
Adventuring through twisted time.

Dimitri Ezperanza-Colette
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Dimitri Ezperanza-Colette's Friends

  • Everlee Harlow
  • Jade De La Vega-Ryoko
  • Asha Kothari
  • Brandon LeCreaux - Council
  • Madeline Ezperanza-Colette
  • Vice
  • Ciara Devlin - Council
  • Libelle "Onyx" Ryoko - Council


The Painted Veil

Dimitri Ezperanza-Colette
Immortal (40's)
date of birth
r. Status
It is complicated
Ciara Devlin
Old God of Peace and Joy.  Painter
New Orleans French Quarter
positive traits
Years of Wisdom, Kind Hearted, Gentle Soul
negative traits
Unstable, Broken, Stubborn
All things Art, Peace, Nature
War, Fighting
Painting, taking long walks, Day  Dreams.
Too many to name.
He tends to overthink too much and does not always catch on or notice certain things concerning the people in his life. Maybe he is too stubborn to accept those things.
Ehh whatever fits.
Mild Mannered and to himself Dimitri is still broken from his past so he stay aloof .

A Richly Coloured Canvas

Six foot One
Ine hundred and Three lbs
eye colour
Very Dark Brown. Almost Black 
hair colour
Dark Brown almost black and shaggy.
Various scars from various wars.
Ben Barnes
Peace Inducement, Enchant the magnificence of armour and weapons, Merriment Inducemen, the blessing of Good Cheer.
The ability to communicate in the languages of all nine realms, earth’s dialects and other cultures realms.
An Eternal can turn into any other living thing like an animal or even take on the appearance of someone else.
Eternals can have the ability to soar through the sky with or without wings.
Eternals can have the ability to heal others from grave injury unless they have the opposite affinity.
Weapon and Item Empowerment
The ability to take their main affinity ability and attach it to a weapon or item. AKA Hades Helm of Invisibility.
Eternals can live forever, but can be killed with great effort. The Ancients can be killed by their own mistakes in discovering their powers without training and of course by other Ancients.
Every Eternal gets a boost or rush near or with their affinity at hand.
They learn and grow in their abilities as they go along smoothly, though struggle is natural and asking for help is a part of growth.
Any Eternal will gain some extra strength or stamina or something of the like when a non-eternal gives them praise, worship, or prays to them.
The Eternals can heal from the most severe wounds, regenerating body tissues and vital organs. They can even regrow limbs with enough time, unless they were decapitated.



Queen Persephone

STATUS Wife, Lover, Forever Bound
Our path was not easy, many stood in our way. Yet the longing was the same. Though War brought him to protect me by sending me away. I will remain faithful until the day we are reconnected. Perfectly balanced as all things should be.
Threads here
Accepting new threads?: Yes

Seed of Darkness - Persephone


Year’s before the war, long before Gual was called France, longer still before losing the love of his life and becoming a father, Dimitri was born. The lonely baby, with wide dark almost black eyes, calmly looked around the temple as his basket sat on the alter. No one is aware he was there until the sun rose and Maidens began their day and temple duties. They were stunned by his calmness, how he did not fuse as he waited to be found by them, safely sat beneath the elegant statue of Hera.

Dimitri was born to a presbyteros of the temple of Ares and Maiden from the temple of Aphrodite. Their love and the transgressions of their love were forbidden for them both by the vows they took to dedicate and join the temples they worked and lived in. Dimitri's mother knew if her love found out she was pregnant he would want to leave and be with her, they were already talking about doing so, but she feared Ares would hear and be angry with his high priest for betraying him. Afraid she ran to her goddess cautious as she knew how jealous and spiteful Aphrodite could be but was stunned when she was met with mercy. Aphrodite had been the cause of their love; she knew before even them that Dimitri would be the proof of their love.

Granted temporary freedom to leave her temple and have her son, the women left but with one condition. That she gives her son back to the gods through service. The next nine months were rough and lonely but somehow, she prevailed and the dark-eyed, dark-haired son was born. The temple of Hera was chosen for him, many might have thought this odd but after her labour and struggles through her pregnancy, she knew she survived because of the protectress of women in childbirth, Hera. The only male to serve in the temple of Hera, her first acolyte.

As Dimitri grew the maidens who raised him, though still confused about where he had come from were gracious he was here. He was joyful his laughter often filling and echoing through the temple drawing people in, he was also oddly peaceful for a baby. Sleeping all through the night and only giving a fuss when he was hungry or needed a change, these personality traits stayed with him as he grew. The maidens made sure of it, they made sure he was raised as well as they knew how. When he was old enough, he began to help the maidens and work in the temple, keeping it clean, learning to fix the art and sculptures making deliveries of blessings and last rights to the people who came to the temple.

He was completely satisfied with his life, never wanting more or less and then the war struck and with it its horrors. The world went dark one day like the sun had gone out and was never reignited. And from the darkness, the people went mad, thrown into a panic and grave fear, he watched and tried to stop as the people he grew up with turned on each other, ripping each other and the earth apart. The world was falling apart all around him and he was the only one trying to stop any of it. That caught the attention of Zeus, he spoke to this young man, liking the sanity he managed to maintain through the chaos, and before too long he took him and blessed and made him what we know to be the Old Gods.

There were not many of them and honestly, all of them were being worked to the bone. Trying to take the place of the multiple gods all at once, while the clear unravelling of Zeus began to become ever-pressing with every passing second. At first, when Hades came up from the underworld to speak to the old gods about betraying Zeus no one listened, most of them had gotten everything they had ever wanted or dreamed. Others got what Zeus promised, which for Dimitri was peace, he wanted his home to be okay again. After a time though Hades' words became hard to deny; the slipping sanity of Zeus, his growing aggression and mistrust of all the gods he had created were prevalent. So, Dimitri along with a handful of his new brothers and sisters joined Hades and betrayed Zeus, and in turn, Hades hid them from Zeus's wrath.

Decades turned to centuries and the day by day just all melted and blended. From an acolyte to a God, to a servant of the people. As penance for helping Zeus, Dimitri and the surviving Old Gods threw themselves into making amends, finding those needing what they could provide. When still in Olympus with Zeus, Dimitri had been bestowed the affinities of Eirene the goddess of peace and Euphrosyne the goddess of Joy and their responsibilities, now he only held a fraction of those powers with no possibility of growth. The people he helped all held the same problems, the same results, their names blended, their faces faded away; he could not remember any one of them from the last.

Until he met a man named Quinn in 1887, the owner of The Pleasure House somewhere around the heart of Ireland. To Dimitri, Quinn was peculiar and fascinating, somehow alluding Dimitri's help and the reason for him being there. Changing the subject whenever Dimitri tried to pry or help. At this point in Dimitri's life, he had had a successful art business, slowly building a reputation in a field where everyone else rose to fame after death. So, the truth of him being an Eternal was heavily buried beneath his ever-growing business; He kept it small of course, not wanting to risk gaining too much unwanted attention. Quinn somehow could see right through it; though the man had no clue as to what exactly Dimitri was; he knew it was not human.

It was a dark day when Dimitri finally discovered the truth about Quinn, one of his ladies had been beaten. Dimitri and Quinn were friends at this point, they had known each other for a year and Quinn was comfortable having Dimitri at his pleasure house. So, both men promptly beat the man who had beat Quinns' girl, they were all quiet in the house though, the doors closed for the rest of the day as dark clouds rolled in outside. Then SHE appeared and at first despite the fact that for Dimitri time slowed down as she laughed and joked with the other ladies of the house, he also thought he had fallen off of his stool at the bar. But no, it was just Quinn, so excited for Dimitri to finally lay eyes on his pride and joy that he shook and slapped Dimitri until he fell.

Quinn had told him about her, Ciara, secretly adamant that the two meet naturally and not by Quinn's fruition. Had he introduced them Ciara would have treated Dimitri as a client and that was not, for some odd reason, what Quinn wanted. Except the man lost in the game of patients when after them seeing each other about and around the house they still had not fully been acquainted. For Dimitri, the reason Quinn needed him had now become very clear but before he knew it, he was beguiled into Ciara's room by the very Quinn himself.

Each night she would try and get him in bed and each night he would somehow and for some reason refuse. The Eternals were known for being scandalous and going as far as to transform into birds or beasts just to lay with whoever they could, but Dimitri’s mind on the matter was very different, he was told young of the story of his parents by the goddess Hera herself. The scaring of that story, the abandonment that stayed with him all these long centuries turned him off. Then his heart started to play against him in this game and he soon lost but oh, were they happy together if only just for a moment.

Dimitri was in love, smitten, he saved all he could to buy Ciara's freedom from Quinn, something you could not do but for Dimitri, Quinn welcomed it; Helped even, unable to just give Ciara away or the news of that would cause his business trouble, from his ladies and the clients. Yet when the day came Ciara was gone, murdered moments before he could get there to save her or even now what was happening. The little colour the world still held for Dimitri all turned to a dark deep grey, oblivious to the baby Quinn had gently placed his arms as he stayed on his knees at the side of her bed, numb.

He shook his head upon hearing Quinn’s voice, so lost within himself everything sounded like he was drowning and trapped underwater. When he focused, he noticed her, his daughter, struggling to cling to life slipping quickly. The sheer panic and devastation coursing through him caught the attention of one powerful friend from below, who granted her just enough strength to hold on until Dimitri could find something or someone to heal her; Heedless of how thee solution he found had hurt the earth and how the consequences would all fall to her and not him. Dimitri never fully recovered mentally, from the war of the gods to otherworldly wars, to losing the love of his life and it showed in the way in which he struggled to raise his daughter, the young girl and eventual women turning out relatively pure considering what he put her through and the world threw at her.

Eventually, Dimitri sometime between losing his love to now had fallen from whatever grace and favour remained with him. Gual, Olympus, Ireland, Gual now called France, New Orleans, New York, and finally back to New Orleans, a long journey for a tired soul. Dimitri, now languorous, less than the man he once was and far from the boy acolyte of Hera had found a place to call home and hide.


Latest Activity

Dimitri Ezperanza-Colette replied to Ciara Devlin - Council's discussion Stay With Me [Ciara & Dimitri]
"This certainly was not the reunion he had imagined a thousand times over; in some cases, this was probably a better scenario than some of the ones his mind thought up when it was lost in the dark. This was going well... too well, in fact, he began…"
Dec 27, 2023
Dimitri Ezperanza-Colette commented on Libelle "Onyx" Ryoko - Council's event August Activity Check
"Dimitri Ezperanza-Colette -July 12th"
Aug 31, 2023
Dimitri Ezperanza-Colette is attending Libelle "Onyx" Ryoko - Council's event

August Activity Check at onsite

August 7, 2023 at 6pm to September 10, 2023 at 7pm
Please also provide a link to 1 Roleplay reply you posted ON/AFTER July 1st 2023 along with the date you posted it.Role Name: Link To RPA Goofy Gif - OptionalHumansEinor OathsbloodFaeShadrach PrimrosgleamGypsiesAsha KothariSanguineHonora AugustinSee More
Aug 31, 2023
Dimitri Ezperanza-Colette replied to Ezekiel Neo's discussion For Honor (Ezekiel and Dimitri)
"A warm smile embraced Dimi's face as Ezekiel spoke of his horse and chuckled as he related and understood how stubborn animals could be. It was endearing in his opinion how much attitude and loyal an animal could harbour. He shook his head as…"
Jul 12, 2023
Dimitri Ezperanza-Colette commented on Libelle "Onyx" Ryoko - Council's event May Activity Check
"Demitri Ezperanza-Collette - May 2nd "
May 5, 2023
Dimitri Ezperanza-Colette is attending Libelle "Onyx" Ryoko - Council's event

May Activity Check at onsite

May 1, 2023 to May 31, 2023
Please also provide a link to 1 Roleplay reply you posted ON/AFTER April 1st 2023 along with the date you posted it.Role Name: Link To RPA Happy Gif - OptionalHumans Nova WintersMystics Colette DuboisFae Shadrach PrimrosgleamGypsies Asha KothariSee More
May 5, 2023
Dimitri Ezperanza-Colette replied to Ciara Devlin - Council's discussion Stay With Me [Ciara & Dimitri]
""Time has never liked, I am sure I could prove it." he chuckled and in well fell swoop his drink was gone and he did not even process that it was at first until the bartender was topping him off. Maybe he should sit he thought so he did as…"
May 2, 2023
Brandon LeCreaux - Council left a comment for Dimitri Ezperanza-Colette
"Merry Christmas!"
Apr 30, 2023
Dimitri Ezperanza-Colette replied to Ezekiel Neo's discussion For Honor (Ezekiel and Dimitri)
"Life has an interesting way of repeating for if you told Dimitri that in this very second he would one day be the one chasing the ghost of his lost love he would not believe you, but at least he would not laugh at the idea. The future was a hard…"
Apr 30, 2023
Dimitri Ezperanza-Colette commented on Libelle "Onyx" Ryoko - Council's event February Activity Check
"Dimitri Ezperanza-Colette - February 17th"
Feb 23, 2023
Dimitri Ezperanza-Colette is attending Libelle "Onyx" Ryoko - Council's event

February Activity Check at onsite

February 1, 2023 at 6pm to March 3, 2023 at 7pm
Please also provide a link to 1 Roleplay reply you posted AFTER 1st January 2023 along with the date you posted it.Role Name: Link To RPAnd A Serious Gif - OptionalHumansNova Winters Lacy HiggsMysticsHawk Black Kjiri deMoonFae Celtis Mothwick ElmsongGypsies Asha KothariDrakesAsharot SalazarSee More
Feb 23, 2023
Dimitri Ezperanza-Colette replied to Ezekiel Neo's discussion For Honor (Ezekiel and open)
"His face was always cast in shadows never to see the light of day as he toiled away at rebuilding the temple which was once his home. For long he tormented over it alone in the dark neglecting his new responsibilities after the war of the gods. A…"
Feb 17, 2023
Brandon LeCreaux - Council left a comment for Dimitri Ezperanza-Colette
"Happy Halloween Sir."
Nov 29, 2022
Brandon LeCreaux - Council left a comment for Dimitri Ezperanza-Colette
"Happy Thanksgiving"
Nov 29, 2022
Dimitri Ezperanza-Colette and Everlee Harlow are now friends
Nov 29, 2022
Dimitri Ezperanza-Colette commented on Libelle "Onyx" Ryoko - Council's event November Activity Check
"Dimitri Ezperanza-Colette - Nov 29th "
Nov 29, 2022

Comment Wall (13 comments)

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At 12:10pm on December 25, 2022,
Brandon LeCreaux - Council

Merry Christmas!

At 11:39am on November 24, 2022,
Brandon LeCreaux - Council

Happy Thanksgiving

At 10:36pm on October 31, 2022,
Brandon LeCreaux - Council

Happy Halloween Sir.

At 3:02pm on August 6, 2020,
Ciara Devlin - Council

Me? Bite you?

No, I don't know what you're talking about...

At 2:33pm on August 3, 2020,
Ciara Devlin - Council

At 6:44pm on July 27, 2020,
Madeline Ezperanza-Colette

You know I thought you of all people would appreciate it because you know it is holey. 

I just want my account back now.

At 6:14pm on July 27, 2020,
Madeline Ezperanza-Colette

Excuse me!? I am wearing a shirt there.

Also, me trying to figure out which twin hacked into my account: 

At 3:47pm on February 21, 2020,
Ciara Devlin - Council

C'mon old man, you can do better than that!

*Lowers head* I don't try and kill her, I just try to let her see the light. It's so pretty. 

At 3:21pm on February 17, 2020,
Ciara Devlin - Council

Not chase, but bippity boppity boop me!

Come and catch meee

I don't think Scotty likes me, he huffs and puffs and I'm prrrretty sure I saw him roll his eyes at me 

At 9:50am on February 16, 2020,
Ciara Devlin - Council

I cannot tell if yer a wizuuurd or if you're trying to be a Fairy God mother

I think that is a trip to hell in itself :o

That means, we need to have another pet in the house. I will pick up the hyena right away! 

*Bippity boops away*

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