
Adventuring through twisted time.

✧ Under Pressure✧
As the crest of daybreak started to rise, so did Libelle. Taking note the night before of what girls had guests that paid for the overnight experience. Her list was rather full on the breakfast orders she was to make. Dressed in a sheer robe she traveled the short distance to the kitchen behind the bar. Reaching into a can that was filled with all different kinds of iron objects she popped one in her mouth. Her breakfast was always different to that of her girls and guests. Getting to work she began to make several plates of breakfast. After piling the plates on trays she began her ascent up the stairs knocking on each door as a gem that she referred to her girls as would open the door and take the offered breakfast.

Libelle gave her good mornings and so on till she reached the last room knocking on it. The new girl going by Amber had her first overnight guest, curious Libelle was to how it went. A few moments passed and when no one opened the door she knocked louder. Still nothing, no sounds of sheets or creaking bed from the weight of a pleasurable morning. Her stomach sank then, had the man killed Amber. As her hand gripped the door handle to open it, it didn’t budge. She knew Ruby would give her grief for breaking the knob off, it felt like a better idea than breaking the door in half. A swift motion of her hand the knob clanked it way to the floor and the door creaked open.

There was no scent of death in the room, yet the bed was perfectly made and there was no remnant of a night filled with a sexual adventure. Moving into the middle of the room she sat the breakfast on the table that was there. “Amber?” Libelle called out before she noticed the broken shutter of the window. A growl came from her lips, “Something smells foul.” She grumbled out as she moved back to the two gems she trusted the most in this world.

“Ruby!” she pounded on Ruby door before crossing the hall over to Pearl “Pearl!” She screamed before returning back to the doorway at the end of the hall where Amber’s room was. “We have a problem!”

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The rays of morning sun washed over Gwen's face causing her to slowly blink her eyes open. She yawned as she stretched her arms over her head then yanked the covers back over her form. She wanted to sleep for a few more minutes. Surely she wouldn't be missed if she enjoyed the warmth of her bed for a little longer. Getting comfortable beneath her blankets, she began to drift off once again.

The sounds of the other girls and their over night guests stirring, along with the mouth watering smells of breakfast, had her stomach growling in protest and sleep evading her. She groaned and pulled her pillow over her head. She would normally be up and moving with the rest of them, but this morning, she wanted to remain where she was for a few more moments. To fall back into the peaceful comfort of slumber. Just as she felt like she could possibly drift into dreamland once again, loud bangs on her door and Libelle's shout startled her, making her sit up.

She slid from bed and pulled on a gown she had drapped over a chair next to her bed as she exited the room. The length of the skirt falling down her legs as she stepped into the hall. Gwen glanced both directions before she saw Libelle standing outside the new girl's room and Ruby hurrying to join her. Amber hadn't been with them long, but was learning the ways quickly. Last night she had her first guest stay overnight. At that thought, Gwen's eyes went wide as she scurried down the hall. The worst ideas of what could be the problem filling her thoughts. "What's wrong?"

Gwen peered into the room. Her gaze scanning the space, a breath escaping her lips when none of the horrors she had imagined were visible. "What is wrong?" The questions was asked as she looked to Ruby and Libelle. "Where is Amber and her guest? Did they go somewhere else to eat this morning?" That didn't seem right. Gwen blamed her brain for not being fully awake yet. She knew something was amiss, she just couldn't seem to fit the pieces together yet. It wasn't making sense Ruby wouldn't be in her room this early in the morning. Her guest could of left during the night. That was something that happened and could be explained away. Not for Ruby though. Gwen scrubbed her hands over her face to wake herself up some more and looked to the women standing next to her. "Why isn't she here?"

She rolled her shoulders back. Tied the front of her slip. “Kissing is extra.” She takes his hand off her chin and leans away. Awarding him a smirk along with a knowing look. Her patron was leaving early like he always did. Hours before breakfast. Probably so he could sneak out of there and avoid the risk of ruining his reputation. She saw him to the front door. Mainly because she could see in the dark. And he was quite clumsy without her guidance. No one was up yet not even the sun. But a faint scent did so ever creep into her senses. Her eyes which glowed in the dark scanned the surroundings. No one stirred. No fleet of foot creeps lurked. And after taking in a few hefty breaths she surmised the scent was coming from outside. Somewhere off in the distance. She paused for just one more second before stretching and making her way back to her room. Leaping into her bed with a bounce or two before she settled.

Ruby had a habit of greeting Libbey every morning when she delivered breakfast. Except for the nights that went longer because of a patron. Libbey's scent bellowed into her room and even in sleep she knew she was near. Taking comfort in her beloved mentor being so near. It helped her fall into a deeper state of sleep. Which was the opposite of what she wanted to do. But even as she slept she could hear the brothel as it livened. Hear the sounds of the beds cracking as the ladies rose. How Pearl refused to get up like everyone else. Or the ladies shuffling as they rummaged through their armoires to find their best next seductive outfit for later in the night. The sounds of laughter and the clang of the utensils as they ate. The sounds of water rushing to fill various tubs for those who wished to wash the night away.

She remained asleep though she heard it all.

Until that wretched sound pulled her soul to consciousness. The sound of the metal straining against the created friction. Screaming in restraint before the forced pop! Almost immediately Ruby knew what the rest of her day looked like. And the irritation of that dried out her eyes. She remained curled around her pillow for one more second before sitting up with a huff. Silently praying they had a replacement knob or that maybe by chance the door was broken instead of the knob. Blaming her selective hearing if that were the case. But her instincts knew the truth and they were never wrong. Wood was easy. It was cheap. It was easy to get because if the merchants or men at the docks didn't want to sell to her she could always go and chop a few trees. Shaping a new door was no problem. She just needed the measurements. Hinges and doorknob. But if said hinges or door knob were broken…

Metal wasn't easy. And locking knobs as The Dragon Lady needed needed to be hand forged. It couldn’t just be bought. She had to get the metal. Making sure it wasn't gold, silver, or iron. And that was harder said than done as metal wasn't in high demand so so few merchants sold exactly the type she needed. And if they did it wouldn't come cheap. Ruby rolled her eyes knowing she'd be asked to pay with a night here in her room. Then of course there was forging it. She'd either have to go to the blacksmith which again she knew how they'd want her to pay. Or they'd ask for some ungodly amount she couldn't agree to even when she could afford it. In the end, she would have to make the knob herself and she knew it because she'd made every knob here. She headed for the storeroom long before Libelle's call came. Hoping to find one of the spare knobs she'd made for moments like this. Only to find they'd already been used. 

She was already back in her room dressing for the market when Libelle called. And the sound turned her blood cold. Her heart banged in tune with each pound Libelle made to her and Pearl's door. She was with them in a flash, though slower than a Sanguine might even have gotten there. Wrangling the clunk of ire that used to be the doorknob from Libelle's clutches. Grumbling about the warped clunk like a grumpy pup. But she stilled at that scent. She took a step forward but couldn't enter the room because of the sharp aroma burning her nostrils. She covered her nose and backed away. The heavy chemical scent wouldn't be noticeable to anyone without a heightened sense of smell. Whoever made it was smart enough to mix soap and oils in to hide the toxic scent. The same scent she smelled this morning before it was obviously brought in and used in the brothel.

“They tried to hide whatever happened by eliminating their scents.” fighting the sharp tinge in her nose she white knuckled her way into the room. Looking around to find absolutely nothing out of place. But she quickly grew lightheaded from the powerful scent and was forced to trot out. She shot several harsh, sharp breaths from her nose. Each with a harsh jerk of her head. Attempting to rid herself of the smell lodged there. Rubbing it until it was as red as her name. “We can't track that scent.” She at last huffed. “It'd just lead us to every boat. Ship. Or tender currently docked at the pier. Because that concoction is what they use to swab the deck when a ship docks after months at sea. Only one person makes this here and he's one of your old patrons Libbey. So that could be a starting point.” She was likely the least talkative of the three of them and it felt like she'd reached her word quota for the day already so she fell silent. She needed to escape this corridor to flea the scent which felt as if it was seeping from the room and coming at her.

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