
Every Tale Makes Timeless Stories

The woods were something that Nerissa avoided after breaking into Kyan home and barely making it out with her life. Yet she had to go collect things for her remedies and such in her shop that Devon had helped her set up. She waited until night, it was easier to use her darkness ability to blend in. The time came and she slipped on her cover cloak to help keep herself warm with the winter right around the corner. She walked out of her shop looking around to make sure she wasn’t seen as she let darkness of the shadows envelope her.  She made her way to the tree line and then started walking so light no one no matter how skilled could hear her walking.

She picked the things she needed, placing them in her basket. Humming softly when a scream erupted from deep in the woods. Nerissa paused and turned towards where the male scream was. She tightened her hands on her basket questioning if she should go see what made the scream or rush back to her home. ‘But what if someone is hurt?’ her mind questioned the small four foot eleven Fae woman. Her body moved on its own towards the sound. The closer she got she could hear the growling of a wolf and the roar of a few bears. As she came up the site fully she took in the blood everywhere, and a man crumbled to the ground.

“Oh no.” She said as she dropped her darkness around her and started to glow brightly using her ability to speak to the animals she screamed to them “GO!” The blinding light being enough to scare the bears yet the wolf stated that the man on the ground was his owner. She moved over to his massive form with the help of the wolf they were able to roll him on his back. She took in his labored breathing and the opened wounds all along him. She almost panicked but she knew what to do to help. She wouldn’t be able to make it back to the shop but lucky for him she had what she needed on her. She used her fire ability to close some of the wounds to stop the bleeding. Figuring it was better to do it while he was passed out to do that. She then moved to his head.

She closed her eyes sucking in life energy from around her then placed her lips on Tyr and breathed the life energy into his body, kissing him to keep their lips tight as she does so. After the long kiss she pulled back and watched the wounds on him heal to the point of non fatal. Letting out a worried breath looking to the wolf for a moment. “He is gonna be okay now.” she said softly before  drawing water out of the air and used it to clean up some of the blood from his face. Pushing his hair to the side. “You are going to be okay.” It was an ironic act of kindness for her. No matter how much good she tried to do it would never be enough to make up for her past selfish actions. She was lost in her thoughts as her hands rested on him.

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Mimir whined like the big baby he was, his tail so far up his butt you could not see it and he was walking funny. "I know buddy. I know." Tyr scratched his wolf's ear to give him some sort of comfort. They'd been hunting for days rounding up a group bounty only to discover the last person they needed was a child. Upon further investigation, he discovered the child was innocent in this situation so he let him go; actually, he brought him to a widow out to another town who was looking to adopt. The child was happy there and immediately started helping the older woman with her house and land, their smiles as they worked together in joy and safety made Tyr smile. Except that decision had sent him on the run, because he broke his contract to save this sweet boy, he didn't care though. 

Seeing those two happy to have a family again was entirely worth my life. Hiding in the woods would be rough as neither I nor Mimir knew these woods, I was far from home and treading lightly the deeper I journeyed inward. My panabas drawn and my cautious steps quiet, the locals all whispered about these woods urging people to be cautious or to not enter them at all. I never wanted to disrespect a town and their beliefs so I was sure that by entering here I was not doing just that. The woods we're fine to enter just dangerous they assured, they could not tell me how they were dangerous however so I was careful as crept. Minor had scouted the surrounding area and howled when it was safe, I sheathed my weapon and finally took a breath but Mimir was still scared and only stayed because of me. I twisted my mouth and called him to me hugging him to hope it made him feel more at ease "we will be alright buddy, it is just for the night." 

They found a break in the trees where the sun and then the moon would shine down on them as they waited out for their pursuers to give up on them. They would not put a bounty on his head for doing what he had done because of his title as a Fenrir so it was the people who created the bounty Tyr had hunted now hunting him and they were just ordinary people. Nothing special so they would not find him or chase him long, their pride and anger just got the better of them for now and made them think they could catch a Fenrir. Tyr scoffed to his thoughts before his big baby crawled into his lap as the cool night set in, both their stomachs rumbled and they relied on each other for warmth as Tyr welcomed Mimir into his giant fur cape. It was best not to hunt in a strange woods all on his own and a fire would likely attract attention they did not want. So now they had to wait until morning and they could go, Mimir rested himself against his owner who held him close and eventually the wolf drifted to sleep, Tyr sighed another sigh of relief that his wolf was at last calm and comfortable enough to do anything but tremble. He chuckled to himself at that thought, the Fenrir Dire Wolves were beasts of legends but here his was terrified. 

I do not remember what happened next or how I got here, but the pain I was in would always be remembered and I doubt anything would feel worse than this, but in my dying moment I felt a kiss. At first, I am sure it is the kiss of death but I am soon overcome with immense warmth and I wince and pant into the kiss as my wounds begin to close and the life I once had comes back to me. When the kiss ends I do not want it to but I can not just yet so there is nothing I can but lay there, I feel them clean my face before I hear HER voice. At last, I take a heavy breath outside of my normal breathing and I slowly opened my eyes. AND WAS IMMEDIATELY MEET BY MY LITTLE IDIOT!! "Minor!!" I croak out unable to move my arms yet to get him off of my face. When he finally moved from my face but stayed right on top of me I was at last able to see the woman that saved me. I stared at her for a long time, I had never been in this situation before so words did not come easy. I forced myself to sit up and groaned from the pain, my clothes were all torn up and I could see the bear marks on my chest and I knew those would leave scars. "Thank you." I, at last, say as I wrap my cloak around me and Mimir tries to wiggle inside of my arms again. I wince from Mimir trying too hard and he whines when he realises it, I close my eyes and breath deep to sort through this newfound pain deciding I do not like pain. I take a deep breath and let my eyes flutter open to look at her again. "I guess I am in your debt, my life is yours whenever you need it." 

Nerissa often didn’t use her gift to bring those back from the brink of death. Only those she had an overwhelming urge to save, Like Devon and now this man whose breath became last shallow. She watched the wolf move over him and lick his face after she cleaned the blood away. She sat back feeling the weight of using that power rest heavily in her chest for a moment. She looked at the dead plants around them, they were what aided her from giving her whole life force energy to bring him back. She sat there waiting for him to come back fully. She looked to Mimir who showed his love for the male. 

She had completely forgotten she was still glowing brightly in the dead of night, and figuring it would scare him more as he woke up. She watched him look at her but it was almost as if he was looking through her. She didn’t say anything; she just watched him with wide hazel eyes, somehow he seemed so much larger then her slender four foot eleven frame. She watched how the wolf wiggled into his arm after he took in the scars.  She wished she would have been able to heal them completely but she knew she didn’t have that kind of ability even with the seed of power.

As he said thank you she gave a soft nod not sure what to say. “He is hurt.” she said softly to the wolf in his native tongue. “You have to be easy.” She then looked back to Tyr as she moved closer to him once again. She gave a shake of her head “you don't owe me anything.” She said as she took in the markings, “Your pain must be almost unbearable.” she muttered out as she stood up. “Do you think you can walk? If I can get you to my shop I can help with the pain and maybe keep the scarring to a minimum.” She surprised herself as she offered to help him more. Yet she didn’t fear him like she had others.

She stood up fully and patted her tiny shoulder. “Come on big guy get up and let's get you out of these horrid woods for the night.” She gave him a sweet smile as she said this waiting for him to get up. She reached out to Mimir and ran her fingers through his fur slowly. “He really was the one who kept you safe. He tried to get the bears away and keep you safe.” She said softly as she smiled at Mimir. “You have a good companion here.” she said gently as she looked back to him. “Now come on, I know you are in pain but I can make you feel better.” She just hoped he would trust her enough to do that.

Tyr was not focused on her, his eyes were not even open as he processed what happened and the pain he was in, he did not see her glowing or the dead flowers around them. It was not like him to be so oblivious of his surroundings however with what had just happened he was severely bemused and cold... He had never been so cold. Which brought his focus to his wolf Mimir who was balled up in his arms and on his lap sharing his warmth at hope to it made him okay again. It was because of his focus on his wolf that he noticed Nerissa talk to Mimir in his own tongue. 

I at first thought the sounds were coming from Mimir, the chatty wolf he was but then very quickly noted his odd silence and change in demeanour as he calmed down. This made me look back at the woman that saved me and I froze when it was undoubtedly clear she was the one making the wolf sounds and I could not hide the stunned confusion on my face as I stared at her. She went on to say other things and even stand but all I could seem to do was continue to stare at her. "UnBEARable..." I scoffed forwarding my brow and shaking my head. "...Thanks for that." 

He slowly patted Mimir's side to let him know he was going to try and rise "I do not mind the scars actually... But this pain...". He groaned as he got to his feet and tried to walk without her help but he could not, he put his pride to the side and leaned on her a little and froze again as he came in contact with her and his hand came up touch her arm " I can touch you... Feel you." He said to himself as they walked to where she leads, Mimir following.

She hadn’t even heard her own words in the way that he had. It caused the little fae to give a gentle laugh past her lips. “Well I did not mean to make a joke like that, it seemed it was a natural joke that passed my lips without permission.” She said softly as she reached down to pet the wolf, who was pretty much the same height as she was.  She spoke in the wolf’s native tongue again. “Who is a good boy?” she smiled as the wolf licked her face before looking to the man she had saved.

“If I can get you back to my shop I can help with the pain.” She said as she followed beside him, she wasn’t sure she could catch him if he fell but she could make vines pull him back to his feet. Yet soon she felt the tall male touch her arm but stopped his movements. She raised a brow at his words for a moment. “Well when one touches another wouldn’t you be able to feel them?” she gave a smile with a gentle laugh as she moved his arm around her shoulders and held his hand while she led them back to her shop.

After a little walk there back in the small village she had called home, she moved to her shop that doubled as her home also. She moved through the shop part to the back room where her bed was. She helped him into her bed realizing that he was much longer than her bed was. “I’m sorry I don’t have a bigger bed, I am very small compared to you.” She laughed softly before she pulled off what was left of his shirt and tossed it in a small fire she started in her fireplace. “I will make you a shirt tomorrow.” She said softly before she moved back to him with a bowl of water and a rag.

She cleaned off the blood on his chest as gently as she could as she hummed to herself while she did so. She could hear Mimir settle on the floor, which made her relax her shoulders. Since it meant that his master most likely was at ease. Once she was done cleaning it up. She moved grabbing an ointment, she smoothed the ointment over his chest before making him sit up and wrapped his body up before making him lay back down. “Now you should rest, you will feel better in the morning.” She smiled at him and started to pick up the mess she made.

He had come to terms with two possibilities at this point and all over the fact that she had just saved him and was continuously talking to his wolf. He believed his curse had finally reached its peak and he was now actually dead and this was some afterlife or limbo. Or he was still laying on the floor dying and the extreme loss of blood was making his mind hallucinate. In fact, he was sure that one of those two things was, in fact, the truth. Until her stood and the pain from his wounds grounded him and told him this was really happening, no tricks of the mind or death. He was truly floored being able to feel her gentle touch and being able to touch her and feel it and that one moment alone is what confirmed to him this was real. It is what kept him silent for the rest of their walk back to her small humble abode. 

I could hear her speaking but I was not fully listening because my mind was running, trying to figure out everything. How she managed to save me, how I was able to feel her touch. I winced and came away from my thoughts with a hiss as she put something on my wounds and then wrapped me up. I let her push me back onto the bed but I knew I would not stay there. I watched and waited until she turned her back and silently I made my way onto the floor next to Mimir. This was much more comfortable than trying to squeeze and fit on to her bed and plus I could be next to my wolf who quickly snuggled into me as I curled up around him. I laid there with my eyes open for a while until I felt comfortable enough to fall asleep. 

When morning came he was up before her and again he just laid there with Mimir who was up with him. He looked over to her before he finally rose and tried making his way outside quietly but he quite literally bumped into everything on his way out because of his size. He stumbled through the door clearly irritated and took a deep breath, taking a moment to watch as his warm breath swirled into the cold air and danced into the air. He plopped down wrapped in his fur cape, right outside her home as he surveyed his surroundings letting Mimir roam around the area and sniff around. He dropped his head and growled faintly to himself when she stepped outside"I am sorry if I woke you and especially if I broke something." He spoke without looking at her. 

Nerissa was working on cleaning herself up from his blood and such when she watched the large man stand from where he was  and moved into her floor. With a gentle chuckle she watched as Mimir licked his face and comforted the giant. With a gentle shake of her head she understood that he would not be sleeping in her bed. After cleaning up everything the young fae was exhausted to the point that she almost forgot to put on a change of clothes. Once done she fell into her bed and curled up into a ball. She slept quietly until the morning came.

Though she wouldn’t have a woken if it wasn’t for the sounds of the large man stumbling around her home. She jumped up ready to fight, out of habit but soon calmed down as she watched him exit looking to the wolf who followed him. With a sigh she got up and picked up her cloak to put it around her to fight the cold of the morning. She walked outside and looked out to the field behind her little shop and home, She looked over her shoulder to the room. “Nothing that can’t be fixed or worth fussing over.” She moved closer to him and sat down as if she was a leaf, gentle. She watched Mimir roam the area.

She was quiet for a moment as she shivered and tucked her body into the cape the best she could. “So you asked last night how you could feel me.” She asked in a gentle tone as her gaze never left the wolf. “Are you not used to being able to feel things?” She wondered allowed, in the world she came from she honestly couldn’t say nothing existed. “Or where you just so out of it you had no idea what you were talking about.” Her gaze turned to him as she looked up at him, even sitting next to him it felt as if he towered over her small frame. Without working though her hand came from under her cape to touch his to see his reaction.

His eyes gently watched Mimir frolic and roam until he realised he had to use the bathroom and scurried to find a place he liked. Tyr had grown used to hiding his thoughts and emotions, especially from his face so when she spoke he just sat there as stoically as he was previously and listened to her question. He stays silent and it is not until her delicate hand reaches for him that he, at last, responds. He is not used to gently dealing with others and is often British because of it and he grabs her hand a little rougher than he intends to. 

I clear my throat as I let her go"I do not like being touched." I give a brief explanation for my reflex and shifted as my hand returned under my fur cloak. "I do not remember most of last night. So the latter seems to be your answer." I forwarded my brow in thought and while my statement was true I did recall her touch. How could I forget something that went against my curse? I heard a rustling in the woods around and my first thought is Mimir yet the noise did not sound like him, nor did it smell like him. 

He glowered out towards the rustling motion and listened close; eventually, he smelled the air like a wolf or dog. He hummed to himself in thought before whistling for Mimir who came quietly trotting up from the other direction. Even the wolf demeanour was on edge but the edge dulled when the rustling was revealed to be a doe with an injured leg. "Go help, bring her here." He commanded Mimir how trotted up to the doe carefully and somehow ushered on to his back and brought her close to both Tyr and Nerissa. 

Nerissa's eyes watched the wolf but flicked between the Wolf and the mass of the man beside her. As he stayed quiet she let out a gentle hum as she reached out to him, which ended up getting caught in her throat as she squealed lightly at his rough grab of her hand. Her other hand clutching at the seed, in case she needed to fight him off. After all she was four foot nothing and without her abilities would never be able to defend herself so easily. “Forgive me, I didn’t know.” She managed to say faintly as she moved her hand to rest in her lap.

Her gaze focused on him for a moment before leaving a gentle nod. “Well maybe you thought you were dead and felt my touch. So it confused your brain. Though I am impressed you are still standing. You must be something not completely human like me.” She said risking the show of her pointy ear to him. She hoped it would gain her trust though with someone wanted for their life it was a stupid idea. Devon would scold her for this. When the growl came from him, she paused and stared at him. “Oh.” The way he commanded Mimir made her eyes go big. “Are you an animal trainer? Or can you talk to him too?” 

Her eyes moved to the wounded doe, “oh dear.” She said as she got to her feet and moved over to the Doe. “Please lay down.” She helped the Doe to the ground and looked over the wounds. Quickly she was in her home returning with a basket of things. She moved to make an herb paste. “Do you think you are well enough to hold her still for me?” Nerissa looked over her shoulder to him. “This paste will harden into a band aid for a few days while fighting the infections she has. Then fall off so they can heal fully on their own with nothing eating her flesh away.

Tyr was distracted the moment the Doe was brought to them and he could see its wounds up close and personal. He sniffed the air and then the Doe without even realising that Nerissa had spoken to him at first. "I am no trainer and something tells me the way I speak to him is different from the way you do." He growled out returning his eyes to the surrounding area. Was what attacked this animal close by he wondered or was it that it knew it could come to Nerissa for help? He hummed to himself before grunting and nodding his head to confirm he was well enough to do what she asked. He was terrible at being gentle but he tried because he would hate to make this Doe's pain worse with his heavy-handed roughness. When she spoke again he forwarded his brow and shook his head with a shrug; it did not matter to him how she helped this thing, what she used, or did not. Tyr then wondered was it to him she spoke to? Or was it this Doe? 

I turned watching her as I thought and wondered what was she? With my clan and family, I had discovered many beings but none like her. I watched her work before instructing Mimir to let the Doe slide off his back and on to the floor. My attention then goes to Mimir knowing his natural instincts will pick up on any nearby threat. "Stand point" I tell him as I slip back into her home to grab my panabas; Up until now, I did not realise I did not have it on me but that was because it was always on me. It was always on my side so I should have noticed the lack of its weight there. Was I slipping? I force the thought from my mind and return to the field. I watch Mimir, how the hairs on his back suddenly stood and the slight change in his sudden demeanour. I hummed to myself at the understanding of what those signs in my wolf meant. "If you can fight stand by me. If not then go inside and lock the door." 

One faint whistle from Tyr's lips and Mimir was off, followed close by Tyr himself. He gave Mimir enough space to do his thing like stop short and sniff around when a growl came from and Tyr knew that meant he had found the threat. "Go!" He instructed but what he was not expecting to hear the scream of peoples. He launched forward calling Mimir back "you're trespassing." He spoke matter of factly glowering at the group; when he notices the antlers, teeth, and hooves of animals they shouldn't be hunting in the manner that they were. "Poachers." He growled and Mimir mimicked. "Such a waste of good meat." He comments on how they waste the rest of the animals they hunt, he takes a breath before sucking his teeth and spitting as they circle around him. "You do not want to do this." He warns once without looking at any of them but they all ignore him and get into a fighting stance so he sighs and waits for them to make the first move. 

Nerissa looked up to Tyr as he spoke, his tone always gruff as if he was always angry. A growl as if he was feral always in his throat also. She raised a brow and then looked towards Mimir who confirmed to her that they spoke differently. Yet there wasn’t much time to dwell on it as she was working on trying to help the Doe that had been brought to them. To live another day. Watching animals die hurt her emotionally especially since she could feel their emotions and hear them as they slipped away. So she was quick to later the past along the Doe wound as he took hold of her keeping her still. It was more than enough help and she reassured over and over again to the Doe that she would be okay in a gentle soothing tone.

She watched him return to her home and grab the strange weapons she hadn’t seen before. She looked to the strange weapon as she trailed her fingers along the Doe neck as she slowly fell into a sleep. She knew that would happen most likely as she was in pain and with the pain relief sleep often came. Though the words that left him made her raise her brows in shock. “What?” She questioned as she rose to her feet and in that moment it was clear there was a foot and a half difference in their height. “What on earth are you fighting?” She questioned as she was quick to slip the necklace that held the seed in her dress to press it to her flesh to feel the surge of power through her.

When he took off she was up in the air into the trees following behind him and Mimir keeping her pace just short of theirs. As they came to a stop, so did she. She leaned closer to hear his words. Poachers the word brought a frown to her lips as tears threatened to spill over. Before they had a chance to do anything. Their eyes swilled with black as Nerissa dropped down in front  of Tyr before a fight could break out. “They are blinded. Can we knock them out and take them to the jail in town?” She asked looking over her shoulder to Tyr as her own eyes were filled with blackness. She felt the sickness of the darkness power swirling through her that was causing blood to leak from her nose. “Quickly. Please. I need you to do it.” She said as she couldn’t move from where she was without losing control.

The last thing actually expected was for the tiny weirdling to follow him and Mimir to the danger. He glanced over his shoulder as they ran to see her floating above and forwarded his brow in confusion as his only other experience with something or flying were Drakes and that was not at all a good memory. He did know that she was not a Drake though, she had no dragon wings or signs of scales. He whistled to Mimir who immediately ran circles around the poachers keeping them trapped there as he spoke but just blinked at Nerissa when she made their eyes go dark. A slew of questions swirled into his mind but he hoped to it knocking them out and tied them up and kept them together so he could monitor all of them at once. 

"They are detained." I gruffed out towards her my staying on them as Mimir continued to circle around them. I crossed my arms over my chest and gifted heavily "This is only a temporary fix I hope you know. The jail will not keep them long because they do not care." I said without looking at her "why do you care if they live? They are who hurt that doe and just look around their camp." I gestured around us to the tusks, husks, furs and much more all around us scattered with their gear. "They are killing this forest." I looked her way before I scoffed and walked away. "Mimir find how they got here." I commanded as I looked around the camp and took the weapons I liked and articles of clothing that seemed like they might fit. I was not in the business of making someone do something they did not want to do, she wanted to save them and send them to jail, fine. 

Mimir howled to catch Tyr's attention and show him where they had stashed their horse-drawn carriage. Tyr rose to his feet, as he was squatted down rummaging through the poacher's things and before heading to Mimir headed to Nerissa and handed her a wet cloth to wipe the blood from her nose "It is clean." That is all he offered as he began to then load the men into the carriage to bring them into town, making Mimir sit in the back with them, although he was sure they would not wake, as he sat up front to drive. He looked at her and watched her a moment as she seemed to be looking around "are you coming with us?" He called out in a gentler tone this time around. 

Nerissa was focused on keeping her hold on the poachers as Mimir circled them. The Darkness swirling in their eyes blinding them but not deafening them. She knew it wouldn’t hold long before it started to affect her also. So she was hoping that this stranger would be skilled enough to tie them up and she could drop this ability dealing with the after effects later. She felt the conscious leave the beings the darkness took hold of. They must have been human as their bodies one by one fell to the ground. She herself looked at him with her own eyes with the black staining them.

Once she was sure that they were down for the count she herself wavered. Coughing as the black oozed out of her mouth. She was quick to wipe it away to keep him from noticing. “I don’t like hurting people if it can be avoided.” She said quietly as she looked at him, her eyes returned to the honey color they seem to hold in their unnatural hues. The weakness she felt she knew would last a day at least. She frowned at the thought that anyone would willingly hurt an animal but she couldn’t justify killing them either.  She watched him command Mimir, her brain feeling as if it was on fire.

She took the cloth unaware of the blood leaking from her nose. The burning in her mind had her utterly distracted, as she wiped at her nose she wavered. As he loaded the men she stayed there watching before hearing him call out in a gentle tone. She blinked a few times, moved to take a step when the blackness she had used on the other men took over her own mind and she fell to the ground. 

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