
Every Tale Makes Timeless Stories

Ireland had been her home for the last few years, she knew the people around her village, she had love or so she thought. Roderick had used her and cheated on her, worst of all when she found out she killed the woman he cheated on her with. That earned his wrath; he stirred the townspeople into a frenzy claiming she was a witch. The townspeople believed him because he was well respected among the community. The people beat her as she fought back their advancements but before she knew it she was tied to a stake.

The screaming from the townspeople on how she was a monster, the fire was light at the base of the stake. She had to think on her toes, even though he had been beaten blood she could still use her powers. So she focused and forced out a knockout gas, the biggest use of her powers at that point as she watched the people fall asleep. She used her hands to burn the ropes that tied her to the post. Her skin hardened in an effort to keep her safe from the flames that consumed the stake. She moved amounged the passed out people leaning over Roderick she raised her claws to kill him but she still loved him. She couldn’t bring herself to harm him.

In tears she placed a scar along his face as a reminder of what he did to her. Hoping people would assume she was dead because of the ashes that would soon be there. She took off from the town she had made her second home. With a heavy heart and wounded. She had no idea how long she ran for, all she knew is she arrived where the port was and crumbled to the ground gasping for breath as she sobbed out in pain in her tattered clothing. She wrapped her arms around her, she was no longer hard skinned she just looked like a woman who had been attacked.

She had nothing, no way to pay her way and she needed time to heal. She felt hopeless and as if she was utterly nothing. She found herself laying her head to the ground as she cried out in pain. She couldn’t stop her body from shaking, she couldn’t stop the tears she felt utterly weak. She felt like nothing, she was nothing. Roderick’s words echoed in her ear. ‘You were always just a pawn, how could I ever love a monster like you.’ She had no idea how long she had been crying or if anyone even noticed her.

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He was quiet as she spoke. She was right. He was stubborn and set on helping anyone he could. Except, there was one thing that made this different. Her safety and safe passage relied on him. "Normally, you would be right. But without me, there's no guarantee you'll make it to England safely. I promised I would. So I'll be more careful. I promise." He took a deep breath as he relished in how warm her hands were. Not fully focused on how unnatural it was since he was cold. He figured his body was colder from having jumped in the water so her hands were warmer. 

He chuckled softly as she laughed. "Just live. That's all I ask." He stared at her. Noticing the murkiness in her eyes. "Live so I know my efforts weren't in vain. Live so others can learn to know the dangers of Ireland." He moved closer to her. Trying to share what warmth he had to share because he noticed her cold skin. Unaware she was naturally cold. Or that that was a good sign for her. He took one of her hands and laced his fingers with hers. He smiled at her softly and shook his head. "I'll never change my mind but I'll understand if one day you do. If one day you fall in love with another. Don't let me get in the way."

He moved closer to her. He cupped the side of her face at last. Being so careful. Had nodded yes softly to answer her question. Moving even closer to make it easier for her. Limiting how much she had to move. 

One thing the Drake hated more than most was that he was right. She wouldn’t have gotten to England safely if it wasn’t for him. She most likely would have ended up on a slave boat if not actually murdered before stepping foot on such land. Yet he had offered her everything she needed to survive and so willingly. Without a second thought. She wanted to know why, she wanted to tell him he shouldn’t have. That he was being foolish. Yet she couldn’t because she hadn’t had anyone so nice or so drawn to her despite her off putting nature. She secretly wanted this to be the real thing, though she would never verbalize it. “All I can ask is  you try then.” Were the only words to leave her lips as she focused on warming him.

Live. Such a simple request he asked yet one she knew would be a feat for the dragoness. She had spent most of her time trying to live a life but the efforts of just being who she was so dangerous on its own. “I will do my best to fulfill this request. As long as I can do so with you.” Not knowing the moment they land in England will be the last time she sees him for a long time. The last time she would see Daniel's Face, to see his true face. The Gypsy who understands how dangerous life can be and how off put people could be to one just for simply being who they are. 

“I honestly don’t think I will fall in love with another. There is something about this,  something about you.” an undeniable connection, a thread tethering them to each other through time. “I can’t explain it. Do I even have to?” She asked softly as they moved closer to each other. She didn’t feel her wounds in that moment, All she felt was him, his heart pounding with hers. As she moved the hand he wasn’t holding around his neck. Pressing her forehead to his before finally closing the last bit of space to brush her lips to his. 

Finally allowing her lips to press to his with a light pressure, yet it didn’t stop the wave of electricity to flow into her. She let out the softest of weak moans as she pressed her body a little harder to his as she deepened the kiss.

Sometimes he wished he could stay Daniel forever. That this charade need had to end. Solely for the fact that life was a bit easy. He wasn't wanted. He wasn't hated. He got work easily. And now he had a wife. A beautiful one. He could tell even through her cuts and bruises. And while her off-putting aura might scare or turn off others it merely just drew him in. Sudden guilt swelled inside of him as he thought of this lie he was weaving her in. And now she was asking for time with him in England. Something he could never give her. Not as Daniel. And as Vega, he couldn't be sure he could give her the stability she deserved. He couldn't tell her any of this and he was already tired of lying. So he remained quiet. Just let her speak. 

The warmth of her hands was working to warm all of him. But that warmth was soon joined by a feeling that filled and warmed him even further. She spoke and his cheeks flushed with a bright red. Like he was suddenly drunk and it was shown by the rouge on his face. Unconsciously he shook his to her because he understood. He couldn't explain it. But he understood because he felt the same. 

And that feeling was the damndest thing. 

It was warm and relieving when he was with her now. But when he was on the deck with the captain or when he jumped into the water it was a faint chill and ache that would increase gradually the longer he stayed away from her. And it would never go away. Even when he was living as Vega. Even when he would come to believe she was dead. It would never go away until he found her again. But he just wouldn't know it was her. 

For all his worries and guilt. All his newfound feelings. All his hopes and dreams all vanished or flourished the moment his lips collided with hers.  The electrical current that flowed through him played a ballad all its own. He loosely wrapped his arms around her and closed off any space between as she deepened the kiss. Every little moan she made caused a wave to shudder down his spine. Gods he wanted this moment to last forever. But with the storm outside it rocked them too hard. He soon found himself tossed above her. Hovering as he braced his hand against the wall beside the bed. Looking down at her as he caught his breath. "Are you okay?" He shifts his weight to be sure none of it was on her. 

When he shook his head in that moment showing she didn’t have to explain more. She cooled her hand off before reaching to touch the heat of his face as she wasn’t sure she had ever made another blush. She gave a gentle flirty smile as she felt the heat on her flesh as her lips pressed to his in that long moment. She wished  she could read his mind to know what was going through it as they kissed. In her mind played a future of them growing together, having a family, having a beautiful life twisted together.

She felt more alive then she ever did in Ireland. How could she feel this alive? It was crazy how fast her heart opened to him and accepted him in. Her tongue moved from her lips along his bottom lips slowly as they kissed. Feeling his body shiver as the space left them. Her body pressed to his, feeling every inch of him against her. He kissed her with such passion and depth that she had never felt that her knees were weak and the moans left her unconsciously. 

As the rocking of the sip pressed them together bringing even more heightened emotions of their bodies pressed together she gave a soft squeal from her lips as they landed with his body over hers. Pinning her and she felt her body shiver under him as she just nodded to him. “Y-yes I’m okay.” She said breathlessly as she reached her hand up to rest against his cheek. Her body felt like it was on fire in a good way. “A rocky ride huh?” she asked softly with a gentle laugh. 

“You don’t feel as cold.” She shifted her body up to press against his to feel him against her. “Oh.” she said softly as she felt the heat of a blush take over her face feeling more than she thought she would.

A sigh of relief shot from his lips. And a blatant blush spread across his face. He had heated up not only because of her hands but also that kiss. Their closeness too. "Uh.. Sorry." He shifted off of her and sat beside her. Balling up some of the covers over his lap to hide what was growing beneath. He wasn't sure what to say. How to move forward because he didn't want her to assume sex was all he wanted. A loud crash of thunder rattled the boat. And another wave tossed them around. He wrapped his arms around her this time as a curious subtle breeze helped keep them in place. 

You could hear the muffled hollers of crewmates above as they struggled on deck. "You made me warm." He nipped her ear. Hoping it, at the moment, would make her feel useful. Also hoping it'd break that awkwardness from before. With a deep breath, he stood up. Tucking her in. "I need to help them up there but I promise I'll be back." He took a long look at her before smiling. Turning and heading for the door. He was excited. For many things but at this moment he couldn't wait to see her in the sunlight. 

And again when her face cleared up. 

Something he'd never get the chance to do fully.

He stopped as he opened the door. "I'll also ask the captain about our wedding while out there. I'm sure they'll make it unforgettable." His smile stretched from ear to ear before he left. The night was turbulent for the crew. Desperately trying to make it out of the storm in one piece. All the men were drenched and exhausted but thanks to Vega they didn't lose anyone overboard. Which put them all in his debt. The captain included. 

"Well there is one thing I'd like and we can call the debt paid..."

The captain and his crew laughed when he explained. Not because they thought it ridiculous. They were actually honored. But because Jeovani assumed they would call that even. "We'd do that without a debt to you boy." 

By the time he made it back to the room, the sun was rising. He couldn't be too sure but Bell appeared to be asleep. He hoped she was because he knew she needed it. Again he rid himself of his damp clothes and lay next to her. Freezing as she rolled into him and stealing the little warmth he had. But he didn't mind. And soon he was rocked to sleep by the gentle rocking of the boat.  

She took the sight of him above her in, as she took in the blush that crossed his face, she wasn’t sure if she had ever made anyone blush in such a way. “You don’t have to be sorry.” she said softly now that his body wasn’t pressed to hers. She felt a swirl in her body unlike any other. She thought she knew what love was before and yet that was everything broken within her soul from fleeing the man she thought was love. She was being taught that maybe this is what love is, wanting the best for one another. Haven’t even known this man for a day and yet he was everything she had wished for in the past.

The waves wouldn’t let her get lost in those thoughts though as once again they were tossed around. This time though he managed to keep them there. She wasn’t sure how much time had truly passed with the sounds of the crewmates filling the deck. Light didn’t trickle down where they were. Her body shivered against his feeling his teeth nipped at her ear. “I am glad I could be of use then.” Maybe she was bringing something to this agreement. Yet the moment of them being pressed together came to its end. As he removed himself from the bed and tucked her in once again she gave a small nod of her head. His promises would become the only ones she truly believed in.

Watching him leave she felt the smile on her lips, “I am sure with you it will be unforgettable as is.” She called to him before she was alone once again. She curled up falling asleep once again as her body ached to heal. She would grow envious of those who healed quickly. She shifted a few times as she rested not knowing when he would return. She stayed asleep until she felt the cold of his body against hers once again. She shivered and shifted to press her warm hands to him once again in her sleep. She opened her eyes only briefly to confirm it was him.

She curled into him and buried her face to his neck as they slept. When hours passed she shifted in the bed to trail her fingers down his arm slowly. Taking in the feel of his skin under her finger tips. She wanted to remember him at this moment as he slept. She couldn’t help the emotional feeling that washed over her body. She leaned in and pressed her lips to his softly as he slept. 

She knew she should wake him and ask him about if the captain agreed to the marriage or not, and yet she chose to give him another soft kiss.

Never before had the rocking waves lulled Vega to sleep. Like a baby in a cradle. Except that wasn't what put him to sleep. It... It was her. Not being isolated for the first time. The idea of just sharing space with her even for a little while. He couldn't explain why that put him at ease. Ease enough to drift into a peaceful sleep. Where his dreams weren't filled with his failed promises to his mother or his endless chasing of a man whose face he's never seen and knew nothing of his existence.

Or did he?

Did he know?

Was he purposefully running from him?

Jeo's frowned softly in his sleep then. But it was soon gone when he felt her soft kiss. The worry lines on his face faded when he subconsciously remembered he was by himself. For the first time in what felt like forever. His arms wrapped around her. And as he pulled her closer he also deepened the kiss. Half awake. Half asleep. He took a breath as his body melted into the cot beneath her. His hands gently but suddenly roam as they come up her sides and stroke down her back. But he stops himself far before he gets to her scale. Without even being aware of it. 

One of his hands brushed over one of her wounds. He was worried that the contact had hurt so he stopped. He was frozen with his lips still on hers for a moment before his eyes opened. He smiled softly. "Morning ." he gently moved stray strands of hair from her face. "Did that hurt?" he wanted to be sure she was alright and therefore was looking deep into her eyes to see the truth despite if she wanted to lie. He learned from his mother and the Valkyrie very early on that people will say something didn't hurt or tell you they're fine. But deep down they suffered. 

✧ Bounded from the start ✧
As Daniel brow furrowed in his sleep as if he was having a bad dream she worried it was about her, worried she was the cause of all his worries even though they had just met. It was far too good to be true wasn’t it? For him to want to marry someone like her, he couldn’t even see her full face, what if she healed and was left with a scar and he found her repulsive. These worries wrapped around her brain, over thinking every line on his face. Yet she couldn’t stop herself from leading in and kissing those lines to see if it eased the pain away.

As his arm wrapped around her to bring her closer, pressing their bodies closer together she felt a soft breath leave her. Her body memorizing his pressed to hers. How the edges of his facial hair tickled at her nose as he deepened the kiss. She melted with him into the cot as her hands came to rest upon his back a gentle gasp onto his lips as his hands moved along her side. The shiver that ran through her body caused her to wiggle against him pressing closer. She was going to have to break the kiss if he got to her scale and yet he managed to stop just short of it.

When he stopped she wanted to beg him to keep going, she had never been touched so gently before. Her body felt like it was on fire, “Morning.” she whispered back on his lips as she gave a gentle shake of her head. “Not at all, it was rather nice.” She felt as if her face was on fire, thankful for the darkness in that moment. “You are really gentle.” she said softly before finally shifting to get a better look at him.

“Did the captain agree?” she finally managed to get out as she bit down on her busted lip regretting that as it started to bleed. Trailing her tongue along the iron taste. “That is, if you still wish to be married to someone like me.” She let her gaze fall aside as she rocked with the sway of the boat.




No words would ever haunt him so. But those would stick to his soul and burrow deep into his heart. And it had nothing to do with her at all. It was because he was lying to her. This wasn't at all what he looked like. And while he was raised a Viking he wasn't one he never really was. He was a Gypsy through and through and if the truth ever came out on this boat he'd be scorned for gypping everyone. She would hate him. For lying. For being a Gypsy. For not really looking this way. 

A heavy pit of guilt sat in the depths of his stomach. And so the young gypsy convinced himself she wouldn't love him as Jeovani if Daniel was who she was falling for now. He kept these feelings away from his face. Sparing her from his heavy thoughts. Instead, he smiled as she came to get a better look at him. Admiring her and envisioning what she looked like underneath the swelling, cuts and bruises. Maybe he was just overthinking this. Maybe once she healed and he for the first time saw her face he'd reveal his to her as well. 

A small speck of hope fluttered into his heart. Why did his heart react to her in ways it reacted to no other? He cupped the side of her face so careful not to hurt her. Leaning up to place a soft kiss on the tip of her nose. "oh he said he would be offended if we let someone else do it." his eyes drift from hers to her the blood on her lip. He sits up with her on his lap. Keeping her close. He tries to get a better look at her lip in this dark but it's too dim. 

He reaches for the porthole at the side of the cot. To let the light rush in. He blinks and squint's his eyes as it adjusts to the first light he's seen in days. As that storm had been blocking the sun long before The Wind blew them together. He enjoys the warmth from the sun but is so focused on the fact that she is bleeding it doesn't distract him. He is so focused he's oblivious to this being the first moment they're seeing each other in any sort of light that isn't a lantern or candle. 

He still has clean cloth and a bucket in the room with them from the night before. He doesn't even need to leave the comforts of the cot to reach it. Dabbing and cleaning her lip free of the blood as he holds her chin. Putting so much care and focus into something so small. His eyes meet hers again as he disposes of the cloth in the bucket. Laughing at himself faintly from embarrassment. "My mother would often come home with cuts and scraps. New scars and leave me to clean them up because gods know she'd leave them and let nature take its course." he felt the need to explain his intense care at that moment. "I've mended many a busted lip between her and myself. " 

✧ Bounded from the start ✧

He always held her gentle, it was such a foreign thought to her to be touched gently. She had never been handled with such care once in her life. She felt the smile on her face even with the pain that radiates from the smile because of the bruises and cuts on her face. “Well that is a relief that he is not only willing but happy to marry us.” She said, adjusting only further into his lap as he sat up staring deeply at her lips. She felt the gentle drip of blood then from the split in her lip. “I will be okay. It's just because I smiled while it healed over in the middle of the night.” she tried to reassure him.

Her eyes squinted at the bright light and she groaned as it felt as if her eyes were hot all of a sudden. She kept her eyes for a long moment before finally opening them to look at him in the sunlight. She took in the beauty of the sun rays dancing along his face, taking in his dark eyes that seem to shine different shades in the light. She found herself lost in those eyes before realizing he was wanting to clean the blood off her face.

“I can do it.” she offered but the cloth was there cleaning up the blood with such tenderness. She felt her heart swell with the simple kindness being shown to her by him. As their eyes locked she felt her heart skip a beat once again. She felt as if her voice was caught in her through Though the words of what happened to his mother only made her frown slightly. She had so many questions then but found herself moving her hand to take hold of him gently. “Did your mother get into fights often?” The concern in her voice shined through in that moment.

She remembered her mother at that moment. The woman was stronger than anyone she knew, no one dared lay a finger on her. So she worried that Daniel grew up in a rough environment that led to his mother being beaten. She hoped that wasn’t the case, “I lost my father so I was raised by my mother, she worried in a bar but no one dared to touch her. I never knew that men or others lived in violence until well. The person that did this to me.” she said with a gentle wave to her face and body with her free hand.

“I do hope you didn’t have to deal with that growing up, I am sure it could be rough growing up like that. Taking care of her on top of it.” In Libelle's mind she was picturing that his mother was beaten due to a job or something. Not that she was a valkyrie. She honestly had very little knowledge about other species besides her own, and mystics due to her ex being one. “Why did you get busted lips?” she asked, wondering what the story behind that was. “Fending attackers off your mother?”

Sometimes he forgot the whole world wasn't like Kattegat. Even when he had lived among the gyspies his status quo was always Kattegat. So of course, he was confused when she worried about him and his mother. Until as he always did he realized she wasn't aware of just who and what his mother was. A warm smile spread across his face as the sun shone in. "My mother is a shield Madden. A great warrior that teaches the next generations of Vikings and Maddens the ways. If she and when she got hurt she was proud and wore it proudly because it meant her pupils were learning well."

He spoke like he was telling her a secret. But he really just liked holding her close. And with her this close there was no need to speak out at all. Their closeness creates a small bubble of intimacy in their already private room. "As for me... I struggled but not because of anyone else. It just took a while through my differences from the other Vikings to be like them but no one ever dared hurt me or my mother would tear them in half with her bare hands.'' he broke eyesight with her for just one second to look out the porthole and see the ship floating in the water.

Yet another thing he needed to tell her but wouldn't until it was far too late. He couldn't stay with her when they docked and let her go. He had to pay for their passage in some way and that way was joining the crew. It wouldn't be forever but even he knew she wouldn't wait for him. And he couldn't ask her to do that. His eyes met hers again but with a more serious and worrisome expression in them. But before he could speak he was cut off by a knock at the door.

"If you two don't get out here so we can get you ready for your wedding we're all barging in and taking over. Ready or not!"

Jeo sighed. It had to wait he guessed because the crewmen were outside counting down to one. "We should be the ones to let them in so they don't catch us undressed and unprepared." he got up and scavenged around the clothes given to them last night for a shirt for her and him. "Alright! We're coming! Hold on!" he helped her up before he helped her get the top on. "I doubt they'll let us marry in this..." He suddenly pulled her closer and bent down to her ear "But I'll be dammed if they try anything with my wife. And that includes changing her. I'll come and help if you need me. Just say the word." he kissed his way from her ear to her lips and stole a kiss. 

"They'll break the door down if we don't let them in. Are you ready? You can still change your mind and nothing I promised you will change."

✧ Bounded from the start ✧
Libelle cocked a brow at him as he spoke of his mother being a Shield Maiden. The way she spoke of her being a warrior and how her scars are earned and honored. “Do you think that is how everyone should feel about their scars?” She wondered not realizing how uncommon knowledge this was for the masses. She was curious if she was honest about him, being raised by a viking woman, a shield maiden, a term he had never heard before in her life. She was rather sheltered in some ways.

“So she protected you.” She said with a gentle frown on her face thinking of how she took for granted her own mother. “My mother wanted to protect me and all I did was make her life hard.” She felt that pain in her heart knowing that if her mother had been alive she wouldn’t have fallen prey to Roderick charm. “I understand struggling, I don’t think I will ever live up to the hopes that have been left behind for me.” Being the sole leader of a whole species was a lot of burden on her shoulders, one she wasn’t sure she could handle. She barely kept herself safe. It was her own secret she had yet to share with another.

She was going to express more when the knock came upon the door, causing her head to turn towards it but moving in such a way to be slightly hidden by Daniel. When she realized it was the crew she gave a smile towards the man before giving a nod of her head. Moving to get up from the bed for the first time since being in the boat. The sway of the boat made her hand go to her head and she gave a grown as everything felt sore and she felt overly weak.

As he helped her get the top on she felt a blush hidden on her cheeks. The way he pulled her close and whispered in her ear caused the goosebumps to rise on her skin. She felt her eyes drift close at the tender kisses he peppered along her skin to her lips. “I think I can handle it but I will be sure to ask for your help.” Sharing a gentle stolen kiss before moving with him towards the door. “We are coming.” She said towards the door, reaching to pull it open to look at the few crew mates who stood there, wondering why they were so determined to break into the room.

“Some of us are trying to heal.” she joked slightly worried her Drake aura would put the crew off and they would stop being as kind as they were being moments ago. It seemed like Daniel had bounded with them in a way. She looked to him as she reached over and gently took hold of his hand, with a gentle squeeze she looked at Daniel with a softness and fondness.

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