
Every Tale Makes Timeless Stories

He did so enjoy when the turning of the seasons began which brought the ships into the port of London. Not only did it bring more people into the city, it brought more people into the city he could rob. Devon sat on one of the many barrels towards the end of the dock of a large cargo that was currently being moved off of one of the many vessels waiting to unload. The knife he always kept on him cleanly cut over the apple he held, putting a piece of the fruit in his mouth. Nonchalantly, his eyes scanned the bustling scene. Hundreds of people were moving back and forth and it was easy to just become another one of those lost in the crowd of the market. He was good at that. 

However, this wasn't just a normal visit to the sea on a sunny day. His bright blue hues landed on each of the Rogues that were strategically placed around the docks, all acting as lookouts for the scheme they were about to pull. They each gave him a nod to indicate everything was well on their end. Taking the last bite of the apple, he tossed the core into the water as he felt two figures move behind him "Looks good. Saw the crew leave the ship and Emerald's got the attention of the one that was left behind." 

Devon smirked coyly as he wiped the blade across his shirt and put it back in its sheath. "We don't pay that girl enough." Standing, the Rogue took the lead as he headed towards the ship they had targeted. It was on the farthest part of the docks where less people were mingling about making it much easier to take the time to fully see what might be inside worth taking before being noticed. His gaze locked with Emerald for only a moment as she kept the sailor's back turned to them, making it easy to slip aboard without being noticed by the crewman who was failing in his duties. Not that he could blame the man. He had undoubtedly been on sea for who knows how long and the company of one of the girls at the Dragon Lady was probably the best thing he'd seen in a days.

They hurried up along the plank and onto the deck of the ship where nothing stirred but the birds above that soared in circles to land on the mast. After a quick search of the area, they lowered themselves into the dark hold where several crates were stored. Milo whistled at the take and spoke up. "James said they are a small fishing crew, but word has it they've been stealing from the people in Winchester."

"Is that so..." Devon muttered, pulling the lid from the wood and peering below. Inside held many leather goods which was a big deal for the people of Winchester. This was something highly sought after and the price that was paid for them helped the families there enormously. He should know having grown up there. "Seems the rumors are correct." He stood and eyed the amount of crates. It would take a while to go through and they didn't have the time to waste. 

They pulled themselves back out of the hold and into the brightened sun once more where he glanced at Emerald who had the sailor completely enraptured by now. The three men stayed low as she was finally able to take him down the dark alley of one of the buildings giving them a bit of freedom. "You two head back up to grab a couple of the others along with the cart. I'll start checking the crates." The pair of Rogues headed off in a hurry and he went back to the cargo below.

It would be a grueling task, but one that would be worth it in the end. He'd be sure to see about having some words with the ship's Captain as well. Just as Devon had pulled another of the lids off, a sound came above that gave him pause. Surely Emerald wasn't finished yet with the sailor and the others couldn't have been back already. Was someone else on the ship? "Shit..." he cursed lowly, stepping back into the darkness and away from where the sun shone through the hole from above. Why couldn't things just go to plan?

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Hawk wasn't oblivious to the sarcasm seeping from Devon's pores. However, he decided to decline replying in kind, realizing in the moment it'd not get them anywhere. With a simple wave of his hand over the magically locked clasp of his bag it opened to him allowing him to dig in and pull out a heft coin pouch. Yet the moment his fingers slipped out of the mouth of the bag it shut and locked itself in haste. He handed the pouch off to Bones before he sighed. “That ship's given me nothing but grief and I'd rather they'd just killed me instead of saving my life.” A vial taste touched his tongue as he spoke and it only worsened as Devon spoke again.  

A crude glare grew in his gaze as his lips pursed slightly. After a moment Hawk released a tired huff “Name your price.” His bitter tone is evident as he sips the drink brought to him after checking it first of course. His eyes drift from Devon and off into the distance as he pushes the curls in his face away. “If they sail away before those goods are saved I will chase them. Alone if I must.” He rose. “You have time to think about what you and men will do. They will be docked for a while as they restock their necessities. He finished off his drink and turned to leave but stopped. 

At first, he wasn't going to answer this question but it bothered him and though it likely would still after he said this now, it at least wouldn't bother quite as much. So once again he sighed and turned to face the leader of the rogues. “And yes. After everything I've lived through I do want to do this out of the kindness of my heart. Take and believe what you want. I'll be at the Dragon Lady when you're ready to answer.”

"Did we just become best friends?"
w/ hawk black

• "So Hawk, let's you and I talk on how we are going to make enemies of your former captain and crew." •
Devon watched with curious yet cautious eyes as Hawk passed a hand over the satchel he carried. He straightened just so and rested a hand on the hilt of his blade. Just in case. A pouch was produced and passed off to Bones that was clearly payment for the round he'd just purchased for the tavern. He really was paid well. He wondered if the mystic got more than the others on the ship for his specific talents.

His gaze went upward then as Hawk left the payment open to an amount of his own choosing. The corner of his mouth lifted at that. Devon was starting to like this corsair more and more, but it was something else he said that drew his interest straight away. The fact that Hawk planned to chase the ship whether the Rogues were on board or not. It meant he was deserting the ship. Had done so the moment he'd stepped foot on land and chased him through the streets. The truth was there and he could see that conviction in his words. This man would do exactly as he promised.

Devon remained quiet still as Hawk told him to think on it before taking his leave, feeling the mystic's stony resolve practically bleeding from him. He let the other walk out and continued looking straight on across the storeroom in nonchalance while he drank the ale that was so nicely paid for by another's coin. He waited as the sound of the man's boots faded from the room and into the chatter of the Rogues, but really, Devon already knew his answer before Hawk had ever offered the coin.

Hours had passed. The sun had set and Devon only had to walk a few streets to where the Dragon Lady was, having become one of the best places to find yourself a drink, a room, and some company for the night and not necessarily in that order. He pushed open the large doors and let his eyes sweep over the expansive open space where most of the tables were filled, music was playing, and many of the beautiful girls sauntered about to bring the patrons some company. 

He noted Libelle near the far staircase on the other side of the room and winked to her before turning towards a familiar face who was pouring a number of pints for tables. "Hello, Lovely," he said lowly to the blonde who looked up at his greeting. Devon smiled widely to Pearl and she returned the smile knowing he was already up to something. 

"What is it you want, Devon? I have a lot of tables to get to," she replied, continuing to fill the cups.

The Rogue mocked hurt and frowned playfully as he leaned forward on the wooden top, inching closer to her. "Looking for a friend. Goes by Hawk. New to port. Sailor. Handsome sort, you could say. Not as handsome as me of course, but-"

Pearl smirked and shook her head at him. "Yes, yes, I know who you're talking about. He's got a room. Think he's towards the back. Was talking to Libelle not long ago."

"Thank you, Lovely." Devon put down some extra coin and took two of the pints she'd filled. He headed through the lively space, the familiar smell of sweat, ale, and desperate men filling his nose. Hawk came into view at one of the last tables, sitting alone. He didn't wait for the invitation as he sat down across from the mystic, dropping one of the mugs down in offering. "Didn't think a lad like you needed to pay for company." He grinned and drank the brew before leaning back to slouch down into the rickety chair. "So Hawk, let's you and I talk on how we are going to make enemies of your former captain and crew."

It didn't go unnoticed how Devon grew nervous when Hawk used his magic to unlock his bag. With being at sea for so long among Sirens, Gypsies, and then men he'd forgotten how skeptical humans generally became around others unlike them. This would be the last display of magic he'd be able to do today as a slight ache formed in his hand and fatigue set in the rest of his body. He chose for now to not address where he got his money from because it certainly wasn't from that crew but he would bring that up later as it wasn't important now. His eyes studied every rogue as he walked from the back. Taking in their mannerisms and behaviours as they drank. Their true selves displaying the more inebriated they become. He even made note of Devon's demeanour, although it was stoic, was readable enough for Hawk to see he was at least beginning to consider his request. 

The walk to the Dragon Lady wasn't far once he got his bearings but he had a stop to make first. A Gypsy caravan was near and he hadn't seen them since the day he left. He knew it wasn't the main family's and just an offshoot of that one but he knew he still needed to stop by and say hi. See if anyone he knew was among them and hopefully begin to make things right from how he left. Mama left him with something so other Gypsies could recognize him as a safe person out in the world so he knew they'd welcome him. He stayed with them for hours. Telling the story of his great adventures and listening intently to theirs in a much-needed exchange. He smiled and laughed as he played with the Wind loved children, Cooked with the women, and drank with the men. Leaving the caravan leader with a ward of protection for their travels, one the wind approved of. He settled at the Dragon Lady at last stopping to speak with Libelle and delivered a package from the Gypsies as a favour to both her and them. Greeting the women but kept to himself mostly only to stop and speak with Ruby and Pearl for just one second as both were rather busy. Eventually taking space in his old spot at the table away from them all. 

Brandishing his old leather journal he began to etch a new tale into its discolored pages. The look of the old leather holds a story of its own, in its worn and beaten state. He declined to drink since he had a few with the Gypsies, though he paid for others to avoid just sitting here and not contributing to the business. His words scratched across the beaten page did ever cause his mind to wander. Staring off in disbelief that he'd managed to live this long and achieve the feats he had. At his age, he had lived the life of a man thrice his age and the fatigue was beginning to creep in. A tiredness settled into his gaze, one that would stay there for what felt like years. The ink from his quill seeped into a small part of the page until he was torn from his zoned-out state by the sound of the mug rattling the table. His dry eyes burned as he closed them and focused on the man sitting across from him. He smirked while a breathy snort shot from his nose. “Yes well, I've not yet paid for you yet so…” the teasing smirk that had found its way to his face subtly dropped.

 “First things first. They're not my crew…” he finally admits as his lip curls in a gush of anger and vitriol. “My ship was sunk by Sirens if you're willing to believe they're real, and I for some reason am the only one to survive, for now.” His eyes drift down to the mysterious shell bracelet on his wrist. “This crew found me stranded on a small archipelago after the Sirens allowed them passage, again for some reason.” He closes his old leather book and puts it away with its quill. He accepted the drink by taking it off the table and taking a sip. “Personally, I'd love for them to watch their ship burn right in the port with no clue their stolen goods have been stolen back for the greater good. It's better if they believe they've lost everything. It'll hurt more.” He looked down and swirled the drink around the mug poorly concealing his bitter loathing for this crew.

"Did we just become best friends?"
w/ hawk black

• He was getting more interesting by the minute. •
Devon returned a sly grin at the other's retort, sipping again at the ale. He noted the scribblings across the small and weathered book Hawk had been writing in and wondered what might be contained in those pages of someone like him. Nothing that he could make out, but the Rogue could see the weariness in the man's body. He looked... tired, and not just from a long journey on the sea. This was deep within the bones and tightening on his soul. Devon had half a mind to pay one of the girls in here to bring a bit of life back into him if only to make sure his shit was together when this went down. 

He held his tongue though as the mystic laid out some more of the history between he and the crew. Devon felt a little better hearing that he wasn't actually tied to the men who they were about to steal from beyond the sheer luck he'd had in being found after another shipwreck that he'd survived. His brows certainly raised at hearing the tale. 

Sirens. He'd of course heard of the outrageous stories from sailors on the port. Some claiming they lured a man overboard with their song. Devon had scoffed at the tales of the drunkards when they came stumbling into The Heathen's Cup. Lack of clean drinking water, too much time in the sun, and a desperate need to see the curves of a beautiful woman instead of the sweaty and stink wrapped men they had no hope of escaping beyond taking a leap off the ship. Now, he wasn't so quick to dismiss the stories given the new knowledge of what was really out in the world. Especially when he was fairly certain he'd seen one in the waters himself when the moon was high and the waters were reflecting back the abyss of the night sky, despite being a bottle in himself while sprawled out on the shoreline. He knew what he saw.

Devon noted how Hawk's gaze shifted to his wrist and toward the wrapping there. That definitely had a story too. He was getting more interesting by the minute. That would have to be for another time though as the sailor finally quieted, stewing in the clear detest he had for the ones who had apparently also saved his ass. Devon leaned forward from his lazy position, bracing his forearms on the table as he spoke with a tone of assurance. "That it would. And you can be the one to light the fire." He tapped his mug against the other and lifted it slightly in salute before taking another sip. 

"We need an opening. When are they going to be hauling everything off? I know they are going to want to get those goods off soon and sold as quickly as possible, especially if they don't have buyers lined up yet. Tomorrow night is the best chance of moving it. Are you the one on watch duty tomorrow or do you switch off at port? I'm sure they think you're there right now." He grinned a little crookedly. "Guess you're expecting they'll be too drunk and too occupied with the women on shore to stumble back on board any time soon." 

Hawk watched the liquid in his mug swirl into a whirlwind. Immediately making him sick as he remembered his shipwreck and the bitter regret of outliving the friends he called his crew. He let himself be distracted from his thoughts by Devon's mug hitting his and then drank to his words. Letting the liquid wash down the pain forming in his throat. Devon was far more observant than Hawk liked... for now. Picking up on how Devon quietly discerned his worn journal or how his eyes found and studied the shells on his wrist. As of this moment, it would seem that they were on the same side so Hawk didn't have to worry about it right now. 

However, he didn't want this man to get too close and learn all his secrets, tricks, or parts of his life only friends knew. Hawk would keep Devon and his rogue at arm's length close enough to get this job done but not close enough to get stabbed in the back later. Though to Devon's credit, he took the news of Sirens well, not even this crew they'd be stealing from managed to do that. They'd all laughed and scorned a sea-beaten Hawk when he gained enough strength to share what happened. Instead, Devon didn't question it and the glint in his gaze caused Hawk to question if he'd seen one for himself. He hummed as he drank instead of letting his curiosity get the best of him, allowing Devon to speak. 

“Their buyer meets them tomorrow and the goods will be offloaded either that same night or the next. Depending on what the buyer wants.” A wicked smirk wove its way onto Hawk's face and highlighted the Mystic's mischievous mien.“You know, they never actually get to know their buyers. They never bother to learn what they look like or what they are. If the money is enough, why bother? Hell! If the money is good they'd sell their souls to the Devil without ever reading his contract.” A bitter scoff shot off the tip of his tongue before he could wash down with the last of his drink.“I imagine you know the Gypsies as well as I do despite our clear bitter past with them.” It didn't take a lot for Hawk to see how Devon's demeanour changed when the last spoke about the Gypsies. He recognized his response because he often had the same.“Well, it just so happens that a caravan is in town and as of today they owe me a favour.” He rests his mug back down on the table and lets his eyes scan the brothel.“They could easily take the place of the buyer.”

Hawk chucked."Some are there now I'm sure. Too drunk to realize I'm not, I doubt they'll care though. The Dragon Lady herself owed me a favour as of today as well. I asked her to help keep the crew busy all night.” Personally, Hawk would have liked to keep both favours and never use them but fate had other plans and he was grateful for any help he could muster. “I'll have to return to the ship in a few hours however and remain there until the buyer comes to negotiate.”He was already dreading his return to the ship as its scent filled his nostrils and brought back the sick feeling he was feeling moments ago. “I figure while the Gypsies beguile and woo I help you and the rogues get and we all get out with the goods.” 

"Did we just become best friends?"
w/ hawk black

This was always the fun part.
Devon kept his gaze trained on Hawk, his fingers tapping on the top of the worn wooden table. He let silence fall between them for a few heartbeats, amplifying the other sounds of the Dragon Lady. He squinted to the other man and smirked before sipping from his cup, still keeping his eyes trained on the mystic. "Seems like you're quite useful to so many given all these favors you're calling in now." The Rogue nodded his agreement before ever speaking the words. "I like it. Seems like the start of a solid plan there, Hawk." 

He knew the Gypsies would be keen to join in on screwing over the sailors since they were never kind to the wandering group like most others. Devon had kept his distance from their caravans whenever they ventured into the kingdom, but the Rogues and Gypsies had worked together in a number of schemes that were beneficial to them both over the years. He had to treat it as business and push aside any personal feelings that dared to creep up from a past that still felt slightly raw. Despite, he'd be happy to let the travelers have a cut of the goods, favor or not. 

The plan began to lay itself out in his mind. This was always the fun part. "So, buyer comes by tonight to browse the spoils and the boys make sure to show him a good time." A vision of seeing the unsuspecting man with a sack over his head, tied up, and thrown into cart out of town surfaced to his mind. They'd just have to follow him back to where he and his people were staying tonight to ensure they didn't make it to the deal the next evening. "Get a few of the Gypsies and my guys to play the part of the buyer and his help tomorrow and we lift everything without a fuss." Raising his cup to the other shortly, he nodded with the hint of a smirk. "Well done, sailor." 

Devon let his eyes drift nonchalantly to the bit of ale remaining, keeping his tone as light as possible. "So what do you do then after all this?" He drank, letting his tongue roll over his lips as not to miss a drop. "You aren't from around here as I pretty much know everyone that is and you don't seem the type to just.. stop. Given all that adventuring you mentioned. Being shipwrecked. Saved by sirens." His gaze dipped to the bracelet Hawk wore for a moment before looking back to the mystic. "Knowing the Gypsies who also don't stay put. What's a man like you do after he's had his revenge against some gutter trash sailors that happened to save his life?"

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