
Every Tale Makes Timeless Stories

Self made business woman was what Libelle was, it was something she prided herself on. She had slept with, done deals with, and stood strong in the face of people who wanted to walk over her in order to start this business. After having her life fall apart she figured out how to move on. Now a few years after those dark events she was the Dragon Lady mistress. Her girls were home to many men in their time of needs for separation of coin. 

All was well, until the night a shady looking man came into the Brothel. Libelle wasn’t one to judge but something about him didn’t sit right. So she chose to take the man as her client knowing if something went wrong she could fight the man off. As she led the man to her room, it didn’t take long. The door closed and his hand was around her throat. Libelle beat on the man's chest as he pushed her to the door with all his strength. His hand moved to his pants and it was clear he planned to have his way with her in a rough manner.

He leaned in and whispered in her ear “How do you feel that this is where your life ends you whore.”  Libelle nails sharpened and she slashed the man across the face who jerked back in pain. She pushed him with all her force out of her room and down the stairs not caring his junk was waving in the air. She kept pushing with all her strength until she was at the main doors.

Casting her fear gaze upon him she spoke harshly, “Let me be very clear if you ever touch a woman again and I hear about it. Your life will be mine.” She slammed the door in his face and turned around to a bar room filled with people staring at her. She tossed a smile to the crowd. “Nothing to look at, someone who broke the rules is all.” Libelle let out a sigh as she walked behind the bar pouring a drink to calm herself.

Ruby, the woman who had worked for her the longest came up behind her. Her eyes focused on the door. “I know you said no to it before but I think we should hire those guys who help a lot of people around. I have a contact if you want me to reach out.” 

Libelle gave a heavy sigh. “Yes, tell them to meet me tomorrow.” she finished her drink and took her way back to her bedroom. “Thank you Ruby.”

“Yes Mistress.” She said as she quickly wrote a letter sending on of the children that delivered messages to The Rogues with the note.


When the next morning came Libelle rose and threw on her robe, only not bothering to tie it tightly around herself as she made her way down the stairs to the bar that was empty. She got to work making breakfast for the girls after a long night of work. She reached in a bucked she kept around with nails and took one in her mouth eating it as she hummed to herself.

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let's make a deal
w/ libelle ryoko

"We made a deal. I intend to honor it." 
Once a few more of the Rogues were stationed at the Dragon, he felt comfortable enough to finally walk away. Not only had they been planted at every door in or out of the building itself, but also placed in spots outside of the brothel inconspicuously to watch for anyone who may try and get inside that seemed out of the ordinary man just looking for company from the girls. He looked to each of them in their respective posts one last time, confident it would be well taken care of.

Devon was hesitant about bringing Pearl with him. It was much easier to move around as one than two, but he knew Libelle only wanted to help figure out what was going on. If she had her own set of abilities, he wasn't going to turn that down either. He had no real idea what he was up against when it came to these Banishers. It seemed Libelle was also a bit hazy on the information too. As secret as a group they seemed to be, that only worried him more. 

His hand came to the bottle Libelle had given him. The swirls of smoke within made him more than a little curious, but he was glad to have it and consciously told himself not to accidently shatter it within his own pocket. He didn't want to know what would happen if he did. Probably nothing good and more than a little embarrassing.

The sound of the doors opening lifted his eyes as Pearl came into view. He could see the determination on her face. It was very clear to him how much they really looked out for each other here. Something he could respect given the Rogues were much the same. Devon gave a simple nod of his head in the direction they were meant to head and the pair were off.

As expected when they arrived some time later, the grounds were busy with all the people under Billingham's employ. They moved around to the stables undetected where Devon climbed some of the wooden boxes stored outside to peer inside where he saw the carriage was stationed. It was likely the lord was home then, but there were no immediate signs of the Banisher who resided as a guest. It also didn't necessarily mean Billingham was alive, but given the fact that everything still seemed to be moving normally on the estate, it was likely he was alive. 

Devon headed around to the back of the grounds and motioned for Pearl to wait behind a grouping of clustered trees and to remain out of sight unless things went badly. He leaned against the gray stone of the home, just outside the kitchens where the smell of baking breads made his stomach turnover from a hunger he hadn't realized was plaguing him. His demeanor was casual as if he actually belonged there as he patiently waited until a familiar voice finally came from inside. His head peeked through the door and he gave a short whistle at the woman he'd been waiting for. The short haired blonde woman lifted her head, eyes going wide.

He ducked out of sight again and waited till she finally came hurrying outside. "Maribel," he greeted with a bright smile.

"Are you mad?!" she hissed out towards him, her hands pressing against her apron in worry before glancing around to make sure no one saw them speaking. "Devon, you shouldn't be here."

"So... you didn't miss me?" Maribel's eyes rolled to the top of her head, but she smirked immediately after, Devon knowing his charm would usually win out. "Your Lord still alive and well?" The question visibly confused her as her brows rose to her hairline. "I'll take that as a yes."

"'Course. Saw him this morning arguing with his guest." Maribel twisted her fingers together as there was worry clearly there.

Devon tilted his head, trying to read her expression. "What? What is it? A stranger? Someone who has been staying with him?"

She hesitated before pushing a strand of her hay like hair away from her face. "Yes," she replied softly and did another look about to make sure no one was paying them mind. "He scares me. Something about him, Devon. It feels... unnatural."

A quiet curse was the only response Devon had for a brief moment. Someone passed through the door carrying some clothes set for washing, but ignored them. "Does he leave during the day? The guest. Any visitors?" She shook her head, agitation growing more as the conversation continued. "Can you get into his rooms?"

Maribel sighed through her nose and stared at him before shaking her head. "Devon, don't ask me to."

"When you know for sure it's safe. Even if you have to wait till they leave. I need to know anything you find on him." He produced some coins and slipped them into the pocket of her apron. "Come to the Dragon Lady later with whatever you get from searching."

Her mouth dropped into an 'O' before another shaky breath passed through. "I can't be seen there!"

"You don't have to go in the front door, Maribel. The boys will be at the back. Milo included," he said with a smirk, knowing the two had shared some brief time together recently. "No one will see you, I promise. Just tell him whatever it is you find. Please?" He stuck his lip out as if to beg like a child before she finally broke and slapped his shoulder which in turn meant an agreement.

After a quick farewell, Devon turned and headed back through the trees to meet with Pearl who thankfully didn't have to display whatever her abilities might've been. They hurried back to the Dragon then and waited as that was all they could do to hopefully find out any more information from Maribel when she was able to leave the estate in secret.

✧ Let's Make A Deal ✧
Libelle needed her rest; it would most likely be days before she woke of her own accord unless someone wished to wake her with news. Ruby would keep to herself, she tried to reassure Ruby none of this was her fault but she knew Ruby wouldn’t be satisfied until who had their hands in the pot to hurt Libelle where it ended. One way or another.

When the news of Belle hit Pearl was more than open to using her magic to help find those who hurt Belle. She slid into her cloak and made her way to Devon just as he was stuffing the bottle of Belle Gas into his bag. She gave a smirk remembering the first time Belle showed her her gifts. She stood in front of him and with a wave of her finger she cast a blessing on them. Devon would feel a swirl of encouragement, even hope that this would all end well. Every advantage she could provide to aid was her place in this.

As the drew closer, again she wiggled her fingers casting a spell that wouldn’t make them fully invisible but had the effect that they were light. So as they moved unless someone investigated the lights they would be shimmered by the illusion. When Devon motioned for her to stay she was going to fight him but instead ducked down and focused on letting her senses feel for danger. She knew what direction he was going.

Pearl rolled her eyes at Devon flirting with the woman but kept her senses focused on what they were here for. She could sense the truth from the woman as she spoke. Which only begged the question on how the Banisher and the Lord knew each other. The fear was palpable in the air as Devon drilled more questions towards the woman who was begging him not to drag her into this. Part of her felt bad wanting to switch places with the woman just then.

When Devon had convinced the woman and met her back at the tree Pearl raised to her feet and followed him back towards The brothel before she spoke, “You know… if you have concern for Maribel, if she is unable to get any information. I believe I can go in her place. I can make myself look like her.” Pearl looked at Devon and her face changed to that of Maribel for just a moment before shifting back. “It's all illusions but I could get in and out and see what was in the room. I feel bad we left her to do it alone.”

There was a fear in Pearl that Maribel wouldn’t make it to The Dragon Lady that evening. “Banishers are dangerous and act without much remorse or concern for others. They have been known to have a blood rage.” She looked at Devon with a serious look. “They are rare, especially to find one that still believes in the old ways fully. But they are out there, and believe in total annihilation even turning on their own creator sanguine masters.”

let's make a deal
w/ libelle ryoko

"We might be able to stop him before he has the chance to hurt anyone else." 
They quietly walked back from the grounds and towards the Dragon, Devon's mind going in a hundred different directions all at once. He hated not knowing more about what was happening and the anticipation of getting any further information from Maribel was not making it any easier. Still, he wasn't about to let this Banisher get away or finish whatever plans he intended that involved Libelle.

Pearl's voice broke through his thoughts, making him lift his head. He hadn't even realized how far they'd gone when he saw they were nearing town. Her words made his brow forward in confusion for a moment until Pearl's face had changed into that of Maribel. Devon started from the transformation and cursed, his mouth dropping slightly in surprise. "That's some trick," he replied, sighing as he looked on ahead. "Maribel will come through. She's a smart girl and she wouldn't pass up a chance at an excuse to see Milo. I'll have one of the guys head over to the estate just to keep an eye out as well," he offered, hoping to ease Pearl's worry a little. "She knows the ins and outs of that place. She'll be alright." He was saying that to reassure himself then too. 

His gaze moved back towards the woman as the path drew nearer that led into the main road. "You know about the Banishers as well then," he replied, looking back towards Pearl, taking in more of her then he had before. She didn't seem like the type to back down much like Libelle and Ruby and likely most of the other girls at the Dragon. Whatever horrible circumstance had individually brought them all together in their previous lives, they seemed to have found the strength in one another to overcome whatever came at them now as one. Though, he could sense her concern all the same.

"Then the quicker we find out more about him the better. We can maybe see what else he has planned in order to get to Lib-" Devon paused in his walking on the road as hundreds of people continued on around them in their normal routines. His eyes brightened a bit as an idea came to mind. "Can you change into Libelle?" he asked, holding his breath for a second. "You'd be one hell of a decoy if the Banisher thought you were the real thing while we play him into our own trap."  

His gaze softened a bit though realizing what he was asking, shifting his stance for a moment as his voice quieted. "I know it's a lot to even ask and I don't rightly have a real plan in place just yet, but it could be a shot at getting the bastard if you're willing to help out. We might be able to stop him before he has the chance to hurt anyone else."

✧ Let's Make A Deal ✧

The laughter that erupted from Pearl when he cursed at the illusionary magic she used to alter the lights around her face in order to resemble someone else. "It has its uses, especially in the line of work that I am in." A slight smirk appeared on her lips, "The number of men who desire someone they are aware they cannot have is fascinating." However, there was no need to disclose any more information about her clients than she already had. "Oh, does she Fancy one of you rugged rogues?" She nudged him slightly and nodded, "I am certain she does, I always have concerns about putting innocent individuals in harm's way." Despite that, Devon would likely know her better than she knew herself, so she nodded gently, "I am prepared to place my destiny in your hands, just as Onyx has."

Pearl's countenance darkened, "I have heard the legends. As dragons and dragon riders became more prominent in the past, they declined to allow such intense power to be controlled by humans. Consequently, they began to slaughter the dragons, resulting in the riders binding their souls with them and transforming into what Onyx is, known as a drake. Now, they hunt down the Drakes to eradicate the dragon lineage. However, they have also turned their attention to other species, fearing others possessing powers." She shook her head, "They are only one of the numerous horrors that lurk in the world that most humans remain oblivious to. Welcome to an exclusive group, especially knowing Libby, she is truly unique."

As Devon halted his stride, it seemed as if an idea flashed in his eyes. Pearl's lips curved into a beautiful smile before she stepped forward, linking her arm through his, "I must confess, I am rather impressed with your suggestion." She spoke in a teasing tone, encouraging him to continue moving along the street so as not to attract further attention to their conversation. "It is indeed a brilliant plan. Masquerading as Onyx would surely deceive him. After all, he will be searching for a feature that I do not possess." She emitted a soft hum from her lips.

"However, it would be prudent to postpone the implementation for a few days, as he would anticipate Onyx requiring time to recuperate. Alternatively, we could relocate her from The Dragon Lady and I could remain in her room waiting. Are any of your rogues adept enough to evade detection so that I would not be alone when he arrives to finish what he commenced? Although I possess magical abilities, I am not nearly as formidable as others within The Dragon Lady." Her gaze shifted to his as they now approached the pathway leading to The Dragon Lady.

"I believe we have the framework of a plan, prioritizing Onyx's safety above all else." Pearl exhibited a profound care for Libelle; any time spent among the girls under Libelle's guidance demonstrated a loyalty unlike any other. "I would sacrifice my life for hers, so please share any ideas you may have. Not only will I assist." She gestured towards The Dragon Lady, "Many of us share the same sentiment, she rescued all of us one way or another.

let's make a deal
w/ libelle ryoko

• "I think that woman would go down with this place like a captain would with his ship." •
Devon let the woman continue to guide them along the bustling streets as people moved about. He grinned at her response, glad to hear she would be on board with the start of a plan. "Don't give me too much credit just yet, but as long as we can keep the upper hand by staying a step ahead of the Banisher, he's not going to hurt Libelle or any of you if I can help it. Or anyone again for that matter." His gaze lifted and swept over their lively surroundings while they weaved through the roads. "We'll get as much information as we can, hopefully from Maribel, and figure out his next move." 

Once they reached the large wooden doors to the Dragon Lady, he nodded to one of the Rogues leaning against the framework that stood guard and went inside. The place seemed like it was getting back to its normality, despite its mistress being indisposed. "Do you really think we'd convince Libelle to leave here?" He smirked at Pearl and raised his brow. "I think that woman would go down with this place like a captain would with his ship." He walked up to take one of the mugs that was newly filled with ale. "We'll just have to keep her guarded in one of the rooms or maybe even set something up for her below in the cellar to make sure she's out of harm's way." He took a sip of the drink and winked at the blonde. "I'll see about convincing her to at least rest up as best she can either way. I promise I won't let anything happen to you either. We'll have Rogues in here and everywhere you'll be when you change."

His boots hit the steps as he headed back upstairs. Half a dozen of the Rogues were already posted at various points in the hallway and along the stairs, all acting like they belonged there as patrons or as a line of defense should things go awry. Ruby exited the room Libelle was resting in and gave him a pointed look. Devon instantly put his hands up as if yielding, sipping at his ale since the cup was closer to his lips. "Easy, I don't plan on bothering her for long. Just giving her an update on what's happening and then I'm gone. I promise to let her rest." This seemed to work for Ruby as the fiery brunette brushed passed him, Devon watching her strut away with a smirk.

After a quick knock, he entered the room slowly and took his place again at the spare chair, spinning it around and straddling it. More color had returned to Libelle's golden brown skin which was a good sign. "The Dragon seems to be resuming as normal. None of the other Banishers seem to be making themselves known, though. We're not sure where they are staying just yet since they don't seem to be at the same place as the one who attacked you. Billingham is still alive. The girl I spoke to is going to do some digging." 

Devon quickly filled Libelle in with the rest of what happened before getting to the start of his idea that involved Pearl taking on her likeness. "She suggested you stay elsewhere to keep you safe, but I had a feeling you'd knock us all out with one of your gasses should we try and remove you." The corner of his mouth curved upward as he teased. "I will not be volunteering for that." His thumb moved over the handle of the mug as his tone turned more serious. "Pearl will be the decoy and a bit of bait as she takes on your looks. We're hoping the trap will draw them all out in the next few days, but till then, you need rest. Get your strength back."
The workers of The Dragon Lady lived by a simple creed: never show weakness. Libelle, known to them as Ruby, maintained this façade even as she teetered on the brink of exhaustion. In her room, Ruby fussed over her, insisting she stay in bed. The scent of water and soup lingered on the side table, untouched, while her eyes wandered to the windows. The shutters were closed, and the absence of the gypsy's comforting wind left the air thick and suffocating.

The door creaked open, and she turned her head, expecting yet another interruption. Instead, she found herself facing the Leader of the rogues. His news was as grim as she feared, leaving her desires unmet—she wanted the enemy dealt with, but life seldom offered simple solutions. Pearl's plan was their only hope, albeit a risky one.

"I am never sure if Pearl is a saint or just enjoys danger," she mused, a chuckle escaping her lips before transforming into a groan of pain. "Dammit," she muttered, shifting her weight to ease the ache in her back, turning to face him more directly. "I thought those banishers were the stuff of myths. If even a fraction of the stories my mother told hold true..." Her voice trailed off, her mind heavy with worry. "If they harm anyone under my roof, I won't forgive myself," she confessed, her demeanor shifting from the allure of a seductive mistress to the fierce protectiveness of a mother tending to her flock.

Yet, no alternatives presented themselves in her muddled thoughts. "I can't see another way to trap one and hope to eradicate the rest," she conceded, reluctance evident in her voice. The thought of Pearl being hurt gnawed at her, but their options were limited. "It will have to do," she resolved, determined to make the best of their scant resources. "I have a room in the tunnel where I can stay while Pearl is me," she added, attempting to bolster the plan.

"If any of mine get hurt, my injury will be the least of my worries," she murmured, steeling herself with the resolve to use abilities long dormant if it meant keeping them safe. No one would die for her—not if she could prevent it.

In a moment of levity, she quipped, "Should I make my way down there now so I don't become glued to the bed and a hindrance to the mission?" Despite the jest, her attempt to rise was thwarted by weakness, and she stumbled forward, finding unexpected support in Devon. With her face pressed against his chest, she mumbled, "It seems I am in need of aid to make my way down to the tunnel."

let's make a deal
w/ libelle ryoko

• "I've got you." •
Devon knew Belle cared for her girls just as much as he did his own found tribe. The Rogues were more than just a group of wayward outcasts that didn't fit into a world which demanded rules. Were they mostly thieves? Yes. However, anything they took were always from those that stole from the ones that couldn't afford it or fight back. It still didn't really define who they were at the core. In the end, they were brothers. Even now, a few sisters as of not too long ago. Some with abilities he still couldn't wrap his mind around. They were a family.

"I promise, Libelle," he began, holding her gaze with a steady vow after she relayed her worry for the women of the house. "I wouldn't offer up this plan if I didn't think it would work. If I didn't trust my guys."  

As she began to move, Devon stretched to put the drink he was holding down on the bedside table and rose. The pain she was still in was evident and he was just about to advise her to wait a little longer before moving, but she was already up. Stubborn as he was, it seemed. He knew he wouldn't be able to really sit in bed for long either if the roles were reversed. Especially under circumstances like this.

Libelle's knees buckled as her full weight went down in her effort to stand and he instinctively reached out. She landed against him, doing his best not to exacerbate the injury to her back. "I've got you." The rogue gripped her arms to steady the woman. "You are impossible," he huffed with a small chuckle. 

Devon was able to find a few articles of clothing that would help cover Libelle as much as possible. And that was very few. There seemed to be more pieces of fabric that were sheer than practical, but it was a thicker cloak that served the purpose of keeping her identity hidden as best as possible while they went downstairs amongst the rest of the patrons enjoying themselves. He lifted the hood over her head, pulling it forward as much as possible and letting her lean into him for support, an arm slipping around her waist. Just two drunken lovers attempting not to stumble down the steps. Nothing unusual to see in a place like this.

They entered the tunnel as they did before and he lifted one of the two lanterns, following the direction Libelle gave him towards the room she spoke of. He was counting on the Banishers tipping their hand over the next few days while they knew Libelle would be at her weakest after the attack. Devon just hoped they could also find out anything useful from Maribel that ensured their trap would be successful and without any unwelcomed surprises.
For Libelle, placing her trust in another was no small feat. Life had taught her to rely solely on herself, a lesson reinforced by countless disappointments. Yet, here she was, entrusting her fate to the Rogue, a decision that weighed heavily on her heart. "And know this," she warned, her voice unwavering and direct, "I can kill you all if one of my girls’ lives is taken." Her threat was as unyielding as her nature—stubborn and fiercely loyal.

As she leaned into him, a part of her bristled at the vulnerability she displayed, but she knew she couldn't make this journey alone—not with any semblance of speed. "So I have been told, but I am appealing as well," she chuckled, a lightness in her voice as she bantered with him. "You have to admit, me being impossible makes your night." Her laughter was genuine, a rare sound that echoed softly in the narrow passage as they moved together, their closeness a necessary ruse.

She nuzzled against his neck, her lips brushing his skin to maintain the illusion of intoxicated lovers, a tactic to avoid unwanted scrutiny. As they entered the tunnel, she guided him to her hidden refuge—a sanctuary she had painstakingly crafted. The room held her essentials, including a modest bed she used when relinquishing her Madam chamber.

The entrance to this secret haven was carved into the rock, resembling the façade of a small house. She reached for the door handle, her strength faltering, knowing he would have to open it fully. Once inside, she pointed to the bed nestled in the corner. The walls were a testament to her artistry, adorned with an array of gems, each nestled into individually carved niches along every wall.

Settling onto the bed, she gestured toward a fireplace carved into the stone. "Do you mind lighting it? The smoke goes through the Dragon Lady Chimney system, so no worries about that," she instructed, glancing around the room with a sense of pride and belonging. "Strange how much this place has become home for me," she mused aloud, her eyes dancing over the gems that twinkled like stars against the rock.

"My first night here, I stumbled upon the tunnel after being left at the port. I spent my initial nights exploring and resting here until I found the hatch that led to the rundown building that became the Dragon Lady," she reminisced, her fingers tracing the smooth surface of an onyx stone near her head, its cool touch grounding her.

Curiosity and gratitude mingled in her gaze as she turned to the Rogue. "Tell me, why did you stay and help after I was so horrible to you and your men? Many have turned away, even when I've shown kindness." Her eyes fixed on him, a mixture of vulnerability and strength. She knew she would be confined to this place for an indeterminate time, with no luxury of knowledge of the healing process—if it ever happened.

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