
Every Tale Makes Timeless Stories

✧ Darkness Consumes ✧
Rolling out of bed Everlee gave a heavy sigh as she moved her hair back. She felt the stiffness in her body from a night of tossing and turning the questions of her birth family eating away at the pink mass that is her brain. She stared at the board that hung over her desk with leads that led nowhere. It seemed her birth mother lied about the name she had given her adoptive father. This was the one mystery that she couldn’t seem to solve in a quick manner. It was driving the overachiever mad secretly, though she should never admit that to anyone. Though nowadays she didn’t really speak to anyone outside of the diner work, and detective work she took on.

Her eyes drifted to the clock out of the corner of her eye and a curse left her lips with ease. “Shiiiit.” She shifted to pull on her uniform, tossing her hair in a messy bun and down the stairs ignoring her fathers good mornings as she went out the door keys in hand. She took off through the town of Oakville to the Crab Claw dinner, which was at the edge of a lighthouse tourist attraction. She was out of the car pushing down the knob to lock the door to her adoptive mothers prize position that was left to her in her death. Looking to the car for a brief moment before hearing her boss yelling at her to get to work.

“Ball buster as always.” Everlee muttered out under her breath making her way into the diner tossing her bag in her locker before making her way to her first table. Hours passed and she moved to make a cup of coffee to get her through the rest of her shift before pausing mid pour as the Florian entered the diner. All the lights int he diner seem to start to dim, darkness followed him as if he was his shadow. Yet it was the entity attached to him and it was massive. How were they still standing? She was frozen, staring at him as she felt her bosses elbow in her side. Making her flinch, and shoot a glare at her boss.

“Yes I got the table. Thanks for the bruise.” she said sarcastically as she moved from around the counter towards the table with her pad in her hand. “Hi, ah welcome to the Crab Claw. Can I uh help you?” her eyes locked with his shoulders again where the dark entity had made its new home. “Are you feeling okay?” she managed to add onto her statement.

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The whispers continued to get louder, they had somehow managed to grow in intensity - so much so that sleep became a distant memory for the Night Fae. The young fae would toss and turn all day hoping, grasping for the Sandman to grant him access to the dreaming realm, yet alas, he was declined. Whilst sleep was distant, and very irregular, when the sun came up and his circadian rhythm set into motion, Florian began to sweat; his bedding would turn damp and from his small amounts of scientific knowledge - he truly believed his immortal body was succumbing to death. So much so, that the sleepless nights wreaked havoc within his mind, and soon enough as the symptoms worsened, his mind did too; hallucinations began, tormenting him, blaming him for their deaths. 

Days turned into weeks and time became lost; Florian became accustomed to the constant feeling of death encompassing his body. He was sluggish in his movements and his contacts within Thistlemoon were bamboozled and were unable to assist him. In fact, they went against their beliefs and prompted him to try the Mortal Realm; mystics and others may be able to help him in this matter. Although Florian frequented the mortal realm for insidious matters, it bothered him deeply to be going there for help.  

Florian finally accepted the fate, and muttered to the ghostly figures in a real time conversation as he wandered the mortal streets; people were looking, gawking even and he wouldn't be surprised if they'd try to capture him - section him into a mental health facility even. 

"You can always kill them like you killed me." His previous lover hissed at him. 

She was right but nevertheless, he probably didn't quite have the full blown strength to kill and get away with it. Florian walked and staggered for days on end before stumbling into a coffee shop, and found himself slouched on a stool. His vision was blurred and the waitress probably thought he was drunk but she didn't dare kick him out. "Coffee please, perhaps straight into vein" Florian grunted and eventually caught her gaze as she asked how he was. "Is anyone ever okay?" He posed with a wicked smile and leaned in. "Aren't we all just a little crazy?" 

"You're scaring the poor pet. Leave her alone." The figure yelled into his ear. 

✧ Darkness Consumes ✧
Everlee wouldn’t admit it to anyone if they asked but she was terrified by the spirit that was attached to the man who just walked into the diner. “Coffee.” She wrote that down on her pad of paper looking at him again. “Well I can’t attach it into your vein as you are requesting but I can bring you a mug and refill it over and over till you have had your fill.” She clarified knowing she didn’t need to clarify it, she just needed to talk to stop from reaching out towards the spirit.

She looked at Florian when he leaned his head back and gazed at her. She gave a gentle shrug of her shoulder. “I say we are only crazy because of the things that drive us to crazy. Though those things could be a vast variety of things.” She said not wanting to pinpoint the fact that he was being driven crazy by the figure that was on his back. Though she watched as the figure's shadowed mouth moved to his ear.

That is when she heard it yell in his ear and she jumped flinching from the pain that it must have caused Florian. “No he isn’t” Everlee spoke to the spirit. Then she realized what she just did. “I will be back with your coffee.” She said moving from the table to the counter. Quickly she poured him a mug of coffee walking back over to his table setting the mug down in front of him. “My name is Everlee if you need anything.” She said softly towards him. Her eyes focused on the spirit once again. “Anything.” She repeated.

“I’m sitting here, my dear. Not there.”

His brows furrowed as she declined his request to IV him with coffee, probably for the best; who knew what the consequences were by doing such an innocent albeit, much needed act. Florian, however, nodded when she offered a compromise of on demand coffee, at least that was better than nothing. His eyes were glazed over, as he let his gaze drift away from the girl to take in his surroundings; it wasn’t that much of a surprise to see that the diner was almost abandoned considering the ungodly hour to which he found himself here. Her response to him stating everyone was a little crazy brought him back to the present moment, and he found himself attempting to focus on the redhead on the other side of the counter.

“You put up a good argument” He pointed a proud finger at her as his words were slurred. “Although, dare I disagree. The environment is not always the sole driving force of crazy” He had dealt with his fair share of ill mental health, and he could safely say that some are just born with it in their blood. “Besides, aren’t you too young to have such knowledge on the doings of people” Florian enquired with a quirk of his brow.

The yell into his ear caused him to jump where he sat, a shiver ran down the length of his spine and his facial muscles contracted; owing to a very unpleasant facial expression. When Everlee responded, it was almost as if she had responded to the ghost of his ex lover. “My, My. Perhaps you’re the crazy one here” He chuckled before discreetly turning to the ghostly figure and speaking through gritted teeth as she went to get his coffee. “She has nothing to fear, but you do when I can find someone who can help.”

“I am here until your final breath, Florian Nightbloom”

The voice echoed as its ghastly clutches wrapped around the top of his arm. Florian stiffened and forced a smile upon his lips as the waitress had returned with his coffee. “Most obliged.” He commented and took a sip. He noted she looked to the stool next to him, as if she was looking straight into the figure's eyes and he quirked his head. “I’m sitting here, my dear. Not there.”

✧ Darkness Consumes ✧
Everlee tapped her pad of paper with her pen. “I have been told I make good arguments most of my life. Kinda came with being a kid genius I guess.” she said with a slight press of her lips as his words slurred together. Was this the spirits doing or was he drinking to rid himself of the spirits with spirits. A strange circle one could find themselves lost in. “Well of course environments are not always the sole driving force. I would agree, you have psychological, spiritual, and so on.” She could go on more but was there a point? Someone would come out of the pack and tell her to stop nerding out the customers.

“Probably, but it doesn't stop me from knowing things. Youth and intelligence are not mutually exclusive.” She pointed back at him with a slender finger. Then she jumped again at the yelling. Watching his face contort she couldn’t help the words that left her mouth. “Wouldn’t be the first time someone has called me crazy.” her gaze fixed on the ghostly figure as she retreated to the safety of the coffee pot. Filling up two mugs before moving back over to him.

“Florian Nightbloom? That is a unique name.” she repeated the name that his ex lover spoke as she sat down the mugs in front of him. Her gaze fixed on the ghostly figure trying to figure out what made her cling to him. Her eyes tore from the spot to lock on to him as she felt a small pink touch her cheek in embarrassment “Ah yes. Just.” she looked back to the Ghost and reached into her pocket to pull out her phone. She took a photo of the spot next to him.

“I know this may sound crazy. Like I said you wouldn’t be the first time nor the last. But are you aware you have a spirit attached to you?” She turned her phone around to show him the ghostly photo of his ex but her face twisted. “They don’t like photos, they remove their own faces.” she sat her phone back in her pocket. “I would like to help you, if you would let me.” Not that she really had a choice in the matter.

Once she saw a spirit she had to help move them on or she would relive their death over and over again. Even if Florian left it wouldn’t ease. Having to hunt him down seemed like it would be a chore. “Oh, and I am Everlee Harlow.” she said her name as her name badge said Nancy on it. A running joke from the other staff members.

The spirit snarled at him and he chuckled.

His ex lover was making his life extremely challenging, and in fact, it began to distort his view, his memory and his love for her. She was nothing like he remembered - she was kind, warm hearting, caring and inquisitive; so, absolutely nothing like the wicked, cold hearted witch that followed him around like his shadow. Of course, Florian had the idea that what was next to him, was not her, it was so far away from what she was that it couldn’t possibly be her; she would never dream of tormenting him so. However, he knew death and he knew of the unspeakable things; thus, it would not surprise him that death had skewed her enough that the woman he once knew, is no more and what is left of her is the woman sat on the stool beside him.

“Maybe the world needs some more young and inquisitive beings like yourself” Florian offered, and perhaps it was true and perhaps if that was the case, it would change his viewpoint on the mortal realm; and just maybe, those who inhabit it. “Thank you.” He sighed in relief at the two rather full coffee mugs that were left within reach, and soon enough he was necking one of them. Being fae, the mortal concoction wasn't strong enough to make any real difference, but it did have the power of a placebo effect. Yet he stopped within his tracks as she mentioned his full name. “Have we met before?” He pressed with a furrow of his brow; it wouldn’t surprise him, he did have a habit of flirting with women, only to leave them with a ‘I’ll call’ but never would.

Florian remained silent as Everlee mentioned she could see the spirit next to him, and glanced at her phone when she showed him the faceless picture. “I’m very much aware, thank you. My beautiful companion has been with me for, what…” He leaned over to where the spirit of his lover sat in hope she would answer for him or at the very least, remind him. “A few months?” The spirit snarled at him and he chuckled. “Yep, a few months” He shrugged.

“So yes, little sleep, little peace, little privacy. It’s been quite the pleasure” His words were laced with a darkened sarcasm. “And how is it you plan on helping me? Because you are not what I had in mind when coming to this bleak town for assistance” Florian chose his words cleverly, however, if she could spot the spirit, who was to say she couldn’t see past the glamour of his ears.

✧ Darkness Consumes ✧
Everlee experienced the frigid grip of the spirit hissing in her ear. She had encountered this situation enough times to maintain a neutral expression on her face, as she did not wish to cause alarm to others. "No individual has ever demonstrated such endearment towards my nature by meddling in matters that are often perceived as none of their concern," she pondered silently. She could now hear the voices of those around her, advising her to cease her search for problems as she would inevitably uncover them. Yet, that was her curse - to shoulder the burdens of others until they were resolved, or else she would be trapped in an endless cycle of horrors that should remain undisclosed.

Uttering his name felt unfamiliar, for it was not a common name among the mortals she had encountered in her lifetime. The darkness tainted her tongue as she pronounced his name, and the sinister creature on his left side taunted him. "We have never crossed paths," she reassured him, her unwavering gaze fixed on the malevolent entity. It was far more malevolent than the entities that had attached themselves to the locals. "You have endured all that malice and darkness for months?" Her brow furrowed in bewilderment, pondering how he could retain any semblance of sanity.

Only one explanation lingered in her mind - he was not a mortal. However, his true nature remained a mystery to her. Dark sarcasm was a trait often displayed by individuals plagued with similarly maddening creatures. "While you may not have arrived in this desolate town seeking aid, life has a way of aligning perfectly at the opportune moment," she remarked with a gentle, sorrowful smile as she tucked her hands into the pockets of her apron. "And for many, I am the final option when seeking solutions. It is a part of my curse," she added with a shrug of her shoulders.

"In order to offer assistance in freeing you from the clutches of your enchantress and ridding you of the crown of madness, there are a few strategies I could attempt without knowledge of your entire narrative. Nevertheless, comprehending the circumstances that led to this predicament often aids in resolving the issue. Ideally, sooner rather than later," she stated, her gaze returning to Florian before quietly murmuring, "Hopefully before I am forced to relive the events incessantly."

Though she presented this as a choice for him, Everlee was aware of the reality. She understood that she must solve his dilemma or endure its torment repeatedly. Even if he departed from the city, she would be left with a fragment of the entity that would continue to haunt her soul as intensely as it did him.

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