
Every Tale Makes Timeless Stories

Devon pulled the leather hood up around his head a little more as the cooler autumn air swirled about. It wasn't so much for the temperature that caused him to adjust his coat, but more that he was hoping to remain unseen. This wasn't exactly a town they were not known in. In fact, the last time they were here, they'd left a very angry baron screaming for his men to have them caught and hanged less than a year ago. It had led to a chase through the town until they'd finally escaped in the woods after Devon drew the guards away from the rest of the Rogues. Later they learned the baron had threatened the lives of the workers on his land if there was ever any missing goods from the granary, and they would be blamed for it. The field worker they'd asked to help felt trapped and scared for his family, eventually tipping off the guards that the Rogues were coming. Devon couldn't blame the man. Had he'd known what the baron had promised to do should any of the stock was gone, he would've never continued in the plan.

"Can't believe you convinced me to come back here, Cillian," he mumbled as they walked to the nearest tavern. His eyes darted everywhere for a hint of the men who'd been after them last time. "You should've left the damn necklace. That girl you were with probably sold it by now. I know I would've." Devon and his men had stayed in the small town the last time they were here before pulling off the job on the baron's land and Cillian had made friendly with one of the girls at the brothel. His friend swore up and down he took the necklace off at some point during his time with her, but Devon had already bet him a good amount of coin she'd taken it from him while he was too focused on other worldly pleasures. He couldn't wait to find out who was going to win this bet.

Stepping into the tavern, it was fairly lively as it had been the last time they were there. With a quick scan of the place, it looked like just the townsfolk were there and none of the kind that wanted their heads. They moved to a table in the back where he finally felt comfortable enough to push his hood back and order some food and ale from the girl that passed by. He nodded at some of the girls that wandered the place, noting they were the ones you'd find in a brothel. They were on the hunt for some patrons for the night and most of the eyes in the room were on them. "You see your lover anywhere," he teased, slouching back in his chair with a smirk. 

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Cillian always loved to create trouble he thrived on the adrenaline that him and Devon created. He loved the ladies that was his weakness seeing anything in a dress always caught his eye. He convinced Devon to go back to a town they were not so popular in. Arriving at the tavern he instantly smiled and scanned the room knowing Devon would look for trouble they would have. He was looking for a woman that he was with last time she made the time even more exciting for him he couldn't take his mind off her. usually he would just be with one woman and not return but something about her made him think twice. He then followed Devon to sit down he still looks around for her. Nope no where in sight. He then lingered his eyes to more of the woman from the brothel.

He forgot what he was doing as another woman was giving him the finger to come to her he licks his lips. Hearing Devon say something he shakes his head looking at him turning towards him putting his hands on the table. "Sorry man got distracted what did you say?" he then sees the woman he was staring at take another man. he chuckles. "Lucky bastard took my fun for the night.. damn." looks at the menu calling the girl who was taking orders. Orders some food and ale as well he then faces the door looking to see if the woman he was with before would show up or a woman who would catch his eye. 

He looks towards the door hearing the steps of a woman he looked seeing her. The woman that was with him last time they were here and she was alone. "Excuse me Devon." He gets up walking towards her leaning against the wall smiling at her. "Missed me i know.. we had so much last time we were here glad you came back when we were here. What do you say we retire to the same room?" He leans towards her.

Devon tilted his head as he looked at his friend in an effort to grab his attention. If there was one thing he had learned about Cillian when they'd first met years ago, it was his immediate downfall when it came to women. It didn't matter where they were or what job they were on; If a decently good looking woman was in the room and available, Cillian would be sure to make himself noticed by her. He had to give him credit though. Whatever Cillian was saying to these women seemed to always work and Devon wouldn't see his fellow Rogue until the next day after they went off to find a place to get to know each other better. 

He shook his head with a grin and thanked the girl who returned with their drinks. Devon took the ale and drank, making a slight face at the taste. He was now remembering how he reminded himself to avoid the stuff from their last experience at this establishment. Ripping a piece of the bread, he saw the change that came over Cillian's face as he obviously saw the woman he'd been searching for. Devon lifted his cup towards his friend in good wishes and luck before taking another sip and making the same sour face as before while his friend went after his prize. Maybe with enough of it, he wouldn't care so much about the taste once the world began to get a little tilted. "Try not to get any more of your shit taken this time."

Just as he tore more of the slightly stale bread between his teeth, one of the women scouting the bar for lovers for the night spun in a circle and took it upon herself to sit in his lap. Her arm looped around his neck and Devon smiled to her. "Looks like you're in need of a new friend. Yours has scurried away with mine." He put the bread down and instead drank more of the ale to help the hard piece in his mouth go down more easily. Trying to respond was nearly impossible if he hadn't.

"That he has, but I think I don't mind having some time alone with me and this piss poor food." Devon looked to her then and couldn't help but notice her chest was nearly pushed up to her chin and directly in his face. "He talks a lot, you see, and I like the quiet for a change."

Her finger touched his temple and traced down over his jaw, sliding over his neck until pressing her hand on his shirt to gently tug the fabric more open. She drew small patterns with her fingernails across his skin. "I could be very, very quiet." Her dark and seductive gaze looked from his chest to his eyes as she moved her face closer to his, glancing to his mouth.

Devon took her wandering hand in his with a smirk, lifting it from his skin before speaking lowly to her. "No, you couldn't." 

As the doors to the busy tavern pushed open, the Rogue's gaze saw three of the baron's men walking inside. The smirk immediately fell from his face and he breathed out at the new complication that he was afraid would meet them all along. After taking one last sip of the ale, Devon grabbed the woman around the waist and stood, placing her on her own feet again. He pressed her tightly against him which made her gasp in surprise. An alluring smile spread over her lips until Devon reached back to her other hand and snatched the coin purse she'd removed from his belt when she'd been seated in his lap. "Nice try. Most men would've been tripping all over themselves to notice that pull."

The woman glared at him and placed a hand on her hip. "I suppose you aren't as stupid as your friend."

"You'd be right." Devon clipped the bag back onto his leather belt, feeling like he was definitely going to win that bet now. He reached inside and snagged a few coins while keeping an eye on the baron's men. "Might have another job for you though."

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