The job that was given, was one that had cost him several crewmates. As he pulled back into the closet port, he found himself itching in annoyance. He wanted to go to the man who placed the job on the board and yank his ear off and eat it in front of him. “The job isn’t priced properly.” He said to his first mate who grumbled in response. “The fact they dare post this job, and have no idea of the risk of it in tales…” He made his way off the ship down the port to the closest pub.
“Risking the curse of the Sea witch all for a stupid charm.” He kicked a pebble along the path he followed. Once in the pub he found himself sitting at a table requesting parchment and ink. After haggling back and forth the bar wrench got it for him for a few silver pieces. Dorian got to work on drawing up a job posting, requesting crew members to replace what he had lost.
Once he was done he posted it on the job board of the pub and sat in the back of the pub requesting a few drinks and waited to see if he could draw in any supernaturals hoping for a job.

He always hated getting new crew, especially when it came to having a job so dangerous that he may have to turn around once again and replace them. Clearing his throat, and raising the frothy mug to his lips looking to the humans that passed him.
He wondered to himself if any of them deserved death since he was craving a meal. He could maybe bring the sea witch an offering to get the charm. Did the sea witch even eat human flesh like himself? Or was it just a mystic the tales always swirled together when he thought of them. Didn’t help it was stories told to his sister and himself when they were podlings.