able to fall in the bed and hold onto one another till the day came creeping into the windows.

Yet that feeling was met with a crash of coldness as the handmaiden entered. Her fingers had never felt such a frigid loneliness as she had with his quick withdrawal of his hand so as not to give those around them the chance to start a rumor. Though in their case it wouldn’t be a rumor. They had committed the unforgivable act. Yet what she wasn’t expecting was his warmth to suddenly be replaced on her flesh as she admitted she felt responsible. The weight of the world on her shoulders reflecting in her eyes. She didn’t fight the removal of the goblet from her fingers.

She forced her storm clouded eyes to look into his, his touch sending a fire through her body. That connection that was forced upon them by another was one she was thankful for. “I will not blame you, all you did was save me, all you did was want to keep peace. Peace that seems to be threatened by something darker than normal war. I will place the blame on the conspiracies.” She took a shaker breath in a wave of sadness washed over her, part of her wondered if he regretted drinking the potion, saving her, tying himself to her by the witch. “Do you…” she wanted to ask but he was gone again, the cold nipping burning her flesh in the absence of his touch. “No, our people are the last ones who deserve such darkness and war.”

She frowned; she worried for those who would be caught in the cross hairs. Her fingers wrapped around the goblet once again and she gave a nod of her head looking at the food but there was no want to eat it. “Should I need anything?” She gave a slight thought on what would be a big enough deal to have him spend the night in her room instead. Yet she knew the dangers of it also. Giving a gentle sigh she nodded, “I will call if I need you for something practical.” While she knew she could have him in and out all night she was sure it would be better to let him focus on the task of keeping them safe for the evening. “Sir Tristian.” She said not looking at him as she moved over to the food. She didn’t want to look at him while the question of if he regretted saving her circled in her mind.

Once the door was closed and she was alone in the room once again she picked at the meal before finishing the wine, the soothing sensation of the wine made her tired. Setting the goblet down she found herself tumbling into the bed and twisting and turning to find a comfortable position. She reached for her drawing book to open it to look at Tristan's face before allowing sleep to take over her. Her dreams swirled with flashes of darkness, and then it showed in the distance a storm brewing. Isolde tried to run from the storm but it eventually caught her and she watched her reflection drain of life leave her body.

Isolde jilted awake, her heart pounding as she thought upon the nightmare, she was covered in a cold sweat. She jumped from her bed picking up her drawing book. She sat it back on the table next to the empty wine goblet. Looking around the room she was alone and it looked like the sun was rising. She moved towards the door, her hair wild and the panic looked in her. She pulled the door open unsure if she was still in a dream or if Tristan would be there outside the door like he said he would be. “Sir Tristian?” she asked with a panic tone.

“He is at the carriage getting it ready. I was about to come and wake you, my lady.” Her handmaiden said as she looked her over. “Are you okay?” she asked as she ushered Isolde back into the room so as not to draw too much attention.

Isolde moved back into the room and looked around for a moment before running her fingers through her hair. “Yes I just want to get going.” She said trying not to be as shaken by her nightmares. With that her handmaid helped her change into a fresh dress and gather the few things she brought to the room. Finding their way towards the carriage just after the horses were attached. Her eyes went to Tristian. She wanted to talk about the dream she had but it wasn’t important at that moment.

Claiming into the carriage ready for the final few hours of travel to be over and to be able to talk about her nightmare. She began to work on a blank page drawing out the scene from her nightmare. With each stroke she laid upon the parchment she felt a sinking worry that maybe she had witnessed her own future death. Would she make it out of the War of Darkness that was rolling over the English Kingdom? When the Carriage came to a stop she hadn’t realized hours had passed. She looked out to the property that was meant for summering in. How it was a smaller, more intimate royal home.

Climbing from the Carriage she took hold of Tristan's hand as he helped her to not fall. She knew she was tense, she knew he could feel every ounce of her worry she had yet she knew it would be hours still till they would talk as he had to lead the small group into getting things set up. “Can I help with anything?” she asked, feeling so strange not lifting a finger even though she was raised a royal she snuck around the castle being in everyone's way.

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Citizen of the Realm Rajan Khatri

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