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Persephone's Discussions

Emotional Taming (Hathor and Persephone)

Started this discussion. Last reply by Persephone Mar 20, 2024. 2 Replies

✧ Emotional Taming ✧Walking through the castle her fingers ran along the cold bricks. Her mind was far from there at that moment having her own worries. She couldn’t remember who had attacked her…Continue

Seed of Darkness (Hades and Persephone)

Started this discussion. Last reply by H A D E S - Council Dec 2, 2023. 33 Replies

Persephone had been sent to the mortal realm for her protection. She was sent away before everything went down so she is a new god who knows her past. She worried for her husband as he never came for…Continue

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Underworld Queen
kore, persy, penny
immortal (30's)
date of birth
January 15th
r. Status
Hades The Underworld King
goddess of harvest and fertility
Queen of the underworld
Castle Hades
earth-based affinity.
the ability to communicate in the languages of all nine realms, earth’s dialects and other cultures realms.
she is able to help women in fertility needs.
eternals can have the ability to move an object with the speed of thought without touching it.
eternals can have the ability to heal others from grave injury unless they have the opposite affinity.
eternal new god
5 foot 7
119 lbs
eye color
deep brown
turns pink when using powers
hair color
black and naturally stright she can make her hair grow at will.
her skin heals itself back to perfection, after gaining wounded.

face claim
zoe saldana

history Persephone was a new goddess born to the ancients Zeus and Demeter, she was known as the goddess of harvest and fertility. She went by the nickname Kore which means “Maiden”. As she grew up she gained the attention of many gods, Yet her mother Demeter refused to allow her daughter to marry any of the gods. Stating she was better then them all, she was going to become one of the virgin maidens.

Yet Persephone didn’t want that, she wanted to forge her own path. Yet none of the men drew her interest in like one suitor that she was drawn to. She had no understanding why they had this pull on her heart. So when Hades showed up one day while she was to be picking flowers she went with him to the underworld. The pair married shortly after her arrival as she saw the side of Hades no one else saw. The gentle side of the hard man living in the shadows of the dead. She softened his heart.

Even though they married, Demeter did not approve of their marriage so often Persephone had to return to spend time between her two homes. Zeus himself often tries to butt into Hades and Persephone’s marriage. Though the more people against it seem to only draw Hades and Persephone closer. When the wars began Demeter sent Persephone to stay in the underworld away from harm.

It seemed Hades proved useful to Demeter when it came to protecting her daughter. As Zeus went on his own maddening journey it was clear to Hades that even he wouldn’t be able to protect Persephone. So he went to Demeter and they made a plan to send Persephone to the human realm to keep her safe. The parting was bitter and Persephone put up a fight stating she wanted to be by his side. Yet he refused.

Before she knew it she was living among humans. It was easy for her to fall into their kindness and mortal ways. She kept the town she stayed in full with harvest. May in the town considered her a light in the town. Even though she made friends and had a place. A piece of her was missing as she missed her husband and her life in the underworld.

She had thought that he would have come for her by now. She wondered if he was hurt, she had wondered if he missed her. Little did she know Hades had come looking for her after his plan worked. He saw how happy she was caring for humans around her that he couldn’t bear the thought of bringing her back to the underworld. Not after seeing her smile. So he returned to the underworld without.

Persephone carried on with her life among the humans. Only moving when it gained notice that she hadn’t aged. She still thought of Hades often. Sometimes she would lower to the ground and hit the ground though she only hit it once talking herself out of calling him. If he still wanted her he would have come for her. So she continued on with her life, making cities crops grow fuller, and cities more profitable.

Though it seemed her work grew the attention of a king who wanted to make her his queen. She refused his advances only to learn that while she knew she was a goddess not others viewed her as such. The king threw her into the dungeons, into darkness. As she sat in the corner crying she placed her hands to the ground pounding three times in hopes he was still alive and would come for her.
Positive Traits
oving, nurturing, fun loving, open-minded and generous
Negitive Traits
critical, quarrelsome, naive and impulsive
Hades, Ceberus, flowers
Apollo, Zeus, Anyone that wants to hurt Hades
connections CONTACT!FIRST Hades | Forever MarriedOur path was not easy, many stood in our way. Yet the longing was the same. Though War brought him to protect me by sending me away. I will remain faithful till the day we are reconnected. Perfectly balanced as all things should be.
Plot with me?

Seed of Darkness - Hades

Persephone can play throughout all time
“I've been around since the beginning of time, and I’ve never been afraid until I met you.” ― Kaitlin Bevis, Persephone

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At 12:53am on December 26, 2024,
H A D E S - Council

Merry Christmas my love!

For all those book you claim are not spicy but we both know they are.

Wish I could say I made this but somehow it burst into flames whenever I tried making it... but have fun dramatically running through our home with on regardless.

And, to start your garden in spring, the seeds of all your favourites.

At 11:04pm on July 22, 2023,
H A D E S - Council

Thank you for the birthday wishes love.

As per usual I am here to give you that same birthday love back. While also maybe pointing out that DAMN WE ARE OLD!!!!!! Haha

Happy birthday! I really hope you have the best 30s of your life. I love you lots!

Now if you excuse me I have a new book to lust... I mean look over...

At 9:24pm on April 24, 2023,

Well then, I look forward to finally being found. 


Chosen Citizen

Citizen of the Realm Rajan Khatri

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