
Every Tale Makes Timeless Stories

Florian Nightbloom
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  • Verity Fairchild
  • Kyan Raventhorn - Council
  • Astrid Winther - Council
  • Echo Silversun
  • Libelle "Onyx" Ryoko - Council

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Lets go rattle the stars.

― Do not go gentle into the good night. rage. Rage against the dying light.

about the writer.
PRONOUNS she / her
PREFERRED POV third person.
MASCOT Sean Teale
contacting the writer.
DISCORD Jett#6155
KIK Turnapaigeee
SOCIALS ask(fm) ; media
Bow to noone
trivial facts.
BIOLOGICALLY Florian Nightbloom.
ALIASES Flor, Rian, Darkling
FAMILY LINEAGE Fae. Moon affiliated.
DISTINGUISHING MARKS Purple eyes with small stars inside when using magic.
HOMETOWN Thornwood Forest.
PRESENT RESIDENCE In and out of Thistlemoon Forest
SEXUALITY Heterosexual
Accent Spanish
skills and abilities.
THE GOOD Fearless, Stoic, Versatile
THE BAD Detached, Withdrawn & Notoriously two-faced and will betray anyone
MASTERY Excellent skill of reading people, and being overly polite. ,
being centre of attention,
MORALITY Probably sways to the darkside.
past present and future. Florian, the fourth and youngest son of Emra and Casimir. From the very beginning, the four sons were often put to the test, competing against one another; partly for their Father's enjoyment but also because, unlike many of the other Fae Kingdoms, the eldest son was not the natural heir. For those in the Thornwood Forest, the strongest son is the next in Line. Florian, whilst being the youngest, was able to catch up with his siblings in both strength and knowledge of battle; this acceleration in skill put strain on his relationship with his brothers who were all power hungry and wanting to take the Crown from their Father upon his passing and rule the forest. Thus, when the three older brothers realised that they were in competition with Florian, they quickly disregarded their brotherly bond and merely saw him as an inconvenience. The brothers created a pact, so to speak, which essentially implied that they didn’t care which one of the three became King, as long as it wasn’t Florian.

The days turned into weeks which turned into months and so on; Florian became subject to bullying from his older Siblings, and often encountered cheating when they were faced with the many challenges their Father bestowed upon them. Florian had to be tough skinned to endure his family and to survive his family status which would come with many tasks and decisions to be made. However, despite all of this, Florian was kind, soft and warm inside although many in today's age would never believe such a thing; even if they knew him as a youngling. Florian cared deeply for the night and the creatures which came alive after dark; his affiliation only heightened due to being born under the moon - much like the rest of his family. Thus, when he wasn't a Prince, he would find his way into the belly of the evergreen forest and admire the life which was created there; he also took it upon himself to train his elements away from the prying eyes which would then give him some upper hand in the many trials.

At first, it was difficult to distinguish which of the two elements were his strongest; they always seemed equal, plus, he never truly had a favourite. After a while, it was as if he chose to focus on air and earth; weidling it, understanding it and becoming one with it. Florian learnt the intricacies and beauty of the elements he had chosen, and over the years became one of the best in his Kingdom. As he grew, so did his powers and he had learnt, not just by experimenting but via a scientific advisor in the Court that Florian could also manipulate Shadows via air refraction. This was much harder, draining even to control and manipulate this type of element due to the obvious transparency of air; thus whilst Florian loved the shadow, he knew it was and would be his weakest strength. Until he began playing with the shadows already formed by an object obstructing the light ray. Manipulating the darkened air was far more manageable and easier for they young Fae. And so, he began using this technique in trials with his siblings and it worked in his favour for the most part.

Until one day, when his siblings were reeking of anger and jealousy; when they hired a man to beat a dunk Florian to inches of his life. The youngest Nightbloom was in the infirmary for what seemed like forever, despite his healing powers working overtime to recover. Yet, during this time, Florian became infatuated with one of the nursing assistants; and he made sure that they would court when he was back to his full strength. However, when that day eventually came; war broke out between the Fae and Humans. Thus, the Nightbloom children were called upon to protect their home - the one time the siblings had to put their hatred and rivalry to the side. The war was long and brutal, time ceased to exist during the bleak days; many lives were lost - including the fae which had captured Florian's heart. He was beside her when she took her final breath; his siblings' judgemental gaze fell upon them and Florian could sense joy from them and whilst he wanted to drain each one of their souls, he daren't touch them for his Mother's sake.

With a broken heart, which slowly turned to stone, and probably, quite literally; Florian also had anger growing in the depths of his belly. However, the war continued and the Nightblooms lost many of their Kin and retreated; losing their land, their kingdom and most importantly, their home. Florian, whilst a shadow of the man he once knew, decided to take his leave, away from his family and people; much to his siblings' delight.

"I forbid you to leave, Florian!" His father, The King roared.

"You're no longer King, Father" Florian responded before giving his Mother one final, longing look before turning on his heels to find elsewhere. What Florian didn't know was that he was indeed his Father's favourite, and likely choice to be his Heir.

Years had passed, and Florian either glamoured himself into the human world; a world he despised, a world filled with monsters. He also found himself fleeting in and out of Thistlemoon Forset. He knew when he was in this settlement, eyes were upon him; particularly the men of the one and only Kyan Raventhorn. Yet, Florian kept his head down, and would cross that bridge of meeting the Council member when it came.

He lived a somewhat dulled down life, keeping to the night and the shadows which heightened his powers; in fact, he actually stayed far away from the sun, and light in general - as if he was allergic, the sun now becoming his biggest weakness. Florian was sure the sun now had the ability to kill him should he spend a significant amount of time exposed to its rays. Whilst his life was darkened, lonely, he took a superior role and found himself enjoying the torment of humans whenever he took himself to their realm. Human children would often speak of the boogie man haunting them as they sleep.

However, the life of his Father passed wherever they may have settled; little to Florian's knowledge. The word within the Thornwood fae is that despite Florian abandoning them and his rumoured stone heart, his name was his Father's final word; indicating he was to be their new leader. Florian is now a wanted man, particularly his brothers who are even more bloodthirsty than ever before. They want his head.

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At 10:13am on May 13, 2023,
Kyan Raventhorn - Council

Ah, the deserter appears from the hovel.

You should visit Thistle some time. We have much to discuss.

That is, if you've got the courage to face the court.

At 5:04am on May 3, 2023,
Verity Fairchild

Hey There, Wanna Plot? 

At 7:26pm on March 14, 2023,
Everlee Harlow

As promised... Darkness Consumes.

At 3:26pm on March 12, 2023,
Nerissa Ironspring

The shit talking that asshole king does...

At 9:50pm on March 11, 2023,
Kyan Raventhorn - Council

Welcome to the fae, Florian.

Your bio is approved. You and a certain doomed runaway princess appear to have a lot in common in shirking on your duties.

Shameful. Treacherous.


You and I should have ourselves a sit down some time when you finally decide to slither out of that dark hole you cower in.


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Citizen of the Realm Rajan Khatri

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