Sleepless nights had begun to plague her, she would wake up gasping for air from the nightmare she couldn’t seem to escape. She was desperate to try anything, she couldn’t seem to see what was latching on to her this time. No rhyme or reason for this attachment. She called in to work that day with almost no sleep. The bags under her eyes were making it clear. She needed to seek advice out of her normal circle. Ace had once told her about a psychic in a town over. It was worth a shot. Maybe she could get some answers outside of herself.
Dragging herself out of bed, throwing on the closest outfit she could and making her way out to her mothers car. The last link she had to her, the link that she put all her money into to keep it going. As she climbed into the driver's seat of the car she let out a huff making her way towards the next town over. She drove in circles mainly not being able to focus as she drove. Around her third roundabout the block she manages to catch the sign to the psychic shop.
Climbing out of the car she felt the slap of magic against her face, there must have been a Mystic that actually ran the shop. As she drew closer towards the door there was another energy brewing, she didn’t take time to think on it though as she moved through the doorway. The ding of the shop door caused her to look up towards the metallic smelling bell. She gave a small smile to a black cat that was curled up in the window seal.
She made her way around the shop, but she didn’t see anyone. Picking up a few random crystals and reading over the titles of the books on one shelf she found herself lost in the mystic aura. It was comforting in a strange way, it felt like a wave of protection was placed over her. She felt free for a moment, that was rare for her. Tilting her head to one side letting her red hair fall to one side.