And so, The Wind blew. Carrying the shrill screams of people as their towns burned and they themselves were ravaged. The scent of death floated through the air joined by floating embers. The Gypsies always came before the fall. This destruction following in their wake; Making their reputation worse. Until The Wind blew again. And so, from the shadow of the destruction, the Gypsies bloomed forth...
They treaded in with caution. Spade at the front of her pack as they arrived in this new ravaged town. She and her pack always headed out in front of their caravan to survey the land. Be sure it was safe for their families there before arriving. Spade's steady gaze took in the sight before her. In a matter of seconds, she surmised what happened here. The scent of wolves, ash and death. The fear riddled and clearly shaken survivors just trying to process it all and help each other be okay again made it crystal clear. Spade clicked her tongue. Her pack waiting for her command. She gestured her head toward the town and they knew it meant she wanted them to help where they could.
Spade wasn’t friendly. She was often feared from rumours and tales alone all built around her name.
She was violent.
She was merciless.
She was malicious.
She was sinful.
But really if anyone actually bothered to watch her. To look at and see just her they’d see she wasn’t any of those things. Though depending on the moment, she could be if that’s what was deserved. There was some truth to the rumours and stories. Spade wore her heart on her sleeve in actuality. She hid it well and the stories helped. But in moments like this that angry glare that took over the features of her face on a consistent basis faded. And the undying fire in her eyes turned down to a low simmer. The people here needed grace and while she was definitely not associated with the word, she could provide it when needed.
“What should we tell the caravan?”
“Tell them to come halfway.
The people here can’t afford
the backlash of a gypsy camp being here.
But we can help with food, drinks
and entertainment to lift their spirits.
If they come to us.”
She sent three-pack members back to the caravan. All with strict instruction to watch each other’s back. The rest stayed with her and continued to help. Spade wasn’t big as a human so she wasn’t expected to be able to do the amazing feats she could very well do. And so, to avoid people's suspension and curiosity of her she conformed to the ways of humans and only displayed the strength and speed any normal human her size would have. With the trace amounts of silver and wolfbane still lurking in her blood, it was a bit too easy for her taste.
She caught her breath with the rest of the townspeople as they all worked together to move piles of fallen and burnt wooden pillars and crumbled stone. Trying to clear the road as best they could while the people who lived here decided on their next steps. She was rubbing her hands together to get most of the soot and dirt off them when she spotted the notice board. That usual ferocious facial expression reclaiming her facial features as she forwarded her brow. She stared at the poster on the board up close before ripping it off. Curious as to why it hadn’t burnt up with everything else. The only logical explanation she could find was it might have been posted after the raid. This was her old wanted poster. Her eyes keenly searched all the information given. She hadn’t seen the poster in eight years give or take but she was sure this was the one for her head. She recognised the portrait of her wolf anywhere.
She turned the page about to be sure she didn’t miss anything but after a moment she was sure it didn’t mention anything about her directly. At least not any more. The name Spade now just reduced to “The Wolf King”. She snorted to herself. They didn’t even know the proper term. Furthermore, they didn’t even know it was a lady Lupine in the portrait. She clicked her tongue deciding to keep this and bring it to the caravan with her. Her old one was stuffed away somewhere and she wanted to compare the two to be sure.
“They say he can control other wolves.”
An old man approached capturing Spade's attention.
“One look from him is all it takes and now that wolf is his.”
“He came through here like the devil himself.
Tore up who and what he wanted.
Dragged anyone or thing he liked away.
His wolves dancing with destruction as they tore through town.
And then, they just vanished! Out of the blue like they weren’t even here.”
Spade's face changed to that of confusion. Dashed with a bit of concern and swarming with whole lotta anger. She’d only taken her eyes off the old man for a second but now he was gone. Subtly she looked for him but something told her she wouldn’t find him. He left no scent in the air or tracks in the wet mud and soot on the ground. But just like the story he sort of told he left Spade with reasonable distress she hid just as well as she hid everything else.
The sun had long set. The gypsies all crawled from their tents or scampered out of their carriages as the moon rose. The giant bond fire already ablaze while the musicians tuned their instruments and the storytellers began to weave their wild tales as the people from town came in and sat before them. Spade was in her tent. Her eyes dashing back and forth between the two wanted posters. She was clearly perplexed now in private. The posters were almost identical. The old one she’d kept for years had more information than the newer one. It held her name. The status she had within the supernatural world. Distinguishing marks.
She'd heard the last of the people who knew about her original bounty had died years ago. The lacking information on this new poster confirmed it but it didn’t make her feel much better. She clicked her tongue and rolled her lips together as she tossed both posters into the giant bond fire and watched as they burned to a crisp. She didn’t stay with her people as they danced and communed with the townspeople she’d helped earlier and that brought Mama into her tent.
“So just like a thief in the night you’re leaving.”
Spade sighed at Mama’s words. Glancing over her shoulder at her as she stopped packing.
“Would you let me leave otherwise?”
The silence from Mama made Spade hum. Her silence more telling than any answer.
“You'd be safe with us!”
A long silent breath left Spade. Her facial features slowly tightening as the breath left her. “But you wouldn’t be safe with me. All things in the dark will come to light. One day someone will find out this “king of the wolves” is actually a woman. And what if someone finds out I’m a wolf? One with black fur and gold eyes and matching the physical description of the wolf in the poster? What if my old wanted poster is found lost in The Wind somewhere?”
It was Mama's turn to click her tongue. Trying to convince her daughter she’d still have a better chance with family or anyone really than on her own but Spade was stubborn and once her mind was made up that was usually the end all be all. “Well then tell me. What makes this hunt different from the last?” Mama curried and sent Spade into deep thought.
“I don’t know
there were these rogues in town. Human ones, not wolves.
They’re hunting the Wolf King; One of them had a...”
Spade stopped speaking for just a moment as she peered out the front of her tent at the rogues coming into the caravan camp now. “...sword.” Mama with forwarded brow peered out of the tent after Spade. “Is that Ex-” “-Yes.” Quickly Mama pulled the flap to Spade's tent down and grasped her daughter’s chin. Spade jumped and flinched away from being touched but stopped herself, and with a steadying breath let her mother continue.
“Moonpie in the next few seconds, we’re going to walk out of this tent and welcome those men.
How we treat them, however, is all based upon you and how you answer my questions.
With faint hesitancy Spade nodded her head. Mama riddled out a slew of questions all to do with being sure these rogues didn’t suspect her daughter in any way. Spade would bet her life on them not knowing anything about her other than her being a Gypsy. And so, being convinced that these rogues were just here to accept the invitation of food and drink and entertainment given to them earlier Mama walked out of Spade's tent with a smile. Determined to give them a warm welcome as she always did to everyone. Spade begrudgingly followed but not to welcome them. She never did.
“Smile for once Moonpie.”
“That’s not happening.”
When was the last time Luna had changed at her own volition?
Was it that day?
So saturated with the scent of blood. And filled with endless screaming painted across a chaotic backdrop. Oh, the bone snapping change she didn't miss. And in fact, she dreaded changing back more. For that pain was far worse. A harsh huff is strewn from her nose as her paw spreads wide across the ground. Completely covering the tracks left by the other wolf. She hardly gets a moment in this form before the action truly begins. Which was to be expected. She even expected Excalibur to be drawn once her secret was... Well, visible.
Yet it seems neither she nor the other wolf was prepared for the power emanating from that weapon. The wolf had managed to slip through Luna's legs. An opportunity that wouldn't come again now that she had her bearings. And so, the wolf now found itself trapped. If it were smart it'd surrender.
It was not.
Instead, it accessed each of its opponents. Looking for the right moment. Any sign of weakness. Any tells.
Luna's golden gaze glowered at him. Forcing the wolf to bow its head slightly at her dominance. And she hadn't done anything to make it. Making it very clear to her that this wolf was of low rank among the fake king's pack. Was he trying to prove himself and not realizing just who Luna and Devon were, screwed himself over? Because what were the chances that the real Zeta and the wielder of Excalibur would be together? It quickly dawned on her this wasn't a planned attack but a rogue initiative. One this wolf severely under calculated.
Despite it all, she wouldn't underestimate this wolf. He was still powerful, stubborn and temperamental. And in this situation, he could easily become desperate and unhinged. Being prone to her own temper she knew she needed to focus and remain calm. Which meant ignoring the clear sense of betrayal. Confusion and maybe even fear coming from Devon. The events after this one were not ones she was looking forward to. But for now, they needed to focus because if they accidentally killed this wolf it was back to square one.
Suddenly a quick howl ripped through the sky. Rattling the earth as Luna loosed it from her lungs. Never taking her eyes off the other wolf as she shot her short call. If she and Devon's men weren't already looking for them they would be now. And if Devon's rogues trusted her pack enough they would be led straight to them. They had time now to stall and maybe hopefully knock this wolf out. If the wolf didn't do anything stupid that is. Just then it attempted again to skid through Luna's legs but with enough fair warning, she caught his intent. Swiping his head with enough force to send him faltering back towards Devon but it for some reason didn't knock him out revealing that this'll be harder than she thought.
She was restraining herself to keep him alive but clearly, she was holding back too much. And she wasn't sure how much this wolf could take before he ended up dead.
A nerve wracking stillness rammed its way through Luna. She cursed her mother for tying her to a being she couldn't mind link with. A being who likely hated wolves like all others. She helplessly watched as he raised his sword and her whole body clenched. She knew better than to launch forward to try and stop him. And she didn't even dare to try and mind link him out of fear that could do serious damage if it even worked. She was so still. Cautious to making even the subtlest of moves to not distract him.
Helplessly having to trust her husband.
Involuntary made to hope he wouldn't kill this wolf. She looked away as Excalibur swung. Like a guillotine dropping she feared this was the end for one of her kind. And so, for the first time in a decade or more, she felt no anger, just fear and sadness. Even if they were fleeting feelings they were there. And then, they were gone as the wolf hit the tree. The leftover force of the sword's magic brushed over her fur with an ominous chill. Making her brace, she turned her head, closed her eyes, and shuddered at the evident danger the sword possessed. The dust around her that had stirred from the sword's force settled and her focus reconnected to Devon. Suddenly a sharp ping plucked in her heart as her eyes met his.
He looked at her the way they all did.
With a dread that caused man to hunt what they feared. Breaking into homes and destroying innocent packs and families. Whose only crime outside of being a Lupine were the nightmares that man envisioned. So spooked by their thoughts and imagination they killed and hunted innocents. That was this look in his eyes now. At least from her perspective. A gaze she couldn't hold. She huffed as she turned her head and eyed the ground. Thinking to check the wolf and maybe make him change into his human so she could too, but she hesitated on the first step because it meant stepping closer to Devon. Again her eyes locked with his. Studying him to be sure she was safe. Never registering that he felt just as unsafe and threatened by her at the moment as she did. Taking a chance she took another step closer before breaking eye contact and turning towards the other wolf. She took a step forward.
There had to be something in the air.
Spade’s eyes locked with this wolf. She took a step forward. He was alive without any life threatening injuries. Impressive, considering how angry the newlyweds were at each other moments ago and their current inability to communicate. She took a step forward. A wild look appeared in her gaze as she stared at the faltering wolf. The hairs on her back rose like a beast on high alert about to attack. Her back arched and her breath grew heavy. Her claws dug into the earth with each step. And so, with every heavy footstep closer to this poor wolf the world suddenly lost a little bit more of Luna.
She snarled as a low growl shook the ground like a mini quack beneath the three of them. Something was off. She couldn't hear the wolf begging. Or if Devon was calling for her attention. She just fed off the adrenaline from the fear polluting the air around her. Suddenly high off the power trip that drugged her mind. The wolf coward. Something was wrong. Because even when he turned back into his human and begged for his life she took a step forward. She was close now. Towering over the man; all she had to do was step on him. Bite him. Rip him to shreds.
All these sounded amazing. But deep inside they felt so wrong. She couldn't stop!! Why couldn't she stop? She needed to! STOP! She and Devon had done well. They had achieved a goal together without proper communication. With this Lupine they could get further than ever! But she couldn't stop. No. He needed to die and she didn't even know why. Another step closer but this one now more restrained as she fought herself. A fight she never had to physically do before. The mental battle was another story and one surely everyone fought but this was strange. She was losing control. She couldn't shake the feeling and want for violence.
Even when her pack howled back to tell her and Devon they were close. The clatter of their paws and stomps of footsteps from the rogues did nothing to help her fight. It wasn't until Devon moved. She didn't see what he did but it helped her focus. And suddenly the wedding necklace. The bane of her existence tightened around her large fur neck. Forcing her to change lest it start to lacerate her skin the smaller it grew. She initially wanted to wait for her family to arrive to avoid being nude. But now she wanted nothing more than to no longer be the threat in this scenario.
But it was more painful than turning into her wolf. When turning into a wolf everything grows with your bones and while that hurts Luna always thought turning human again was worse. Everything shrank and retracted. Phenomenal cosmic power in an Itty bitty living space. The giant recessed back into this small woman with one last bitter howl that turned into a pained cry. It felt as though she was being crushed under unbearable pressure until she was left on all fours desperately gasping for air. As the necklace loosed and swung from her neck once again.
The cold was a new feeling.
As a hot blooded being it only phased her when she was weak. During a new moon and right now. Had it been that long since she'd turned, that her body was no longer used to it? Or was there something else? The cold caressed her skin with its frostbitten kisses. But it wasn't why she remained on the ground visibly trembling like a leaf. All that power had never been exactly easy to contain but it never took this much struggle. Her inconsistent breathing turned harsh. This was all she could focus on. She had to or blood would spill. The gentle offering of Devon's shirt burst through Luna's currently clouded mind. Allowing her to register the world around her. Her bloodshot ears begin to hear the men around her and with shaky hands, she accepts the offering of clothing. Hugging it to her frame the moment it's fully on. The warmth it still holds from Devon gives her an odd sense of comfort and Luna doesn't know how to feel about that.
Her violent trembling reduces to a still visible shiver. And her eyes find the naked man when Devon refers to him. It took no command from her for her pack to know they should assist Devon's with guarding him. It registered at that moment. The call she gave to get her and Devon's men here would have had some of her pack turning to their wolves to answer her. But something was still in the air. A new chill ran its nails gently down her spine. “Change!” Her voice is weak and hoarse. Vastly inaudible. But they heard her. And even in the state she was in there was no denying her command. There were others in her pack that weren't Lupines. Prepped with some sort of clothing for those that turned.
Devon remained close. Covered her from prying eyes. She wasn't used to that. She wasn't expecting that. Especially after their fight. She caught his gaze and held it with a vulnerable caution. Those few heartbeats of silence felt like an endless torture. And she was prepared for him to abandon and betray her. Just like her first husband. The Gypsies. Her family. But instead, he offered his hand. Her eyes went wide with perplexion and she hesitated for one more second before making any move at all. She accepted with her hands still shaking. Lessening the more time she had to gather her bearings. Luna closed her eyes and winced once on her feet. She took a deep breath to release the pain as her eyes reopened. She figured he'd want to talk. Hopefully, this conversation will go better than their last.
With her hand securely lost in his she walked. Stopping by one of her pack members to ask for the satchel they had with them. Forgetting she had his hand she left to find yet another private area. This time not outside of their scout's radius. She found a spot where a break in the trees above allowed the sun to heat the land below. Giving them enough light to see each other clearly. Remembering she had his hand she guided him to stand in front of her. “You're hurt… I hurt you.” Her voice was still weak and hoarse and it would be for a while. But there was something else in her voice, shame maybe? Nervousness even? She could smell the dry blood from the gash on his back. “Let me help patch you up?” With her free hand, she dug into the satchel and took out a small bottle of rum. Offering it to him while trying to persuade him to sit. “It's either me or one of our men roughly trying to do it.” She set the bag down. Let go of his hand and broke eye contact. “Sorry, your options aren't better.” She took in her surroundings as her shivering simmered to small shudders.
The creeks from the trees. The soft light from the sun lightly warms her skin. Leaving strikes like streams of honey. The rustling of the little woodland creatures running about below. And the birds singing from up above. The world seemed so peaceful when she paid attention. But she, like many, often got caught up with the chaos of their lives. She took a deep breath behind him. One she didn't realize she needed until the air filled her lungs and made her heart quicken. She rinsed her hands with fresh water from the bag first. Then soaked a clean cloth with the water to begin to clean his wounds. She was gentle all things considered. And her hands still held a faint tremor. Giving each scrape a thorough cleaning. Her years as a big sister finally paying off in the moment. But that silence lingered and she just decided to remain focused on her task. However, she let out a gentle chuckle or two from her nose when he broke their silence. An impressive feat since she rarely gave anyone, despite the circumstances, a genuine laugh. "I don't drug people. The Gypsies do.” Her soft words attempt to make a clear distinction between the two. “I was… drugged too.” She mumbles even quieter. Eventually giving a glance to the bottle she'd given him since he'd mentioned it.
And so, taken aback. Her hands halted on his back a moment. While she gazed away in thought for a second. “I never did perfect that recipe.” After another moment she takes a faint huff solely through her nose as she continues her work on his back. Now gently applying a healing ointment. Taking great care of each wound. She should've recognized the bottle. But she didn't. She should've recognized the amber color of the liquid. But she didn't. She should've recognized the scent once he popped the cork. But she didn't. She was very different from the woman who'd dedicated her life to that brew. Leaving her to wonder if that woman even still lived. Freezing again when he spoke once more. She knew it was coming. She'd just hoped she had more time to figure out what exactly to say. How exactly she could explain it all. If he even wanted to know it all. She grimaced slightly at the question. She hadn't left him with the greatest impression of her, clearly. Which hurt. Just a little. Only to be surprised it hurt at all. She had lived for so long not feeling the sting of all the sly comments. The misunderstandings and misconceptions. The pure spite and hate. Luna truly thought that the part of her that used to sting and hurt had died. And now she wished it truly had. She stopped what she was doing. This time pulling her hands away from his skin completely. She stared out at the warm streams of light. Watched as they moved across the land. Listened to the babbling brook which was just out of their sight.
Allowing the peace around them to help her think.
Allowing their privacy to inspire her vulnerability. As she moved closer. She sat at his side partially, with her legs still behind him. Giving him a clearer view of her face. Luna took a moment to steal the space between them. Pressing her chest to his arm. Causing it to slip into the valley between her breasts still above her shirt. As she raises her hand to his face. Letting the back of her fingertips gracefully trace along his cheek until it reaches his jaw. She unfurls her fingers against his jaw and chin. And gives a little push. Tug. To encourage him to turn and look her dead on. “I was going to tell you.” She spoke softly. Wanting him to see her eyes when she spoke. Wanting him to sense the truth through such a rare moment. She let those words settle between them first as their necklaces locked together, as per usual. Except they were already close so it couldn't pull them any closer together. “I've been here before. Love. Marriage. Except not only was it something both he and I wanted. He was also a Lupine. He still betrayed me. And so, I kept the truth from you until I thought I could trust you. We may not want or love each other but… I'm still a loyal wife who believes her husband should know the truth.”
Again she let her words sit in the air. Until she realized just how close they were. Wearing one outfit split between the two of them. Sharing each other's body heat. Close enough to feel each other's soft breaths brush past their face. Luna's hand quickly retracted. As if suddenly remembering how not only did she not like being touched but everyone hated her touching them. Like she was some sort of plague. She broke their intense gaze. And the weight of each of their necklaces returned as they gently unlatched like an ending of a warm hug. Allowing her to retreat to her previous spot behind him. “Don't move.” She distracted herself by beginning to wrap him with gauze. And hopefully, prevent him from turning around. She was uncomfortable with what she had just done. And if she knew anything about herself, that meant change. But she didn't want that. Not where this marriage… or any marriage of hers for that matter… was involved. She wouldn't be hurt again. Speaking of which, she had been hurt on their wonderful wedding night. By the silver laced into her dress as she changed. And now that she was in this faint remission for some odd reason she could feel her left palm pounding. Something to fret over later when she was at last alone.
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