Despite having a heavy connection with the Gods, their lives and their stories had always remained a mystery. What the Valkyrie knew of them was only a smidge more than the average human; The Gods only shared what they wanted, if they wanted to at all. Despite being a vital part in the management of souls, the Valkyrie and The Gods remained acquaintances and nothing more. Thus, the stories of Freyja were nothing but whispers, stories with variants, as each village, each settlement believed something different; even her winged daughters knew very little about what actually happened to their Goddess - Odin made sure of that. After finding out that The Gypsies did not have her wings, only made Astrid more cautious and doubtful of the words which left Odin’s mouth. If he lied about that, and consequently created a war between the Valkyrie and The Gypsies, what else could he do?
The Valkyrie toyed with the idea of trying to find other belongings of her Goddess to find answers, and perhaps if the Goddess was still alive, bring her home. Astrid continued to spin a ring around her finger as she stared into deep space - contemplating what her next move would be. Luca and herself discussed at length about the Wings and what they were to do in order to find them; however, it would be naive to believe that they were the only things holding answers. Throughout the limited stories they held close to their hearts, Freyja had a series of belongings, ranging from diary texts to jewelry to clothing; each and every belonging would hold meaning to Astrid and her Winged Sisters, and even the people of Kattegat, but she would need to narrow down which item would be worth her time at this point. With an exaggerated sigh, she pushed herself away from the throne chair in the Grand Hall and moved through the hustling streets in order to seek an audience with The Seer.
“An oath is just as important as blood. Blood will be cursed, when porcelain skin is decorated with amber and gold.”
The Seer shared.

Astrid was well aware that she could no longer push The Seer to give her more answers to what she sought; however, as she stood in silence looking out over the port of Kattegat she knew what she needed to do. She needed to find the brisingamen of Freyja despite having absolutely no idea on where she could start. Astrid contemplated where to start, and no better than to discuss this with Ivarr, her younger brother.
“Oath is important as blood” He repeated the riddle over a horn of a strong spirit; his feet kicked up on the table. “An Oath is as important as blood. Are you sure that is what he said?” Astrid gave her brother a look. “Fine. Fine” Ivarr muttered. “We are blood with our cousin, Vest. He clearly needs to be with you on this journey.” As he spoke, Ivarr was slightly saddened that it would not be him going on this journey; however, he knew in Astrid’s absence, he would step up. “Familial blood and the literal blood he needs to survive.”
“But what of an Oath?” Astrid took a swig and glanced upward to wave a servant girl to fill up their horns. The Siblings sat in silence for a long while as they both contemplated the riddle which rang behind their eyes on a continuous loop. “Oath and blood. Didn’t Torvi speak of a family with the name Oathsblood?”
Ivarr boomed with laughter. “You’re not just a pretty face! You’ll need to trek up to Hrandel to seek an audience.”
Astrid nodded slowly, easily done. Her Valkyrie blood alone would seek her audience with the Jarl. “Done, and done. And the curse, that could be one thing or everything” She sighed.
“Are you ready, Vestein?” She knocked upon his door. “Hrandel is a few days away at best so get your drunken ass up and kick whatever woman you have in your bed, out.” Astrid grinned as he walked out of his hut with a grunt.
The two cousins embarked on their journey to Hrandel.
To find the brisingamen; come what may. .