Make sure to change your name, sign the Rules, and place your approved bio on your page. Then you are free to rp and will be taken off Trial and placed within the species.
We are so happy that you have chosen to join us through the time eras where you can bring alive your roleplay vision! Please check out the GuidelinesHERE which will help you get started. Once you have read through those, create and send in your character for approval to dive into our world!
Verity Fairchild's Comments
Comment Wall (7 comments)
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GypsyRajan Khatri said…
Optimism at its finest
FaeFlorian Nightbloom said…
Seeing as you offered me a small fluffy toy, how could I refuse.
SirenDorian Echoxera said…
As Promised Shore Leave
HumanDevon Sawyer - Council said…
I come bearing a gift.
No, it's not blood...
SanguineRaffaele Spataro - Council said…
Welcome to the sanguine, Verity.
Make sure to change your name, sign the Rules, and place your approved bio on your page. Then you are free to rp and will be taken off Trial and placed within the species.
Let me know if you have any questions.
DrakeLibelle "Onyx" Ryoko - Council said…
Hey there! checking in to see if you have any site questions! I am here to help!
DrakeLibelle "Onyx" Ryoko - Council said…
Welcome to Timeless!
We are so happy that you have chosen to join us through the time eras where you can bring alive your roleplay vision! Please check out the Guidelines HERE which will help you get started. Once you have read through those, create and send in your character for approval to dive into our world!
- Owner Libelle
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EternalMadeline Ezperanza-Colette replied to Vice's discussion The Woman From Nowhere (Madeline and Artemis)
EternalMadeline Ezperanza-Colette replied to Brandon LeCreaux - Council's discussion Death Find Us All (Brandon and Madeline)
EternalMadeline Ezperanza-Colette replied to Echo Silversun's discussion The Things They Carried. *A Short Thread* (Madeline and Echo)
CursedSkaði replied to Libelle "Onyx" Ryoko - Council's discussion Unwilling Captive (Clarice De Bivillie and Heracles Skadi)
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DrakeLibelle "Onyx" Ryoko - Council replied to Libelle "Onyx" Ryoko - Council's discussion Let's make a deal (Devon and Libelle)
MysticClarice De Biville - Council replied to Alexander Crimson's discussion Writings On The Wall (Clarice and Alexander)