
Every Tale Makes Timeless Stories

✧ For Honor ✧
Ezekiel rolled out of bed landing on the floor of the room he had rented the night before. He let out a groan as his body was stiff as if he had shifted the night before, soreness wasn’t something common he felt, had he truly slept that deep? He wondered as he forced his body to move, stretching out the tense muscle aches. He forced himself into his clothes picking up whatever bottle had made it to the room the night before taking a long sip from it, thankful it seemed to be water instead of alcohol. He had been on a downward destructive spiral as of late since he had been unsuccessful in finding his wife. He wanted to self-destruct when the night came upon him, especially when he wasn’t working a job.

Finding his pack he picked it up and tossed it on his shoulder as he pounded his way down the stairs. His eyes scanned the bar of what inn he had found himself in the night before. Memories slipping from him on how he ended up here. He soon realized that he was in a brothel. His eyes went big at the half naked woman who was helping the woman he assumed to be the Mistress of the house. He ducked his head to avert his gaze from the other woman as he made his way towards the front door. When he wasn’t stopped by the women he was sure he paid for the room in his drunken spiral the night before.

Stepping outside he took a deep breath in realizing he didn’t even know where his horse would be found. With a gentle groan leaving his lips he tossed his head up looking to the cloudy sky. Well the first bet would be to check and see if she was in the barn. His eyes moved from the sky with the sun barely peeking through, his feet carried him towards the edge of town where he began to ask if he left his horse there, quickly being brushed off which only made the male grit his teeth in annoyance. Choice two was to use his sense of smell to hunt her out. Yet he would rather just have people treat him like a human.

In the corner of his eye he caught the color of golden wheat, which was the color of Honora hair. He turned on his heel to look for her. His eyes scanned the crowds that were forming when he caught the color once again. Pushing through people he started to follow the color in hopes he had stumbled upon his wife in this random town he had found himself in.

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His face was always cast in shadows never to see the light of day as he toiled away at rebuilding the temple which was once his home. For long he tormented over it alone in the dark neglecting his new responsibilities after the war of the gods. A fortnight or two had come and gone before he forgot the day another two and he forgot how much time had passed since he had been home. Two more and his muscles shook with each slab of stone he moved into place until he collapsed against the cold floors. Where he laid for another fortnight or more, he could not tell, did not know, and could not stay here any longer. Neglecting the world as he had made it worse, so he packed the little belongings he owned a set out, never to see his home, this temple again. 

I could not tell anyone how much time had passed since I left but I knew time was passing and with the turn of time I had to keep moving. For I no longer aged like that of a mortal and they would soon know if I stayed too long in one place but all the passing faces and fleeting connections I did make did nothing but wear and weight me down. After a while, I began to forget where I was and what my purpose in life was, sleeping in temples when allowed or barns when I could. Eventually making a life as a merc seeing as I had some knowledge of the profession until I, at last, had enough funds as a steady cushion. I began, then, to travel and tend to the temples left standing of the Ancient ones. The Eternals, they were long gone, that much I knew but their temples were still here, some still occupied, some abandoned, some lost to time but all needing someone to rebuild the art and statues which once stood proud and tall, giving any covered by its shadow some hope.

A temple of Peresphone is where he was now, chiseling away at her statue working off pure memory. Stunning the temple workers at its accuracy when and loud clatter clamored through the space and at first everyone assumed it was the rain that had broken in the doors. Dimitri rushed down the ladder in one fell swoop but as his feet hit the ground the temple was soon filled with the laughter of the women who lived there. Rounding the corner he saw them and the guest who had barged in and was making the women laugh a horse! A soft snort escapes him and its the first time he has laughed in a decade or so it seems and he quickly notices the saddle on its back. "Lost huh?" he faint smirk fades away as he speaks. "Me too..." he says in a calming tone as he takes the horse's reigns and leads him to the temple barn. He dries him and brushes him until he is dry and shiny noting there was just enough food for the night but he would need more in the morning until his owner was found. 

Morning snuck up on me and arrived sooner than I had hoped so with a sigh I rose. Making my way to the town to stock up on what the temple needed and keeping an eye out for any signs of this horse's owner. I pushed my way through the crowd, sword at my waist, hand on my sword, it used to be a weird sensation but after surviving through what I had you grew used to it, you grew used to things you should not. A tuft of blonde hair brushed by me and I only noticed it due to the lively color in this dreary atmosphere but I still did not give its owner my attention. Just a passing ray of light in a sea of all the same, when I was thrown from the mundane by a hard shoulder impacting mine. My brow pinched together and I braced for more but was thrown off by the almost delusional and vacant look in the man's eyes. It was not me he was after in fact, I doubt he noticed anyone around but whoever had him so enamored. Who had him so enamored? I turned my head to look... The blonde? It was not my business and I willed myself not to care until I noticed a patch on the man's clothes which matched the one on the horse's saddle. I groaned as I turned a foot only to find we were a crowd apart in a matter of mere seconds so all I could do was follow him as he followed that blonde since my calls and shouts just harmonized with the noise which surrounded us.

✧ For Honor ✧
“Honora?” He questioned following the blonde hair that came into his view. He couldn’t go far without his horse, maybe this all happened for a reason. Had he finally found his wife? He was not a graceful man, he had never thought about it as his shoulder collided with another roughly he would normally mutter out a sorry while he moved but he was transfixed to get closer to the woman he thought was his wife. He had been looking so long now at that point.

He couldn’t hear the words of the man that mingled in the crowd around them as he was zeroing in on the woman. The blonde disappeared around the corner and Ezekiel was there himself, soon looking around the corner only to be met with disappointment when she wasn’t standing there waiting on him. “Honora…” he muttered out before finally being broken from under the spell of hope looking towards the man that he had collided into moments ago. Was this going to end poorly he wondered. Had he bumped into a rich white man who would demand his head?

Being as polite as his rough voice would allow he spoke to the dark haired male. “Forgive me into running to you, I thought I saw someone I lost long ago.” He stared back down the street of where she turned hoping for a brief moment he would see her once again. “Now if you will excuse me I guess I need to get back on the hunt of finding my lovely mare.” He sighed softly as he gave a gentle bow of his head to the male before turning his nose up to sniff the air trying to catch his or his horse's scent. The scent that he caught was in fact his horse on the male standing beside him. His eyes narrowed towards him in that moment wondering if he should be gentle in his next statement or not. Allowing a moment of silence for the man to fill.

Life has an interesting way of repeating for if you told Dimitri that in this very second he would one day be the one chasing the ghost of his lost love he would not believe you, but at least he would not laugh at the idea. The future was a hard concept to fathom when he was constantly worrying over where he would lay his head next or when his next hot meal would be all the while avoiding his duty as an old god by helping the people Hades managed to send his way. Maybe that is how he ended up here, all the strings of the loom of fate lined up just right to place as the one to help this man he was chasing. His lunges had started burning minutes ago but he had to try and keep up reserving his voice and strength upon realizing his calls were futile. There were too many people on the streets today and Dimitri was not sure if that was good or bad as of yet. 

The moment the man stopped and his demeanour changed the full portrait of what was happening here began to pain clearly in my mind. An empathetic frown took over the features of my face and when at last the man turned my way I opened my mouth to ask about his horse but was cut off before I could. I shook my head to dismiss the brush we shared back in town because I did not care about it but my breath soon hitched when I noticed the manner of the man before me change. I put my hand up to ask for a second as I caught my breath "There was no reason to apologize. I merely followed to mention that I believe I found your horse." I said as I also offered a soft smile hoping he would see I meant him no harm. I surveyed him for a moment, he was clearly not from around this way from the looks of him and outside of his horse he was certainly alone. 

Dimitri had his shame and flaws which burdened him but he at this time was still a caring and empathetic soul. He gave close attention to people who crossed his path because he knew that extraordinary circumstances had to line up and unfold for said people to cross his path. He chuckled to himself realizing Hades had likely placed this man in his life "How about you describe your lovely mare to me over and some food and drink? That way I know I am returning you the right horse and we both move on well fed?" he said with a smile on his lips and no lie or deception in his manner or tone. "I am Dimitri. I work in one of the temples in this town so if you do not trust me you can ask around. Anyone will tell you I mean no good soul harm." 

✧ For Honor ✧
Ezekiel worried for a moment the man in front of him was going to pass out from chasing him. How could one be so fragile? Was he sick? He took a step closer in case he decided to take a nose dive into the ground. Yet his words caused him to smile in return. “Oh you have?” He gave a shameful laugh. “Hazel has a mind of her own. Probably because she is searching on her own without me.” At least Honora's horse was safe. It was his last link to her besides her brother Quinton. His gaze moved back to the alleyway where the blonde tuff had disappeared moments ago before looking back to Dimitri.

“Oh?” He questioned “I am running a bit low on coins so I can talk but I won’t eat or drink.” He had spent too much of it the night before trying to get answers, then losing himself in the grog when he didn’t get the answers he needed. He followed behind the man for a moment. “I am Ezekiel but most call me Zeke, I am a bounty hunter currently.” he said taking a sniff of the air. “I smell no ill will off you, so I will keep an open mind.” He said following him into one of the more respectable taverns. The Dragon Lady was on the other side of town.

He sat at a table with Dimitri and rested his hands on the table. Feeling as if eyes were on him for a moment. “My horse, well her name kinda says how she looks. She is Hazel in coloring. She was my wifes horse. We both are searching for her. She has a small heart on her hind quarters.” He said as it was about the only thing that would pin her as his property. Honora wanted to brand her but didn’t have the heart to complete the clover logo that Quinton placed on the other horses. “Her name is Hazel because of her colors. What else? Oh she has some braids in her mane.”

A warm smile embraced Dimi's face as Ezekiel spoke of his horse and chuckled as he related and understood how stubborn animals could be. It was endearing in his opinion how much attitude and loyal an animal could harbour. He shook his head as he began to walk back toward town "Now what kind of person would I be to invite someone to eat and not pay?" he waved his hand to say come on. Naturally, he found it rude to sit and order and eat without his guest doing the same so he waited and listened to him speak. Of course, the horse matched his description which caused a soft breath to shoot from his nose to represent his soft laugh at least ordering a pitcher for their table. 

He poured himself a cup and took a sip "Well she is in fact your horse then. The heart was the first thing the women in the temple noticed." he chuckled as he continued to drink. "So you are looking for your wife then?" I asked innocently not meaning to pry but I could not help but notice all the mentions, emotions, and clues that spurred on the question. We did also meet while he was chasing after someone else. One could only assume he thought it was she. I set my cup down and took a soft breath as I began to realize the real reason for our literal run in. He was one of them, one of the people we Old gods were meant to help but now came the question on if he would even accept it. How would I convince him without him feeling like I am harassing or stalking him? "Let us eat and then go reunite you with Hazel." I would bring up helping him later. 

✧ For Honor ✧
Ezekiel gaze moved the man, as he took in a deep whiff of his scent. There was nothing suggesting he was a Sanguine, yet there was a mystical smell that lingered from him. While Zeke guard would be up still he felt safe enough to have a meal with the stranger. His gaze would move about the crowd around the room, eyes glancing at him before focusing back on Dimitri. “There have been many who asked me to sit down for a meal and try to leave me to pay. I often end up having to bend their arm to pay the people what they rightly deserve.” He felt the smirk tug at the corner of his lips fighting it to keep the scowl in place he often wore to keep others away from him.

Waiting for Dimitri to fill his glass, before filling one for himself. He took a larger gulp, unlike the refined man beside him. “I am glad she ended up somewhere safe, I feared I lost her also.” He said softly as he looked into the glass. It was like Honora's face was in the water, it seemed that he was seeing her face everywhere. The urgency to find her grew leaps and bounds with each passing day. “Our group was attacked while I was out on a mission. I believe whoever attacked our campsite took my wife. I just hope to find her alive.” A growl built in his throat yet he covered up with a huff.

“Her name is Honora, I thought I saw her but I must have been following someone else when I happened upon you.” Clearing his throat, before finishing the contents of the glass. With a nod of agreement as the bar wench came over once again. “Just a plate of whatever meat you have.” He asked for and then filled his glass again. His eyes laced through the crowd searching for that golden hair that he longed to see again. When the food came, he started eating from the plate. Mindlessly he felt like he was on autopilot with Q on his own missions to rebuild their group; he had been left on his own to find his wife, the sister to Q.

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